        private IEnumerable <Tuple <JsType, TypeOOPEmulationPhase> > Order(IList <Tuple <JsType, TypeOOPEmulationPhase> > source)
            var backref = source.ToDictionary(x => x.Item1.CSharpTypeDefinition);
            var edges   = from s in source from t in s.Item2.DependentOnTypes.Intersect(backref.Keys) select Edge.Create(s.Item1.CSharpTypeDefinition, t);

            var components = TopologicalSorter.FindAndTopologicallySortStronglyConnectedComponents(OrderByNamespace(backref.Keys, x => _metadataImporter.GetTypeSemantics(x).Name), edges);

            foreach (var error in components.Where(c => c.Count > 1))
                _errorReporter.Region = DomRegion.Empty;
                _errorReporter.Message(Messages._7802, string.Join(", ", error.Select(t => t.FullName)));
            return(components.SelectMany(c => c).Select(t => backref[t]));
        private IEnumerable <JsClass> GetStaticInitializationOrder(IEnumerable <JsClass> types, int pass)
            if (pass > 3)
                return(types);                  // If we can't find a non-circular order after 3 passes, just use some random order.
            // We run the algorithm in 3 passes, each considering less types of references than the previous one.
            var dict  = types.ToDictionary(t => t.CSharpTypeDefinition, t => new { deps = GetStaticInitializationDependencies(t, pass), backref = t });
            var edges = from s in dict from t in s.Value.deps where dict.ContainsKey(t) select Edge.Create(s.Key, t);

            var result = new List <JsClass>();

            foreach (var group in TopologicalSorter.FindAndTopologicallySortStronglyConnectedComponents(dict.Keys.ToList(), edges))
                var backrefed = group.Select(t => dict[t].backref);
                result.AddRange(group.Count > 1 ? GetStaticInitializationOrder(backrefed.ToList(), pass + 1) : backrefed);

        private List <string> RunTest(int numNodes, params string[] edges)
            var result = TopologicalSorter.FindAndTopologicallySortStronglyConnectedComponents(Enumerable.Range('a', numNodes).Select(c => ((char)c)), edges.Select(e => Tuple.Create(e[0], e[1])));

            return(result.Select(x => new string(x.ToArray())).ToList());