public static Instruction Create(string method, int argCount, MethodInfo mi) { switch (method) { case "get_HasValue": return(s_hasValue ?? (s_hasValue = new HasValue())); case "get_Value": return(s_value ?? (s_value = new GetValue())); case "Equals": return(s_equals ?? (s_equals = new EqualsClass())); case "GetHashCode": return(s_getHashCode ?? (s_getHashCode = new GetHashCodeClass())); case "GetValueOrDefault": if (argCount == 0) { return(new GetValueOrDefault(mi)); } else { return(s_getValueOrDefault1 ?? (s_getValueOrDefault1 = new GetValueOrDefault1())); } case "ToString": return(s_toString ?? (s_toString = new ToStringClass())); default: // System.Nullable doesn't have other instance methods throw ContractUtils.Unreachable; } }
private void Print(MatchNode node, Label PrintLabel) { if (node != null) { List <ITeam> fighters = node.GetTeams(); var data = node.GetBattleResult(); PrintLabel.Text += node.ToString() + "\n"; foreach (var t in data) { //PrintLabel.Text += t.GetTeamName() + " " ; PrintLabel.Text += t.GetTeam().GetTeamName() + ": " + t.GetScore() + "\n"; } foreach (var t in node.GetNotConnectedFinialists()) { PrintLabel.Text += "["; PrintLabel.Text += ToStringClass.ToString(t.GetPosition()) + " of " + t.GetNode().ToString(); PrintLabel.Text += "]\n"; } PrintLabel.Text += "\n"; } }
public void ToStringClass_HasToStringOfToStringClassHere_ReturnsTrue() { // Given ToStringClass actual = new ToStringClass(); IMatcher <string> matcher = HasToString("ToStringClass Here"); // When TestHelper.AssertMatches(matcher, actual); // Then - No Exception }
public static Control CreateVisualElement(MatchNode toVisualize) { List <CompetitorData> competitors = toVisualize.GetBattleResult(); List <FinalistData> notDone = toVisualize.GetNotConnectedFinialists(); int height = 24; int padding = 1; int widht = 250; Panel matchBox = new Panel(); matchBox.Size = new Size(widht, height * 2 + padding); List <Panel> panels = new List <Panel>(); foreach (CompetitorData cd in competitors) { Panel box = new Panel(); box.Text = toVisualize.ToString(); box.Size = new Size(widht, height); Label teamName = new Label(); teamName.Text = cd.GetTeam().GetTeamName(); teamName.Location = new Point(0, 0); teamName.Size = new Size(200, height); teamName.ForeColor = Color.LightGray; teamName.Font = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold); Button teamScore = new Button(); teamScore.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; teamScore.ForeColor = Color.LightGray; teamScore.Text = "" + cd.GetScore(); teamScore.Location = new Point(200, 0); teamScore.Size = new Size(32, height); teamScore.Font = teamName.Font; List <object> myShit = new List <object>(); myShit.Add(toVisualize); myShit.Add(cd.GetTeam()); teamScore.Click += new System.EventHandler(MatchVisualizer.ButtonGivePoints); teamScore.Tag = myShit; box.Controls.Add(teamName); box.Controls.Add(teamScore); panels.Add(box); } foreach (FinalistData fd in notDone) { Panel teamPanel = new Panel(); teamPanel.Size = new Size(widht, height); Label teamName = new Label(); teamName.Text = "[" + ToStringClass.ToString(fd.GetPosition()) + " of " + fd.GetNode().ToString() + "]"; teamName.Location = new Point(0, 0); teamName.Size = new Size(widht, height); teamPanel.Controls.Add(teamName); panels.Add(teamPanel); } Point p = new Point(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++) { Control current = panels[i]; if (toVisualize.IsGameFinished()) { var winner = toVisualize.GetCompeditor(MatchOutcome.OneVsOneWinner); bool winnerIs = false; foreach (Control c in current.Controls) { if (c.Text == winner.GetTeamName()) { winnerIs = true; } } if (winnerIs) { //current.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#658944"); current.BackColor = colors.colorTwo; } else { //current.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#c85252"); current.BackColor = colors.colorThree; } } else { if ((i & 1) == 1) { //current.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#0a3936"); current.BackColor = colors.colorFour; } else { current.BackColor = colors.colorFive; //current.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#196f61"); } } current.Location = p; matchBox.Controls.Add(current); p.Y += current.Size.Height + padding; } return(matchBox); }