private void cmbCategories_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { grpTourDate.Visible = true; TourCategory selected = cmbCategories.SelectedItem as TourCategory; var data = repo.SelectSubCategoriesById(selected.Id); cmbSubCategories.DataSource = data; cmbSubCategories.DisplayMember = "CategoryName"; var selectedItem = cmbSubCategories.SelectedItem as TourCategory; lstTours.Items.Clear(); var dTour = Trepo.SelectTourByDate(dtStartDate.Value.AddDays(-1), dtEndDate.Value, selectedItem).ToList(); dTour.ForEach(item => { ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(); li.Text = item.TourName; li.SubItems.Add(item.Quota.ToString()); li.SubItems.Add(item.Price.ToString()); li.Tag = item; lstTours.Items.Add(li); }); }
public TourCategory DeepCopy() { TourCategory copy = (TourCategory)MemberwiseClone(); copy.Description = string.Copy(Description); return(copy); }
public ActionResult List(string urlparam) { List <Tour> tours = ReturnTourList(urlparam); TourListViewModel tourListViewModel = new TourListViewModel(); tourListViewModel.Menu = menu.ReturnMenuTours(); tourListViewModel.Tours = tours; tourListViewModel.MenuBlogGroups = menu.ReturnBlogGroups(); TourCategory tourCategory = db.TourCategories.Include(current => current.Parent) .FirstOrDefault(current => current.UrlParam == urlparam); tourListViewModel.TourCategory = tourCategory; tourListViewModel.Footer = menu.ReturnFooter(); ViewBag.Canonical = "" + urlparam; tourListViewModel.SidebarVisaList = GetSideBarVisaList(); tourListViewModel.SidebarTourCategories = GetSideBarTourCategory(); if (tours == null) { return(RedirectPermanent("/tour")); } return(View(tourListViewModel)); }
public Tour(int anId, string aTitle, string aDescription, ICollection <Landmark> someLandmarks, string imagePath, TourCategory category) { Id = anId; Title = aTitle; Description = aDescription; Landmarks = someLandmarks; ImageBaseName = imagePath; Category = category; }
public ActionResult Edit(TourCategory tourCategory, HttpPostedFileBase fileUpload, HttpPostedFileBase coverUpload) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { #region Upload and resize image if needed string newFilenameUrl = tourCategory.ImageUrl; if (fileUpload != null) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileUpload.FileName); string newFilename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty) + Path.GetExtension(filename); newFilenameUrl = "/Uploads/Tour/" + newFilename; string physicalFilename = Server.MapPath(newFilenameUrl); fileUpload.SaveAs(physicalFilename); tourCategory.ImageUrl = newFilenameUrl; } #endregion #region Upload and resize cover if needed string newCovernameUrl = tourCategory.CoverImage; if (coverUpload != null) { string covername = Path.GetFileName(coverUpload.FileName); string newCovername = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty) + Path.GetExtension(covername); newCovernameUrl = "/Uploads/Tour/" + newCovername; string physicalCovername = Server.MapPath(newCovernameUrl); coverUpload.SaveAs(physicalCovername); tourCategory.CoverImage = newCovernameUrl; } #endregion tourCategory.IsDelete = false; tourCategory.LastModificationDate = DateTime.Now; db.Entry(tourCategory).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); if (tourCategory.ParentId != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { id = tourCategory.ParentId })); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.TypeId = new SelectList(db.Types.Where(current => current.IsDelete == false), "Id", "Title", tourCategory.TypeId); return(View(tourCategory)); }
public List <Tour> ReturnSuggestedTours(Tour tour) { List <Tour> suggestedTour = new List <Tour>(); suggestedTour = db.Tours.Where(current => current.IsDelete == false && current.IsActive && current.Id != tour.Id && current.TourCategoryId == tour.TourCategoryId).Include(current => current.TourCategory).Take(3).ToList(); if (!suggestedTour.Any()) { TourCategory category = db.TourCategories.Find(tour.TourCategoryId); List <TourCategory> tourCategories = db.TourCategories.Where(current => current.IsDelete == false && current.ParentId == category.ParentId).ToList(); foreach (TourCategory tourCategory in tourCategories) { List <Tour> tours = db.Tours.Where(current => current.IsDelete == false && current.IsActive == true && current.TourCategoryId == tourCategory.Id && current.Id != tour.Id).Include(current => current.TourCategory).Take(3).ToList(); foreach (Tour oTour in tours) { suggestedTour.Add(oTour); } } if (!suggestedTour.Any()) { suggestedTour = db.Tours .Where(current => current.IsInHome && current.IsDelete == false && current.IsActive).Include(current => current.TourCategory).Take(3).ToList(); } //suggestedTour = db.Tours.Include(current=>current.TourCategory) // .Where(current => current.IsDelete == false && current.IsActive == true // && current.Id != tour.Id && current.TourCategory.ParentId==category.ParentId).ToList(); } int count = suggestedTour.Count(); if (count >= 3) { return(suggestedTour.Take(3).ToList()); } int diffrence = 3 - count; List <Tour> diffrenceTours = db.Tours.Where(c => c.IsInHome && c.IsDelete == false && c.IsActive).Include(c => c.TourCategory).Take(diffrence) .ToList(); foreach (Tour tourdif in diffrenceTours) { suggestedTour.Add(tourdif); } return(suggestedTour); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(Guid id) { TourCategory tourCategory = db.TourCategories.Find(id); tourCategory.IsDelete = true; tourCategory.DeleteDate = DateTime.Now; db.SaveChanges(); if (tourCategory.ParentId != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { id = tourCategory.ParentId })); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
// GET: TourCategories/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(Guid?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } TourCategory tourCategory = db.TourCategories.Find(id); if (tourCategory == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.parent = tourCategory.ParentId; return(View(tourCategory)); }
// GET: TourCategories/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(Guid?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } TourCategory tourCategory = db.TourCategories.Find(id); if (tourCategory == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } if (tourCategory.ParentId != null) { ViewBag.parent = tourCategory.ParentId; } else { ViewBag.TypeId = new SelectList(db.Types.Where(current => current.IsDelete == false), "Id", "Title", tourCategory.TypeId); } return(View(tourCategory)); }
public ThematicScore(TourCategory category, int value) { Category = category; Value = value; }
public ActionResult Create(TourCategory tourCategory, Guid?id, HttpPostedFileBase fileUpload, HttpPostedFileBase coverUpload) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { #region Upload and resize image if needed string newFilenameUrl = string.Empty; if (fileUpload != null) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileUpload.FileName); string newFilename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty) + Path.GetExtension(filename); newFilenameUrl = "/Uploads/Tour/" + newFilename; string physicalFilename = Server.MapPath(newFilenameUrl); fileUpload.SaveAs(physicalFilename); tourCategory.ImageUrl = newFilenameUrl; } #endregion #region Upload and resize cover if needed string newCovernameUrl = string.Empty; if (coverUpload != null) { string covername = Path.GetFileName(coverUpload.FileName); string newCovername = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty) + Path.GetExtension(covername); newCovernameUrl = "/Uploads/Tour/" + newCovername; string physicalCovername = Server.MapPath(newCovernameUrl); coverUpload.SaveAs(physicalCovername); tourCategory.CoverImage = newCovernameUrl; } #endregion tourCategory.IsDelete = false; tourCategory.SubmitDate = DateTime.Now; tourCategory.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); tourCategory.LastModificationDate = DateTime.Now; if (id != null) { tourCategory.ParentId = id.Value; } else { tourCategory.TypeId = tourCategory.TypeId; } db.TourCategories.Add(tourCategory); db.SaveChanges(); if (id != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { id = id })); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.ParentId = new SelectList(db.TourCategories, "Id", "Title", tourCategory.ParentId); return(View(tourCategory)); }
private void AddTourData() { if (!_context.PostCategories.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { _context.PostCategories.Add(new PostCategory { Id = postCategoriesIds[i], Name = "Category_" + i, }); } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Posts.Any()) { var json = File.ReadAllText(@"./DataSample/post.json"); var objects = JArray.Parse(json); // parse as array var i = 0; foreach (var jToken in objects) { var root = (JObject)jToken; var post = new Post { Id = postIds[i], Alias = "Post description " + i, Censorship = true, MetaDescription = "Post Meta description " + i, MetaKeyWord = "Post Meta description " + i, Image = "post_" + i + ".jpg", Status = true, Deleted = false, PostCategoryId = postCategoriesIds[i], }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> app in root) { switch (app.Key) { case "Name": post.Name = app.Value.ToString(); break; case "PostContent": post.Description = app.Value.ToString(); break; case "Description": post.PostContent = app.Value.ToString(); break; } } _context.Posts.Add(post); i++; } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Contacts.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _context.Contacts.Add(new Contact { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), FullName = "Contact_" + i, Email = $"{i}[email protected]", Address = "Address " + i, Phone = "037489202" + i, Title = "Content Title Contact " + i }); } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Roles.Any()) { _context.Roles.Add(new Role { Id = roleIds[0], RoleName = "ADMIN" }); _context.Roles.Add(new Role { Id = roleIds[1], RoleName = "STAFF" }); _context.Roles.Add(new Role { Id = roleIds[2], RoleName = "USER" }); _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Accounts.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _context.Accounts.Add(new Account { UserId = "user_" + i, Address = "Da Nang", Avatar = "avatar_" + i, BirthDay = DateTime.UtcNow, Deleted = false, Email = "user" + i + "", Name = "User " + i, Password = "******", Phone = "0900014324", RoleId = roleIds[new Random().Next(0, 2)] }); } } if (!_context.Provinces.Any()) { var json = File.ReadAllText(@"./DataSample/province.json"); var objects = JArray.Parse(json); // parse as array var i = 0; foreach (var jToken in objects) { var root = (JObject)jToken; var province = new Province { Id = provinceIds[i], Longitude = new Random().Next(100, 150), Latitude = new Random().Next(100, 200) }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> app in root) { switch (app.Key) { case "Name": province.Name = app.Value.ToString(); break; } } _context.Provinces.Add(province); i++; } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.TourCategories.Any()) { var json = File.ReadAllText(@"./DataSample/tourcate.json"); var objects = JArray.Parse(json); // parse as array var i = 0; foreach (var jToken in objects) { var root = (JObject)jToken; var tourCate = new TourCategory() { Id = tourCategoryIds[i], Image = "tourCate_" + i + ".jpg" }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> app in root) { switch (app.Key) { case "Name": tourCate.Name = app.Value.ToString(); break; case "Description": tourCate.Description = app.Value.ToString(); break; } } _context.TourCategories.Add(tourCate); i++; } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Tours.Any()) { var json = File.ReadAllText(@"./DataSample/tour.json"); var objects = JArray.Parse(json); // parse as array var i = 0; foreach (var jToken in objects) { var root = (JObject)jToken; var tour = new Tour { Id = tourIds[i], DepartureDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(new Random().Next(0, 10)), Image = "tour_" + (i + 1) + ".jpg", Images = "tour_" + (i + 1) + "_" + 1 + ".jpg|tour_" + (i + 1) + "_" + 2 + ".jpg|tour_" + (i + 1) + "_" + 3 + ".jpg", Status = true, Censorship = true, Deleted = false, Slot = new Random().Next(1, 20), ViewCount = new Random().Next(100, 1000), DepartureId = provinceIds[new Random().Next(0, 9)], DestinationId = provinceIds[new Random().Next(0, 9)], TourCategoryId = tourCategoryIds[new Random().Next(0, 6)], }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> app in root) { switch (app.Key) { case "Name": tour.Name = app.Value.ToString(); break; case "Description": tour.Description = app.Value.ToString(); break; } } _context.Tours.Add(tour); i++; } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Prices.Any()) { var id = 0; tourIds.ForEach((x) => { var priceAdult = new Random().Next(300, 1000); var i = 0; touristTypeIds.ForEach(y => { if (i == 0) { _context.Prices.Add(new Price { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "price_" + (id++), PromotionPrice = priceAdult - new Random().Next(0, 50), OriginalPrice = priceAdult, StartDatePro = DateTime.UtcNow, EndDatePro = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(new Random().Next(2, 7)), TourId = x, TouristType = y, }); } else { var orginPrice = priceAdult - new Random().Next(0, 50); _context.Prices.Add(new Price { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "price_" + (id++), PromotionPrice = orginPrice - new Random().Next(0, 50), OriginalPrice = orginPrice, StartDatePro = DateTime.UtcNow, EndDatePro = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(new Random().Next(2, 7)), TourId = x, TouristType = y, }); } i++; }); }); _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.TourBookings.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { _context.TourBookings.Add(entity: new TourBooking { Id = tourBookingIds[i], FullName = "TourBooking_" + i, Email = $"{i}[email protected]", Address = "Address_" + i, Mobile = "037489202" + i, Note = "Note " + i, Status = i % 2 == 0, Deleted = false, UserId = "user_" + (new Random().Next(0, 10)), TourId = tourIds[new Random().Next(0, 37)] }); } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.TourCustomers.Any()) { var id = 0; tourBookingIds.ForEach((x) => { touristTypeIds.ForEach(y => { _context.TourCustomers.Add(new TourCustomer { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), FullName = "Tony Nguyen " + id, BirthDay = DateTime.Now.AddDays(id), Gender = id % 2 == 0 ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female, TourBookingId = x, TouristType = y, }); _context.BookingPrices.Add(entity: new BookingPrice { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), TourBookingId = x, TouristType = y, Price = new Random().Next(100, 1000) }); id++; }); }); _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.TourPrograms.Any()) { tourIds.ForEach((x) => { var tour = _context.Tours.Find(x); for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { _context.TourPrograms.Add(new TourProgram { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Date = tour.DepartureDate.AddDays(j), OrderNumber = 1 + j, TourId = x, }); } }); _context.SaveChanges(); var tourprograms = _context.TourPrograms.ToList(); var json = File.ReadAllText(@"./DataSample/tourprogram.json"); var objects = JArray.Parse(json); // parse as array var lengthObject = objects.Count; var i = 0; foreach (var jToken in objects) { if (i < lengthObject) { var root = (JObject)jToken; var tourProgram = tourprograms[i]; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JToken> app in root) { switch (app.Key) { case "Title": tourProgram.Title = app.Value.ToString(); break; case "Description": tourProgram.Description = app.Value.ToString(); break; case "Destination": tourProgram.Destination = app.Value.ToString(); break; } } i++; } } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Evaluations.Any()) { foreach (var tourId in tourIds) { _context.Evaluations.Add(new Evaluation { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), OneStar = new Random().Next(1, 2000), TwoStar = new Random().Next(1, 2000), ThreeStar = new Random().Next(1, 2000), FourStar = new Random().Next(1, 2000), FiveStar = new Random().Next(1, 2000), TourId = tourId, }); } _context.SaveChanges(); } if (!_context.Banners.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _context.Banners.Add(new Banner { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Bander_" + i, Image = "banner_" + i + ".jpg", Description = @"Lorem ipsum dolor seit amet Nulla quis sem at nibh elemn", PostId = postIds[i], Censorship = true }); } _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void BindRight() { TourCategory model = new TourCategory(); int id = 0; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"] + "")) { ASPxRoundPanel2.Visible = true; if (Request.QueryString["type"].ToString().Equals("add")) { try { id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"] + ""); } catch { id = 0; return; } model = bll.GetModel(id); hdforderID.Text = model.orderId + ""; txtContent.Value = model.description; } else { id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"] + ""); model = bll.GetModel(id); hdforderID.Text = model.orderId + ""; txtContent.Value = model.description; ddlState.SelectedIndex = model.stateID; txtLinkUrl.Text = model.outLink; txtGTLink.Text = model.gtLink; txtYLLink.Text = model.ylLink; try { rbtType.SelectedIndex = model.typeID; } catch { } } hdfnodeID.Value = Request.QueryString["id"] + ""; hdfparentID.Value = Request.QueryString["pid"] + ""; try { txtContent_wxts.Value = bllCategory.GetModel("wxtsmb").description; } catch { Msg.Show("温馨提示模板不存在code[wxtsmb]"); } try { txtContent_xqwd.Value = bllCategory.GetModel("xqwdmb").description; } catch { Msg.Show("行前问答模板不存在code[xqwdmb]"); } // trImgList.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("display", "none"); } else { id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"] + ""); ASPxRoundPanel2.Visible = true; if (id != 0) { model = bll.GetModel(id); hdfnodeID.Value = id + ""; hdfparentID.Value = model.parentID + ""; hdforderID.Text = model.orderId + ""; txtContent.Value = model.description; txtTitle.Text = model.title; txtCode.Text = model.codeNo; ddlState.SelectedIndex = model.stateID; txtContent_wxts.Value = model.otherDes1; txtContent_yjgl.Value = model.otherDes2; txtContent_xqwd.Value = model.simpleDes; txtLinkUrl.Text = model.outLink; txtGTLink.Text = model.gtLink; txtYLLink.Text = model.ylLink; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.otherDes1)) { try { txtContent_wxts.Value = bllCategory.GetModel("wxtsmb").description; } catch { Msg.Show("温馨提示模板不存在code[wxtsmb]"); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.simpleDes)) { try { txtContent_xqwd.Value = bllCategory.GetModel("xqwdmb").description; } catch { Msg.Show("行前问答模板不存在code[xqwdmb]"); } } try { rbtType.SelectedIndex = model.typeID; } catch { } } DataSet ds = bllPictures.GetList(id, 1); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { rptImgs.DataSource = ds; rptImgs.DataBind(); // trImgList.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("display", "block"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["id"] + "")) { hdfImg.Value += "," + dr["id"]; } } } } if (Request.QueryString["type"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["type"].ToString().Equals("add") || Request.QueryString["type"].ToString().Equals("addchild")) { txtCode.Enabled = true; } else { txtCode.Enabled = false; } } } catch { ASPxRoundPanel2.Visible = false; } }
protected void ibtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //验证代码 try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"] + "")) { TourCategory model = new TourCategory(); model.codeNo = txtCode.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", ""); = int.Parse(hdfnodeID.Value); model.parentID = int.Parse(hdfparentID.Value); model.title = txtTitle.Text; model.orderId = int.Parse(hdforderID.Text); model.description = txtContent.Value; model.stateID = ddlState.SelectedIndex; model.imgPath = ""; model.typeID = int.Parse(rbtType.SelectedItem.Value + ""); model.outLink = txtLinkUrl.Text; model.otherDes1 = txtContent_wxts.Value; model.otherDes2 = txtContent_yjgl.Value; model.simpleDes = txtContent_xqwd.Value; model.gtLink = txtGTLink.Text.Trim(); model.ylLink = txtYLLink.Text.Trim(); bll.Update(model); Response.Redirect("Default.aspx?id=" +, false); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["type"] + "")) { TourCategory model = new TourCategory(); model.title = txtTitle.Text; model.codeNo = txtCode.Text; // 防止网页重复提交 if (!bll.ExistsCode(model.codeNo)) { try { model.parentID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pid"]); } catch { Msg.Show("参数错误!"); } model.orderId = bll.GetChildNum(model.parentID); model.description = txtContent.Value; model.stateID = ddlState.SelectedIndex; model.typeID = rbtType.SelectedIndex; model.outLink = txtLinkUrl.Text; model.otherDes1 = txtContent_wxts.Value; model.otherDes2 = txtContent_yjgl.Value; model.simpleDes = txtContent_xqwd.Value; model.gtLink = txtGTLink.Text.Trim(); model.ylLink = txtYLLink.Text.Trim(); int res = bll.Add(model); //更新图片 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdfImg.Value)) { string[] allStr = hdfImg.Value.Split(','); foreach (string s in allStr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { try { bllPictures.UpdatePid(int.Parse(s), res); } catch (Exception ex) { // Response.Write(ex.ToString()); } } } } Response.Redirect("Default.aspx?id=" + res, false); } else { Msg.Show("编码已存在!"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); Msg.Show("网络错误!原因:" + ex.Message); } }
public List <Tour> ReturnTourList(string urlparam) { if (urlparam == null) { return(db.Tours.Include(current => current.Airline).Include(current => current.TourCategory).Where( current => current.IsDelete == false && current.IsActive) .ToList()); } List <Tour> tours = null; TourCategory tourCategory = db.TourCategories.FirstOrDefault(current => current.UrlParam == urlparam && current.IsDelete == false); if (tourCategory != null) { if (tourCategory.ParentId != null) { tours = db.Tours.Include(current => current.Airline).Include(current => current.TourCategory).Where( current => current.IsDelete == false && current.TourCategoryId == tourCategory.Id && current.IsActive) .ToList(); } else { tours = db.Tours.Include(current => current.Airline).Include(current => current.TourCategory).Where( current => current.IsDelete == false && current.TourCategory.ParentId == tourCategory.Id && current.IsActive) .ToList(); if (tours.Count() == 0) { tours = db.Tours.Include(current => current.Airline).Include(current => current.TourCategory) .Where(current => current.IsDelete == false && current.TourCategoryId == tourCategory.Id && current.IsActive) .ToList(); } } ViewBag.coverImage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tourCategory.CoverImage) ? tourCategory.CoverImage : "/Images/header1.jpg"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tourCategory.PageTitle)) { ViewBag.Title = tourCategory.PageTitle; } else { ViewBag.Title = tourCategory.Title + " | قیمت " + tourCategory.Title + " ویژه نوروز و بهار | بکتاش سیر"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tourCategory.PageDescription)) { ViewBag.Description = tourCategory.PageDescription; } else { ViewBag.Description = "برای اطلاع از قیمت " + tourCategory.Title + " وارد وب سایت بکتاش سیر شوید یا با شماره تلفن 02157952 تماس بگیرید. بکتاش ارائه دهنده تورهای متنوع آسیایی و اروپایی"; } ViewBag.OrginalTitle = tourCategory.Title; ViewBag.summery = tourCategory.Summery; } else { Models.Type type = db.Types.FirstOrDefault(current => current.UrlParam == urlparam && current.IsDelete == false); if (type != null) { tours = db.Tours .Where(current => (current.TourCategory.TypeId == type.Id || current.TourCategory.Parent.TypeId == type.Id) && current.IsDelete == false) .Include(current => current.Airline).Include(current => current.TourCategory).ToList(); if (!tours.Any()) { tours = db.Tours .Where(current => current.TourCategory.Parent.TypeId == type.Id && current.IsDelete == false) .Include(current => current.Airline).Include(current => current.TourCategory).ToList(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.PageTitle)) { ViewBag.Title = type.PageTitle; } else { ViewBag.Title = type.Title + " | قیمت " + type.Title + " ویژه نوروز و بهار"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type.PageDescription)) { ViewBag.Description = type.PageDescription; } else { ViewBag.Description = "برای اطلاع از قیمت " + type.Title + " وارد وب سایت بکتاش سیر شوید یا با شماره تلفن 02157952 تماس بگیرید. بکتاش ارائه دهنده تورهای متنوع آسیایی و اروپایی"; } ViewBag.OrginalTitle = type.Title; ViewBag.summery = type.Summery; } } return(tours); }
public void add(TourCategory category) { _unitOfWork.TourCategoryRepository.Insert(category); _unitOfWork.Save(); }
public void update(TourCategory category) { _unitOfWork.TourCategoryRepository.Update(category); _unitOfWork.Save(); }
private static void InitializePoints(XmlDocument document, string filename) { document.Load(typeof(CityScoverRepository).Assembly .GetManifestResourceStream("CityScover.Data." + filename)); foreach (XmlNode node in document.GetElementsByTagName("PointOfInterests")) { foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || !childNode.Name.Equals("PointOfInterest")) { continue; } string pointId = childNode.Attributes["id"].Value; string pointName = childNode.Attributes["name"].Value; int intPointId = int.Parse(pointId); var pointBuilder = InterestPointBuilder.NewBuilder(intPointId, pointName); foreach (XmlNode nestedChild in childNode.ChildNodes) { switch (nestedChild.Name) { case "Coordinates": SetCoordinates(); void SetCoordinates() { string strLatitude = nestedChild.Attributes["latitude"].Value; string strLongitude = nestedChild.Attributes["longitude"].Value; bool success = double.TryParse(strLatitude, out double latitude); success &= double.TryParse(strLongitude, out double longitude); if (!success) { throw new FormatException(nameof(SetCoordinates)); } pointBuilder.SetCoordinates(latitude, longitude); } break; case "Category": SetCategory(); void SetCategory() { string categoryId = nestedChild.Attributes["id"].Value; TourCategory category; switch (categoryId) { case "1": category = new TourCategory(TourCategoryType.HistoricalAndCultural, "Storico/Culturale"); break; case "2": category = new TourCategory(TourCategoryType.Culinary, "Gastronomico"); break; case "3": category = new TourCategory(TourCategoryType.Sport, "Sportivo"); break; default: category = new TourCategory(TourCategoryType.None, "None"); break; } pointBuilder.SetCategory(category); } break; case "ThematicScore": SetThematicScore(); void SetThematicScore() { string scoreValue = nestedChild.Attributes["value"].Value; pointBuilder.SetThematicScore(new ThematicScore( pointBuilder.Category, (!string.Empty.Equals(scoreValue)) ? int.Parse(scoreValue) : 0)); } break; case "OpeningTimes": SetOpeningTimes(); void SetOpeningTimes() { foreach (XmlNode doubleNestedChild in nestedChild.ChildNodes) { if (doubleNestedChild.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } string openingTime = doubleNestedChild.Attributes["from"].Value; string closingTime = doubleNestedChild.Attributes["to"].Value; if (!string.Empty.Equals(openingTime) && !string.Empty.Equals(closingTime)) { try { pointBuilder.AddOpeningTime(new IntervalTime(DateTime.Parse(openingTime), DateTime.Parse(closingTime))); } catch (FormatException exception) { throw new FormatException(exception.Message); } } } } break; case "TimeVisit": SetTimeVisit(); void SetTimeVisit() { string duration = nestedChild.Attributes?["duration"].Value; pointBuilder.SetTimeVisit(!string.Empty.Equals(duration) ? new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(duration ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(duration))), 0) : (TimeSpan?)null); } break; } } _points.Add(pointBuilder.Build()); } } }
public IList <Tour> SelectTourByDate(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, TourCategory selectedItem) { return(_set.Where(x => x.StartDate >= startDate && x.EndDate <= endDate && ((x.CategoryId == selectedItem.Id) || (x.CategoryId == selectedItem.TopCategoryId))).ToList()); }