        public void getPage(String strWhere)
            string currentPage = Request.QueryString["currentPage"];

            if (currentPage == null || currentPage.Length <= 0)
                currentPage = "1";

            TitleRecordBll titlerd    = new TitleRecordBll();
            Teacher        tea        = (Teacher)Session["loginuser"];
            string         teaAccount = tea.TeaAccount;
            string         where1     = "teaAccount = " + teaAccount;
            string         where2     = "teaAccount = " + teaAccount + " and " + strWhere;
            TableBuilder   tabuilder  = new TableBuilder()
                StrTable      = "V_TitleRecord",
                StrWhere      = strWhere == null || strWhere == "" ? where1 : where2,
                IntColType    = 0,
                IntOrder      = 0,
                IntPageNum    = int.Parse(currentPage),
                IntPageSize   = pagesize,
                StrColumn     = "titleRecordId",
                StrColumnlist = "*"

            getCurrentPage = int.Parse(currentPage);
            ds             = titlerd.SelectBypage(tabuilder, out count);
        /// <summary>
        /// //获取数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strWhere">查询字符串</param>
        public void getPage(String strWhere)
            string currentPage = Request.QueryString["currentPage"];

            if (currentPage == null || currentPage.Length <= 0)
                currentPage = "1";
            TitleRecordBll titlerd   = new TitleRecordBll();
            TableBuilder   tabuilder = new TableBuilder()
                StrTable      = "V_TitleRecord",
                StrWhere      = strWhere == null ? "" : strWhere,
                IntColType    = 0,
                IntOrder      = 0,
                IntPageNum    = int.Parse(currentPage),
                IntPageSize   = pagesize,
                StrColumn     = "titleRecordId",
                StrColumnlist = "*"

            getCurrentPage = int.Parse(currentPage);
            ds             = titlerd.SelectBypage(tabuilder, out count);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string account = "", teaAccount = "";
            int    college = 0;
            int    state   = Convert.ToInt32(Session["state"].ToString());

            if (state == 1)
                Teacher tea = (Teacher)Session["loginuser"];
                account = tea.TeaAccount;
                college = tea.college.ColID;
            else if (state == 0 || state == 2)
                Teacher admin = (Teacher)Session["user"];
                account = admin.TeaAccount;
                college = admin.college.ColID;
            else if (state == 3)
                Student stu = (Student)Session["loginuser"];
                account = stu.StuAccount;
                college = stu.college.ColID;
                TitleRecordBll trBll = new TitleRecordBll();
                bool           flag  = trBll.selectBystuId(account);
                if (flag == true)
                    TableBuilder tbd = new TableBuilder()
                        StrTable      = "V_TitleRecord",
                        StrColumn     = "titleRecordId",
                        IntColType    = 0,
                        IntOrder      = 0,
                        StrColumnlist = "*",
                        IntPageSize   = 1,
                        IntPageNum    = 1,
                        StrWhere      = "stuAccount ='" + account + "'"
                    dsTea      = trBll.SelectBypage(tbd, out count);
                    teaAccount = dsTea.Tables[0].Rows[0]["teaAccount"].ToString();
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                roleId = Request.QueryString["roleId"];
                if (roleId == "0")
                    strteaType = "teaType=0";
                    newsType   = "学校公告";
                else if (roleId == "1")
                    strteaType = "teaType=1 and teaAccount = '" + teaAccount + "'";
                    newsType   = "学生公告";
                else if (roleId == "2")
                    strteaType = "teaType=2 and collegeId=" + college;
                    newsType   = "学院公告";