public List <PurchasingVendor> ListVendors() { // Access the database using (var context = new ToolsContext()) { var purchaseOrders = from po in context.PurchaseOrders where po.OrderDate == null select po; var results = from vendor in context.Vendors orderby vendor.VendorID select new { VendorID = vendor.VendorID, VendorName = vendor.VendorName, PurchaseOrderID = from vendorpo in purchaseOrders where vendorpo.VendorID == vendor.VendorID select vendorpo.PurchaseOrderID }; var finalResults = from po in results select new PurchasingVendor() { VendorID = po.VendorID, VendorNameAndOrder = po.PurchaseOrderID.FirstOrDefault() != 0 ? po.VendorName + " - " + po.PurchaseOrderID.FirstOrDefault().ToString() : po.VendorName + " - none" }; return(finalResults.ToList()); } }
public LineBotApp(LineMessagingClient lineMessagingClient, jafleetContext context, ToolsContext toolsContext, IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory) { this.messagingClient = lineMessagingClient; _context = context; _tContext = toolsContext; _services = serviceScopeFactory; }
public async Task RunAsync(ToolsContext context) { if (context.LatestVersion == null) { var matchingVersions = context.Versions.OrderBy(a => a.GetNumber()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.VersionNumber)) { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------INSTALL PROGRESS-------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("INSTALLING VERSION: " + matchingVersions.Last().VersionNumber); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------++++++++++++++++-------------------------"); var portalVersions = await InstallingVersion(matchingVersions, context); foreach (var portalVersion in portalVersions) { await context.VersionRepository.AddAsync(portalVersion); } } else { var requestVersionNumber = context.VersionNumber.ToVersionNumber(); matchingVersions = matchingVersions.Where(a => a.VersionNumber.ToVersionNumber() <= requestVersionNumber).OrderBy(b => b.GetNumber()); var portalVersions = await InstallingVersion(matchingVersions, context); foreach (var portalVersion in portalVersions) { await context.VersionRepository.AddAsync(portalVersion); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry we can't install any version because it is already exist."); } }
public async Task RunAsync(ToolsContext context) { if (context.LatestVersion != null) { var requestingVersionNumber = context.VersionNumber.ToVersionNumber(); if (context.LatestVersion.GetNumber() < requestingVersionNumber) { var matchingVersions = context.Versions.Where( a => a.GetNumber() > context.LatestVersion.GetNumber() && a.GetNumber() <= requestingVersionNumber); Console.WriteLine("---------------------UPGRADE PROGRESS-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine("UPGRADE VERSION: " + matchingVersions.Last().VersionNumber); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------++++++++++++++++-------------------------"); var portalVersions = await UpgradingVersion(matchingVersions, context); foreach (var portalVersion in portalVersions) { await context.VersionRepository.AddAsync(portalVersion); } } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Oops we can't upgrade version because your request is {0} but the current is {1}", context.VersionNumber, context.LatestVersion.VersionNumber)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Oops we can't find any installation in the database, please use 'install' command before upgrading."); } }
private void OverwriteBccSourceFeedData(string sourceFeedLocation) { // delete all records using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM [BccSourceFeedItem]"); //db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; //var feedItems = db.BccSourceFeedItems; //db.BccSourceFeedItems.RemoveRange(feedItems); //db.SaveChanges(); } // read the source file and add each record to the DB using (var sr = new StreamReader(sourceFeedLocation)) { var reader = new CsvReader(sr); reader.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <BccSourceFeedItemCsvMap>(); var records = reader.GetRecords <BccSourceFeedItem>().ToList(); foreach (IEnumerable <BccSourceFeedItem> batch in Partition(records, 1000)) { InsertBccSourceFeedItems(batch.ToList()); } } }
public async Task ExecuteAsync() { using (var context = new ToolsContext(AppConfig.ToolsOption.Options)) { //実行中に更新 var task = context.NotificationTasks.Where(t => t.TaskId == this.TaskId).SingleOrDefault(); task.Status = Noobow.Commons.Constants.NotificationTaskStatusEnum.EXECUTING; context.SaveChanges(); //待ち時間を計算 int waitTime = Convert.ToInt32((task.NotificationTime - DateTime.Now).Value.TotalMilliseconds); //待つ Thread.Sleep(waitTime); //通知 var quickReply = new QuickReply(); quickReply.Items.Add(new QuickReplyButtonObject(new MessageTemplateAction("5分後", $"{CommandEum.PlanNotice.GetStringValue()} a5 {task.NotificationDetail}"))); quickReply.Items.Add(new QuickReplyButtonObject(new MessageTemplateAction("10分後", $"{CommandEum.PlanNotice.GetStringValue()} a10 {task.NotificationDetail}"))); quickReply.Items.Add(new QuickReplyButtonObject(new MessageTemplateAction("30分後", $"{CommandEum.PlanNotice.GetStringValue()} a30 {task.NotificationDetail}"))); quickReply.Items.Add(new QuickReplyButtonObject(new MessageTemplateAction("1時間後", $"{CommandEum.PlanNotice.GetStringValue()} a60 {task.NotificationDetail}"))); await LineMessagingClientManager.GetInstance().PushMessageAsync(task.NotificationTo, new List <ISendMessage> { new TextMessage(task.NotificationDetail, quickReply) }); //実行済みに更新 task.Status = NotificationTaskStatusEnum.EXECUTED; context.SaveChanges(); } }
public List <Category> Categories_List() { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { return(context.Categories.ToList()); } }
public void StartPurchaseOrder(List <SuggestedOrderItems> podetails, int employeeid, int vendorid, decimal tax, decimal sub) { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { PurchaseOrder newOrder = new PurchaseOrder() { EmployeeID = employeeid, VendorID = vendorid, OrderDate = null, TaxAmount = tax, SubTotal = sub }; context.PurchaseOrders.Add(newOrder); foreach (var po in podetails) { newOrder.PurchaseOrderDetails.Add(new PurchaseOrderDetail() { StockItemID = po.ID, Quantity = po.PurchaseOrderQuantity }); } context.PurchaseOrders.Add(newOrder); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public List <UserProfile> ListAllUsers() { var rm = new RoleManager(); var result = from person in Users.ToList() select new UserProfile() { UserId = person.Id, UserName = person.UserName, Email = person.Email, EmailConfirmed = person.EmailConfirmed, CustomerId = person.CustomerId, EmployeeId = person.EmployeeId, RoleMemberships = person.Roles.Select(r => rm.FindById(r.RoleId).Name) }; // Get any first/last names of users using (var context = new ToolsContext()) { foreach (var person in result) { if (person.EmployeeId.HasValue) { person.FirstName = context.Employees.Find(person.EmployeeId).FirstName; person.LastName = context.Employees.Find(person.EmployeeId).LastName; } } } return(result.ToList()); }
public void DeleteOrder(int purchaseorderid, List <SuggestedOrderItems> stockitemids) { using (var context = new ToolsContext()) { var purchaseorder = context.PurchaseOrders.Find(purchaseorderid); if (purchaseorder == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid PO ID - Does not exist"); } List <PurchaseOrderDetail> toRemove = new List <PurchaseOrderDetail>(); foreach (var item in purchaseorder.PurchaseOrderDetails) { bool stockitemidmatch = stockitemids.Any(x => x.ID == item.StockItemID); if (stockitemidmatch) { toRemove.Add(item); } } foreach (var item in toRemove) { context.PurchaseOrderDetails.Remove(item); } context.PurchaseOrders.Remove(purchaseorder); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public List <CategoryDTO> CategoryStockList() { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { #region Student Code here //insert query code var data = from cat in context.Categories orderby cat.CategoryID select new CategoryDTO() { CategoryDescription = cat.Description, Stocks = from item in cat.StockItems select new CategoryStockItem() { Name = item.Description, OnHand = item.QuantityOnHand, Markup = item.SellingPrice - item.PurchasePrice } }; //replace the following line of code to return your results return(data.ToList()); #endregion } }
public void RemoveFromOrder(int purchaseorderid, int stockitemid) { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { List <string> errors = new List <string>(); if (errors.Count > 0) { throw new BusinessRuleException("Unable to add to Purchase Order", errors); } var purchaseorder = context.PurchaseOrders.Find(purchaseorderid); if (purchaseorder == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Purchase Order ID - does not exist"); } List <PurchaseOrderDetail> toRemove = new List <PurchaseOrderDetail>(); foreach (var item in purchaseorder.PurchaseOrderDetails) { if (item.StockItemID == stockitemid && item.PurchaseOrderID == purchaseorderid) { toRemove.Add(item); } } foreach (var item in toRemove) { context.PurchaseOrderDetails.Remove(item); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void UpdatePurchaseOrder(List <SuggestedOrderItems> podetails, PurchaseOrder po) { using (var context = new ToolsContext()) { var purchaseorder = context.PurchaseOrders.Find(po.PurchaseOrderID); if (purchaseorder == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid PO ID - Does not exist"); } foreach (var item in podetails) { var purchaseorderdetail = purchaseorder.PurchaseOrderDetails.Single(x => x.StockItemID == item.ID); purchaseorderdetail.Quantity = item.PurchaseOrderQuantity; purchaseorderdetail.PurchasePrice = item.UnitPrice; context.Entry <PurchaseOrderDetail>(context.PurchaseOrderDetails.Attach(purchaseorderdetail)).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } purchaseorder.SubTotal = po.SubTotal; purchaseorder.TaxAmount = po.TaxAmount; context.Entry <PurchaseOrder>(context.PurchaseOrders.Attach(purchaseorder)).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void GenerateAdCustomizerFeed(int projectId, string localFilePath) { var items = new List <List <string> >(); var header = new List <string>(); var hashtable = new HashSet <string>(); // create the join using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; db.Database.CommandTimeout = 180; //var input = (from i in db.PointOfInterestAdWordsLocations // join l in db.AdWordsLocations on i.AdWordsLocationId equals l.Id // join s in db.StoreDatas on i.PoiId equals s.GmbStoreId // where i.AdWordsLocationProjectId == projectId // select new // { // i.AdWordsLocationId, // l.CanonicalName, // s.LocationName, // s.StoreName20, // s.StoreName25, // s.StoreName30 // }); var input = db.Database.SqlQuery <GenericLocation>(@"select a.CanonicalName as 'TargetLocation', s.LocationName, s.StoreName20, s.StoreName25, s.StoreName30 from PointOfInterestAdWordsLocation p join AdWordsLocation a on p.AdWordsLocationId = a.Id join StoreData s on p.PoiId = s.GmbStoreId where p.AdWordsLocationProjectId = " + projectId); foreach (var r in input) { var lac = new GenericLocationBusinessDataItem(); // set header once if (header.Count == 0) { header = lac.Header; } // construct targetLocation lac.TargetLocation = r.TargetLocation.Trim(); lac.TargetLocationRestriction = ""; lac.LocationName = r.LocationName; lac.StoreName20 = r.StoreName20; lac.StoreName25 = r.StoreName25; lac.StoreName30 = r.StoreName30; // avoid duplicate entries if (!hashtable.Contains(lac.CustomId)) { hashtable.Add(lac.CustomId); items.Add(lac.Row); } } } // store feed AddToFile(items, localFilePath, header, false); }
public Category Categories_FindbyID(int categoryid) { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { return(context.Categories.Find(categoryid)); } }
private void OverwriteStoreData(string sourceFileLocation, string clientName) { // delete all records for this ClientName from DB using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; var stores = db.StoreDatas.Where(x => x.ClientName == clientName); db.StoreDatas.RemoveRange(stores); db.SaveChanges(); } // read the source file and add each record to the DB using (var sr = new StreamReader(sourceFileLocation)) { var reader = new CsvReader(sr); reader.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <StoreDataCsvMap>(); reader.Configuration.Delimiter = ";"; List <StoreData> records = reader.GetRecords <StoreData>().ToList(); foreach (IEnumerable <StoreData> batch in Partition(records, 1000)) { InsertStoreData(batch.ToList()); } } }
private ApiDatatable GetDatatable(int id) { using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { var dt = db.ApiDatatables.Include("ServiceAccount").SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(id)); return(dt); } }
public async Task <Model> Handle(Query message) { var rtn = await _db.PriceExtensionProjects.Where(c => c.Id == message.Id).ProjectToSingleOrDefaultAsync <Model>(); // delete all data from priceextensionproductfeeds for this project using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM [PriceExtensionProductFeed] WHERE PriceExtensionProjectId = " + message.Id); } // import product feed into priceextensionproductfeeds // read the source file and add each record to the DB using (var sr = new StreamReader(rtn.ProductFeedLocation)) { var reader = new CsvReader(sr); reader.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <PriceExtensionProductFeedCsvMap>(); var records = reader.GetRecords <PriceExtensionProductFeed>().ToList(); records.ForEach(x => x.PriceExtensionProjectId = (int)message.Id); records.ForEach(x => x.LinkLevel2 = GetBccLink(x.Link, x.Brand, 2)); records.ForEach(x => x.LinkLevel3 = GetBccLink(x.Link, x.Brand, 3)); foreach (IEnumerable <PriceExtensionProductFeed> batch in Partition(records, 1000)) { InsertPriceExtensionProductFeedItems(batch.ToList()); } } // delete all data from priceextensionproductperformance for this project using (var db = new ToolsContext(connString)) { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM [PriceExtensionProductPerformance] WHERE PriceExtensionProjectId = " + message.Id); } // import product feed into priceextensionproductperformances // read the source file and add each record to the DB using (var sr = new StreamReader(rtn.ProductPerformanceFeedLocation)) { var reader = new CsvReader(sr); reader.Configuration.CultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); reader.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <PriceExtensionProductPerformanceCsvMap>(); var records = reader.GetRecords <PriceExtensionProductPerformance>().ToList(); records.ForEach(x => x.PriceExtensionProjectId = (int)message.Id); foreach (IEnumerable <PriceExtensionProductPerformance> batch in Partition(records, 1000)) { InsertPriceExtensionProductPerformanceItems(batch.ToList()); } } return(rtn); }
public async Task RunAsync(ToolsContext context) { Console.WriteLine("---------------------PACKAGE APP PROGRESS-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"App Name: {context.Arguments.Name}, Ouput: {context.Arguments.Output}"); var appService = context.Services.GetService <IAppService>(); var savePath = await appService.Package(context.Arguments.Name, context.Arguments.Output); Console.WriteLine($"Package successfully: {savePath}"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------++++++++++++++++-------------------------"); }
public async Task RunAsync(ToolsContext context) { Console.WriteLine("---------------------UNPACKAGE APP PROGRESS-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine($"Package file: {context.Arguments.FilePath}, Install mode: {context.Arguments.UnpackMode}"); var appService = context.Services.GetService <IAppService>(); await appService.Unpack(context.Arguments.FilePath, context.Arguments.UnpackMode.ToLower() == "wipe"?InstallWay.Wipe : InstallWay.Merge); Console.WriteLine($"Unpack successfully!!!"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------++++++++++++++++-------------------------"); }
private void InsertBccSourceFeedItems(List <BccSourceFeedItem> records) { using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; db.BccSourceFeedItems.AddRange(records); db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void UpdateDatatable(int id, DateTime lastDateDownloaded) { using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { var dt = db.ApiDatatables.Include("ServiceAccount").SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(id)); dt.LastDateDownloaded = lastDateDownloaded; db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void InsertPriceExtensionProductPerformanceItems(List <PriceExtensionProductPerformance> records) { using (var db = new ToolsContext(connString)) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; db.PriceExtensionProductPerformances.AddRange(records); db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void InsertStoreData(List <StoreData> records) { using (var db = new ToolsContext()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; db.StoreDatas.AddRange(records); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Categories_Delete(Category removeItem) { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { #region Student Code here //insert Delete code var existingvalue = context.Categories.Find(removeItem.CategoryID); context.Categories.Remove(existingvalue); context.SaveChanges(); #endregion } }
public void Categories_Add(Category item) { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { #region Student Code here //insert add code var adding = context.Categories.Add(item); context.SaveChanges(); //replace the following line of code to return your results // return 0; #endregion } }
public void Categories_Update(Category item) { using (ToolsContext context = new ToolsContext()) { #region Student Code here //insert udpate code var updating = context.Categories.Attach(item); var matchingWithExistingValues = context.Entry <Category>(updating); matchingWithExistingValues.State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; context.SaveChanges(); #endregion } }
public Task RunAsync(ToolsContext context) { if (context.LatestVersion != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Version: {context.LatestVersion.VersionNumber}"); Console.WriteLine($"Last Modified Date: {context.LatestVersion.CreatedDate}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oops we don't find any installation in the database."); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e) { var rootDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, "enovating", "patent-office-tools"); try { ToolsContext.Initialize(workingDirectory); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Fatal error during module initialization: " + exception.Message, "Patent Office Tools"); } }
public List <PurchasingEmployee> ListEmployees() { using (var context = new ToolsContext()) { var data = from employee in context.Employees orderby employee.LastName select new PurchasingEmployee() { ID = employee.EmployeeID, Name = employee.FirstName + ", " + employee.LastName }; return(data.ToList()); } }