 public Dialogue(Toolbox.WindowTemplate template) : base(template)
        public void Init()
            int[] mess_list  = { 0 };
            int[] event_list = { 0 };

            // The message and event lists are copied by the toolbox, so we can
            // discard them after initialisation.
            Initialise(350, mess_list, event_list, "<TBTemplate$Dir>");

            // Define the attributes of a window including the string for the title bar.
            var win_attr = new Wimp.WindowAttributes("Toolbox Window created in memory using C#");

            // Adjust the default window attributes to suit our needs.
            win_attr.ButtonType       = Wimp.WindowButtonType.GainInputFocus;
            win_attr.WorkAreaBGColour = (int)OS.DesktopColour.Grey1;

            using (var win_template = new Toolbox.WindowTemplate("MyWindow", win_attr))
                // The template exists only in this block scope. When this scope exits,
                // the IDisposable interface ensures that the buffer is immediately freed.

                // All windows created with this template will initially open at the
                // default view rectangle defined here when shown with a default spec.
                win_template.DefaultViewRect = new OS.Rect(100, 100, 1100, 1100);
                win_template.HelpMessage     = "Toolbox Window created in memory using C#";
                win_template.Flags           = Toolbox.Window.Flags.AutoOpenWindow |
                                               Toolbox.Window.Flags.AutoCloseWindow |

                // Define an ActionButton gadget in the window template
                Toolbox.GadgetTemplate gadget = new Toolbox.ActionButtonTemplate("Ok");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(50, 100, 200, 160);

                // Define an AdjusterArrow gadget in the window template
                gadget             = new Toolbox.AdjusterArrowTemplate();
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(250, 100, 300, 160);

                // Define a Button gadget in the window template
                gadget             = new Toolbox.ButtonTemplate("Button", "R5,3");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(50, 880, 150, 980);
                ((Toolbox.ButtonTemplate)gadget).ButtonFlags.ButtonType = Wimp.IconButtonType.Click;
                ((Toolbox.ButtonTemplate)gadget).ButtonFlags.FGColour   = OS.DesktopColour.Black;
                ((Toolbox.ButtonTemplate)gadget).ButtonFlags.BGColour   = OS.DesktopColour.Grey1;

                // Define a DisplayField gadget in the window template
                gadget             = new Toolbox.DisplayFieldTemplate("Display field");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(50, 800, 350, 860);

                // Define a Draggable gadget in the window template.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.DraggableTemplate("Draggable", "file_ff9");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(200, 880, 350, 980);
                ((Toolbox.DraggableTemplate)gadget).DropShadow = true;

                // Define a LabelledBox gadget in the window template.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.LabelledBoxTemplate("Labelled Box");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(50, 600, 350, 780);

                // Define a Label gadget in the window template.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.LabelTemplate("Label");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(70, 640, 330, 720);
                ((Toolbox.LabelTemplate)gadget).Justify = Toolbox.LabelJustify.Right;

                // Define a NumberRange gadget in the window template.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.NumberRangeTemplate();
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(400, 928, 900, 980);
                ((Toolbox.NumberRangeTemplate)gadget).Justify           = Toolbox.NumberRangeJustify.Right;
                ((Toolbox.NumberRangeTemplate)gadget).HasAdjusterArrows = true;
                ((Toolbox.NumberRangeTemplate)gadget).Type = Toolbox.NumberRangeType.SliderRight;

                // Define an OptionButton gadget in the window template.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.OptionButtonTemplate("Option Button");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(400, 780, 650, 830);

                // Define two RadioButton gadgets in the window template.
                // Need more than one for selection/deselection to work.
                // They are linked together by giving them the same group ID,
                // which must be none zero.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.RadioButtonTemplate("Radio Button 1");
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(400, 850, 650, 900);
                ((Toolbox.RadioButtonTemplate)gadget).Group = 1;

                gadget = new Toolbox.RadioButtonTemplate("Radio Button 2");
                ((Toolbox.RadioButtonTemplate)gadget).Group         = 1;
                ((Toolbox.RadioButtonTemplate)gadget).OnWhenCreated = true;
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(700, 850, 950, 900);

                // Define a Slider gadget in the window template.
                // Lower bound = 0, upper bound = 1000, step size = 10, initial
                // value = 500.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.SliderTemplate(0, 1000, 10, 500);
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(700, 780, 950, 830);
                ((Toolbox.SliderTemplate)gadget).Draggable = true;

                // Define a StringSet gadget in the window template.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.StringSetTemplate("One,Two,Three", "Two", 12);
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(400, 700, 650, 750);
                ((Toolbox.StringSetTemplate)gadget).IsWritable = true;

                // Define a Writable gadget in the window template.
                gadget             = new Toolbox.WritableFieldTemplate("Writable Gadget", 30);
                gadget.BoundingBox = new OS.Rect(400, 630, 650, 680);

                // Define a keyboard shortcut in the window template.
                var shortcut = new Toolbox.KeyboardShortcutTemplate('A', 0x1234);

                // Use the template to create the dialogue window.
                dialogue = new Dialogue(win_template);

            // This is a lambda expression (an anonymous function) used as an
            // event handler.
            dialogue.HasBeenHidden += (sender, e) => Quit = true;

            // Show using default spec.