private void HandleTopicMessage(MessagePacket packet)
            string topicName    = packet.Data[0];
            string topicMessage = packet.Data[1];

            if (TopicManagerInstance.SendMessage(ConnectionID, topicName, topicMessage))
                SendMessage(new MessagePacket(PacketTypes.PrintData, new string[] {
                    $"You have published the message '{topicMessage}' to the topic '{topicName}'"
                Console.WriteLine($"Publisher '{ConnectionID}' has sent the message '{topicMessage}' to the topic '{topicName}'");
                SendMessage(new MessagePacket(PacketTypes.PrintData, new string[] {
                    $"Could not send a message to the topic '{topicName}'. Either it doesn't exist or you do not own the topic."
                Console.WriteLine($"Publisher '{ConnectionID}' tried to send a message to '{topicName}', but it failed");