public async Task <ActionResult> PizzaTopping(int orderID, Size size, int?pizzaID)
            Pizza pizza;
            var   order = await db.Orders.FindAsync(orderID);

            if (order.Submitted)
                return(await Task.Run(() => RedirectToAction("Order")));

            if (pizzaID.HasValue)
                pizza = order.Pizzas.Single(p => p.ID == pizzaID);
                pizza = new Pizza {
                    Inches = size
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var toppingVM = new ToppingViewModel {
                Pizza = pizza, Toppings = db.Toppings.ToList()

            return(await Task.Run(() => View(toppingVM)));
 /// <summary>
 /// add du lieu. vao bang? topping
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_topping"></param>
 /// <param name="countRows"></param>
 public void AddDataDgvTopping(ToppingViewModel _topping, int countRows)
     if (dgvTopping.Rows.Count == 0)
         dgvTopping.Rows[0].Cells["MaTopping"].Value  = _topping.MaTopping;
         dgvTopping.Rows[0].Cells["TenTopping"].Value = _topping.TenTopping;
         dgvTopping.Rows[countRows].Cells["MaTopping"].Value  = _topping.MaTopping;
         dgvTopping.Rows[countRows].Cells["TenTopping"].Value = _topping.TenTopping;
        public IActionResult SizeAndToppingPicker()
            var toppings = _context.ToppingInfo.ToList();
            var model    = new ToppingViewModel
                Toppings = new string[toppings.Count]

            int i = 0;

            foreach (var topping in toppings)
                model.Toppings[i] = topping.Name;

        public async Task <ActionResult> FreePizza(int?pizzaID)
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                var member = await db.Members.FindAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId());

                if (member.GetPoints() > 0)
                    var order = new Order();

                    Pizza pizza;
                    if (pizzaID.HasValue)
                        pizza = await db.Pizzas.FindAsync(pizzaID);
                        pizza = new Pizza {
                            Inches = Size.Medium, Free = true

                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                    var toppingVM = new ToppingViewModel {
                        Pizza = pizza, Toppings = db.Toppings.ToList()

                    return(await Task.Run(() => View(toppingVM)));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("You do not have enough points to claim a free pizza.");
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Guests cannot claim free pizzas.");
        public IHttpActionResult GetSumLuaChonByMaHoaDon(int maHoaDon)
            using (var db = new QuanLyTraSuaEntities())
                var maLuaChon = db.HoaDonChiTiets.SingleOrDefault(v => v.MaHoaDon == maHoaDon).MaLuaChon;
                var maTopping = db.LuaChons.Where(v => v.MaLuaChon == maLuaChon).ToList();
                var result    = new List <ToppingViewModel>();

                maTopping.ForEach(v =>
                    var temp       = db.Toppings.Single(n => n.MaTopping == v.MaTopping);
                    var resultItem = new ToppingViewModel()
                        MaTopping  = temp.MaTopping,
                        TenTopping = temp.TenTopping,
                        DonGia     = temp.DonGia,
                        HinhAnh    = temp.HinhAnh

 public void ToppingOptionAvailable()
        public IActionResult Visit(int ID)
            StoreModel store;

            try {
                store = _repo.GetStore(ID);
            } catch (SqlException e) {
                if (e.Message.Contains("server was not found"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to the SQL database");
                    StoreViewModel thisModel = new StoreViewModel();
                    thisModel.ReasonForError = "An internal error has occured. Please return to the main page and try again.";
                    return(View("Error", thisModel));
                throw e;
            if (store == null)
                StoreViewModel thisModel = new StoreViewModel();
                thisModel.ReasonForError = $"A store with an ID of {ID} does not exist. Please enter a different ID from the URL, or select a store from the selection page after logging in.";
                return(View("Error", thisModel));

            List <MenuModel>    items              = _repo.GetMenu(ID);
            List <PizzaModel>   pizzas             = new List <PizzaModel>();
            List <CheckModel>   pizzasToSelectFrom = new List <CheckModel>();
            List <ToppingModel> toppings           = _repo.GetToppings();

            foreach (MenuModel item in items)
                PizzaModel pizza = _repo.GetPizza(item.PizzaID);
                if (pizza == null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Unknown pizza found with ID {item.PizzaID} from store {item.StoreID} at menu ID {item.ID}");

                string[] temp = pizza.DefaultToppings.Split(',');
                int[]    defaultToppingIDs = new int[temp.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
                    if (!int.TryParse(temp[i], out defaultToppingIDs[i]))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Database error: Expected integer for default topping ID in pizza {pizza.ID}, got {temp[i]}");

                CrustModel         crust            = _repo.GetCrust(pizza.DefaultCrustID);
                ToppingViewModel[] toppingsSelected = new ToppingViewModel[toppings.Count()];
                for (int i = 0; i < toppingsSelected.Length; i++)
                    ToppingModel topping = toppings[i];
                    toppingsSelected[i] = new ToppingViewModel {
                        ID = topping.ID, Name = topping.Name, IsSelected = defaultToppingIDs.Contains(topping.ID)
                pizzasToSelectFrom.Add(new CheckModel {
                    ID = pizza.ID, Name = pizza.Name, Checked = false, Cost = pizza.Cost, DefaultCrust = crust.ID, SelectedCrust = crust.ID.ToString(), SelectedToppings = toppingsSelected

            List <SelectListItem> crustDropDownOptions = new List <SelectListItem>();

            foreach (CrustModel crust in _repo.GetCrusts())
                crustDropDownOptions.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = crust.Name, Value = crust.ID.ToString()

            StoreViewModel model = new StoreViewModel();

            model.StoreName = store.Name;
            model.Menu      = pizzasToSelectFrom;
            try {
                _ = userLoggedIn; // keeps the session data alive
            } catch (NullReferenceException) {
                // people can view menus if they're not logged in, but not order
            model.Crusts   = crustDropDownOptions;
            model.Toppings = toppings;

            TempData["StoreID"] = store.ID;

        public IActionResult SubmitOrder(StoreViewModel model)
            int storeID = (int)TempData["StoreID"];

            try {
                _ = userLoggedIn;
            } catch (NullReferenceException) {
                model.ReasonForError = "You are not logged into the system. You will only be able to view menus until you return to the main page and log in.";
                return(View("Visit", model));

            StoreModel store = _repo.GetStore(storeID);

            model.StoreName = store.Name;
            // reference needs to be re-established if an error occurs submitting the order
            List <SelectListItem> c = new List <SelectListItem>();

            foreach (CrustModel crust in _repo.GetCrusts())
                c.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = crust.Name, Value = crust.ID.ToString()
            model.Crusts = c;

            bool submitOrderClicked    = Request.Form["SubmitOrder"].ToString() != "";
            bool addCustomPizzaClicked = Request.Form["AddCustom"].ToString() != "";
            bool backButtonClicked     = Request.Form["Back"].ToString() != "";
            int  buttonsClicked        = (submitOrderClicked ? 1 : 0) + (addCustomPizzaClicked ? 1 : 0) + (backButtonClicked ? 1 : 0);

            if (buttonsClicked > 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Multiple buttons registered as clicked on the menu page");
                model.ReasonForError = "There was a problem processing your request. Please try again.";
                return(View("Visit", model));
            else if (submitOrderClicked)
                Tuple <int, string> userCanOrder = _repo.UserCanOrder(storeID, userLoggedIn);
                if (userCanOrder.Item1 == 1)
                    model.ReasonForError = $"You cannot place another order at any store for {userCanOrder.Item2}";
                    return(View("Visit", model));
                else if (userCanOrder.Item1 == 2)
                    model.ReasonForError = $"You cannot place another order at this store for {userCanOrder.Item2}";
                    return(View("Visit", model));

                decimal overallCost     = 0.00M;
                int     overallQuantity = 0;

                int max = _repo.GetNextOrderNumber();

                bool noIssues = true;
                foreach (CheckModel selectedPizza in model.Menu)
                    if (selectedPizza.Checked)
                        string size = selectedPizza.SelectedSize.ToString().ToLower();
                        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Size), size))
                            model.ReasonForError = $"Invalid size on pizza {selectedPizza.Name}";
                            return(View("Visit", model));
                        if (selectedPizza.Quantity == 0)
                            model.ReasonForError = $"{selectedPizza.Name} pizza must have a quantity greater than 0 if selected to be ordered";
                            return(View("Visit", model));
                        else if (selectedPizza.Quantity < 0)
                            model.ReasonForError = $"{selectedPizza.Name} pizza must have a positive quantity greater";
                            return(View("Visit", model));

                        int        crustID;
                        CrustModel crust = null;
                        if (int.TryParse(selectedPizza.SelectedCrust, out crustID))
                            crust = _repo.GetCrust(crustID);
                        if (crust == null)
                            model.ReasonForError = $"No crust was selected on the {selectedPizza.Name} pizza. Please try selecting a different crust.";
                            return(View("Visit", model));

                        PizzaModel pizza;
                        if (selectedPizza.ID != 0)
                            pizza = _repo.GetPizza(selectedPizza.ID);
                            pizza = new PizzaModel {
                                Cost = 20.00M
                        if (pizza == null)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Unknown pizza with ID {selectedPizza.ID} submitted; skipping");
                        decimal costOfThesePizzas = pizza.Cost * (decimal)selectedPizza.Quantity;
                        string  toppingIDs        = "";
                        int     toppingCount      = 0;
                        foreach (ToppingViewModel topping in selectedPizza.SelectedToppings)
                            if (topping.IsSelected)
                                toppingIDs += $"{topping.ID},";
                        if (toppingCount > 5)
                            model.ReasonForError = $"{selectedPizza.Name} has more than 5 toppings selected. Please uncheck some toppings on this pizza.";
                            return(View("Visit", model));
                        else if (toppingCount < 2)
                            model.ReasonForError = $"{selectedPizza.Name} needs at least 2 toppings selected. Please add some more toppings on this pizza.";
                            return(View("Visit", model));
                        toppingIDs = toppingIDs.Substring(0, toppingIDs.Length - 1);

                        noIssues &= _repo.AddOrder(new OrderModel {
                            OrderID   = max + 1,
                            StoreID   = storeID,
                            PizzaID   = pizza.ID,
                            UserID    = userLoggedIn,
                            Created   = DateTime.Now,
                            Quantity  = selectedPizza.Quantity,
                            TotalCost = costOfThesePizzas,
                            Size      = selectedPizza.SelectedSize.ToString(),
                            CrustID   = crust.ID,
                            Toppings  = toppingIDs
                        overallCost     += costOfThesePizzas;
                        overallQuantity += selectedPizza.Quantity;
                if (overallCost > 250.00M)
                    model.ReasonForError = "This order exceeds $250. Please remove some pizzas, then try again.";
                    return(View("Visit", model));
                else if (overallQuantity > 50)
                    model.ReasonForError = "This order exceeds 50 pizzas. Please remove some pizzas, then try again.";
                    return(View("Visit", model));
                else if (overallQuantity == 0)
                    model.ReasonForError = "There are no pizzas in this order. Please add some pizzas, then try again.";
                    return(View("Visit", model));
                else if (!noIssues)
                    model.ReasonForError = "There was a problem adding some pizzas to your order";

            else if (addCustomPizzaClicked)
                List <ToppingModel> toppings         = _repo.GetToppings();
                ToppingViewModel[]  toppingsSelected = new ToppingViewModel[toppings.Count()];
                for (int i = 0; i < toppingsSelected.Length; i++)
                    ToppingModel topping = toppings[i];
                    toppingsSelected[i] = new ToppingViewModel {
                        ID = topping.ID, Name = topping.Name, IsSelected = false
                model.Menu.Add(new CheckModel {
                    ID = 0, Name = "Custom", Checked = true, Cost = 20.00M, DefaultCrust = 0, SelectedToppings = toppingsSelected
                return(View("Visit", model));
            else if (backButtonClicked)
            else // no buttons check is placed down here to remove the 'not all code paths return a value' error
                Console.WriteLine("Request was sent but no buttons registered as clicked");
                model.ReasonForError = "There was a problem processing your request. Please try again.";
                return(View("Visit", model));