        //During Game Main Methods
        public void Start()
            GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.AboutToStart;
            //Checking Backups & physics etc.
                BackupNumber = lvl.Backup(true);
                if (BackupNumber <= 0)
                    SendAllPlayersMessage(c.red + "Backing up Level for TNT Wars failed, Stopping game");
                    Player.GlobalMessageOps(c.red + "Backing up Level for TNT Wars failed, Stopping game");
                    GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.Finished;
                Server.s.Log("Backed up " + lvl.name + " (" + BackupNumber.ToString() + ") for TNT Wars");
            //Map stuff
            lvl.permissionbuild = Group.Find(Server.defaultRank).Permission;
            lvl.permissionvisit = Group.Find(Server.defaultRank).Permission;
            lvl.Killer = true;
            //Seting Up Some Player stuff
                foreach (player p in Players)
                    p.p.PlayingTntWars = true;
                    p.p.CurrentAmountOfTnt = 0;
                    p.p.CurrentTntGameNumber = GameNumber;
                    if (GameDifficulty == TntWarsDifficulty.Easy || GameDifficulty == TntWarsDifficulty.Normal) p.p.TntWarsHealth = 2;
                    else p.p.TntWarsHealth = 1;
                    p.p.HarmedBy = null;
                    if (GracePeriod)
                        p.p.canBuild = false;
                    if (p.spec)
                        p.p.canBuild = false;
                        Player.SendMessage(p.p, "TNT Wars: Disabled building because you are a spectator!");
                    p.p.TntWarsKillStreak = 0;
                    p.p.TntWarsScoreMultiplier = 1f;
                    p.p.TNTWarsLastKillStreakAnnounced = 0;
                if (GracePeriod)
                    SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Disabled building during Grace Period!");
            //Spawn them (And if needed, move them to the correct level!)
                foreach (player p in Players.Where(p => p.p.level != lvl))
                    Command.all.Find("goto").Use(p.p, lvl.name);
                    while (p.p.Loading) { Thread.Sleep(250); }
                    p.p.inTNTwarsMap = true;
                if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM) { Command.all.Find("reveal").Use(null, "all " + lvl.name); }//So peoples names apear above their heads in the right color!
                foreach (player p in Players)
                    Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(p.p, ""); //This has to be after reveal so that they spawn in the correct place!!
            //Announcing Etc.
            string Gamemode = "Free For All";
            if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM) Gamemode = "Team Deathmatch";
            string Difficulty = "Normal";
            string HitsToDie = "2";
            string explosiontime = "medium";
            string explosionsize = "normal";
            switch (GameDifficulty)
                case TntWarsDifficulty.Easy:
                    Difficulty = "Easy";
                    explosiontime = "long";

                case TntWarsDifficulty.Normal:
                    Difficulty = "Normal";

                case TntWarsDifficulty.Hard:
                    HitsToDie = "1";
                    Difficulty = "Hard";

                case TntWarsDifficulty.Extreme:
                    HitsToDie = "1";
                    explosiontime = "short";
                    explosionsize = "big";
                    Difficulty = "Extreme";
            string teamkillling = "Disabled";
            if (TeamKills) teamkillling = "Enabled";
            Player.GlobalMessage(c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "on '" + lvl.name + "' has started " + c.teal + Gamemode + Server.DefaultColor + " with a difficulty of " + c.teal + Difficulty + Server.DefaultColor + " (" + c.teal + HitsToDie + Server.DefaultColor + " hits to die, a " + c.teal + explosiontime + Server.DefaultColor + " explosion delay and with a " + c.teal + explosionsize + Server.DefaultColor + " explosion size)" + ", team killing is " + c.teal + teamkillling + Server.DefaultColor + " and you can place " + c.teal + TntPerPlayerAtATime.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + " TNT at a time and there is a score limit of " + c.teal + ScoreLimit.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + "!!");
            if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM) SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Start your message with ':' to send it as a team chat!");
            if (GracePeriod) //Check This Grace Stuff
                GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.GracePeriod;
                int GracePeriodSecsRemaining = GracePeriodSecs;
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Grace Period of " + c.lime + GracePeriodSecsRemaining.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds");
                while (GracePeriodSecsRemaining > 0)
                    switch (GracePeriodSecsRemaining)
                        case 300:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "5" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                        case 240:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "4" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                        case 180:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "3" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                        case 120:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "2" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                        case 90:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "1" + Server.DefaultColor + " minute and " + c.teal + "30" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 60:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "1" + Server.DefaultColor + " minute remaining!");

                        case 45:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "45" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 30:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "30" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 15:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "15" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 10:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "10" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 9:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "9" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 8:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "8" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 7:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "7" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 6:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "6" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 5:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "5" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 4:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "4" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 3:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "3" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 2:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "2" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                        case 1:
                            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.teal + "1" + Server.DefaultColor + " second remaining!");

                    GracePeriodSecsRemaining -= 1;
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Grace Period is over!!!!!");
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: You may now place " + c.red + "TNT");
            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + c.white + "The Game Has Started!!!!!");
            GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.InProgress;
            foreach (player p in Players)
                if (p.spec == false)
                    p.p.canBuild = true;
            if (GracePeriod)
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: You can now build!!");
            while (!Finished())
                int i = 1; //For making a top 5 (or whatever) players announcement every 3 loops (if TDM)
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished()) break;  //--\\
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished()) break;  //----\
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished()) break;  //-----> So that if it finsihes, we don't have to wait like 10 secs for the announcement!!
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished()) break;  //----/
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished()) break;  //--//
                if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                    if (i < 3)
                        SendAllPlayersScore(true, true);
                    if (i >= 3)
                        SendAllPlayersScore(true, true, true);
                        i = 0;
                else if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.FFA)
                    SendAllPlayersScore(false, true, true);
 public void END()
     GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.Finished;
     //let them build and spawn them and change playingtntwars to false
     foreach (player p in Players)
         p.p.canBuild = true;
         Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(p.p, "");
         p.p.PlayingTntWars = false;
     //Message about winners etc.
     if (Players.Count <= 1)
         Player.GlobalMessage(c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "has ended because there are no longer enough players!");
         Player.GlobalMessage(c.red + "TNT Wars" + Server.DefaultColor + " has ended!!");
     if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
         if (RedScore >= BlueScore)
             Player.GlobalMessage("TNT Wars: Team " + c.red + "Red " + Server.DefaultColor + "won " + c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "by " + (RedScore - BlueScore).ToString() + " points!");
         if (BlueScore >= RedScore)
             Player.GlobalMessage("TNT Wars: Team " + c.blue + "Blue " + Server.DefaultColor + "won " + c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "by " + (BlueScore - RedScore).ToString() + " points!");
             foreach (player p in Players)
                 if (!p.spec)
                     Player.SendMessage(p.p, "TNT Wars: You Scored " + p.Score.ToString() + " points");
         catch { }
         SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Top Scores:");
         SendAllPlayersScore(false, false, true);
     if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.FFA)
         var pls = from pla in Players orderby pla.Score descending select pla; //LINQ FTW
         int count = 1;
         foreach (var pl in pls)
             if (count == 1)
                 Player.GlobalMessage(c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "1st Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (count == 2)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage(c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "2nd Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (count == 3)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage(c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "3rd Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (count >= 4)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage(c.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + count.ToString() + "th Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             if (count >= PlayingPlayers())
             Thread.Sleep(750); //Maybe, not sure (was 500)
     //Reset map
     Command.all.Find("restore").Use(null, BackupNumber.ToString() + " " + lvl.name);
     if (lvl.overload == 2501)
         lvl.overload = 1500;
         Server.s.Log("TNT Wars: Set level physics overload back to 1500");
 public void END()
     GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.Finished;
     //let them build and spawn them and change playingtntwars to false
     foreach (player p in Players)
         p.p.canBuild = true;
         Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(p.p, "");
         p.p.PlayingTntWars = false;
     //Message about winners etc.
     if (Players.Count <= 1)
         Player.GlobalMessage(Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "has ended because there are no longer enough players!");
         Player.GlobalMessage(Colors.red + "TNT Wars" + Server.DefaultColor + " has ended!!");
     if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
         if (RedScore >= BlueScore)
             Player.GlobalMessage("TNT Wars: Team " + Colors.red + "Red " + Server.DefaultColor + "won " + Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "by " + (RedScore - BlueScore).ToString() + " points!");
         if (BlueScore >= RedScore)
             Player.GlobalMessage("TNT Wars: Team " + Colors.blue + "Blue " + Server.DefaultColor + "won " + Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "by " + (BlueScore - RedScore).ToString() + " points!");
             foreach (player p in Players)
                 if (!p.spec)
                     Player.SendMessage(p.p, "TNT Wars: You Scored " + p.Score.ToString() + " points");
         catch { }
         SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Top Scores:");
         SendAllPlayersScore(false, false, true);
     if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.FFA)
         var pls   = from pla in Players orderby pla.Score descending select pla; //LINQ FTW
         int count = 1;
         foreach (var pl in pls)
             if (count == 1)
                 Player.GlobalMessage(Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "1st Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (count == 2)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage(Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "2nd Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (count == 3)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage(Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "3rd Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (count >= 4)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage(Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + count.ToString() + "th Place: " + pl.p.color + pl.p.name + Server.DefaultColor + " with a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             if (count >= PlayingPlayers())
             Thread.Sleep(750); //Maybe, not sure (was 500)
     //Reset map
     Command.all.Find("restore").Use(null, BackupNumber.ToString() + " " + lvl.name);
     if (lvl.overload == 2501)
         lvl.overload = 1500;
         Server.s.Log("TNT Wars: Set level physics overload back to 1500");
        //During Game Main Methods
        public void Start()
            GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.AboutToStart;
            //Checking Backups & physics etc.
                BackupNumber = lvl.Backup(true);
                if (BackupNumber <= 0)
                    SendAllPlayersMessage(Colors.red + "Backing up Level for TNT Wars failed, Stopping game");
                    Chat.GlobalMessageOps(Colors.red + "Backing up Level for TNT Wars failed, Stopping game");
                    GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.Finished;
                Server.s.Log("Backed up " + lvl.name + " (" + BackupNumber.ToString() + ") for TNT Wars");
            //Map stuff
            lvl.permissionbuild = Group.Find(Server.defaultRank).Permission;
            lvl.permissionvisit = Group.Find(Server.defaultRank).Permission;
            lvl.Killer          = true;
            //Seting Up Some Player stuff
                foreach (player p in Players)
                    p.p.PlayingTntWars       = true;
                    p.p.CurrentAmountOfTnt   = 0;
                    p.p.CurrentTntGameNumber = GameNumber;
                    if (GameDifficulty == TntWarsDifficulty.Easy || GameDifficulty == TntWarsDifficulty.Normal)
                        p.p.TntWarsHealth = 2;
                        p.p.TntWarsHealth = 1;
                    p.p.HarmedBy = null;
                    if (GracePeriod)
                        p.p.canBuild = false;
                    if (p.spec)
                        p.p.canBuild = false;
                        Player.SendMessage(p.p, "TNT Wars: Disabled building because you are a spectator!");
                    p.p.TntWarsKillStreak              = 0;
                    p.p.TntWarsScoreMultiplier         = 1f;
                    p.p.TNTWarsLastKillStreakAnnounced = 0;
                if (GracePeriod)
                    SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Disabled building during Grace Period!");
            //Spawn them (And if needed, move them to the correct level!)
                foreach (player p in Players.Where(p => p.p.level != lvl))
                    Command.all.Find("goto").Use(p.p, lvl.name);
                    p.p.inTNTwarsMap = true;
                if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                    Command.all.Find("reveal").Use(null, "all " + lvl.name);
                }                                                                                                //So peoples names apear above their heads in the right color!
                foreach (player p in Players)
                    Command.all.Find("spawn").Use(p.p, ""); //This has to be after reveal so that they spawn in the correct place!!
            //Announcing Etc.
            string Gamemode = "Free For All";

            if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                Gamemode = "Team Deathmatch";
            string Difficulty    = "Normal";
            string HitsToDie     = "2";
            string explosiontime = "medium";
            string explosionsize = "normal";

            switch (GameDifficulty)
            case TntWarsDifficulty.Easy:
                Difficulty    = "Easy";
                explosiontime = "long";

            case TntWarsDifficulty.Normal:
                Difficulty = "Normal";

            case TntWarsDifficulty.Hard:
                HitsToDie  = "1";
                Difficulty = "Hard";

            case TntWarsDifficulty.Extreme:
                HitsToDie     = "1";
                explosiontime = "short";
                explosionsize = "big";
                Difficulty    = "Extreme";
            string teamkillling = "Disabled";

            if (TeamKills)
                teamkillling = "Enabled";
            Player.GlobalMessage(Colors.red + "TNT Wars " + Server.DefaultColor + "on '" + lvl.name + "' has started " + Colors.teal + Gamemode + Server.DefaultColor + " with a difficulty of " + Colors.teal + Difficulty + Server.DefaultColor + " (" + Colors.teal + HitsToDie + Server.DefaultColor + " hits to die, a " + Colors.teal + explosiontime + Server.DefaultColor + " explosion delay and with a " + Colors.teal + explosionsize + Server.DefaultColor + " explosion size)" + ", team killing is " + Colors.teal + teamkillling + Server.DefaultColor + " and you can place " + Colors.teal + TntPerPlayerAtATime.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + " TNT at a time and there is a score limit of " + Colors.teal + ScoreLimit.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + "!!");
            if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Start your message with ':' to send it as a team chat!");
            if (GracePeriod) //Check This Grace Stuff
                GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.GracePeriod;
                int GracePeriodSecsRemaining = GracePeriodSecs;
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Grace Period of " + Colors.lime + GracePeriodSecsRemaining.ToString() + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds");
                while (GracePeriodSecsRemaining > 0)
                    switch (GracePeriodSecsRemaining)
                    case 300:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "5" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                    case 240:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "4" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                    case 180:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "3" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                    case 120:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "2" + Server.DefaultColor + " minutes remaining!");

                    case 90:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "1" + Server.DefaultColor + " minute and " + Colors.teal + "30" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 60:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "1" + Server.DefaultColor + " minute remaining!");

                    case 45:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "45" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 30:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "30" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 15:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "15" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 10:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "10" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 9:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "9" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 8:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "8" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 7:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "7" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 6:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "6" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 5:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "5" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 4:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "4" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 3:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "3" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 2:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "2" + Server.DefaultColor + " seconds remaining!");

                    case 1:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.teal + "1" + Server.DefaultColor + " second remaining!");

                    GracePeriodSecsRemaining -= 1;
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Grace Period is over!!!!!");
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: You may now place " + Colors.red + "TNT");
            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.white + "The Game Has Started!!!!!");
            GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.InProgress;
            foreach (player p in Players)
                if (p.spec == false)
                    p.p.canBuild = true;
            if (GracePeriod)
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: You can now build!!");
            while (!Finished())
                int i = 1; //For making a top 5 (or whatever) players announcement every 3 loops (if TDM)
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //--\\
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //----\
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //-----> So that if it finsihes, we don't have to wait like 10 secs for the announcement!!
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //----/
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //--//
                if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                    if (i < 3)
                        SendAllPlayersScore(true, true);
                    if (i >= 3)
                        SendAllPlayersScore(true, true, true);
                        i = 0;
                else if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.FFA)
                    SendAllPlayersScore(false, true, true);
        //During Game Main Methods
        public void Start()
            GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.AboutToStart;
            //Checking Backups & physics etc.
                BackupNumber = lvl.Backup(true);
                if (BackupNumber <= 0)
                    SendAllPlayersMessage(Colors.red + "Backing up Level for TNT Wars failed, Stopping game");
                    Chat.MessageOps(Colors.red + "Backing up Level for TNT Wars failed, Stopping game");
                    GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.Finished;
                Logger.Log(LogType.SystemActivity, "Backed up {0} ({1}) for TNT Wars", lvl.name, BackupNumber);
            //Map stuff
            lvl.BuildAccess.Min     = Group.standard.Permission;
            lvl.VisitAccess.Min     = Group.standard.Permission;
            lvl.Config.KillerBlocks = true;
            //Seting Up Some Player stuff
                foreach (player p in Players)
                    p.p.PlayingTntWars       = true;
                    p.p.CurrentAmountOfTnt   = 0;
                    p.p.CurrentTntGameNumber = GameNumber;
                    if (Difficulty == TntWarsDifficulty.Easy || Difficulty == TntWarsDifficulty.Normal)
                        p.p.TntWarsHealth = 2;
                        p.p.TntWarsHealth = 1;
                    p.p.HarmedBy = null;
                    if (Config.InitialGracePeriod)
                        p.p.canBuild = false;
                    if (p.spec)
                        p.p.canBuild = false;
                        Player.Message(p.p, "TNT Wars: Disabled building because you are a spectator!");
                    p.p.TntWarsKillStreak              = 0;
                    p.p.TntWarsScoreMultiplier         = 1f;
                    p.p.TNTWarsLastKillStreakAnnounced = 0;
                if (Config.InitialGracePeriod)
                    SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Disabled building during Grace Period!");
            //Spawn them (And if needed, move them to the correct level!)
                foreach (player p in Players)
                    if (p.p.level == lvl)
                    PlayerActions.ChangeMap(p.p, lvl);
                    p.p.inTNTwarsMap = true;
                if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                    Command.all.Find("reveal").Use(null, "all " + lvl.name);
                }                                                                                                //So peoples names apear above their heads in the right color!
                foreach (player p in Players)
                    Command.all.FindByName("Spawn").Use(p.p, ""); //This has to be after reveal so that they spawn in the correct place!!
            //Announcing Etc.
            string Gamemode = "Free For All";

            if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                Gamemode = "Team Deathmatch";
            string difficulty    = "Normal";
            string HitsToDie     = "2";
            string explosiontime = "medium";
            string explosionsize = "normal";

            switch (Difficulty)
            case TntWarsDifficulty.Easy:
                difficulty    = "Easy";
                explosiontime = "long";

            case TntWarsDifficulty.Normal:
                difficulty = "Normal";

            case TntWarsDifficulty.Hard:
                HitsToDie  = "1";
                difficulty = "Hard";

            case TntWarsDifficulty.Extreme:
                HitsToDie     = "1";
                explosiontime = "short";
                explosionsize = "big";
                difficulty    = "Extreme";
            string teamkillling = "Disabled";

            if (Config.TeamKills)
                teamkillling = "Enabled";
            Chat.MessageGlobal("&cTNT Wars %Son " + lvl.ColoredName + " %Shas started &3" + Gamemode + " %Swith a difficulty of &3" +
                               difficulty + " %S(&3" + HitsToDie + " %Shits to die, a &3" + explosiontime +
                               " %Sexplosion delay and with a &3" + explosionsize + " %Sexplosion size)" +
                               ", team killing is &3" + teamkillling + " %Sand you can place &3" + Config.MaxPlayerActiveTnt
                               + " %STNT at a time and there is a score limit of &3" + ScoreLimit + "%S!!");
            if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Start your message with ':' to send it as a team chat!");
            if (Config.InitialGracePeriod) //Check This Grace Stuff
                GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.GracePeriod;
                int GracePeriodSecsRemaining = Config.GracePeriodSeconds;
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Grace Period of &a" + GracePeriodSecsRemaining + " %Sseconds");
                while (GracePeriodSecsRemaining > 0)
                    switch (GracePeriodSecsRemaining)
                    case 300:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &35 %Sminutes remaining!"); break;

                    case 240:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &34 %Sminutes remaining!"); break;

                    case 180:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &33 %Sminutes remaining!"); break;

                    case 120:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &32 %Sminutes remaining!"); break;

                    case 90:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &31 %Sminute and &330 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 60:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &31 %Sminute remaining!"); break;

                    case 45:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &345 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 30:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &330 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 15:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &315 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 10:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &310 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 9:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &39 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 8:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &38 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 7:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &37 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 6:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &36 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 5:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &35 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 4:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &34 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 3:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &33 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 2:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &32 %Sseconds remaining!"); break;

                    case 1:
                        SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: &31 %Ssecond remaining!"); break;

                    GracePeriodSecsRemaining -= 1;
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Grace Period is over!!!!!");
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: You may now place " + Colors.red + "TNT");
            SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: " + Colors.white + "The Game Has Started!!!!!");
            GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.InProgress;
            foreach (player p in Players)
                if (!p.spec)
                    p.p.canBuild = true;
            if (Config.InitialGracePeriod)
                SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: You can now build!!");
            while (!Finished())
                int i = 1; //For making a top 5 (or whatever) players announcement every 3 loops (if TDM)
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //--\\
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //----\
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //-----> So that if it finsihes, we don't have to wait like 10 secs for the announcement!!
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //----/
                Thread.Sleep(3 * 1000); if (Finished())
                    break;                                      //--//
                if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
                    if (i < 3)
                        SendAllPlayersScore(true, true);
                    if (i >= 3)
                        SendAllPlayersScore(true, true, true);
                        i = 0;
                else if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.FFA)
                    SendAllPlayersScore(false, true, true);
 public void END()
     GameStatus = TntWarsGameStatus.Finished;
     //let them build and spawn them and change playingtntwars to false
     foreach (player p in Players)
         p.p.canBuild = true;
         Command.all.FindByName("Spawn").Use(p.p, "");
         p.p.PlayingTntWars = false;
     //Message about winners etc.
     if (Players.Count <= 1)
         Chat.MessageGlobal("&cTNT Wars %Shas ended because there are no longer enough players!");
         Chat.MessageGlobal("&cTNT Wars %Shas ended!!");
     if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.TDM)
         if (RedScore >= BlueScore)
             Chat.MessageGlobal("TNT Wars: Team &cRed %Swon &cTNT Wars %Sby {0} points!", RedScore - BlueScore);
         if (BlueScore >= RedScore)
             Chat.MessageGlobal("TNT Wars: Team &9Blue %Swon &cTNT Wars %Sby {0} points!", BlueScore - RedScore);
             foreach (player p in Players)
                 if (!p.spec)
                     Player.Message(p.p, "TNT Wars: You Scored " + p.Score + " points");
         catch { }
         SendAllPlayersMessage("TNT Wars: Top Scores:");
         SendAllPlayersScore(false, false, true);
     if (GameMode == TntWarsGameMode.FFA)
         int           count = PlayingPlayers();
         List <player> pls   = SortedByScore();
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
             player pl = pls[i];
             if (i == 0)
                 Chat.MessageGlobal("&cTNT Wars %S1st Place: " + pl.p.ColoredName + " %Swith a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (i == 1)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage("&cTNT Wars %S2nd Place: " + pl.p.ColoredName + " %Swith a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             else if (i == 2)
                 SendAllPlayersMessage("&cTNT Wars %S3rd Place: " + pl.p.ColoredName + " %Swith a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
                 SendAllPlayersMessage("&cTNT Wars %S" + count + "th Place: " + pl.p.ColoredName + " %Swith a score of " + pl.p.color + pl.Score);
             Thread.Sleep(750); //Maybe, not sure (was 500)
     //Reset map
     Command.all.FindByName("Restore").Use(null, BackupNumber + " " + lvl.name);
     if (lvl.Config.PhysicsOverload == 2501)
         lvl.Config.PhysicsOverload = 1500;
         Logger.Log(LogType.GameActivity, "TNT Wars: Set level physics overload back to 1500");