        private Scanner(string line, int startIndex, int lastIndex, TokensLine tokensLine, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions)
            this.tokensLine = tokensLine;
            this.line = line;
            this.currentIndex = startIndex;
            this.lastIndex = lastIndex;

            this.compilerOptions = compilerOptions;
        public static string ScanLines(string[] testLines)
            TokensLine[] tokensLines = new TokensLine[testLines.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < testLines.Length; i++)
                TokensLine tokensLine = new TestTokensLine(testLines[i]);
                tokensLines[i] = tokensLine;

        public static string ScanLines(string[] testLines)
            TokensLine[] tokensLines = new TokensLine[testLines.Length];
            for(int i = 0; i < testLines.Length; i++)
                TokensLine tokensLine = new TestTokensLine(testLines[i]);
                tokensLines[i] = tokensLine;

            return ScanLines(tokensLines);
        private static IList <Tuple <string, bool> > Split(string line, int max, int min)
            var lines = new List <Tuple <string, bool> >();
            int nLine = (line.Length / max) + ((line.Length % max) != 0 ? 1 : 0);

            if (nLine == 1)
                lines.Add(new Tuple <string, bool>(line, false));
            if (line.Length < 1)
                lines.Add(new Tuple <string, bool>(line, false));
                for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i += (i == 0 ? max : min))
                    lines.Add(new Tuple <string, bool>(line.Substring(i, Math.Min((i == 0 ? max : min), line.Length - i)), true));
            TokensLine tempTokensLine = TokensLine.CreateVirtualLineForInsertedToken(0, line);

            tempTokensLine.InitializeScanState(new MultilineScanState(false, false, false, IBMCodePages.GetDotNetEncodingFromIBMCCSID(1147)));

            Scanner.Scanner scanner          = new Scanner.Scanner(line, 0, line.Length - 1, tempTokensLine, null, false);
            Token           t                = null;
            int             nCurLength       = 0;
            int             nSpan            = max;
            int             index            = 0;
            bool            bNextNoIndicator = false;

            while ((t = scanner.GetNextToken()) != null)
                nCurLength += t.Length;
                if (nCurLength >= nSpan)
                    if (t.TokenFamily == TokenFamily.Whitespace || (nCurLength == nSpan))
                        bNextNoIndicator = true;
                    nSpan += min;
                else if (bNextNoIndicator)
                    lines[index]     = new Tuple <string, bool>(lines[index].Item1, false);
                    bNextNoIndicator = false;
        public static string ScanLines(TokensLine[] tokensLines)
            ImmutableList<TokensLine>.Builder tokensLinesList = ImmutableList<TokensLine>.Empty.ToBuilder();

            ScannerStep.ScanDocument(TextSourceInfo, tokensLinesList, CompilerOptions);

            StringBuilder sbResult = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < tokensLines.Length; i++)
                sbResult.AppendLine("-- Line " + (i + 1) + " --");

            return sbResult.ToString();
        private ReplaceStatus TryAndReplace(Token nextToken, ReplaceOperation replaceOperation)
            ReplaceStatus status = new ReplaceStatus();
            IList <Token> originalMatchingTokens;

            if (CompilerOptions.UseEuroInformationLegacyReplacingSyntax)
                // Support for legacy replacing syntax semantics :
                // Insert Suffix before the first '-' in all user defined words found in the COPY text
                // before copying it into the main program
                if (CopyReplacingDirective != null && CopyReplacingDirective.InsertSuffixChar && nextToken.TokenType == TokenType.UserDefinedWord)
                    string originalText = nextToken.Text;
                    if (originalText.Contains(CopyReplacingDirective.PreSuffix))
                        string     replacedText      = originalText.Replace(CopyReplacingDirective.PreSuffix, CopyReplacingDirective.PreSuffix.Insert(3, CopyReplacingDirective.Suffix));
                        TokensLine virtualTokensLine = TokensLine.CreateVirtualLineForInsertedToken(0, replacedText);
                        Token      replacementToken  = new Token(TokenType.UserDefinedWord, 0, replacedText.Length - 1,

                        status.replacedToken         = new ReplacedToken(replacementToken, nextToken);
                        currentPosition.CurrentToken = status.replacedToken;

            if (replaceOperation != null && TryMatchReplaceOperation(nextToken, replaceOperation, out originalMatchingTokens))
                status.replacedToken = CreateReplacedTokens(nextToken, replaceOperation, originalMatchingTokens);
                if (status.replacedToken != null)
                    // REPLACE pattern matched => return the first replaced token
                    currentPosition.CurrentToken = status.replacedToken;
                    // If the replacement token set is empty (REPLACE == ... = BY == ==), get next token and try again
                    status.tryAgain = true;
        private static Nodes.TypeDefinition CreateCurrency()
            var entry = new DataTypeDescriptionEntry();

            entry.LevelNumber = new GeneratedIntegerValue(1);
            entry.DataName    = new SymbolDefinition(new GeneratedAlphanumericValue("CURRENCY"), SymbolType.DataName);
            entry.Picture     = new GeneratedAlphanumericValue(string.Format("{0}({1})", 'X', 3));
            entry.DataType    = DataType.Currency;
            var tokenLine = TokensLine.CreateVirtualLineForInsertedToken(entry.Line, "01 CURRENCY TYPEDEF STRICT PUBLIC PIC X(03).");

            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.LevelNumber, 0, 1, tokenLine));
            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.UserDefinedWord, 3, 10, tokenLine));
            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.TYPEDEF, 12, 18, tokenLine));
            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.STRICT, 20, 25, tokenLine));
            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.PUBLIC, 27, 32, tokenLine));
            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.PIC, 34, 36, tokenLine));
            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.PictureCharacterString, 38, 42, tokenLine));
            entry.ConsumedTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.PeriodSeparator, 43, 43, tokenLine));
            return(new Nodes.TypeDefinition(entry));
 public static string ScanTextLine(TokensLine tokensLine)
     TypeCobol.Compiler.Scanner.Scanner.ScanFirstLine(tokensLine, false, false, false, TextSourceInfo.EncodingForAlphanumericLiterals, CompilerOptions, CopyTextNameVariations);
 public static string ScanTextLine(TokensLine tokensLine)
     TypeCobol.Compiler.Scanner.Scanner.ScanFirstLine(tokensLine, false, false, false, TextSourceInfo.EncodingForAlphanumericLiterals, CompilerOptions);
     return BuildResultString(tokensLine);
        private static void ScanTokensLineWithMultilineScanState(int lineToScanIndex, TokensLine lineToScan, TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList<TokensLine> documentLines, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, IList<DocumentChange<ITokensLine>> tokensLinesChanges, out int nextLineToScanIndex, out TokensLine nextLineToScan)
            // Scan the current line (or continuation lines group)
            MultilineScanState scanState = ScanTokensLineWithContinuations(lineToScanIndex, lineToScan, textSourceInfo, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, compilerOptions, tokensLinesChanges, out nextLineToScanIndex, out nextLineToScan);

            // Scan the following lines until we find that the scan state at the beginning of the next line has been updated
            while(nextLineToScan != null && nextLineToScan.InitialScanState != null && !nextLineToScan.InitialScanState.Equals(scanState))
                scanState = ScanTokensLineWithContinuations(nextLineToScanIndex, nextLineToScan, textSourceInfo, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, compilerOptions, tokensLinesChanges, out nextLineToScanIndex, out nextLineToScan);
        private static MultilineScanState ScanTokensLineWithContinuations(int lineToScanIndex, TokensLine lineToScan, TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList<TokensLine> documentLines, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, IList<DocumentChange<ITokensLine>> tokensLinesChanges, out int nextLineToScanIndex, out TokensLine nextLineToScan)
            // Initialize out parameters
            if (lineToScanIndex < (documentLines.Count - 1))
                nextLineToScanIndex = lineToScanIndex + 1;
                nextLineToScan = documentLines[nextLineToScanIndex];
                nextLineToScanIndex = -1;
                nextLineToScan = null;

            // Check if the line to scan participates in a multiline continuation
            // - because it is itself a continuation line
            bool partOfMultilineContinuation = lineToScan.Type == CobolTextLineType.Continuation;
            // - or because the following line is a continuation line
            if (!partOfMultilineContinuation && lineToScanIndex < (documentLines.Count - 1))
                nextLineToScanIndex = lineToScanIndex + 1;
                nextLineToScan = documentLines[nextLineToScanIndex];
                partOfMultilineContinuation = nextLineToScan.Type == CobolTextLineType.Continuation;
            // ^-- LIMITATION : we don't support the case where one or more comment lines follow the current line before a continuation line

            // Case 1 : the line is not part of a multiline continuation => we can parse it as as a standalone line
            if (!partOfMultilineContinuation)
                // Create a new copy of the line before the update if necessary
                lineToScan = (TokensLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(lineToScanIndex, lineToScan, CompilationStep.Scanner);
                if (lineToScanIndex == 0)
                    // Scan the first line of the document
                    Scanner.ScanFirstLine(lineToScan, false, false, false, textSourceInfo.EncodingForAlphanumericLiterals, compilerOptions);
                    // Get the scan state at the end of the previous line
                    TokensLine previousLine = documentLines[lineToScanIndex - 1];
                    // Scan the current line with this initial scan state
                    Scanner.ScanTokensLine(lineToScan, previousLine.ScanState, compilerOptions);
                tokensLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ITokensLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, lineToScanIndex, lineToScan));
                return lineToScan.ScanState;
            // Case 2 : the line is part of a multiline continuation => we must parse all continuation lines as a group
                // Build a list of the lines we will have to scan as a group :
                IList<TokensLine> continuationLinesGroup = new List<TokensLine>();
                int firstLineIndex = lineToScanIndex;
                continuationLinesGroup.Insert(0, (TokensLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(lineToScanIndex, lineToScan, CompilationStep.Scanner));

                // Navigate backwards to the start of the multiline continuation
                if (lineToScan.Type == CobolTextLineType.Continuation && lineToScanIndex > 0)
                    int revLineToScanIndex = lineToScanIndex;
                    IEnumerator<TokensLine> reversedEnumerator = documentLines.GetEnumerator(lineToScanIndex - 1, -1, true);
                        // Get the previous line until a non continuation and non comment line is encountered
                        lineToScan = reversedEnumerator.Current;

                        if(lineToScan.Type != CobolTextLineType.Continuation /*&&  <-- LIMITATION : this compiler does not support comment or blank lines between two continuation line
                           lineToScan.Type != CobolTextLineType.Comment && lineToScan.Type != CobolTextLineType.Blank*/) // see p54 : for continuation, blank lines are treated like comment lines
                            firstLineIndex = revLineToScanIndex;
                            continuationLinesGroup.Insert(0, (TokensLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(lineToScanIndex, lineToScan, CompilationStep.Scanner));

                // Reuse our knowledge of the next line if it is available and if it is a continuation
                if (nextLineToScan != null && nextLineToScan.Type == CobolTextLineType.Continuation)
                    lineToScan = nextLineToScan;
                    continuationLinesGroup.Add((TokensLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(lineToScanIndex, lineToScan, CompilationStep.Scanner));

                    nextLineToScanIndex = -1;
                    nextLineToScan = null;

                // Navigate forwards to the end of the multiline continuation
                if (lineToScanIndex < (documentLines.Count - 1))
                    IEnumerator<TokensLine> enumerator = documentLines.GetEnumerator(lineToScanIndex + 1, -1, false);
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        // Get the next line until a non continuation and non comment line is encountered
                        lineToScan = enumerator.Current;

                        if (lineToScan.Type == CobolTextLineType.Continuation /*|| <-- LIMITATION : this compiler does not support comment or blank lines between two continuation line
                           lineToScan.Type == CobolTextLineType.Comment || lineToScan.Type == CobolTextLineType.Blank*/) // see p54 : for continuation, blank lines are treated like comment lines
                            // Add this line at the end of the list of continuation lines
                            continuationLinesGroup.Add((TokensLine)prepareDocumentLineForUpdate(lineToScanIndex, lineToScan, CompilationStep.Scanner));
                            // Save the knowledge of the next line and exit the loop
                            nextLineToScanIndex = lineToScanIndex;
                            nextLineToScan = lineToScan;

                // Scan the group of continuation lines
                if (firstLineIndex == 0)
                    // Scan the first line group of the document
                    Scanner.ScanFirstLineContinuationGroup(continuationLinesGroup, false, false, false, textSourceInfo.EncodingForAlphanumericLiterals, compilerOptions);
                    // Get the scan state at the end of the previous line
                    TokensLine previousLine = documentLines[firstLineIndex - 1];
                    // Scan the current line group with this initial scan state
                    Scanner.ScanTokensLineContinuationGroup(continuationLinesGroup, previousLine.ScanState, compilerOptions);
                int updatedLineIndex = firstLineIndex;
                foreach(TokensLine updatedLine in continuationLinesGroup)
                    tokensLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ITokensLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, updatedLineIndex, updatedLine));
                return continuationLinesGroup[continuationLinesGroup.Count - 1].ScanState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan a line of a document
        /// </summary>
        public static void ScanTokensLine(TokensLine tokensLine, MultilineScanState initialScanState, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions)
            // Updates are forbidden after a snapshot of a specific version of a line
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not update this TokensLine because it was already frozen by compilation step : " + tokensLine.CompilationStep.ToString());

            // Set the initial scan state for the line

            // Alias to refer to Cobol text line properties
            ICobolTextLine textLine = tokensLine;

            // The source section of this line of text must be split into tokens
            string line = tokensLine.Text;
            int startIndex = textLine.Source.StartIndex;
            int lastIndex = textLine.Source.EndIndex;

            if (IsInsideRemarks(textLine.Type, tokensLine.SourceText)) tokensLine.ScanState.InsideRemarksDirective = true;
            // Try to scan REMARKS compiler directive parameters inside the comment or non-comment line
            if (tokensLine.ScanState.InsideRemarksDirective) {
                string remarksLine = textLine.SourceText;

                int startIndexForSignificantPart = GetStartIndexOfSignificantPart(remarksLine, tokensLine.ScanState);
                int firstPeriodIndex = remarksLine.IndexOf('.', startIndexForSignificantPart);
                int endIndexForSignificantPart = GetEndIndexOfSignificantPart(remarksLine, tokensLine.ScanState, firstPeriodIndex);
                string significantPart = remarksLine.Substring(startIndexForSignificantPart, endIndexForSignificantPart - startIndexForSignificantPart + 1).Trim();

                if (firstPeriodIndex >= 0 || (!tokensLine.ScanState.InsideRemarksParentheses && !remarksLine.Contains("COPY"))) {
                    tokensLine.ScanState.InsideRemarksDirective = false; // indicates the end of the REMARKS compiler directive

                RemarksDirective remarksDirective = CreateRemarksDirective(significantPart, tokensLine.ScanState);
                if (remarksDirective != null && remarksDirective.CopyTextNamesVariations.Count > 0) {
                    // A non empty remarks directive will replace the comment line
                    tokensLine.AddToken(CreateCompilerDirectiveToken(remarksDirective, tokensLine, startIndex, lastIndex));


            // Comment line => return only one token with type CommentLine
            // Debug line => treated as a comment line if debugging mode was not activated
            if (textLine.Type == CobolTextLineType.Comment ||
               (textLine.Type == CobolTextLineType.Debug && !tokensLine.InitialScanState.WithDebuggingMode))
                Token commentToken = new Token(TokenType.CommentLine, startIndex, lastIndex, tokensLine);
            // Invalid indicator, the line type is unknown => the whole line text is handled as a single invalid token
            else if (textLine.Type == CobolTextLineType.Invalid)
                // Invalid indicator => register an error
                tokensLine.AddDiagnostic(MessageCode.InvalidIndicatorCharacter, textLine.Indicator.StartIndex, textLine.Indicator.EndIndex, textLine.Indicator);

                Token invalidToken = new Token(TokenType.InvalidToken, startIndex, lastIndex, tokensLine);
            // Empty line => return immediately an empty list of tokens
            // Blank line => return only one token with type SpaceSeparator
            if(textLine.Type == CobolTextLineType.Blank)
                    Token whitespaceToken = new Token(TokenType.SpaceSeparator, startIndex, lastIndex, tokensLine);

            // Create a stateful line scanner, and iterate over the tokens
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line, startIndex, lastIndex, tokensLine, compilerOptions);
            Token nextToken = null;
            while((nextToken = scanner.GetNextToken()) != null)
                // Resolve DELETE ambiguity : DELETE + InterLiteral => DELETE_CD
                // Warning : DELETE and the sequence-number-field must be on the same line
                if(nextToken.TokenType == TokenType.IntegerLiteral && tokensLine.ScanState.KeywordsState == KeywordsSequenceState.After_DELETE)
 /// <summary>
 /// Scan a line of a document when no previous scan state object is available
 /// </summary>
 public static void ScanFirstLine(TokensLine tokensLine, bool insideDataDivision, bool decimalPointIsComma, bool withDebuggingMode, Encoding encodingForAlphanumericLiterals, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions)
     MultilineScanState initialScanState = new MultilineScanState(insideDataDivision, decimalPointIsComma, withDebuggingMode, encodingForAlphanumericLiterals);
     ScanTokensLine(tokensLine, initialScanState, compilerOptions);
 private static Token CreateCompilerDirectiveToken(RemarksDirective remarksDirective, TokensLine tokensLine, int start, int end)
     IList<Token> originalTokens = new List<Token>(1);
     originalTokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.CommentLine, start,end, tokensLine));
     return new CompilerDirectiveToken(remarksDirective, originalTokens, false);