internal async Task HandleLine(string receivedData) { if (receivedData.Contains("Nickname is already in use")) { this.server.username += "_"; AttemptAuth(); return; } if (receivedData.StartsWith("ERROR")) { if (!IsReconnecting) { ReadOrWriteFailed = true; var autoReconnect = Config.GetBoolean(Config.AutoReconnect); var msg = autoReconnect ? "Attempting to reconnect..." : "Please try again later."; AddError("Error with connection: \n" + msg); DisconnectAsync(attemptReconnect: autoReconnect); } return; } if (receivedData.StartsWith("PING")) { await WriteLine(writer, receivedData.Replace("PING", "PONG")); return; } var parsedLine = new IrcMessage(receivedData); ReconnectionAttempts = 0; if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "CAP") { if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[1] == "LS") { var requirements = ""; var compatibleFeatues = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent; if (compatibleFeatues.Contains("znc")) { IsBouncer = true; } if (compatibleFeatues.Contains("")) { requirements += " "; } if (compatibleFeatues.Contains("multi-prefix")) { requirements += "multi-prefix "; } WriteLine("CAP REQ :" + requirements); WriteLine("CAP END"); } } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "JOIN") { var channel = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent; if (parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname == this.server.username) { await AddChannel(channel); } if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters != null) { channel = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0]; } if ((!Config.Contains(Config.IgnoreJoinLeave)) || (!Config.GetBoolean(Config.IgnoreJoinLeave))) { Message msg = new Message(); msg.Type = MessageType.Info; msg.User = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; msg.Text = String.Format("({0}) {1}", parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Prefix, "joined the channel"); await AddMessage(channel, msg); } channelStore[channel].AddUser(parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname, true); } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "PART") { var channel = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent; if (parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname == this.server.username) { RemoveChannel(channel); } else { if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters.Count > 0) { channel = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0]; } if ((!Config.Contains(Config.IgnoreJoinLeave)) || (!Config.GetBoolean(Config.IgnoreJoinLeave))) { Message msg = new Message(); msg.Type = MessageType.Info; msg.User = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; msg.Text = String.Format("({0}) {1}", parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Prefix, "left the channel"); await AddMessage(channel, msg); } channelStore[channel].RemoveUser(parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname); } } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "PRIVMSG") { // handle messages to this irc client var destination = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0]; var content = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent; if (destination == server.username) { destination = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; } if (!channelList.Contains(destination)) { await AddChannel(destination); } Message msg = new Message(); msg.Type = MessageType.Normal; msg.User = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; if (parsedLine.ServerTime != null) { var time = DateTime.Parse(parsedLine.ServerTime); msg.Timestamp = time.ToString("HH:mm"); } if (content.Contains("ACTION")) { msg.Text = content.Replace("ACTION ", ""); msg.Type = MessageType.Action; } else { msg.Text = content; } var key = Config.PerChannelSetting(, destination, Config.AlwaysNotify); var ping = Config.GetBoolean(key, false); if (parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent.Contains(server.username) || parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0] == server.username || ping) { if (currentChannel != destination || (App.Current as App).IncrementPings == true || MainPage.instance.currentServer == || ping) { var toast = CreateMentionToast(parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname, destination, content); toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); (App.Current as App).NumberPings++; } msg.Mention = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent.Contains(server.username) || parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0] == server.username; } await AddMessage(destination, msg); } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "KICK") { // handle messages to this irc client var destination = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0]; var reciever = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[1]; var content = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent; if (!channelList.Contains(destination)) { AddChannel(destination); } Message msg = new Message(); msg.Type = MessageType.Info; if (reciever == server.username) { var kickTitle = String.Format("{0} kicked you from {1}", parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname, destination); var toast = CreateBasicToast(kickTitle, content); toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); msg.User = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; msg.Text = "kicked you from the channel: " + content; } else { msg.User = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; msg.Text = String.Format("kicked {0} from the channel: {1}", reciever, content); } await AddMessage(destination, msg); } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "353") { // handle /NAMES var list = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent.Split(' ').ToList(); var channel = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[2]; if (!channelList.Contains(channel)) { await AddChannel(channel); } channelStore[channel].AddUsers(list); if (!IsBouncer) { channelStore[channel].SortUsers(); } } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "332") { // handle initial topic recieve var topic = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent; var channel = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[1]; if (!channelList.Contains(channel)) { await AddChannel(channel); } Message msg = new Message(); msg.Type = MessageType.Info; msg.User = ""; msg.Text = String.Format("Topic for channel {0}: {1}", channel, topic); await AddMessage(channel, msg); channelStore[channel].SetTopic(topic); } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "TOPIC") { // handle topic recieved var topic = parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent; var channel = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0]; if (!channelList.Contains(channel)) { await AddChannel(channel); } Message msg = new Message(); msg.Type = MessageType.Info; msg.User = ""; msg.Text = String.Format("Topic for channel {0}: {1}", channel, topic); await AddMessage(channel, msg); channelStore[channel].SetTopic(topic); } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "QUIT") { var username = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; foreach (var channel in channelList) { var users = channelStore[channel.Name]; if (users.HasUser(username)) { if ((!Config.Contains(Config.IgnoreJoinLeave)) || (!Config.GetBoolean(Config.IgnoreJoinLeave))) { Message msg = new Message(); msg.Type = MessageType.Info; msg.User = parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Nickname; msg.Text = String.Format("({0}) {1}: {2}", parsedLine.PrefixMessage.Prefix, "quit the server", parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent); await AddMessage(channel.Name, msg); } users.RemoveUser(username); } } } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "MODE") { Debug.WriteLine(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command + " - " + receivedData); if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters.Count > 2) { var channel = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[0]; if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters.Count == 3) { string currentPrefix = channelStore[channel].GetPrefix(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[2]); string prefix = ""; string mode = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[1]; if (mode == "+o") { if (currentPrefix.Length > 0 && currentPrefix[0] == '+') { prefix = "@+"; } else { prefix = "@"; } } else if (mode == "-o") { if (currentPrefix.Length > 0 && currentPrefix[1] == '+') { prefix = "+"; } } else if (mode == "+v") { if (currentPrefix.Length > 0 && currentPrefix[0] == '@') { prefix = "@+"; } else { prefix = "+"; } } else if (mode == "-v") { if (currentPrefix.Length > 0 && currentPrefix[0] == '@') { prefix = "@"; } else { prefix = ""; } } channelStore[channel].ChangePrefix(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[2], prefix); } ClientMessage(channel, "Mode change: " + String.Join(" ", parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters)); } } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "470") { RemoveChannel(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[1]); AddChannel(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[2]); } else if (WhoisCmds.Any(str => str.Contains(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command))) { var cmd = parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command; if (currentWhois == "") { currentWhois += "Whois for " + parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[1] + ": \r\n"; } var whoisLine = ""; if (cmd == "330") { whoisLine += parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[1] + " " + parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent + " " + parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[2] + " "; currentWhois += whoisLine + "\r\n"; } else { for (int i = 2; i < parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters.Count; i++) { whoisLine += parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command + " " + parsedLine.CommandMessage.Parameters[i] + " "; } currentWhois += whoisLine + parsedLine.TrailMessage.TrailingContent + "\r\n"; } } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "318") { Debug.WriteLine(currentWhois); Message msg = new Message(); msg.Text = currentWhois; msg.Type = MessageType.Info; await AddMessage(currentChannel, msg); currentWhois = ""; } else if (parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command == "376") { if (server.nickservPassword != null && server.nickservPassword != "") { SendMessage("nickserv", "identify " + server.nickservPassword); } if (server.channels != null && server.channels != "") { var channelsList = server.channels.Split(','); foreach (string channel in channelsList) { JoinChannel(channel); } } } else { if (!parsedLine.PrefixMessage.IsUser) { if (!channelList.Contains("Server")) { AddChannel("Server"); } Message msg = new Message(); msg.Text = parsedLine.OriginalMessage; msg.Type = MessageType.Info; msg.User = ""; await AddMessage("Server", msg); } Debug.WriteLine(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command + " - " + receivedData); } //Debug.WriteLine(parsedLine.CommandMessage.Command + " - " + receivedData); }
public static void BigImageToast(string id, string imageUri, string avatarUri) { ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Launch = "Toast", Actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Buttons = { new ToastButton("Favorite", new QueryString() { { "action", "favorite" }, { "id", id } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Background }, new ToastButton("Undo", new QueryString() { { "action", "undoWallpaper" }, { "id", id } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Background }, new ToastButton("Dismiss", "dismiss") { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Protocol }, } }, Visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = "Your wallpaper is updated!", HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Header }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = "Happy?", HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Body }, //new AdaptiveImage() //{ // Source = imageUri, // HintRemoveMargin = true, // HintCrop = AdaptiveImageCrop.None, //}, }, HeroImage = new ToastGenericHeroImage() { Source = imageUri }, Attribution = new ToastGenericAttributionText() { Text = "prpr" }, AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = "Assets/Square44x44Logo.targetsize-256_altform-unplated.png",// avatarUri, HintCrop = ToastGenericAppLogoCrop.None, }, } } }; ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); }
private async void myimport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var fileopen = new FileOpenPicker(); fileopen.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.ComputerFolder; fileopen.FileTypeFilter.Add(".mp3"); fileopen.FileTypeFilter.Add(".wav"); fileopen.FileTypeFilter.Add(".mp4"); fileopen.FileTypeFilter.Add(".avi"); fileopen.FileTypeFilter.Add(".vob"); newelements.AutoPlay = true; var file = await fileopen.PickSingleFileAsync(); var stream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read); var filename = file.Name; var filetype = file.FileType; if (filetype == ".mp4" || filetype == ".avi" || filetype == ".mp3" || filetype == ".wav" || filetype == ".vob") { newelements.SetSource(stream, file.ContentType); newelements.IsFullWindow = !newelements.IsFullWindow; newelements.TransportControls.IsStopEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsStopButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastForwardButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastForwardEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastRewindButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastRewindEnabled = true; } newelements.SetSource(stream, file.ContentType); newelements.TransportControls.IsStopEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsStopButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastForwardButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastForwardEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastRewindButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastRewindEnabled = true; newelements.Play(); remaintxt.Text = string.Format("Now Playing: {0}", filename); resultetxtblock.Text = filename; presstxt.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; var tilexml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileWide310x150IconWithBadgeAndText); var tileattr = tilexml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); tileattr[0].AppendChild(tilexml.CreateTextNode(resultetxtblock.Text)); tileattr[1].AppendChild(tilexml.CreateTextNode(tiletxt.Text)); var tilenotify = new TileNotification(tilexml); TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(tilenotify); var template = ToastTemplateType.ToastText01; var xml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(template); xml.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("launch", "Args"); var text = xml.CreateTextNode(remaintxt.Text); var elements = xml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); elements[0].AppendChild(text); var toast = new ToastNotification(xml); var notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(); notifier.Show(toast); }
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { var details = taskInstance.TriggerDetails as BackgroundTransferCompletionGroupTriggerDetails; if (details == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("下载任务非下载完成后触发", "Error"); return; } // 寻找对应的下载计划 RecordSchedule schedule = null; foreach (var item in RecordScheduleManager.Container.Values) { if ((Guid)item.Value == taskInstance.Task.TaskId) { schedule = new RecordSchedule(item.Key); } } if (schedule == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("未找到对应的下载计划", "Error"); return; } if (details.Downloads.Any(op => IsFailed(op))) { // 下载失败 schedule.Status = ScheduleStatus.Failed; // 生成下载失败的消息提醒 XmlDocument failedToastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastText01); failedToastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text").Item(0).InnerText = "一项录播任务失败"; ToastNotification failedToast = new ToastNotification(failedToastXml); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(failedToast); return; } RecordScheduleMessager.Instance.Trigger(schedule.Key, RecordScheduleMessageType.DownloadedOne); var _defer = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); if (schedule.Status == ScheduleStatus.Terminated) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("下载计划被终止"); // 将已下载的缓存合并成文件保存下来 schedule.Status = ScheduleStatus.Decoding; var continuous = await schedule.ConcatenateSegments(schedule.SavePath); schedule.Status = ScheduleStatus.Terminated; return; } // 生成下一个下载,若下载完毕则直接处理文件 var operation = await schedule.GenerateDownloadTask(); if (operation == null) { schedule.Status = ScheduleStatus.Decoding; var continuous = await schedule.ConcatenateSegments(schedule.SavePath); // 生成下载成功的消息提醒 XmlDocument successToastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastText01); successToastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text").Item(0).InnerText = "一项录播任务已经成功结束" + (continuous ? string.Empty : ",但可能录播不完整。"); ToastNotification successToast = new ToastNotification(successToastXml); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(successToast); } _defer.Complete(); }
void IBackgroundTask.Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { AuthenticateClass token = new AuthenticateClass(); token.appname = null; var authfile = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("auth.txt"); authfile.AsTask().Wait(); var tokenfile = authfile.GetResults(); var ioop = FileIO.ReadTextAsync(tokenfile); ioop.AsTask().Wait(); token.token = ioop.GetResults(); token.server = MainPage.getServerName(); string baseuri = "https://" + token.server; baseuri = baseuri + "/api/v1/streaming/user"; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token.token); var msg = client.GetStreamAsync(baseuri); msg.Wait(); var msga = msg.Result; while (1 == 1) { var st = new StreamReader(msga); string text = st.ReadLine(); if ((text.ToArray())[0] != ':') { string[] text2 = text.Split(':'); string text3 = st.ReadLine(); string stdata = new string((text3.Skip(5)).ToArray()); if (text2[1] == " notification") { NotificationClass_new notification = NotificationClass_new.parseNotification(stdata); if ( != null) { if (notification.type == "favourite") { } if (notification.type == "reblog") { } if (notification.type == "follow") { if (notification.account.avatar[0] == 'h') { notification.account.avatar = "https://" + token.server + notification.account.avatar; } ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = notification.account.display_name + " followed you." }, new AdaptiveImage() { Source = notification.account.avatar } } } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = visual }; var toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } if (notification.type == "mention") { } } } } } }
private async void AncsManagerOnOnNotification(PlainNotification o) { XmlDocument toastXml = null; ToastVisual toastVisual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = o.Title }, new AdaptiveText { Text = o.Message } } }, }; // toast actions ToastActionsCustom toastActions = new ToastActionsCustom(); switch (o.CategoryId) { case CategoryId.IncomingCall: //toastVisual.BindingGeneric.AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = "Assets/iOS7_App_Icon_Phone.png" }; toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButton("Answer", new QueryString() { { "action", "positive" }, { "uid", o.Uid.ToString() } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground }); //toastVisual.BindingGeneric.AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = "Assets/iOS7_App_Icon_Phone.png" }; toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButton("Dismiss", new QueryString() { { "action", "negative" }, { "uid", o.Uid.ToString() } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground }); break; case CategoryId.MissedCall: //toastVisual.BindingGeneric.AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = "Assets/iOS7_App_Icon_Phone.png" }; toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButton("Dial", new QueryString() { { "action", "positive" }, { "uid", o.Uid.ToString() } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground }); //toastVisual.BindingGeneric.AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = "Assets/iOS7_App_Icon_Phone.png" }; toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButton("Dismiss", new QueryString() { { "action", "negative" }, { "uid", o.Uid.ToString() } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground }); break; case CategoryId.Voicemail: //toastVisual.BindingGeneric.AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = "Assets/iOS7_App_Icon_Phone.png" }; toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButton("Dial", new QueryString() { { "action", "positive" }, { "uid", o.Uid.ToString() } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground }); toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButtonDismiss()); break; case CategoryId.Email: //toastVisual.BindingGeneric.AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = "Assets/iOS7_App_Icon_Email.png" }; toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButtonDismiss()); break; default: toastActions.Buttons.Add(new ToastButtonDismiss()); break; } ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = toastVisual, Scenario = ToastScenario.Default, Actions = toastActions, }; toastXml = toastContent.GetXml(); ToastNotification toastNotification = new ToastNotification(toastXml) { ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5) }; ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toastNotification); // Old stuff await this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { this.DataList.Add(o); }); }
private async Task CreateNotifications() { var ToastNotifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(); var ScheduledToastList = ToastNotifier.GetScheduledToastNotifications(); ActiList = await ActiMan.GetItemsAsync(true); var ValidItems = ActiList.Where(x => (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay - x.WhenNotify.TimeOfDay).TotalMinutes <= 0)?.Where(x => !ScheduledToastList.Select(y => y.Id).Contains("Acti" + x.ID)).ToList(); if (ValidItems == null) { return; } else if (ValidItems.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var item in ValidItems) { if (!item.Notify || item.Secured || !item.NotifyDays.Contains(DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek)) { break; } if ((!item.Dates.Contains(DateTime.Today)) && ((item.End >= DateTime.Today) && (item.Start <= DateTime.Today))) { XmlDocument xml = Notifications.GetXml(new string[2] { "Uncompleted activity", $"Activity {item.Name} isn't completed." }, ToastTemplateType.ToastText02); DateTime now = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, item.WhenNotify.Hour, item.WhenNotify.Minute, item.WhenNotify.Second); if (now.Minute == DateTime.Now.Minute) { now.AddMinutes(1); } ScheduledToastNotification newScheduled = new ScheduledToastNotification(xml, now) { Id = "Acti" + item.ID }; ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(newScheduled); //if (NotifyQueue <= 5) //{ // NotifyQueue++; // Queue.Add(item); //} } if (item.Dates.Contains(DateTime.Today)) { var scheduledNotification = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().GetScheduledToastNotifications().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "Acti" + item.ID); if (scheduledNotification != null) { ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().RemoveFromSchedule(scheduledNotification); } } } defferal.Complete(); }
private async void Share_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(); string name; if (_card.Name == null || _card.Name == "") { name = "色卡"; } else { name = _card.Name; } StorageFile file = await KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.CreateFileAsync(name + ".jpg", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); await bitmap.RenderAsync(Stamp); var buffer = await bitmap.GetPixelsAsync(); using (IRandomAccessStream stream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite)) { var encod = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync( BitmapEncoder.JpegEncoderId, stream); encod.SetPixelData(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Ignore, (uint)bitmap.PixelWidth, (uint)bitmap.PixelHeight, DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().LogicalDpi, DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().LogicalDpi, buffer.ToArray() ); await encod.FlushAsync(); } // In a real app, these would be initialized with actual data string title = "色卡已保存到图片库中"; string image = file.Path; // Construct the visuals of the toast ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = title }, new AdaptiveImage() { Source = image } }, } }; int conversationId = 2; // Construct the actions for the toast (inputs and buttons) ToastActionsCustom actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Buttons = { new ToastButton("复制", new QueryString() { { "action", "copy" }, { "conversationId",conversationId.ToString() } }.ToString()) /* * new ToastButton("查看", new QueryString() * { * { "action", "viewImage" }, * { "imageUrl", image } * * }.ToString()) */ } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = visual, Actions = actions, // Arguments when the user taps body of toast Launch = new QueryString() { { "action", "viewConversation" }, { "conversationId", conversationId.ToString() } }.ToString() }; var toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); DataPackage dataPackage = new DataPackage(); dataPackage.RequestedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Copy; dataPackage.SetBitmap(RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(file)); Clipboard.SetContent(dataPackage); }
public NotificationService() { notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(); contentBuilder = new ContentBuilder(); }
public override async void Connect() { if (server == null) { return; } IsAuthed = false; ReadOrWriteFailed = false; if (!ConnCheck.HasInternetAccess) { var autoReconnect = Config.GetBoolean(Config.AutoReconnect); var msg = autoReconnect ? "We'll try to connect once a connection is available." : "Please try again once your connection is restored"; var error = Irc.CreateBasicToast("No connection detected.", msg); error.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(error); if (!autoReconnect) { DisconnectAsync(attemptReconnect: autoReconnect); } return; } streamSocket = new StreamSocket(); streamSocket.Control.KeepAlive = true; if (Config.GetBoolean(Config.IgnoreSSL)) { streamSocket.Control.IgnorableServerCertificateErrors.Add(ChainValidationResult.Untrusted); streamSocket.Control.IgnorableServerCertificateErrors.Add(ChainValidationResult.Expired); } dataStreamLineReader = new SafeLineReader(); try { var protectionLevel = server.ssl ? SocketProtectionLevel.Tls12 : SocketProtectionLevel.PlainSocket; Debug.WriteLine("Attempting to connect..."); await streamSocket.ConnectAsync(new Windows.Networking.HostName(server.hostname), server.port.ToString(), protectionLevel); Debug.WriteLine("Connected!"); reader = new DataReader(streamSocket.InputStream); writer = new DataWriter(streamSocket.OutputStream); IsConnected = true; IsReconnecting = false; ConnectionHandler(); } catch (Exception e) { var autoReconnect = Config.GetBoolean(Config.AutoReconnect, true); var msg = autoReconnect ? "Attempting to reconnect..." : "Please try again later."; AddError("Error whilst connecting: " + e.Message + "\n" + msg); AddError(e.StackTrace); AddError("If this error keeps occuring, ensure your connection settings are correct."); DisconnectAsync(attemptReconnect: autoReconnect); Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); Debug.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } }
public ToastNotifier CreateToastNotifier() { return(ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier()); }
private void session_Revoked(object sender, ExtendedExecutionRevokedEventArgs args) { var toast = CreateBasicToast("Warning", "The extended execution session has been revoked. Connection may be lost when minimized."); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); }
private void UpdatePrimaryTile(List <GetAttentionUpdate> news) { ApplicationDataContainer container = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; if (news == null || !news.Any()) { return; } try { var updater = TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication(); updater.EnableNotificationQueueForWide310x150(true); updater.EnableNotificationQueueForSquare150x150(true); updater.EnableNotificationQueueForSquare310x310(true); updater.EnableNotificationQueue(true); List <string> oldList = new List <string>(); updater.Clear(); bool updateVideo = SettingHelper.Get_DT(); bool updateBnagumi = SettingHelper.Get_FJ(); try { if (SettingHelper.Get_TsDt().Length != 0) { oldList = SettingHelper.Get_TsDt().ToString().Split(',').ToList(); //oldList.RemoveAt(0); } else { string s1 = ""; foreach (var item in news) { s1 += item.addition.aid + ","; } s1 = s1.Remove(s1.Length - 1); SettingHelper.Set_TsDt(s1); //container.Values["TsDt"] = s1; } } catch (Exception) { } foreach (var n in news) { if (news.IndexOf(n) <= 4) { var doc = new XmlDocument(); var xml = string.Format(TileTemplateXml, n.addition.pic, n.addition.title, n.addition.description); doc.LoadXml(WebUtility.HtmlDecode(xml), new XmlLoadSettings { ProhibitDtd = false, ValidateOnParse = false, ElementContentWhiteSpace = false, ResolveExternals = false }); updater.Update(new TileNotification(doc)); } //通知 if (oldList != null && oldList.Count != 0) { if (!oldList.Contains(n.addition.aid)) { ToastTemplateType toastTemplate = ToastTemplateType.ToastText01; XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastTemplate); XmlNodeList toastTextElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("duration", "short"); ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("launch", n.addition.aid); if (n.type == 3) { if (updateBnagumi) { toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode("您关注的《" + n.source.title + "》" + "更新了第" + n.content.index + "话")); ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } } else { if (updateVideo) { toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(n.source.uname + "" + "上传了《" + n.addition.title + "》")); ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } } } } } //container.Values["Ts"] = news; } catch (Exception) { // ignored } finally { string s = ""; foreach (var item in news) { s += item.addition.aid + ","; } s = s.Remove(s.Length - 1); SettingHelper.Set_TsDt(s); } }
private void UIElement_OnTapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { var notification = NielsNotification(); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(notification); }
public async Task UpdateScheduleSummaryNotificationAsync() { if (!ShouldUpdateScheduleSummary) { return; } List <ScheduleEntryViewModel> schedule; try { schedule = await GetTodayScheduleAsync(); } catch (LocalCacheRequestFailedException) { return; } TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Clear(); BadgeUpdateManager.CreateBadgeUpdaterForApplication().Clear(); if (schedule.Count == 0) { return; } var tile = new TileContent() { Visual = new TileVisual() { TileSmall = new TileBinding() { Content = new TileBindingContentIconic() }, TileMedium = GetTile(schedule, TileSize.Medium), TileWide = GetTile(schedule, TileSize.Wide), TileLarge = GetTile(schedule, TileSize.Large), LockDetailedStatus1 = schedule[0].Name, LockDetailedStatus2 = schedule[0].TimeRangeDisplay, LockDetailedStatus3 = schedule[0].Room } }; var tileNotification = new TileNotification(tile.GetXml()); tileNotification.ExpirationTime = schedule[0].LocalEndTime; TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(tileNotification); var badge = new BadgeNumericContent((uint)schedule.Count); var badgeNotification = new BadgeNotification(badge.GetXml()); badgeNotification.ExpirationTime = schedule[0].LocalEndTime; BadgeUpdateManager.CreateBadgeUpdaterForApplication().Update(badgeNotification); if (ShouldSendScheduleSummaryToast) { ToastContent toast = GetToast(schedule); var toastNotification = new ToastNotification(toast.GetXml()) { Group = ToastTypes.ScheduleSummary.ToString(), Tag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ExpirationTime = schedule.Max(x => x.LocalEndTime) }; ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toastNotification); SetScheduleSummaryToastSentStatus(); } }
public ToastNotification() { _toastNotifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(); }
public NotificationsManager(IStartMenuShortcutManager shortcutManager, IAppInfo appInfo) { shortcutManager.EnsureShortcut(); toastNotifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(appInfo.Name); dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher; }
private async void Create_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (CLListView.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { Reminder reminder = new Reminder(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NameBox.Text)) { reminder.ReminderName = "Untitled Reminder"; } else { reminder.ReminderName = NameBox.Text; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LocationBox.Text)) { reminder.ReminderLocation = "Location: None"; } else { reminder.ReminderLocation = LocationBox.Text; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NotesBox.Text)) { reminder.ReminderNotes = "Notes: None"; } else { reminder.ReminderNotes = NotesBox.Text; } var reminderDate = CLDatePicker.Date; if (reminderDate.HasValue) { DateTime date = reminderDate.Value.DateTime; string formattedDate = date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); reminder.ReminderDate = formattedDate; var notificationDate = CLDatePicker.Date.Value.DateTime; reminder.ReminderNotification = notificationDate; } else { reminder.ReminderDate = "Date: None"; reminder.ReminderNotification = DateTime.Now; } var timeHours = CLTimePicker.Time.Hours; var timeMinutes = CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes; string amPm; string formattedHours; string formattedMinutes; string formattedTime; if (timeHours > 12) { timeHours -= 12; amPm = "PM"; } else { amPm = "AM"; } formattedHours = timeHours.ToString(); if (timeMinutes < 10) { formattedMinutes = timeMinutes.ToString(); formattedMinutes = "0" + formattedMinutes; } else { formattedMinutes = timeMinutes.ToString(); } if (timeHours == 0 && timeMinutes == 0) { formattedTime = "Time: None"; } else { formattedTime = formattedHours + ":" + formattedMinutes + " " + amPm; } reminder.ReminderTime = formattedTime; ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = reminder.ReminderName }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = reminder.ReminderLocation }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = reminder.ReminderNotes } } } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = visual }; var toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5); if (CLDatePicker.Date.HasValue) { if (CLDatePicker.Date.Value.Date == DateTime.Today.Date) { if (CLTimePicker.Time.Hours <= DateTime.Now.Hour && CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes <= DateTime.Now.Minute) { ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } else { var current = DateTime.Now; var minutesCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes - DateTime.Now.Minute; var hoursCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Hours - DateTime.Now.Hour; int intMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(minutesCounter); int intHours = Convert.ToInt32(hoursCounter); TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, intHours, intMinutes, 0); DateTimeOffset scheduledTime = current + timeSpan; var toast1 = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml(), scheduledTime); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(toast1); } } else if (CLDatePicker.Date.Value.Date < DateTime.Today.Date) { ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } else { var current = DateTime.Now; var daysCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Days - DateTime.Now.Day; var minutesCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes - DateTime.Now.Minute; var hoursCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Hours - DateTime.Now.Hour; int intDays = Convert.ToInt32(daysCounter); int intMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(minutesCounter); int intHours = Convert.ToInt32(hoursCounter); TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(intDays, intHours, intMinutes, 0); DateTimeOffset scheduledTime = current + timeSpan; var toast1 = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml(), scheduledTime); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(toast1); } } RemindersList.Add(reminder); foreach (Reminder selectedItem in CLListView.SelectedItems) { RemindersList.Remove(selectedItem); } } else { Reminder reminder = new Reminder(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NameBox.Text)) { reminder.ReminderName = "Untitled Reminder"; } else { reminder.ReminderName = NameBox.Text; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LocationBox.Text)) { reminder.ReminderLocation = "Location: None"; } else { reminder.ReminderLocation = LocationBox.Text; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NotesBox.Text)) { reminder.ReminderNotes = "Notes: None"; } else { reminder.ReminderNotes = NotesBox.Text; } var reminderDate = CLDatePicker.Date; if (reminderDate.HasValue) { DateTime date = reminderDate.Value.DateTime; string formattedDate = date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); reminder.ReminderDate = formattedDate; var notificationDate = CLDatePicker.Date.Value.DateTime; reminder.ReminderNotification = notificationDate; } else { reminder.ReminderDate = "Date: None"; reminder.ReminderNotification = DateTime.Now; } var timeHours = CLTimePicker.Time.Hours; var timeMinutes = CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes; string amPm; string formattedHours; string formattedMinutes; string formattedTime; if (timeHours > 12) { timeHours -= 12; amPm = "PM"; } else { amPm = "AM"; } formattedHours = timeHours.ToString(); if (timeMinutes < 10) { formattedMinutes = timeMinutes.ToString(); formattedMinutes = "0" + formattedMinutes; } else { formattedMinutes = timeMinutes.ToString(); } if (timeHours == 0 && timeMinutes == 0) { formattedTime = "Time: None"; } else { formattedTime = formattedHours + ":" + formattedMinutes + " " + amPm; } reminder.ReminderTime = formattedTime; ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = reminder.ReminderName }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = reminder.ReminderLocation }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = reminder.ReminderNotes } } } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = visual }; var toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5); if (CLDatePicker.Date.HasValue) { if (CLDatePicker.Date.Value.Date == DateTime.Today.Date) { if (CLTimePicker.Time.Hours <= DateTime.Now.Hour && CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes <= DateTime.Now.Minute) { ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } else { var current = DateTime.Now; var minutesCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes - DateTime.Now.Minute; var hoursCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Hours - DateTime.Now.Hour; int intMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(minutesCounter); int intHours = Convert.ToInt32(hoursCounter); TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0, intHours, intMinutes, 0); DateTimeOffset scheduledTime = current + timeSpan; var toast1 = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml(), scheduledTime); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(toast1); } } else if (CLDatePicker.Date.Value.Date < DateTime.Today.Date) { ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } else { var current = DateTime.Now; var daysCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Days - DateTime.Now.Day; var minutesCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Minutes - DateTime.Now.Minute; var hoursCounter = CLTimePicker.Time.Hours - DateTime.Now.Hour; int intDays = Convert.ToInt32(daysCounter); int intMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(minutesCounter); int intHours = Convert.ToInt32(hoursCounter); TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(intDays, intHours, intMinutes, 0); DateTimeOffset scheduledTime = current + timeSpan; var toast1 = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml(), scheduledTime); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(toast1); } } RemindersList.Add(reminder); } NameBox.Text = ""; LocationBox.Text = ""; NotesBox.Text = ""; CLDatePicker.Date = null; CLTimePicker.Time = TimeSpan.Zero; var localfolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; var file = await localfolder.CreateFileAsync("collection.json", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); using (var stream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RemindersList); await writer.WriteAsync(json); } ReminderView.IsPaneOpen = false; }
private void PopToast() { ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(new ToastNotification(_toastContent.GetXml())); }
public async void timertick(object sender, object e) { timer.Stop(); string response = await getnewmail(); dynamic rss = JObject.Parse(response); JArray abc = rss.value; if (abc.Count <= 0) { timer.Start(); return; } var a = abc[abc.Count - 1]; foreach (dynamic item in a) { if (item.Name == "receivedDateTime") { receivedDateTime = item.Value; } if (item.Name == "subject") { subject = item.Value; } if (item.Name == "id") { if (!(id == (string)item.Value)) { id = item.Value; } else { timer.Start(); return; } } if (item.Name == "sender") { JObject senderinfo = item.Value; foreach (dynamic i in senderinfo) { JObject aaa = i.Value; foreach (dynamic items in aaa) { if (items.Key == "address") { sendermailid = items.Value; } } } } } // get mails to check for any new emails if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(receivedDateTime.ToString())) { timer.Start(); return; } // Data for toast notification string title = "You've got a new Mail."; string mailfrom = "From : " + sendermailid; string mailsubject = "Subject : " + subject; // Toast content var toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = title }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = mailfrom }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = mailsubject } } } }, Actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Buttons = { new ToastButtonDismiss() } }, Launch = "action=viewEvent&eventId=1983", Scenario = ToastScenario.Reminder }; // And create the toast notification var toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); // Set expiration time toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1); // pri toast.Tag = "18365"; toast.Group = "wallPosts"; ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); timer.Start(); }
private void ShowNewVideosToastNotification(Subscription subscription, SubscriptionSource source, IEnumerable <Database.NicoVideo> newItems) { var mylistMan = App.Current.Container.Resolve <UserMylistManager>(); // TODO: プレイリスト毎にまとめたほうがいい? foreach (var dest in subscription.Destinations) { Interfaces.IMylist list = null; if (dest.Target == SubscriptionDestinationTarget.LocalPlaylist) { list = MylistHelper.FindMylistInCached(dest.PlaylistId, PlaylistOrigin.Local); } else if (dest.Target == SubscriptionDestinationTarget.LoginUserMylist) { list = MylistHelper.FindMylistInCached(dest.PlaylistId, PlaylistOrigin.LoginUser); } IList <Database.NicoVideo> videoList; if (NewItemsPerPlayableList.TryGetValue(list, out var cacheVideoList)) { videoList = cacheVideoList.Item1; if (!cacheVideoList.Item2.Contains(subscription)) { cacheVideoList.Item2.Add(subscription); } } else { videoList = new List <Database.NicoVideo>(); NewItemsPerPlayableList.Add(list, new Tuple <IList <Database.NicoVideo>, IList <Subscription> >(videoList, new List <Subscription>() { subscription })); } foreach (var video in newItems) { videoList.Add(video); } } try { foreach (var pair in NewItemsPerPlayableList) { var playableList = pair.Key; var newItemsPerList = pair.Value.Item1; var subscriptions = pair.Value.Item2; ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { } } }; visual.BindingGeneric.Children.Insert(0, new AdaptiveText() { Text = $"『{playableList.Label}』に新着動画を追加", HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.Base }); foreach (var item in newItemsPerList) { visual.BindingGeneric.Children.Add(new AdaptiveText() { Text = item.Title, HintStyle = AdaptiveTextStyle.BaseSubtle }); } ToastActionsCustom action = new ToastActionsCustom() { Buttons = { new ToastButton("視聴する", new LoginRedirectPayload() { RedirectPageType = HohoemaPageType.VideoPlayer,RedirectParamter = newItemsPerList.First().RawVideoId }.ToParameterString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground, }, new ToastButton("購読を管理", new LoginRedirectPayload() { RedirectPageType = HohoemaPageType.Subscription }.ToParameterString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground, }, } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = visual, Actions = action, }; var toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); var notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(); toast.Tag = playableList.Id; toast.Group = TOAST_GROUP; notifier.Show(toast); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
public void Create(DateTime alarmTime, string id, string content) { string title = "浅易便签"; // Construct the visuals of the toast ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = title }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = content } } } }; // In a real app, these would be initialized with actual data //int conversationId = 384928; // Construct the actions for the toast (inputs and buttons) ToastActionsCustom actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Inputs = { new ToastSelectionBox("snoozeTime") { DefaultSelectionBoxItemId = "15", Title = "推迟时间为", Items = { new ToastSelectionBoxItem("5", "5 分钟"), new ToastSelectionBoxItem("15", "15 分钟"), new ToastSelectionBoxItem("60", "1 小时"), new ToastSelectionBoxItem("240", "4 小时"), new ToastSelectionBoxItem("1440", "1 天") } } }, Buttons = { new ToastButtonSnooze() { SelectionBoxId = "snoozeTime", }, new ToastButtonDismiss() } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = visual, Actions = actions, Scenario = ToastScenario.Reminder, // Arguments when the user taps body of toast Launch = new QueryString() { { "action", "viewConversation" }, //{ "conversationId", conversationId.ToString() } }.ToString() }; if (alarmTime > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5)) { // Create the scheduled notification var scheduledNotif = new ScheduledToastNotification( toastContent.GetXml(), // Content of the toast alarmTime // Time we want the toast to appear at ) { Id = id }; // And add it to the schedule ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(scheduledNotif); } else { var notifyPopup = new NotifyPopup("设定时间已过期"); notifyPopup.Show(); } }
public async static Task Update() { StorageSettings settings = new StorageSettings(); if (settings.UserSignedIn) { //计算当前周数以及当天是一周中的哪一天 int daySpan = (DateTime.Today - settings.TermlyDate).Days; if (daySpan < 0 || daySpan / 7 > settings.WeekNum) { return; } int weekOfTerm = daySpan / 7; int temp = (int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek;//0表示一周的开始(周日),所以需要根据自身需要做个修订 int dayOfWeek = temp == 0 ? 6 : --temp; //获取所需课程数据 (上课20分钟内不更新) var weeklyList = await CourseDataService.LoadWeeklyDataFromIsoStoreAsync(weekOfTerm + 1); //当前周数据 var dailyList = weeklyList[dayOfWeek]; //当天数据 var result = from c in dailyList where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.FullName) && DateTime.Now < Convert.ToDateTime(c.StartTime).AddMinutes(20) select c; Debug.WriteLine(result.Count()); //更新磁贴 if (result.Count() > 0) { var c = result.First(); XmlDocument wideTileXML = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileWide310x150IconWithBadgeAndText); XmlNodeList wideTileTestAttributes = wideTileXML.GetElementsByTagName("text"); wideTileTestAttributes[0].AppendChild(wideTileXML.CreateTextNode(c.FullName)); wideTileTestAttributes[1].AppendChild(wideTileXML.CreateTextNode($"时间: {c.StartTime} - {c.EndTime}")); wideTileTestAttributes[2].AppendChild(wideTileXML.CreateTextNode("地点: " + c.Classroom)); XmlNodeList wideTileImageAttributes = wideTileXML.GetElementsByTagName("image"); ((XmlElement)wideTileImageAttributes[0]).SetAttribute("src", "ms-appx:///Assets/Toast.png"); TileNotification notification = new TileNotification(wideTileXML); //notification.ExpirationTime = DateTime TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(notification); //TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForSecondaryTile("SecondaryTile")?.Update(notification); XmlDocument badgeXml = BadgeUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(BadgeTemplateType.BadgeNumber); XmlElement badgeElement = (XmlElement)badgeXml.SelectSingleNode("/badge"); badgeElement.SetAttribute("value", result.Count().ToString()); BadgeNotification badge = new BadgeNotification(badgeXml); BadgeUpdateManager.CreateBadgeUpdaterForApplication().Update(badge); //TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForSecondaryTile("SecondaryTile")?.Update(notification); //未开放二级磁贴选项 //if (SecondaryTile.Exists("SecondaryTile")) //{ // notification = new TileNotification(wideTileXML); // badge = new BadgeNotification(badgeXml); // TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForSecondaryTile("SecondaryTile").Update(notification); // BadgeUpdateManager.CreateBadgeUpdaterForSecondaryTile("SecondaryTile").Update(badge); //} } else { //清空磁贴 TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Clear(); BadgeUpdateManager.CreateBadgeUpdaterForApplication().Clear(); //if (SecondaryTile.Exists("SecondaryTile"))//应用中未设置二级磁贴 //{ // TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForSecondaryTile("SecondaryTile").Clear(); // BadgeUpdateManager.CreateBadgeUpdaterForSecondaryTile("SecondaryTile").Clear(); //} if (settings.PushNotification && DateTime.Now.Hour >= 21 && settings.NotificationDate != DateTime.Today)//每天晚上9点钟以后推送一次 { //检查次日是否有课 if (++dayOfWeek == 7) { weekOfTerm++; dayOfWeek = 0; } weeklyList = await CourseDataService.LoadWeeklyDataFromIsoStoreAsync(weekOfTerm); dailyList = weeklyList[dayOfWeek]; result = from c in dailyList where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.FullName) select c; Debug.WriteLine(result.Count()); if (result.Count() != 0) { settings.NotificationDate = DateTime.Today; XmlDocument toastXML = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastText01); var toastTextElements = toastXML.GetElementsByTagName("text"); toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXML.CreateTextNode(String.Format($"亲,你明天共有{result.Count()}节课,不要迟到哟!(●ˇ∀ˇ●)"))); ToastNotification notification = new ToastNotification(toastXML); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(notification); } } } } }
private void SendToast(string text = null) { //This is using NotificationsExtensions var content = new ToastContent() { Launch = "toastResponse", Visual = new ToastVisual() { TitleText = new ToastText { Text = "UwpDeepDive notification" }, BodyTextLine1 = new ToastText { Text = "Got a note to add?" }, BodyTextLine2 = new ToastText() { Text = text ?? "" } }, Actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Inputs = { new ToastTextBox("tbReply") { PlaceholderContent = "add note here" } }, Buttons = { new ToastButton("save", "save") { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Background }, new ToastButton("launch", "launch") { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Foreground } } }, Audio = new ToastAudio { Src = new Uri("ms-winsoundevent:Notification.IM") } }; var doc = content.GetXml(); // Generate WinRT notification var toast = new ToastNotification(doc); var notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(); notifier.Show(toast); //Debug.WriteLine(content.GetContent()); /* * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> * <toast launch="toastResponse"> * <visual> * <binding template="ToastGeneric"> * <text>UwpDeepDive notification</text> * <text>Got a note to add?</text> * <text>ApplicationTriggerDetails</text> * </binding> * </visual> * <audio src="ms-winsoundevent:Notification.IM" /> * <actions> * <input id="tbReply" type="text" placeHolderContent="add note here" /> * <action content="save" arguments="save" activationType="background" /> * <action content="launch" arguments="launch" /> * </actions> * </toast> * </xml> */ }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string title = "Welcome To Best of Beijing!"; string content = "Hope you enjoy this app!"; string image = "Image Content"; string logo = "Logo"; int conversationId = 384928; ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = title }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = content }, new AdaptiveImage() { Source = image } }, AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() { Source = logo, HintCrop = ToastGenericAppLogoCrop.Circle } } }; ToastActionsCustom actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Inputs = { new ToastTextBox("tbReply") { PlaceholderContent = "Type a response" } }, Buttons = { new ToastButton("Reply", new QueryString() { { "action", "reply" }, { "conversationId", conversationId.ToString() } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Background, ImageUri = "Assets/Reply.png", TextBoxId = "tbReply" }, new ToastButton("Like", new QueryString() { { "action", "like" }, { "conversationId", conversationId.ToString() } }.ToString()) { ActivationType = ToastActivationType.Background }, new ToastButton("View", new QueryString() { { "action", "viewImage" }, { "imageUrl", image } }.ToString()) } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Visual = visual, Actions = actions, Launch = new QueryString() { { "action", "viewConversation" }, { "conversationId", conversationId.ToString() } }.ToString() }; ToastNotification notification = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(notification); }
public void SendAlarmToast(bool UseDefaultToast, DateTime timeOffset, string title = "", string content = "") { if (UseDefaultToast) { ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = DefaultTitel }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = DefaultContent } }, //AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() //{ // Source = DefaultLogo, // HintCrop = ToastGenericAppLogoCrop.Circle //} } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Scenario = ToastScenario.Alarm, Audio = new ToastAudio() { Src = new Uri("ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Looping.Alarm") }, Visual = visual, Actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Buttons = { new ToastButtonSnooze(), new ToastButtonDismiss() } }, Launch = new QueryString() { { "action", "CapturePage" } }.ToString() }; try { ToastNotificationManager.History.Clear(); ScheduledToastNotification toast = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml(), timeOffset); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(toast); } catch { } } else { ToastVisual visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText() { Text = title }, new AdaptiveText() { Text = content } }, //AppLogoOverride = new ToastGenericAppLogo() //{ // Source = DefaultLogo, // HintCrop = ToastGenericAppLogoCrop.Circle //} } }; ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Scenario = ToastScenario.Alarm, Audio = new ToastAudio() { Src = new Uri("ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Looping.Alarm") }, Visual = visual, Actions = new ToastActionsCustom() { Buttons = { new ToastButtonSnooze(), new ToastButtonDismiss() } }, Launch = new QueryString() { { "action", "CapturePage" } }.ToString() }; try { ToastNotificationManager.History.Clear(); ScheduledToastNotification toast = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml(), timeOffset); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(toast); } catch { } }; }
private async void GridView_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { var song = new Songprop(); var playesouns = (Songprop)e.ClickedItem; var images = playesouns.albumcover; var name = playesouns.songartist; var names = playesouns.songname; newelements.AutoPlay = true; newelements.PosterSource = images; mygridview.ScrollIntoView(playesouns); mygridview.SelectedItem = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsStopEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsStopButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastForwardButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastForwardEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastRewindButtonVisible = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsFastRewindEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsPlaybackRateEnabled = true; newelements.TransportControls.IsPlaybackRateButtonVisible = true; newelements.SetSource(await playesouns.songfile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read), playesouns.songfile.ContentType); newelements.Play(); remaintxt.Text = string.Format("Now Playing: {0}", names); resultetxtblock.Text = names; tiletxt.Text = name; var tilexml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileSquare150x150PeekImageAndText02); var tileattr = tilexml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); tileattr[0].AppendChild(tilexml.CreateTextNode(resultetxtblock.Text)); tileattr[1].AppendChild(tilexml.CreateTextNode(tiletxt.Text)); var tilenotify = new TileNotification(tilexml); TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(tilenotify); var tiles = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileWide310x150IconWithBadgeAndText); var tileatr = tiles.GetElementsByTagName("text"); tileatr[0].AppendChild(tiles.CreateTextNode(resultetxtblock.Text)); tileatr[1].AppendChild(tiles.CreateTextNode(tiletxt.Text)); var tilenotifyy = new TileNotification(tiles); TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(tilenotifyy); var template = ToastTemplateType.ToastText01; var xml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(template); xml.DocumentElement.SetAttribute("launch", "Args"); var text = xml.CreateTextNode(resultetxtblock.Text); var elements = xml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); elements[0].AppendChild(text); var toast = new ToastNotification(xml); var notifier = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(); notifier.Show(toast); }
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); try { var connectionCost = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile().GetConnectionCost(); if (NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() && (connectionCost.NetworkCostType == NetworkCostType.Unknown || connectionCost.NetworkCostType == NetworkCostType.Unrestricted)) { ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; var player = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DestinyPlayerInformation>((string)localSettings.Values["player"]); int platform = player.MembershipType; string accountId = player.MembershipID; int mode = 5; var bungie = new BungieService(SharedData.BungieApiKey); await bungie.DownloadDestinyManifest(); foreach (var characterId in player.CharacterIDs) { var history = await bungie.GetActivityHistory(platform, accountId, characterId, mode); await Task.WhenAll(from pgcr in history select Task.Run(async() => { var getActivityDefinition = bungie.GetActivityDefinitionAsync(pgcr.ActivityDetails.ReferenceId); var getModeDefinition = bungie.GetActivityModeDefinitionAsync(pgcr.ActivityDetails.Mode); var activity = new DestinyUserActivity(pgcr, await getActivityDefinition, await getModeDefinition, characterId); var msGraph = new MsGraphService(SharedData.MsGraphClientId); await msGraph.CreateOrReplaceActivityAsync(activity.Activity); })); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ToastContent toastContent = new ToastContent() { Launch = "refresh-activity", Visual = new ToastVisual() { BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric() { Children = { new AdaptiveText { Text = "An error occured while refreshing Destiny 2 activity history" } } } } }; var toast = new ToastNotification(toastContent.GetXml()); toast.ExpirationTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); } deferral.Complete(); }
public void ShowToastNotification(ToastNotification toastNotification) { ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toastNotification); }
private void ScheduleToastNotification(ScheduledToastNotification scheduledToast) => ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(scheduledToast);