public void TopicMetadataRequestWithNoSegmentMetadataCreation() { var topics = new List <string> { "topic1", "topic2" }; var request = TopicMetadataRequest.Create(topics, 1, 1, "test"); Assert.IsNotNull(request); Assert.AreEqual(topics.Count, request.Topics.Count()); for (int i = 0; i < topics.Count; i++) { var expectedTopic = topics[i]; var actualTopic = request.Topics.ElementAt(i); Assert.AreEqual(expectedTopic, actualTopic); } Assert.AreEqual(DetailedMetadataRequest.NoSegmentMetadata, request.DetailedMetadata); }
/// <summary> /// KafkaClientHelperWrapper produces or consumes messages to/from a particular partition of a topic /// </summary> /// <param name="topic">target topic</param> /// <param name="helperConfiguration"></param> public KafkaClientHelperWrapper(string topic, KafkaClientHelperConfiguration helperConfiguration) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic)) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("topicParam"); } if (helperConfiguration == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("helperConfiguration"); } if (helperConfiguration.LeaderConfig == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(helperConfiguration.KafkaBrokerList) && helperConfiguration.ZookeeperConfig == null) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Leader and KafkaBrokerList and Zookeepr connection string are missing"); } Logger.DebugFormat("KafkaClientHelperWrapper constructor start,topicParam={0},kafkaBrokerList={1},zookeeper={2}", topic, helperConfiguration.KafkaBrokerList, helperConfiguration.ZookeeperConfig); ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 5000; ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm = false; this.topic = topic; this.HelperConfiguration = helperConfiguration; if (this.HelperConfiguration.LeaderConfig != null) { this.leaders.Add(this.HelperConfiguration.LeaderPartition, this.HelperConfiguration.LeaderConfig); this.lastTimeLeaderFound = DateTime.Now; } this.topicMetaRequest = TopicMetadataRequest.Create( new string[] { this.topic }, // topic 0, // API version id this.random.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue), // correlation id Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.ToString()); // client id }
public KafkaClientHelper(string topicParam, int partitionIndex, KafkaClientHelperConfiguration helperConfiguration) { ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 5000; ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm = false; this.partitionIndex = partitionIndex; this.helperConfiguration = helperConfiguration; this.MaxMessageSize = helperConfiguration.MaxMessageSize; this.MaxMessagePerSet = helperConfiguration.MaxMessagePerSet; this.ConsumerMaxWait = helperConfiguration.MaxWaitTime; this.Offset = helperConfiguration.Offset; this.OffsetType = helperConfiguration.OffsetType; // Logger.Debug(string.Format("KafkaClientHelper constructor start,topicParam={0},partitionIndex={1},kafkaBrokerList={2}", topicParam, partitionIndex, kafkaBrokerList)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.helperConfiguration.KafkaBrokerList)) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("kafkaBrokerList"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topicParam)) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("topicParam"); } this.topic = topicParam; // assemble brokerConfig list this.brokerConfList = new List <BrokerConfiguration>(5); string[] brokers = this.helperConfiguration.KafkaBrokerList.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int i = 1; foreach (string v in brokers) { string[] brokerParams = v.Split(new char[] { ':' }); int port = 0; if (brokerParams.Count() == 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokerParams[0]) && int.TryParse(brokerParams[1], out port)) { this.brokerConfList.Add(new BrokerConfiguration() { BrokerId = i, Host = brokerParams[0], Port = port }); } i++; } // prepare SyncProducer list i = 0; syncProducerPool = new SyncProducer[this.brokerConfList.Count]; this.RoundRobinSyncProducer(); topicMetaRequest = TopicMetadataRequest.Create( new string[] { this.topic }, // topic 0, // API version id this.random.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue), // correlation id Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.ToString()); // client id }
/// <summary> /// Force get topic metadata and update /// </summary> public void UpdateInfo(short versionId, int correlationId, string clientId, string topic) { Logger.InfoFormat("Will update metadata for topic:{0}", topic); Guard.NotNullNorEmpty(topic, "topic"); var shuffledBrokers = this.syncProducerPool.GetShuffledProducers(); var i = 0; var hasFetchedInfo = false; while (i < shuffledBrokers.Count && !hasFetchedInfo) { ISyncProducer producer = shuffledBrokers[i++]; try { var topicMetadataRequest = TopicMetadataRequest.Create(new List <string>() { topic }, versionId, correlationId, clientId); var topicMetadataList = producer.Send(topicMetadataRequest); var topicMetadata = topicMetadataList.Any() ? topicMetadataList.First() : null; if (topicMetadata != null) { if (topicMetadata.Error != ErrorMapping.NoError) { Logger.WarnFormat("Try get metadata of topic {0} from {1}({2}) . Got error: {3}", topic, producer.Config.BrokerId, producer.Config.Host, topicMetadata.Error.ToString()); } else { this.topicPartitionInfo[topic] = topicMetadata; this.topicPartitionInfoLastUpdateTime[topic] = DateTime.UtcNow; Logger.InfoFormat("Will Update metadata info, topic {0} ", topic); //TODO: For all partitions which has metadata, here return the sorted list. //But sometimes kafka didn't return metadata for all topics. this.topicPartitionInfoList[topic] = topicMetadata.PartitionsMetadata.Select(m => { Partition partition = new Partition(topic, m.PartitionId); if (m.Leader != null) { var leaderReplica = new Replica(m.Leader.Id, topic); partition.Leader = leaderReplica; Logger.InfoFormat("Topic {0} partition {1} has leader {2}", topic, m.PartitionId, m.Leader.Id); return(partition); } Logger.WarnFormat("Topic {0} partition {1} does not have a leader yet", topic, m.PartitionId); return(partition); } ).OrderBy(x => x.PartId).ToList();; hasFetchedInfo = true; Logger.InfoFormat("Finish Update metadata info, topic {0} Partitions:{1} No leader:{2}", topic, this.topicPartitionInfoList[topic].Count, this.topicPartitionInfoList[topic].Where(r => r.Leader == null).Count()); //In very weired case, the kafka broker didn't return metadata of all broker. need break and retry. // if (zkClient != null) { Dictionary <int, int[]> topicMetaDataInZookeeper = ZkUtils.GetTopicMetadataInzookeeper(this.zkClient, topic); if (topicMetaDataInZookeeper != null && topicMetaDataInZookeeper.Any()) { topicDataInZookeeper[topic] = topicMetaDataInZookeeper; if (this.topicPartitionInfoList[topic].Count != topicMetaDataInZookeeper.Count) { Logger.ErrorFormat("NOT all partition has metadata. Topic partition in zookeeper :{0} topics has partition metadata: {1}", topicMetaDataInZookeeper.Count, this.topicPartitionInfoList[topic].Count); throw new UnavailableProducerException(string.Format("Please make sure every partition at least has one broker running and retry again. NOT all partition has metadata. Topic partition in zookeeper :{0} topics has partition metadata: {1}", topicMetaDataInZookeeper.Count, this.topicPartitionInfoList[topic].Count)); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ErrorFormat("Try get metadata of topic {0} from {1}({2}) . Got error: {3}", topic, producer.Config.BrokerId, producer.Config.Host, e.FormatException()); } } }
public void Start() { while (!_stop) { try { if (_partitionsNeedingLeader.IsEmpty) { Thread.Sleep(_config.ConsumeGroupFindNewLeaderSleepIntervalMs); continue; } PartitionTopicInfo partition; if (_partitionsNeedingLeader.TryDequeue(out partition)) { Logger.DebugFormat("Finding new leader for topic {0}, partition {1}", partition.Topic, partition.PartitionId); Broker newLeader = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Broker> broker in _brokers.Brokers) { var consumer = new Consumer(_config, broker.Value.Host, broker.Value.Port); try { IEnumerable <TopicMetadata> metaData = consumer.GetMetaData(TopicMetadataRequest.Create(new[] { partition.Topic }, 1, 0, clientId)); if (metaData != null && metaData.Any()) { PartitionMetadata newPartitionData = metaData.First().PartitionsMetadata.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PartitionId == partition.PartitionId); if (newPartitionData != null) { Logger.DebugFormat("New leader for {0} ({1}) is broker {2}", partition.Topic, partition.PartitionId, newPartitionData.Leader.Id); newLeader = newPartitionData.Leader; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WarnFormat("Error retrieving meta data from broker {0}: {1}", broker.Value.Id, ex.FormatException()); } } if (newLeader == null) { Logger.ErrorFormat("New leader information could not be retrieved for {0} ({1})", partition.Topic, partition.PartitionId); } else { _createNewFetcher(partition, newLeader); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.ErrorFormat("PartitionLeaderFinder encountered an error: {0}", ex.FormatException()); Thread.Sleep(FailureRetryDelayMs); } } Logger.Info("Partition leader finder thread shutting down."); }
public void TopicMetadataRequestShouldThrowExceptionWhenListOfTopicsIsEmpty() { IList <string> topics = new List <string>(); TopicMetadataRequest.Create(topics, 1, 1, "test"); }