private void TorrentRemovedAlert(Core.torrent_removed_alert a) { Interlocked.MemoryBarrier(); using (Core.Sha1Hash sha1hash = a.info_hash) { string hash = sha1hash.ToString(); if (TorrentList.ToList().Any(e => e.Hash == hash)) { Models.TorrentItem ti = TorrentList.ToList().First(f => f.Hash == hash); log.Debug("removing {0}", ti.Name); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action) delegate() { TorrentList.Remove(ti); }); log.Info("{0} removed", ti.Name); } if (File.Exists("./Fastresume/" + hash + ".fastresume")) { File.Delete("./Fastresume/" + hash + ".fastresume"); } if (File.Exists("./Fastresume/" + hash + ".torrent")) { File.Delete("./Fastresume/" + hash + ".torrent"); } } }
private void PieceFinishedAlert(piece_finished_alert a) { Interlocked.MemoryBarrier(); using (Core.TorrentHandle th = a.handle) using (Core.Sha1Hash hash = th.info_hash()) { if (TorrentList.ToList().Any(x => x.Hash == hash.ToString())) { Models.TorrentItem ti = TorrentList.First(z => z.Hash == hash.ToString()); if (!ReferenceEquals(null, ti.Pieces.Parts) && ti.Pieces.Parts.Any(q => q.Id == a.piece_index)) { ti.Pieces.Parts[a.piece_index].Downloaded = true; log.Debug("{0} for {1}", a.piece_index, ti.Name); foreach (Models.FileEntry item in ti.FileList) { foreach (Models.Part part in item.Pieces.Where(k => k.Id == a.piece_index)) { part.Downloaded = true; } } if (ti.SequentialDownload) { if (ti.Pieces.Parts.Any(w => w.Downloaded == false)) { Models.Part mp = ti.Pieces.Parts.First(w => w.Downloaded == false); mp.Priority = 7; th.piece_priority(mp.Id, 7); } } } } } }
private async void SearchToday() { if (groupBoxFano.IsVisible || groupBoxKinozal.IsVisible || groupBoxFilebase.IsVisible) { UIDisable(); borderBack.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnBack.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Title = txtToday.Text + " torrenti"; progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; containerCovers.Children.Clear(); containerList.Children.Clear(); filterPanel.Content = null; filterPanelCategorys.Content = null; TorrentList tList = new TorrentList(); containerList.Children.Add(tList); await tList.Search("", "Visas", "Visi", "Visi", true); while (!tList.fanoCompleted || !tList.kinozalCompleted || !tList.filebaseCompleted) { await Task.Delay(300); } UIEnable(); CategoryFilter catFilter = new CategoryFilter(tList, tList.categorySet); filterPanelCategorys.Content = catFilter; filterPanelCategorys.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { MessageBox.Show("Jāpievieno vismaz viens trakeris, lai meklētu!", "TM", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } }
public void Resume(TorrentList torrents) { foreach (Sohvaperuna.TorrentEngine.Torrent tor in torrents) { if (torrentMapping.ContainsKey(tor.Hash)) { global::AzureusEngine.AzCommunication.Download dl = torrentMapping[tor.Hash]; dl.Start(); } } }
public TorrentList TorrentsByLabel(TorrentLabel _selectedLabel) { TorrentList list = new TorrentList(); foreach (Sohvaperuna.TorrentEngine.Torrent torrent in _torrentsAll) { if (_selectedLabel.Name.CompareTo(torrent.Label) == 0) { //label match! list.Add(torrent); } } return(list); }
public void Stop(TorrentList torrents) { if (torrents.Count == TorrentsAll.Count) { string response = GetResponse("core.stop_all_torrents", null); } else { List <string> Hashs = new List <string>(); foreach (Torrent torrent in torrents) { Hashs.Add(torrent.Hash); } string response = GetResponse("core.stop_torrent", Hashs); } }
private async void MekletStart() { if (groupBoxFano.IsVisible || groupBoxKinozal.IsVisible || groupBoxFilebase.IsVisible) { UIDisable(); borderBack.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; btnBack.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; containerCovers.Children.Clear(); containerList.Children.Clear(); filterPanel.Content = null; filterPanelCategorys.Content = null; TorrentList tList = new TorrentList(); containerList.Children.Add(tList); await tList.Search(CmbMeklet.Text, cmbCategory.Text, cmbGenre.Text, cmbYear.Text, false); while (!tList.fanoCompleted || !tList.kinozalCompleted || !tList.filebaseCompleted) { await Task.Delay(300); } CategoryFilter catFilter = new CategoryFilter(tList, tList.categorySet); filterPanelCategorys.Content = catFilter; filterPanelCategorys.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmbMeklet.Text.Trim())) { Title = CmbMeklet.Text.Trim(); config.DeleteHistoryElementIfExist(CmbMeklet.Text.Trim()); config.AddHistory(CmbMeklet.Text.Trim()); CmbMeklet.Items.Clear(); LoadHistory(); CmbMeklet.Text = ""; } UIEnable(); cmbCategory.IsEnabled = true; EnableComboBoxes(cmbCategory.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Jāpievieno vismaz viens trakeris, lai meklētu!", "TM", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } }
static void InitMonoTorrent() { queue = new ArrayList(); engine_settings = new EngineSettings(config.DownloadDir, config.ListenPort); torrent_settings = new TorrentSettings(config.UploadSlots, config.MaxConnections, (int)config.UploadSpeed, (int)config.DownloadSpeed); engine = new ClientEngine(engine_settings); // Our store torrent_list = new TorrentList(); foreach (TorrentDesc td in config.Torrents) { if (File.Exists(td.Filename)) { torrent_list.Add(td.Filename); } } }
/// <summary> /// Remove torrent without data. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Torrent id.</param> private async void RemoveTorrent(uint id) { if (_transmissionClient is not null) { var toRemoveIds = new[] { id }; var result = await _transmissionClient.TorrentRemoveAsync(toRemoveIds, new CancellationToken(), false); foreach (var toRemoveId in toRemoveIds) { var itm = TorrentList.First(x => x.Id == toRemoveId); TorrentList.Remove(itm); //FOR WHAT IS THAT?! //TODO: Remove maybe allTorrents.Torrents = allTorrents.Torrents.Where(torrentInfo => torrentInfo.Id == toRemoveId).ToArray(); } } }
private async void StateUpdateAlert(Core.state_update_alert a) { Interlocked.MemoryBarrier(); log.Trace("state update alert for {0} torrents", a.status.Count()); if (a.status.Count() > 0 && log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("state update alert for {0} torrents", a.status.Count()); } foreach (Core.TorrentStatus ts in a.status) { using (ts) using (Core.Sha1Hash hash = ts.info_hash) { if (TorrentList.ToList().Any(z => z.Hash == hash.ToString())) { Models.TorrentItem ti = TorrentList.First(e => e.Hash == hash.ToString()); await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => ti.Update(ts)); } } } }
private async void TorrentAddedAlert(Core.torrent_added_alert a) { Interlocked.MemoryBarrier(); using (Core.TorrentHandle th = a.handle) using (Core.TorrentStatus ts = th.status()) { Models.TorrentItem ti = new Models.TorrentItem(ts); ti.PropertyChanged += torrentItem_PropertyChanged; await Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Send, (Action) delegate() { TorrentList.Add(ti); log.Debug("{0} added", ti.Name); //Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification.TaskbarIcon tbi = (Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification.TaskbarIcon)App.Current.MainWindow.FindName("tsunamiNotifyIcon"); //string title = "Tsunami"; //string text = "New torrent added!"; //tbi.ShowBalloonTip(title, text, tbi.Icon, true); }); } }
public void Sort() { var selected = orderbyPanel.Children.OfType <RadioButton>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.IsChecked.Value); if (selected == null || TorrentList == null) { return; } switch (selected.Content.ToString()) { case "Smallest size": TorrentList = TorrentList.OrderBy(t => t.SizeMB).ToList(); break; case "Most recent": TorrentList = TorrentList.OrderByDescending(t => t.Added).ToList(); break; case "Most seeded": TorrentList = TorrentList.OrderByDescending(t => t.Seeders).ToList(); break; } }
private void ReturnWithSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] strArray; if (this.BTCMDSelect.Checked) { strArray = Strings.Split(this.TornadoCommandLine.Text, "|", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (string str in strArray) { TorrentList list3 = new TorrentList(); ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList(); foreach (string str2 in Strings.Split(Strings.Trim(str), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Binary)) { if (Strings.Trim(str2) != "") { TorrentString str3 = new TorrentString { Value = Strings.Trim(str2) }; list2.Add(str3); } } if (list2.Count > 0) { list3.Value = list2; list.Add(list3); } } MultiTrackerTiers.Value = list; } else if (this.BTGuiSelect.Checked) { strArray = Strings.Split(this.BitTornadoGUI.Text, "\n", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); ArrayList list4 = new ArrayList(); foreach (string str4 in strArray) { string mystr4 = ""; if (Strings.Right(str4, 1) == "\r") { mystr4 = Strings.Left(str4, Strings.Len(str4) - 1); } mystr4 = Strings.Trim(mystr4); TorrentList list6 = new TorrentList(); ArrayList list5 = new ArrayList(); foreach (string str5 in Strings.Split(mystr4, " ", -1, CompareMethod.Binary)) { if (Strings.Trim(str5) != "") { TorrentString str6 = new TorrentString { Value = Strings.Trim(str5) }; list5.Add(str6); } } if (list5.Count > 0) { list6.Value = list5; list4.Add(list6); } } MultiTrackerTiers.Value = list4; } this.Close(); }
public static int GetWebSeedData(ArrayList returnarray) { int count = 0; if (File.Exists(TorrentBuild.LocalPath + "wsa.configure")) { int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, TorrentBuild.LocalPath + "wsa.configure", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.LockRead, -1); string str = Strings.Space((int) FileSystem.FileLen(TorrentBuild.LocalPath + "wsa.configure")); FileSystem.FileGet(fileNumber, ref str, -1L, false); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber }); TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary(); dictionary.Parse(str); if (dictionary.Contains("seedlist")) { TorrentList list = new TorrentList(); list = (TorrentList) dictionary["seedlist"]; returnarray = list.Value; count = returnarray.Count; } else { TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str3 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str4 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str5 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str6 = new TorrentString(); str2 = (TorrentString) dictionary["seed1"]; str3 = (TorrentString) dictionary["seed2"]; str4 = (TorrentString) dictionary["seed3"]; str5 = (TorrentString) dictionary["seed4"]; str6 = (TorrentString) dictionary["seed5"]; ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList(); TorrentList list3 = new TorrentList(); if (str2.Value != "") { returnarray.Add(str2); count++; } if (str3.Value != "") { returnarray.Add(str3); count++; } if (str4.Value != "") { returnarray.Add(str4); count++; } if (str5.Value != "") { returnarray.Add(str5); count++; } if (str6.Value != "") { returnarray.Add(str6); count++; } } if (TorrentBuild.GenerateVerbose) { Interaction.MsgBox("Number of Webseeds loaded: " + Conversions.ToString(count), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null); } } return count; }
public void MakeTorrentFromFile(string NameOfFile) { FileStream stream; string str6 = ""; string hexhash = ""; string str13 = ""; string str14 = ""; long filesize = FileSystem.FileLen(NameOfFile); TorrentString str10 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str7 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str5 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str4 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str12 = new TorrentString(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); HashChanger changer = new HashChanger(); this.OptionalHashProgress.Maximum = CountMultiplier; this.OptionalHashProgress.Value = 0; if (filesize < 0x100000000L) { if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked) { this.TigerHash = new ThexThreaded(); changer = new HashChanger { bytehash = this.TigerHash.GetTTH_Value(NameOfFile) }; Application.DoEvents(); str12.Value = changer.rawhash; str13 = changer.base32; this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; } } else { this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; } if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked) { changer = new HashChanger(); stream = new FileStream(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); this.sha1.ComputeHash(stream); stream.Close(); Application.DoEvents(); changer.bytehash = this.sha1.Hash; str10.Value = changer.rawhash; hexhash = changer.hexhash; this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; } if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked) { changer = new HashChanger(); stream = new FileStream(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); this.md5.ComputeHash(stream); stream.Close(); changer.bytehash = this.md5.Hash; Application.DoEvents(); str7.Value = changer.hexhash; this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; } if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked) { CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); int num7 = 0; stream = new FileStream(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); Stream stream2 = stream; stream = (FileStream) stream2; num7 = crc.GetCrc32(ref stream2); stream.Close(); str4.Value = string.Format("{0:X8}", num7); Application.DoEvents(); this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; } if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked) { string str3 = ""; this.GetED2KHash(NameOfFile, ref str6, ref str3); this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; str5.Value = str3; } this.FileHandling = File.Open(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); byte[] bytes = new byte[0x15]; if (this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked) { this.piecesizetouse = this.getautopiecesize(filesize); } else { this.piecesizetouse = Conversions.ToInteger(this.PieceSize.Text); } long num3 = 0L; this.FileHandling.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); while (num3 < filesize) { this.TorrentProgress.Value = (int) Math.Round((double) ((((double) num3) / ((double) filesize)) * 100.0)); Application.DoEvents(); byte[] array = new byte[((int) this.piecesizetouse) + 1]; long num5 = this.FileHandling.Read(array, 0, (int) this.piecesizetouse); byte[] buffer = new byte[((int) (num5 - 1L)) + 1]; long num16 = num5 - 1L; for (long i = 0L; i <= num16; i += 1L) { buffer[(int) i] = array[(int) i]; } bytes = this.sha1.ComputeHash(buffer); int index = 0; do { str14 = str14 + Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes, index, 1); index++; } while (index <= 0x13); num3 += this.piecesizetouse; buffer = null; array = null; Thread.Sleep(10); GC.Collect(); } this.TorrentProgress.Value = 100; this.FileHandling.Close(); TorrentString str20 = new TorrentString(); int length = NameOfFile.LastIndexOf(@"\"); int num = Strings.Len(NameOfFile) - length; string str8 = Strings.Right(NameOfFile, num - 1); string str9 = Strings.Left(NameOfFile, length); TorrentString str19 = new TorrentString { Value = str8 }; TorrentString str17 = new TorrentString(); TorrentNumber number = new TorrentNumber { Value = filesize }; TorrentNumber number2 = new TorrentNumber { Value = this.piecesizetouse }; str20.Value = str14; str17.Value = "UTF8"; TorrentDictionary dictionary2 = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentString str16 = new TorrentString { Value = this.AnnounceURL.Text }; dictionary.Add("length", number); dictionary.Add("name", str19); dictionary.Add("pieces", str20); dictionary.Add("piece length", number2); if (this.MultiTrackerEnabled.Checked) { this.CheckMultitTrackerTiers(); dictionary2.Add("announce-list", MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers); } if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked) { dictionary.Add("sha1", str10); } if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked) { dictionary.Add("md5sum", str7); } if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked) { dictionary.Add("crc32", str4); } if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked) { dictionary.Add("ed2k", str5); } if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked) { dictionary.Add("tiger", str12); } if (UseWSAConfig) { ArrayList returnarray = new ArrayList(); TorrentList list2 = new TorrentList(); int webSeedData = TorrentGenFamily.GetWebSeedData(returnarray); list2.Value = returnarray; if (webSeedData >= 1) { dictionary2.Add("httpseeds", list2); } } TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString { Value = "Torrent Generated by VB.Net TorrentGen - Written by DWKnight" }; dictionary2.Add("created by", str2); TorrentString str = new TorrentString(); if (Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text) != "") { str.Value = Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text); dictionary2.Add("comment", str); } if (this.PrivateTorrent.Checked) { TorrentNumber number3 = new TorrentNumber { Value = 1L }; dictionary["private"] = number3; } dictionary2.Add("info", dictionary); if (this.AnnounceURL.Text != "") { dictionary2.Add("announce", str16); } dictionary2.Add("encoding", str17); int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile(); string fileName = NameOfFile + ".torrent"; FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.LockReadWrite, -1); FileSystem.FilePut(fileNumber, dictionary2.BEncoded, -1L, false); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber }); bytes = null; if (this.MakeExternals.Checked) { if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked) { int num11 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num11, NameOfFile + ".sha1", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.PrintLine(num11, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + hexhash }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num11 }); } if ((filesize <= 0x118940000L) && this.IncludeTiger.Checked) { int num12 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num12, NameOfFile + ".tiger", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.PrintLine(num12, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + str13 }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num12 }); } if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked) { int num13 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num13, NameOfFile + ".md5", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.PrintLine(num13, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + str7.Value }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num13 }); } if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked) { int num14 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num14, NameOfFile + ".sfv", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.PrintLine(num14, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + str4.Value }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num14 }); } if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked) { LinkGeneration generation = new LinkGeneration { FileName = str19.Value, FileSize = number.Value, ED2KHex = str6 }; int num15 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num15, NameOfFile + ".ed2k", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.PrintLine(num15, new object[] { generation.ClassicED2KLink }); FileSystem.PrintLine(num15, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + generation.ED2KHex + "\r\n" }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num15 }); } } GC.Collect(); }
private void CheckMultitTrackerTiers() { IEnumerator enumerator = null; try { enumerator = MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers.Value.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { IEnumerator enumerator2 = null; TorrentList current = (TorrentList) enumerator.Current; try { enumerator2 = current.Value.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { TorrentString str2 = (TorrentString) enumerator2.Current; if (str2.Value == Strings.Trim(this.AnnounceURL.Text)) { return; } } continue; } finally { if (enumerator2 is IDisposable) { (enumerator2 as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } } } finally { if (enumerator is IDisposable) { (enumerator as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } TorrentString str = new TorrentString { Value = Strings.Trim(this.AnnounceURL.Text) }; TorrentList list = new TorrentList(); list.Value.Add(str); MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers.Value.Add(list); GC.Collect(); }
private void TorrentBuild_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (commandLineArgs.GetLength(0) > 1) { this.FileNameToMake.Text = commandLineArgs[1]; } TorrentString str3 = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str = new TorrentString(); TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString(); str3.Value = ".sfv"; str.Value = ".cdp"; str2.Value = ".cdt"; BlackListedFiles.Add(str3); BlackListedFiles.Add(str); BlackListedFiles.Add(str2); int length = Strings.Left(commandLineArgs[0], Strings.Len(commandLineArgs[0])).LastIndexOf(@"\"); LocalPath = Path.GetFullPath(Strings.Left(commandLineArgs[0], length)) + @"\"; if (File.Exists(LocalPath + "tgen.configure")) { int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, LocalPath + "tgen.configure", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.LockRead, -1); string str4 = Strings.Space((int) FileSystem.FileLen(LocalPath + "tgen.configure")); FileSystem.FileGet(fileNumber, ref str4, -1L, false); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber }); TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary(); dictionary.Parse(str4); TorrentString str5 = new TorrentString(); TorrentNumber number2 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number8 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number7 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number5 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentString str6 = new TorrentString(); TorrentNumber number6 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number9 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number3 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number4 = new TorrentNumber(); str5 = (TorrentString) dictionary["tracker"]; number2 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["piecesize"]; if (dictionary.Contains("externals")) { number4 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["externals"]; this.MakeExternals.Checked = number4.Value > 0L; } if (dictionary.Contains("folder")) { number3 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["folder"]; this.MakeSeparateTorrents.Checked = number3.Value > 0L; } if (dictionary.Contains("sha1")) { number8 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["sha1"]; this.IncludeSHA1.Checked = number8.Value > 0L; } if (dictionary.Contains("md5")) { number7 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["md5"]; this.IncludeMD5.Checked = number7.Value > 0L; } if (dictionary.Contains("crc")) { number5 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["crc"]; this.IncludeCRC32.Checked = number5.Value > 0L; } if (dictionary.Contains("ed2k")) { number6 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["ed2k"]; this.IncludeED2K.Checked = number6.Value > 0L; } if (dictionary.Contains("tiger")) { number9 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["tiger"]; this.IncludeTiger.Checked = number9.Value > 0L; } if (dictionary.Contains("comment")) { str6 = (TorrentString) dictionary["comment"]; this.TorrentComment.Text = str6.Value; } if (dictionary.Contains("advanced")) { TorrentDictionary dictionary2 = new TorrentDictionary(); dictionary2 = (TorrentDictionary) dictionary["advanced"]; TorrentNumber number12 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number11 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number10 = new TorrentNumber(); number12 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary2["verbose"]; number11 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary2["usewsa"]; number10 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary2["delay"]; GenerateVerbose = number12.Value > 0L; UseWSAConfig = number11.Value > 0L; DelayMessages = number10.Value > 0L; } else { GenerateVerbose = true; UseWSAConfig = false; DelayMessages = true; } if (dictionary.Contains("blankblacklist")) { TorrentNumber number13 = new TorrentNumber(); if (number13.Value == -1L) { BlackListedFiles = new ArrayList(); } } if (dictionary.Contains("blacklist")) { TorrentList list = new TorrentList(); list = (TorrentList) dictionary["blacklist"]; BlackListedFiles = list.Value; } if (dictionary.Contains("multitracker")) { MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers = (TorrentList) dictionary["multitracker"]; this.Multitracker.UpdateInput(); } if (dictionary.Contains("usemultitracker")) { TorrentNumber number14 = new TorrentNumber(); number14 = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["usemultitracker"]; this.MultiTrackerEnabled.Checked = number14.Value > 0L; } number = (TorrentNumber) dictionary["autopiece"]; this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked = number.Value > 0L; this.AnnounceURL.Text = str5.Value; this.PieceSize.Text = Conversions.ToString(number2.Value); } this.AutomaticPieceSize_CheckedChanged(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(sender), e); GC.Collect(); }
static void InitMonoTorrent () { queue = new ArrayList (); engine_settings = new EngineSettings (config.DownloadDir, config.ListenPort); torrent_settings = new TorrentSettings (config.UploadSlots, config.MaxConnections, (int) config.UploadSpeed, (int) config.DownloadSpeed); engine = new ClientEngine (engine_settings); // Our store torrent_list = new TorrentList (); foreach (TorrentDesc td in config.Torrents){ if (File.Exists (td.Filename)){ torrent_list.Add (td.Filename); } } }
public bool UpdateData() { lock (lockUpdate) { string response = GetResponse("web.update_ui", DelugeAPI.UpdateParams); if (response == null || response.Length == 0) { return(false); } TorrentLabelList lbls = new TorrentLabelList(); UpdateResponse update = js.Deserialize <UpdateResponse>(response); foreach (object[] lbl in update.filters.label) { TorrentLabel label = new TorrentLabel(); label.Name = (string)lbl[0]; label.Count = (int)lbl[1]; lbls.Add(label); } _labels = lbls; TorrentList oldTorrentsAll = _torrentsAll; TorrentList newTorrentsAll = new TorrentList(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DelugeTorrent> pair in update.torrents) { DelugeTorrent tor = pair.Value; Torrent torrent = new Torrent(this); try { torrent.Hash = pair.Key; torrent.Status = 0;// get Status code torrent.Name =; torrent.Size = tor.total_size; torrent.Progress = tor.progress; torrent.Downloaded = tor.total_done; torrent.Uploaded = tor.total_uploaded; torrent.Ratio = (long)Math.Round(tor.ratio); torrent.UploadSpeed = (long)Math.Round(tor.upload_payload_rate); torrent.DownloadSpeed = (long)Math.Round(tor.download_payload_rate); torrent.ETA = (int)Math.Round(tor.eta); torrent.Label = tor.label; torrent.PeersConnected = tor.num_peers; torrent.PeersInSwarm = tor.total_peers; torrent.SeedsConnected = tor.num_seeds; torrent.SeedsInSwarm = tor.total_seeds; torrent.Availability = (int)Math.Round(tor.distributed_copies); torrent.TorrentQueueOrder = (int)Math.Round(tor.queue); torrent.Remaining = tor.total_size - tor.total_done; torrent.DownloadURL = ""; torrent.RSSFeedURL = ""; torrent.StatusMessage = tor.state; torrent.StreamID = ""; torrent.AddedOn = (int)Math.Round(tor.time_added); torrent.CompletedOn = 0; torrent.AppUpdateURL = ""; torrent.TorrentSavePath = tor.save_path; } catch { } newTorrentsAll.Add(torrent); } TorrentList newTorrentsActive = new TorrentList(); foreach (Torrent torrent in newTorrentsAll) { if (torrent.HasStatus((int)Torrent.UTorrentStatus.Started)) { newTorrentsActive.Add(torrent); } if (oldTorrentsAll != null) { Torrent oldTorrent = oldTorrentsAll.TorrentByHash(torrent.Hash); if (oldTorrent == null) { //this is new torrent! Send event! TimeSpan t = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); int now = (int)t.TotalSeconds; if (TorrentAdded != null && ((now - torrent.AddedOn) < Math.Max(60, Convert.ToInt32(_outtimer) * 2))) { TorrentAdded(torrent); } } else { if (torrent.Progress == 100 && oldTorrent.Progress < 100) { TorrentCompleted(torrent); } oldTorrentsAll.Remove(oldTorrent); } } } if (oldTorrentsAll != null && newTorrentsAll != null && oldTorrentsAll.Count != 0) { if (newTorrentsAll.Count / oldTorrentsAll.Count > 0.95) { foreach (Torrent torrent in oldTorrentsAll) { //there are all removed torrents, send events! if (TorrentRemoved != null) { TorrentRemoved(torrent); } } } } //create no label label! TorrentLabel nolabel = new TorrentLabel(); nolabel.Name = ""; foreach (Torrent torrent in newTorrentsAll) { if (torrent.Label == "") { torrent.Label = nolabel.Name; nolabel.Count = nolabel.Count + 1; } } if (!_labels.Exists(e => e.Name == "")) { _labels.Insert(0, nolabel); } if (_torrentsAll == null) { _torrentsAll = new TorrentList(); } _torrentsAll.Clear(); foreach (Torrent torrent in newTorrentsAll) { _torrentsAll.Add(torrent); } } return(true); }
private void MultiTrackerSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TorrentList multiTrackerTiers = new TorrentList(); multiTrackerTiers = MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers; this.Multitracker = new MultiTrackerGenerator(); MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers = multiTrackerTiers; this.Multitracker.UpdateInput(); this.Multitracker.Show(); }
public bool UpdateData() { lock (lockUpdate) { prot.DownloadManager.Update(); TorrentList __torrentsAll = new TorrentList(); TorrentList __torrentsActive = new TorrentList(); Dictionary <string, global::AzureusEngine.AzCommunication.Download> _torrentMapping = new Dictionary <string, global::AzureusEngine.AzCommunication.Download>(); Dictionary <string, int> categories = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (Download dl in prot.DownloadManager.Downloads) { Sohvaperuna.TorrentEngine.Torrent tor = toUtorrent(dl); if (!categories.ContainsKey(tor.Label)) { categories.Add(tor.Label, 1); } else { categories[tor.Label] = categories[tor.Label] + 1; } __torrentsAll.Add(tor); if (!torrentMapping.ContainsKey(tor.Hash)) { torrentMapping.Add(tor.Hash, dl); if (TorrentAdded != null) { TorrentAdded(tor); } } if (tor.Status == 1) { __torrentsActive.Add(tor); } } foreach (Sohvaperuna.TorrentEngine.Torrent tor in __torrentsAll) { Sohvaperuna.TorrentEngine.Torrent _tor = _torrentsAll.TorrentByHash(tor.Hash); if (tor != null) { _torrentsAll.Remove(tor); } } _torrentsActive = __torrentsActive; _torrentsAll = __torrentsAll; TorrentLabelList labels = new TorrentLabelList(); //_labels.Clear(); foreach (string s in categories.Keys) { TorrentLabel lbl = new TorrentLabel(); lbl.Name = s; lbl.Count = categories[s]; labels.Add(lbl); } _labels = labels; /* * string response = GetResponse("list=1"); * Regex re = new Regex("\\[\"(.*?)\",([0-9])+]"); * MatchCollection matches = re.Matches(response); * _labels = new UTorrentLabelList(); * foreach (Match match in matches) * { * UTorrentLabel label = new UTorrentLabel(); * label.Name = match.Groups[1].Value.Replace(@"\\", @"\"); ; * label.Count = Convert.ToInt32( match.Groups[2].Value ); * _labels.Add(label); * } * * re = new Regex("\\[\"(.*?)\",([0-9-]+),\"(.*)\",([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),\"(.*)\",([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+),([0-9-]+)]"); * matches = re.Matches(response); * * UTorrentList oldTorrentsAll = _torrentsAll; * UTorrentList newTorrentsAll = new UTorrentList(); * foreach (Match match in matches) * { * UTorrent torrent = new UTorrent( this ); * torrent.Hash = match.Groups[1].Value; * torrent.Status = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); * torrent.Name = match.Groups[3].Value; * torrent.Size = Convert.ToInt64(match.Groups[4].Value); * torrent.Progress = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[5].Value) / 10.0; * torrent.Downloaded = Convert.ToInt64(match.Groups[6].Value); * torrent.Uploaded = Convert.ToInt64(match.Groups[7].Value); * torrent.Ratio = Convert.ToInt64(match.Groups[8].Value); * torrent.UploadSpeed = Convert.ToInt64(match.Groups[9].Value); * torrent.DownloadSpeed = Convert.ToInt64(match.Groups[10].Value); * torrent.ETA = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[11].Value); * torrent.Label = match.Groups[12].Value.Replace( @"\\", @"\" ); * torrent.PeersConnected = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[13].Value); * torrent.PeersInSwarm = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[14].Value); * torrent.SeedsConnected = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[15].Value); * torrent.SeedsInSwarm = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[16].Value); * torrent.Availability = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[17].Value); * torrent.TorrentQueueOrder = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[18].Value); * torrent.Remaining = Convert.ToInt64(match.Groups[19].Value); * * newTorrentsAll.Add(torrent); * } * * UTorrentList newTorrentsActive = new UTorrentList(); * * foreach (UTorrent torrent in newTorrentsAll) * { * if (torrent.HasStatus((int)UTorrent.UTorrentStatus.Started)) * { * newTorrentsActive.Add(torrent); * } * * if (oldTorrentsAll != null) * { * UTorrent oldTorrent = oldTorrentsAll.TorrentByHash(torrent.Hash); * if (oldTorrent == null) * { * //this is new torrent! Send event! * if (TorrentAdded != null) * { * TorrentAdded(torrent); * } * } * else * { * oldTorrentsAll.Remove(oldTorrent); * } * } * } * * if (oldTorrentsAll != null) * { * foreach (UTorrent torrent in oldTorrentsAll) * { * //there are all removed torrents, send events! * if (TorrentRemoved != null) * { * TorrentRemoved(torrent); * } * } * } * * //create no label label! * UTorrentLabel nolabel = new UTorrentLabel(); * nolabel.Name = ""; * * foreach (UTorrent torrent in newTorrentsAll) * { * if (torrent.Label == "") * { * torrent.Label = nolabel.Name; * nolabel.Count = nolabel.Count + 1; * } * } * * _labels.Insert(0, nolabel); * * if (_torrentsActive == null) * { * _torrentsActive = new UTorrentList(); * } * _torrentsActive.Clear(); * foreach (UTorrent torrent in newTorrentsActive) * { * _torrentsActive.Add(torrent); * } * if (_torrentsAll == null) * { * _torrentsAll = new UTorrentList(); * } * _torrentsAll.Clear(); * foreach (UTorrent torrent in newTorrentsAll) * { * _torrentsAll.Add(torrent); * }*/ } return(true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int page = 1; if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["page"], out page); if (page < 1) { page = 1; } } if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null) { if (Request.QueryString["action"].Equals("delete") && Request.QueryString["sha"] != null) { try { deleteAction(Request.QueryString["sha"]); TopLabel.Text = "Record deleted successfully<br/>"; } catch (Exception ex) { TopLabel.Text = String.Format("Error deleting record: {0}<br/>", ex.Message); return; } } } int rows = 0; try { rows = getRows(); } catch (Exception ex) { TopLabel.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message; return; } if (rows > 0) { DataTable torrentDataTable = createTorrentDataTable(); int max_pages; Int32.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["config_max_torrent_page"], out max_pages); int pages; if (max_pages > 0) { pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)rows / max_pages); } else { pages = 1; } if (page > pages) { page = pages; } int offset = (page - 1) * max_pages; try { createTorrentRows(offset, max_pages, torrentDataTable); } catch (Exception ex) { TopLabel.Text = String.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message); return; } TorrentList.DataSource = torrentDataTable; TorrentList.DataBind(); BotLabel.Text = "Page"; for (int i = 1; i <= pages; ++i) { BotLabel.Text += String.Format(" <a href=\"torrent.aspx?page={0}\">{0}</a>", i); } } else { TopLabel.Text += "0 results"; } }
public void MakeTorrentFromFolder(string fullPath) { string[] pathArray = Directory.GetFiles(fullPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); string[] relative_pathArray = new string[pathArray.Length]; int pathNameSize = fullPath.LastIndexOf(@"\"); int fileNameSize = fullPath.Length - pathNameSize; string fileName = fullPath.Substring(pathNameSize + 1, fileNameSize - 1); string fullPathToSave = parent.folderToSave + @"\" + fileName; TorrentDictionary mainDict = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentDictionary infoDict = new TorrentDictionary(); ArrayList fileArrayList = new ArrayList(); TorrentList torr_fileList = new TorrentList(); for (int i = 0; i < pathArray.Length; i++) { FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(pathArray[i]); long filesize = myFile.Length; relative_pathArray[i] = pathArray[i].Substring(fullPath.Length + 1); string[] path_splitted = relative_pathArray[i].Split('\\'); TorrentNumber torr_filesize = new TorrentNumber { Value = filesize }; ArrayList pathArrayList = new ArrayList(); TorrentDictionary itemDict = new TorrentDictionary(); foreach (string path_chunk in path_splitted) { TorrentString path_chunkString = new TorrentString { Value = path_chunk }; pathArrayList.Add(path_chunkString); } TorrentList torr_pathList = new TorrentList { Value = pathArrayList }; itemDict.Add("length", torr_filesize); itemDict.Add("path", torr_pathList); fileArrayList.Add(itemDict); if (i == pathArray.Length - 1) { MakeContinuousHash(pathArray[i], true); } else { MakeContinuousHash(pathArray[i], false); } } torr_fileList.Value = fileArrayList; infoDict.Add("files", torr_fileList); TorrentString torr_pieces = new TorrentString { Value = sha1_full.ToString() }; infoDict.Add("pieces", torr_pieces); TorrentNumber torr_pieceLength = new TorrentNumber { Value = this.currentPieceSize }; infoDict.Add("piece length", torr_pieceLength); TorrentString torr_name = new TorrentString { Value = fileName }; infoDict.Add("name", torr_name); TorrentString torr_createdBy = new TorrentString { Value = "Criado por TorrentBuild Simplificado." }; mainDict.Add("created by", torr_createdBy); TorrentString torr_encode = new TorrentString { Value = "UTF-8" }; mainDict.Add("encoding", torr_encode); mainDict.Add("info", infoDict); using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fullPathToSave + ".torrent", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { byte[] bencodedDict = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(mainDict.BEncoded); fs.Write(bencodedDict, 0, bencodedDict.Length); } }
public void MakeOneTorrentFromFolder() { long num = 0; long num6 = 0; long num8 = 0; long num9 = 0; long num12 = 0; string[] strArray = Directory.GetFiles(this.FileNameToMake.Text, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (Strings.Right(this.FileNameToMake.Text, 1) != @"\") { this.FileNameToMake.Text = this.FileNameToMake.Text + @"\"; } TorrentDictionary dictionary2 = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentList list = new TorrentList(); ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList(); this.OptionalHashProgress.Maximum = strArray.GetLength(0) * CountMultiplier; foreach (string str10 in strArray) { if (this.IsFileCleared(str10)) { FileStream stream; byte[] hash; IEnumerator enumerator = null; TorrentDictionary dictionary3 = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentNumber number2 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentList list3 = new TorrentList(); ArrayList list4 = new ArrayList(); TorrentString str11 = new TorrentString(); number2.Value = FileSystem.FileLen(str10); num12 += FileSystem.FileLen(str10); if (this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked) { num += number2.Value; } Array array = Strings.Right(str10, Strings.Len(str10) - Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text)).Split(new char[] { '\\' }); try { enumerator = array.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { string str13 = Conversions.ToString(enumerator.Current); if (str13 != "") { TorrentString str14 = new TorrentString { Value = str13 }; list4.Add(str14); } } } finally { if (enumerator is IDisposable) { (enumerator as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } list3.Value = list4; dictionary3.Add("length", number2); dictionary3.Add("path", list3); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); HashChanger changer = new HashChanger(); if (number2.Value < 0x100000000L) { if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked) { string str16 = ""; this.TigerHash = new ThexThreaded(); TorrentString str15 = new TorrentString(); hash = this.TigerHash.GetTTH_Value(str10); Application.DoEvents(); int index = 0; foreach (byte num13 in hash) { str16 = str16 + Encoding.Default.GetString(hash, index, 1); index++; } str15.Value = str16; str16 = ""; hash = null; this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; dictionary3.Add("tiger", str15); } GC.Collect(); } else { this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; } if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked) { TorrentString str17 = new TorrentString(); stream = new FileStream(str10, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); this.sha1.ComputeHash(stream); stream.Close(); Application.DoEvents(); hash = this.sha1.Hash; changer.bytehash = this.sha1.Hash; str17.Value = changer.rawhash; builder.Remove(0, builder.Length); hash = null; this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; dictionary3.Add("sha1", str17); GC.Collect(); } if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked) { TorrentString str19 = new TorrentString(); stream = new FileStream(str10, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); builder = new StringBuilder(); this.md5.ComputeHash(stream); Application.DoEvents(); stream.Close(); foreach (byte num13 in this.md5.Hash) { builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", num13); } str19.Value = builder.ToString(); builder.Remove(0, builder.Length); hash = null; this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; dictionary3.Add("md5sum", str19); GC.Collect(); } if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked) { TorrentString str20 = new TorrentString(); CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); int num15 = 0; stream = new FileStream(str10, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); Stream stream2 = stream; stream = (FileStream) stream2; num15 = crc.GetCrc32(ref stream2); stream.Close(); Application.DoEvents(); str20.Value = string.Format("{0:X8}", num15); this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; dictionary3.Add("crc32", str20); GC.Collect(); } if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked) { string str21 = ""; string str22 = ""; TorrentString str23 = new TorrentString(); this.GetED2KHash(str10, ref str22, ref str21); this.OptionalHashProgress.Value++; str23.Value = str21; dictionary3.Add("ed2k", str23); GC.Collect(); } list2.Add(dictionary3); } else { this.OptionalHashProgress.Maximum -= CountMultiplier; } } if (this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked) { num9 = this.getautopiecesize(num); } else { num9 = Conversions.ToInteger(this.PieceSize.Text); } list.Value = list2; TorrentNumber number = new TorrentNumber { Value = num9 }; dictionary2.Add("files", list); dictionary2.Add("piece length", number); long upperBound = strArray.GetUpperBound(0); long num2 = 0L; long num3 = 0L; byte[] buffer = new byte[((int) num9) + 1]; byte[] bytes = new byte[0x15]; while (true) { if (this.IsFileCleared(strArray[(int) num2])) { this.FileHandling = File.Open(strArray[(int) num2], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); if (GenerateVerbose) { Interaction.MsgBox("Current File: " + strArray[(int) num2] + "\n File offset for Piece 0 of this file: " + Conversions.ToString(num3), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null); } break; } num2 += 1L; } Label_062B: Thread.Sleep(10); Application.DoEvents(); this.TorrentProgress.Value = (int) Math.Round((double) ((((double) num3) / ((double) num12)) * 100.0)); byte[] buffer4 = new byte[((int) (num9 - 1L)) + 1]; Label_0668: num6 = this.FileHandling.Read(buffer4, (int) num8, (int) (num9 - num8)); num8 += num6; if (!((num2 <= upperBound) & (num8 < num9))) { string str3 = ""; byte[] buffer5 = new byte[((int) (num8 - 1L)) + 1]; long num27 = num8 - 1L; for (long i = 0L; i <= num27; i += 1L) { buffer5[(int) i] = buffer4[(int) i]; } buffer4 = null; bytes = this.sha1.ComputeHash(buffer5); int num17 = 0; do { str3 = str3 + Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes, num17, 1); num17++; } while (num17 <= 0x13); bytes = null; num3 += num8; num8 = 0L; GC.Collect(); if (num3 >= num12) { this.FileHandling.Close(); if (GenerateVerbose) { Interaction.MsgBox("Size of files hashed: " + Conversions.ToString(num3) + " Size of files compared: " + Conversions.ToString(num12) + "\nNow Generating .torrent file", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null); } this.TorrentProgress.Value = 100; string path = Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1) + ".torrent"; TorrentString str9 = new TorrentString { Value = str3 }; dictionary2.Add("pieces", str9); int num5 = Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1).LastIndexOf(@"\"); int num4 = Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - num5; string str8 = Strings.Right(Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1), num4 - 2); TorrentString str7 = new TorrentString { Value = str8 }; TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentString str4 = new TorrentString(); dictionary2.Add("name", str7); str4.Value = this.AnnounceURL.Text; if (UseWSAConfig) { ArrayList returnarray = new ArrayList(); TorrentList list6 = new TorrentList(); int webSeedData = TorrentGenFamily.GetWebSeedData(returnarray); list6.Value = returnarray; if (webSeedData >= 1) { dictionary.Add("httpseeds", list6); } } TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString { Value = "Torrent Generated by VB.Net TorrentGen - Written by DWKnight" }; dictionary.Add("created by", str2); TorrentString str = new TorrentString(); if (Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text) != "") { str.Value = Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text); dictionary.Add("comment", str); } if (this.AnnounceURL.Text != "") { dictionary.Add("announce", str4); } if (this.PrivateTorrent.Checked) { TorrentNumber number3 = new TorrentNumber { Value = 1L }; dictionary2["private"] = number3; } dictionary.Add("info", dictionary2); TorrentString str5 = new TorrentString { Value = "UTF8" }; dictionary.Add("encoding", str5); if (this.MultiTrackerEnabled.Checked) { this.CheckMultitTrackerTiers(); dictionary.Add("announce-list", MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers); } if (File.Exists(path)) { FileSystem.Kill(path); } int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, path, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.LockReadWrite, -1); FileSystem.FilePut(fileNumber, dictionary.BEncoded, -1L, false); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber }); GC.Collect(); if (this.MakeExternals.Checked) { string str26 = ""; string str28 = ""; string str29 = ""; string str30 = ""; string str32 = ""; string str34 = ""; IEnumerator enumerator2 = null; string expression = Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1); string str27 = expression + ".md5"; string str31 = expression + ".sha1"; string str25 = expression + ".ed2k"; string str33 = expression + ".tiger"; string[] strArray2 = Strings.Split(expression, @"\", -1, CompareMethod.Binary); strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)] = Strings.Replace(strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)], " ", ".", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary); strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)] = Strings.Replace(strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)], "_", ".", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary); foreach (string str35 in strArray2) { str29 = str29 + @"\" + str35; } str29 = Strings.Mid(str29, 2, Strings.Len(str29) - 1) + ".sfv"; LinkGeneration generation = new LinkGeneration(); HashChanger changer2 = new HashChanger(); try { enumerator2 = list2.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { IEnumerator enumerator3 = null; TorrentDictionary current = (TorrentDictionary) enumerator2.Current; generation = new LinkGeneration(); TorrentString str36 = new TorrentString(); try { enumerator3 = ((IEnumerable) NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["path"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null)).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator3.MoveNext()) { TorrentString str37 = (TorrentString) enumerator3.Current; str36 = str37; } } finally { if (enumerator3 is IDisposable) { (enumerator3 as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked) { TorrentString str38 = new TorrentString(); str38 = (TorrentString) current["md5sum"]; str28 = str28 + str36.Value + " " + str38.Value + "\r\n"; } if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked) { changer2 = new HashChanger { rawhash = Conversions.ToString(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["sha1"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null)) }; str32 = str32 + str36.Value + " " + changer2.hexhash + "\r\n"; } if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked && current.Contains("tiger")) { changer2 = new HashChanger { rawhash = Conversions.ToString(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["tiger"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null)) }; str34 = str34 + str36.Value + " " + changer2.base32 + "\r\n"; } if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked) { str30 = Conversions.ToString(Operators.AddObject(Operators.AddObject(Operators.AddObject(str30 + str36.Value + " ", NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["crc32"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null)), '\r'), '\n')); } if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked) { generation.ED2KRaw = Conversions.ToString(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["ed2k"], null, "Value", new object[0], null, null, null)); generation.FileSize = Conversions.ToLong(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["length"], null, "Value", new object[0], null, null, null)); generation.FileName = str36.Value; str26 = str26 + generation.ClassicED2KLink + "\r\n"; str26 = str26 + str36.Value + " " + generation.ED2KHex + "\r\n"; } GC.Collect(); } } finally { if (enumerator2 is IDisposable) { (enumerator2 as IDisposable).Dispose(); } } if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked) { if (File.Exists(str27)) { FileSystem.Kill(str27); } int num19 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num19, str27, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.Print(num19, new object[] { str28 }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num19 }); } if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked) { if (File.Exists(str33)) { FileSystem.Kill(str33); } int num20 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num20, str33, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.Print(num20, new object[] { str34 }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num20 }); } if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked) { if (File.Exists(str31)) { FileSystem.Kill(str31); } int num21 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num21, str31, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.Print(num21, new object[] { str32 }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num21 }); } if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked) { if (File.Exists(str25)) { FileSystem.Kill(str25); } int num22 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num22, str25, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.Print(num22, new object[] { str26 }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num22 }); } if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked) { if (File.Exists(str29)) { FileSystem.Kill(str29); } int num23 = FileSystem.FreeFile(); FileSystem.FileOpen(num23, str29, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1); FileSystem.Print(num23, new object[] { str30 }); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num23 }); } } GC.Collect(); return; } goto Label_062B; } num2 += 1L; while (true) { if (num2 > strArray.GetUpperBound(0)) { goto Label_0668; } if (this.IsFileCleared(strArray[(int) num2])) { break; } num2 += 1L; } this.FileHandling.Close(); this.FileHandling = File.Open(strArray[(int) num2], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); if (GenerateVerbose) { Interaction.MsgBox("Current File: " + strArray[(int) num2] + "\n File offset for Piece 0 of this file: " + Conversions.ToString(num3), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null); } goto Label_0668; }
/// <summary> /// Creates continuation instance of get list request query command. /// </summary> /// <param name="list">List object, on which conntinuation request will be based.</param> public TorrentListQueryCommand(TorrentList list) : base(ListQuery, CommandType.List, new KeyValuePair<string, string>("cid",list.CacheId.ToString())) { ContinuationListIdentity = list.CacheId; }
private void SaveSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.AnnounceURL.Text = Strings.Trim(this.AnnounceURL.Text); TorrentString str = new TorrentString(); TorrentNumber number3 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number11 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number9 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number7 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number8 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number12 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number6 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number5 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentNumber number14 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number13 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentNumber number4 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentList list = new TorrentList(); TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString(); TorrentNumber number10 = new TorrentNumber(); list.Value = BlackListedFiles; number14.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(GenerateVerbose)); number13.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(UseWSAConfig)); number4.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(DelayMessages)); dictionary.Add("verbose", number14); dictionary.Add("usewsa", number13); dictionary.Add("delay", number4); str.Value = this.AnnounceURL.Text; number3.Value = Conversions.ToInteger(this.PieceSize.Text); number5.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.MakeSeparateTorrents.Checked)); number11.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeSHA1.Checked)); number9.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeMD5.Checked)); number7.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeCRC32.Checked)); number8.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeED2K.Checked)); number12.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeTiger.Checked)); number6.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.MakeExternals.Checked)); number.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked)); str2.Value = Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text); number10.Value = (long)-(Convert.ToInt32(this.MultiTrackerEnabled.Checked)); TorrentDictionary dictionary2 = new TorrentDictionary(); TorrentNumber number2 = new TorrentNumber(); TorrentList list2 = new TorrentList { Value = new ArrayList() }; if (list.BEncoded != list2.BEncoded) { dictionary2.Add("blacklist", list); number2.Value = 0L; } else { number2.Value = -1L; } if (MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers.BEncoded != list2.BEncoded) { this.CheckMultitTrackerTiers(); dictionary2.Add("multitracker", MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers); } dictionary2.Add("usemultitracker", number10); dictionary2.Add("blankblacklist", number2); dictionary2.Add("advanced", dictionary); dictionary2.Add("tracker", str); dictionary2.Add("piecesize", number3); dictionary2.Add("sha1", number11); dictionary2.Add("md5", number9); dictionary2.Add("crc", number7); dictionary2.Add("ed2k", number8); dictionary2.Add("tiger", number12); dictionary2.Add("externals", number6); dictionary2.Add("autopiece", number); dictionary2.Add("folder", number5); dictionary2.Add("comment", str2); int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile(); if (File.Exists(LocalPath + "tgen.configure")) { FileSystem.Kill(LocalPath + "tgen.configure"); } FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, LocalPath + "tgen.configure", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.LockReadWrite, -1); FileSystem.FilePut(fileNumber, dictionary2.BEncoded, -1L, false); FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber }); GC.Collect(); }