protected void Submit() { if (_editContext.Validate()) { _product.ProductNumber = Regex.Replace(_product.ProductNumber, @"\s+", ""); if (!Repository.ProductDuplicateExists(_product.Id, _product.ProductNumber)) { try { Repository.Save(_product); _product.Category.Products.Add(_product); ToastService.ShowSuccess("Product: " + _product.Description + " werd toegevoegd in categorie: " + _product.Category.CategoryName); Telemetry.TrackEvent("NonUniqueProductNumber"); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/beheer"); } catch (Exception ex) { Telemetry.TrackException(ex); ToastService.ShowError("Kon product niet opslaan."); } } else { Telemetry.TrackEvent("NonUniqueProductNumber"); ToastService.ShowError("Product met identiek productnummer bestaat al."); } } }
private async Task ApplyToVideoJob() { if (this.VideoJobApplicationEditForm.EditContext.Validate()) { try { IsLoading = true; await this.VideoJobApplicationClientService .AddVideoJobApplicationAsync(this.CreateVideoJobApplicationModel); CleanVideoJobApplication(); await LoadJobs(); ToastService.ShowSuccess(Localizer[VideoJobApplicationSentTextKey]); } catch (Exception ex) { CleanVideoJobApplication(); ToastService.ShowError(ex.Message); } finally { IsLoading = false; } } }
private async Task Deploy() { //deploy contract TonContractDeployResult deploy = await TonClient.Contracts.Deploy(new TonContractDeployParams { Package = ContractPackage, KeyPair = KeyPair }).CatchJsExceptionAsync(ex => ToastService.ShowError(ex.Message)); if (deploy.AlreadyDeployed) { ToastService.ShowWarning("Contract already deployed"); ProgressCurrentStep++; DeployContractResult = true; return; } if (deploy.Transaction?.Compute?.Success ?? false) { ToastService.ShowSuccess($"GasFees:{deploy.Transaction.Compute.GasFees}", "Contract has been deployed"); ProgressCurrentStep++; DeployContractResult = true; return; } ToastService.ShowError(JsonSerializer.Serialize(deploy), "Something went wrong"); }
protected async Task HandleUserCreate() { if (!await RoleManager.RoleExistsAsync(User.Role)) { ToastService.ShowError("Tokios pareigos neegzistuoja"); return; } var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = User.Email, Email = User.Email, FirstName = User.FirstName, LastName = User.LastName }; var userCreateResult = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, User.Password); if (userCreateResult.Succeeded) { await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, User.Role); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Darbuotojo paskyra yra sėkmingai sukurta"); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/users"); } else { ToastService.ShowError("Nepavyko sukurti darbuotojo paskyros"); } }
async Task SendEmailAsync() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToAddress)) { Message = "Please set a to address and try again "; return; } Email email = new Email(); email.Subject = Subject; email.ToAddress = ToAddress; if (Environment.MachineName == "DESKTOP-UROO8T1" || User.Identity.Name.ToLower() == "*****@*****.**") { email.ToAddress = "*****@*****.**"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditorContent)) { email.Body = await this.QuillHtml.GetHTML(); } email.Body = $"{email.Body}<br>{EditorContentHtmlSuffix}"; var response = await EmailService.SendEmailAsync(email); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted) { ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Email appears to have been sent correctly to {email.ToAddress}", "SUCCESS"); await ModalInstance.CloseAsync(ModalResult.Ok <string>(Message)); } else { ToastService.ShowError($"Email failed to send with the following status code {response.StatusCode}", "ERROR"); } }
protected virtual async Task <bool> Salvar(EditContext editContext) { if (!editContext.Validate()) { return(false); } HttpResponseMessage httpResponse; if (!default(TId).Equals(Id)) { httpResponse = await HttpServico.PutAsync(Id, _dto); } else { httpResponse = await HttpServico.PostAsync(_dto); } if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { ToastService.ShowSuccess("Registro salvo com sucesso"); } else { ToastService.ShowError("Falha ao tentar salvar o registro!"); return(false); } NavigationManager.NavigateTo(AposSalvarRetonarPara); return(true); }
protected async Task HandleValidSubmit() { Saved = false; var savedUser = new User(); savedUser = await UserDataService.AddUser(User); if (savedUser != null && UserId == 0) { StatusClass = "alert-success"; Message = "New User Added Successfuly"; Saved = true; } else if (savedUser != null && UserId != 0) { StatusClass = "alert-success"; Message = "User Updated Successfuly"; Saved = true; } else { StatusClass = "alert-danger"; Message = "somthing went wrong adding the new user .please try again"; Saved = false; } ShowDialog = false; await CloseEventCallback.InvokeAsync(true); StateHasChanged(); ToastService.ShowSuccess(Message, "Confirm"); }
protected async Task HandleValidSubmit() { Employee.CountryId = int.Parse(CountryId); Employee.JobCategoryId = int.Parse(JobCategoryId); if (ValidateTasks() == false) { Saved = false; StatusClass = "alert-danger"; TaskMessage = "There is a validation problem with the tasks please check and try again."; return; } if (Employee.EmployeeId == 0) //new { var addedEmployee = await EmployeeDataService.AddEmployee(Employee); if (addedEmployee != null) { ToastService.ShowSuccess("New employee added successfully.", "Success"); Saved = true; } else { StatusClass = "alert-danger"; Message = "Something went wrong adding the new employee. Please try again."; Saved = false; } } else { await EmployeeDataService.UpdateEmployee(Employee); ToastService.ShowSuccess("Employee updated successfully.", "Success"); Saved = true; } }
protected async Task HandleAddButtonClick() { if (SelectedListId > 0) { DisplayLoadingSpinner = true; var request = new AddMovieItemRequest { TmdbId = Movie.Id, Title = Movie.Title }; var response = await ListService.AddMovieToListAsync(SelectedListId, request); if (response.Success) { DisplayLoadingSpinner = false; ToastService.ShowSuccess(response.Message); } else { DisplayLoadingSpinner = false; ToastService.ShowError(response.Message); } } }
private async Task PostOrPutAsync <TServico, TDTO>(TServico servico, TDTO dto) where TDTO : IDTO <Guid> where TServico : IServicoBase <TDTO, Guid> { HttpResponseMessage httpResponse; if (dto.Id == Guid.Empty) { httpResponse = await servico.PostAsync(dto); } else { httpResponse = await servico.PutAsync(dto.Id, dto); } if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { ToastService.ShowSuccess("Registro salvo com sucesso"); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("usuarios"); } else { ToastService.ShowError("Falha ao tentar salvar o registro!"); } }
public void Process(OperationResult model) { Messages.Clear(); foreach (var errorMessage in model.Errors) { switch (errorMessage.Code) { case "Toast.Info": ToastService.ShowInfo(errorMessage.Text); break; case "Toast.Success": ToastService.ShowSuccess(errorMessage.Text); break; case "Toast.Error": ToastService.ShowError(errorMessage.Text); break; case "Toast.Warning": ToastService.ShowWarning(errorMessage.Text); break; default: Messages.Add(errorMessage); break; } } Show = true; StateHasChanged(); }
public async Task PublishProject() { project.IsPublished = true; await ProjectData.UpdatePublishStatus(project); ToastService.ShowSuccess("Project Published Successfully", "-"); }
private async Task SendGrams() { //send some grams from giver TonContractRunResult result = await TonClient.Contracts.Run(new TonContractRunParams { Abi = Static.GiverAbi, Address = Static.GiverAddress, FunctionName = "sendGrams", Input = new { dest = AccountAddress, amount = 100000 } }).CatchJsExceptionAsync(ex => ToastService.ShowError(ex.Message)); if (!result.Transaction.Compute.Success) { ToastService.ShowError(JsonSerializer.Serialize(result.Transaction)); return; } SendingGramsSuccess = result.Transaction.Compute.Success; ToastService.ShowSuccess($"GasFees:{result.Fees.GasFee}", "Sending grams is ok"); ProgressCurrentStep++; StateHasChanged(); var res = await TonClient.Queries.Accounts.Query(new TonQueryParams(new { id = new { eq = AccountAddress } }, "balance")) .CatchJsExceptionAsync(ex => ToastService.ShowError(ex.Message)); AccountBalance = res[0].Balance !.Value; }
private async Task Update() { await CustomerRepo.UpdateCustomer(_customer); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Action successful." + $"Customer \"{_customer.Name}\" successfully updated."); //_customer = new Customer(); }
protected void ValidSubmit() { Json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(Config, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true, IgnoreNullValues = true, PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase }); StoreConfig(Config); ToastService.ShowSuccess("Config was stored."); }
private async Task Update() { await EmployeeRepo.UpdateEmployee(_employee); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Action successful." + $"Employee \"{_employee.Name}\" successfully updated."); _employee = new Employee(); }
protected async Task HandleValidSubmit() { await EmployeeDataService.AddEmployee(Employee); await ModalInstance.CloseAsync(ModalResult.Ok(true)); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"{Employee.FullName} Added successfully.", "Success"); }
protected async Task HandleValidSubmit() { await TaskDataService.AddTask(Task); await ModalInstance.CloseAsync(ModalResult.Ok(true)); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"{Task.Title} Added successfully.", "Success"); }
private async Task UpdatePersonAsync() { await PersonService.UpdatePersonAsync(PersonToUpdate); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"{ Person.Name } has been updated successfully.", "Person Updated"); IsEditing = false; StateChanged?.Invoke(); }
protected async Task ConfirmDelete_Click(bool deleteConfirmed) { if (deleteConfirmed) { await InvoiceService.DeleteInvoice(Invoice.InvoiceNumber); ToastService.ShowSuccess(Invoice.InvoiceNumber + " was removed successfully"); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/Invoices"); } }
public async void DeleteUser(long id) { if (!await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync <bool>("confirm", "Are you sure you want to delete this user")) { return; } await UserDataService.DeleteUser(id); Users = (await UserDataService.GetAllUsers()).ToList(); StateHasChanged(); ToastService.ShowSuccess("User Deleted Successfuly", "Confirm"); }
private async Task OnAddCategory() { var categoryForm = ModalService.Show <CategoryForm>("افزودن دسته"); var result = await categoryForm.Result; if (!result.Cancelled) { ToastService.ShowSuccess("افزودن دسته با موفقیت انجام شد"); await LoadTableData(); } }
private void DeleteTemplate(MailTemplate template) { try { ItemRepository.Delete(template); _templates.Remove(template); _selectedTemplate = null; ToastService.ShowSuccess("Template verwijderd."); } catch (Exception ex) { ToastService.ShowError("Kon template niet verwijderen."); } }
private async Task DeleteExpenseAsync(Expense expense) { if (await Js.InvokeAsync <bool>("confirm", "Are you sure you want to delete this expense? " + "This action cannot be undone.")) { await ExpenseService.DeleteExpense(expense.Id); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"The '{ expense.Name }' expense has been sucessfully deleted.", "Expense Deleted"); Expenses.Remove(expense); } }
private async Task DeletePersonAsync(Person person) { if (await Js.InvokeAsync <bool>("confirm", "Are you sure you want to delete this person? " + "This will also remove all of their expenses and also any shared expenses on this account. " + "This action cannot be undone.")) { await PersonService.DeletePersonAsync(person.Id); ToastService.ShowSuccess("A person and all of their expenses have been sucessfully deleted.", "Person Deleted"); StateChanged?.Invoke(); } }
protected async Task HandleFormSubmit() { var result = await ResourceService.CreateResource(Resource); if (result != null) { ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Resursas '{Resource.Name}' yra sėkmingai sukurtas"); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/resources"); } else { ToastService.ShowError("Nepavyko sukurti resurso"); } }
private async Task Create() { // Refresh date so it is set to the actual save time _audit.Date = DateTime.Now; await AuditRepo.CreateAudit(_audit); //_audit.Date = DateTime.Now(); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Action successful." + $"Audit \"{_audit.TransTypeId}\" successfully added."); _audit = new Audit(); _editContext.OnValidationStateChanged += ValidationChanged; _editContext.NotifyValidationStateChanged(); }
protected void Submit() { if (_item != null) { ParentItem.AddItem(_item); Repository.Save(ParentItem); BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok <Item>(_item)); ToastService.ShowSuccess("Item inbegrepen"); } else { ToastService.ShowWarning("Selecteer een item."); } }
protected async Task HandleFormSubmit() { var result = await ProductService.CreateProduct(Product); if (result != null) { ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Produktas '{Product.Name}' yra sėkmingai sukurtas"); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/products"); } else { ToastService.ShowError("Nepavyko sukurti produkto"); } }
protected async Task HandleFormSubmit() { var result = await CustomerOrderService.EditOrder(Id, OrderUpdate); if (result != null) { ToastService.ShowSuccess($"Gamybos užsakyms '{Order.Id}' yra sėkmnigai atnaujintas"); NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/orders"); } else { ToastService.ShowError("Nepavyko atnaujinti gamybos užsakymo"); } }