        public override void ProcessSource(
            ISourceDataProcessor <CloudInitLogParsedEntry, LogContext, LogParsedDataKey> dataProcessor,
            ILogger logger, IProgress <int> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (FilePaths.Length == 0)

            Timestamp startTime        = Timestamp.MaxValue;
            Timestamp endTime          = Timestamp.MinValue;
            DateTime  fileStartTime    = default(DateTime);
            long      startNanoSeconds = 0;

            foreach (var path in FilePaths)
                ulong  lineNumber = 0;
                string line;

                var file = new StreamReader(path);

                var logEntries = new List <LogEntry>();

                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)

                    var cloudInitMatch = CloudInitRegex.Match(line);
                    if (cloudInitMatch.Success)
                        DateTime time;
                        if (!DateTime.TryParse(cloudInitMatch.Groups[1].Value.Replace(",", "."), out time))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Time cannot be parsed to DateTime format");

                        var utcTime   = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(time.ToFileTimeUtc()); // Need to explicitly say log time is in UTC, otherwise it will be interpreted as local
                        var timeStamp = Timestamp.FromNanoseconds(utcTime.Ticks * 100);

                        if (timeStamp < startTime)
                            startTime        = timeStamp;
                            fileStartTime    = utcTime;
                            startNanoSeconds = startTime.ToNanoseconds;

                        if (timeStamp > endTime)
                            endTime = timeStamp;

                        var offsetEventTimestamp = new Timestamp(timeStamp.ToNanoseconds - startNanoSeconds);

                        LogEntry entry = new LogEntry(path, lineNumber, offsetEventTimestamp, cloudInitMatch.Groups[2].Value,
                                                      cloudInitMatch.Groups[3].Value, cloudInitMatch.Groups[4].Value);
                        dataProcessor.ProcessDataElement(entry, Context, cancellationToken);

                var offsetEndTimestamp = new Timestamp(endTime.ToNanoseconds - startNanoSeconds);

                this.dataSourceInfo = new DataSourceInfo(0, offsetEndTimestamp.ToNanoseconds, fileStartTime);
                Context.UpdateFileMetadata(path, new FileMetadata(lineNumber));
        public override void ProcessSource(
            ISourceDataProcessor <AndroidLogcatLogParsedEntry, LogContext, LogParsedDataKey> dataProcessor,
            ILogger logger, IProgress <int> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var       contentDictionary    = new Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyList <LogEntry> >();
            Timestamp oldestTimestamp      = new Timestamp(long.MaxValue);
            Timestamp newestTimestamp      = new Timestamp(long.MinValue);
            long      startNanoSeconds     = 0;
            DateTime  fileStartTime        = default;
            var       dateTimeCultureInfo  = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            double?   utcOffsetInHours     = null;
            var       processingExceptions = new List <Exception>();

            foreach (var path in FilePaths)
                ulong  currentLineNumber = 1;
                string line = string.Empty;

                    var file               = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
                    var logEntries         = new List <LogEntry>();
                    var durationLogEntries = new List <DurationLogEntry>();

                    string timeDateFormat = null;

                    var rootFolder        = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                    var utcOffsetFilePath = Path.Combine(rootFolder, "utcoffset.txt");
                    if (File.Exists(utcOffsetFilePath))
                        var utcOffSetStr = File.ReadAllText(utcOffsetFilePath);
                        if (double.TryParse(utcOffSetStr, out double utcOffsetTmp))
                            utcOffsetInHours = utcOffsetTmp;

                    while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                        LogEntry logEntry = null;
                        // Optimization - don't save blank lines
                        if (line == String.Empty)

                        var androidLogCatMatch = AndroidLogCatRegex.Match(line);

                        if (androidLogCatMatch.Success && timeDateFormat == null)
                            const string monthDayFormat     = "MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff";
                            const string monthDayYearFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff";
                            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(androidLogCatMatch.Groups[1].Value, monthDayFormat, dateTimeCultureInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out _))
                                timeDateFormat = monthDayFormat;
                            else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(androidLogCatMatch.Groups[1].Value, monthDayYearFormat, dateTimeCultureInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out _))
                                timeDateFormat = monthDayYearFormat;
                                throw new Exception($"Invalid date/time format: {androidLogCatMatch.Groups[1].Value}");

                        // First, we check if the line is a new log entry if it matched Regex and by trying to parse its timestamp
                        if (androidLogCatMatch.Success &&
                            androidLogCatMatch.Groups.Count >= 7 &&
                            DateTime.TryParseExact(androidLogCatMatch.Groups[1].Value, timeDateFormat, dateTimeCultureInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime parsedTime))
                            var timeStamp = Timestamp.FromNanoseconds(parsedTime.Ticks * 100);

                            if (timeStamp < oldestTimestamp)
                                oldestTimestamp  = timeStamp;
                                fileStartTime    = parsedTime;
                                startNanoSeconds = oldestTimestamp.ToNanoseconds;
                            if (timeStamp > newestTimestamp)
                                newestTimestamp = timeStamp;

                            logEntry = new LogEntry
                                Timestamp  = new Timestamp(timeStamp.ToNanoseconds), // We can't subtract startNanoSeconds here because logs are not necessarily time ordered
                                FilePath   = path,
                                LineNumber = currentLineNumber,
                                PID        = uint.Parse(androidLogCatMatch.Groups[2].Value),
                                TID        = uint.Parse(androidLogCatMatch.Groups[3].Value),
                                Priority   = Utilities.Common.StringIntern(androidLogCatMatch.Groups[4].Value),
                                Tag        = Utilities.Common.StringIntern(androidLogCatMatch.Groups[5].Value.Trim()),
                                Message    = androidLogCatMatch.Groups[6].Value,

                            // Specialized Duration parsing
                            DurationLogEntry durationLogEntry = null;
                            if (logEntry.Tag == "init" && logEntry.Message.Contains("took"))
                                var messageSplit         = logEntry.Message.Split();
                                var firstSingleQuoteIdx  = logEntry.Message.IndexOf('\'');
                                var secondSingleQuoteIdx = logEntry.Message.IndexOf('\'', firstSingleQuoteIdx + 1);
                                var name = logEntry.Message.Substring(firstSingleQuoteIdx + 1, secondSingleQuoteIdx - firstSingleQuoteIdx - 1);
                                // Command 'write /dev/cpuctl/cpu.rt_period_us 1000000' action=init (/system/etc/init/hw/init.rc:271) took 0ms and failed: ....
                                if (logEntry.Message.Contains("0ms"))
                                    durationLogEntry = LogEntryFromDurationNs(0, logEntry, name);
                                // Service 'boringssl_self_test32_vendor' (pid 18) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.022000 seconds

                                if (messageSplit[^ 3] == "took" && messageSplit[^ 1] == "seconds")
        public override void ProcessSource(
            ISourceDataProcessor <DmesgIsoLogParsedEntry, LogContext, LogParsedDataKey> dataProcessor,
            ILogger logger, IProgress <int> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var contentDictionary = new Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyList <LogEntry> >();

            string[]      lineContent;
            string[]      firstSlice;
            StringBuilder builder             = new StringBuilder();
            Timestamp     oldestTimestamp     = new Timestamp(long.MaxValue);
            Timestamp     newestTImestamp     = new Timestamp(long.MinValue);
            long          startNanoSeconds    = 0;
            DateTime      fileStartTime       = default(DateTime);
            DateTime      parsedTime          = default(DateTime);
            var           dateTimeCultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US");

            foreach (var path in FilePaths)
                ulong    currentLineNumber = 1;
                var      file        = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);
                string   line        = string.Empty;
                var      entriesList = new List <LogEntry>();
                LogEntry lastEntry   = null;

                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    //First, we check if the line is a new log entry by trying to parse its timestamp
                    if (line.Length >= 31 && DateTime.TryParseExact(line.Substring(0, 31), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss,ffffffK", dateTimeCultureInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out parsedTime))
                        if (lastEntry != null)
                            dataProcessor.ProcessDataElement(lastEntry, Context, cancellationToken);

                        lastEntry            = new LogEntry();
                        lastEntry.filePath   = path;
                        lastEntry.lineNumber = currentLineNumber;
                        lastEntry.rawLog     = line.Substring(32);

                        lineContent = lastEntry.rawLog.Split(':');

                        if (lineContent.Length == 1 || lineContent[0].Length > 20)
                            // Character ':' is not present in the beginning of the message, therefore there is no entity nor topic nor metadata
                            lastEntry.entity   = string.Empty;
                            lastEntry.metadata = string.Empty;
                            lastEntry.topic    = string.Empty;
                            lastEntry.message  = lineContent[0];
                        else if (lineContent.Length == 2)
                            // Character ':' occurs once in the message and in the beginning, therefore there is entity but no topic nor metadata
                            lastEntry.entity   = lineContent[0];
                            lastEntry.metadata = string.Empty;
                            lastEntry.topic    = string.Empty;
                            lastEntry.message  = lineContent[1];
                            // Character ':' occurs multiple times in the message, and at least once in the beginning
                            // We proceed to try to infer entity, metadata and topic
                            firstSlice = lineContent[0].Split(' ');
                            var lastSubstring = firstSlice[firstSlice.Length - 1];
                            int contentIndex  = 2;
                            if (firstSlice.Length > 1 && this.IsNumberFormat(lastSubstring) && this.IsNumberFormat(lineContent[1]))
                                //There is metadata and entity

                                while (contentIndex < lineContent.Length && this.IsNumberFormat(lineContent[contentIndex]))

                                lastEntry.metadata = builder.ToString();

                                lastEntry.entity = lineContent[0].Substring(0, lineContent[0].Length - lastSubstring.Length - 1);

                                if ((contentIndex < lineContent.Length - 1) && !IsPCIinfo(lineContent[contentIndex]))
                                    //We check for topic after the metadata
                                    lastEntry.topic = lineContent[contentIndex];
                            else if (this.IsNumberFormat(lineContent[0]))
                                //There is metadata but no entity
                                contentIndex = 1;
                                while (contentIndex < lineContent.Length && this.IsNumberFormat(lineContent[contentIndex]))

                                lastEntry.metadata = builder.ToString();
                                lastEntry.entity   = string.Empty;
                                lastEntry.topic    = string.Empty;
                                //There is entity but no metadata

                                if (lineContent[1].StartsWith(" type="))
                                    //We check for topic after the entity
                                    lastEntry.topic = string.Empty;
                                    contentIndex    = 1;
                                    lastEntry.topic = lineContent[1];

                                lastEntry.entity   = lineContent[0];
                                lastEntry.metadata = string.Empty;


                            //Remainder of the log is the message
                            if (contentIndex < lineContent.Length)

                            while (contentIndex < lineContent.Length)

                            lastEntry.message = builder.ToString();

                        parsedTime = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(parsedTime.ToFileTimeUtc());  // Need to explicitly say log time is in UTC, otherwise it will be interpreted as local
                        var timeStamp = Timestamp.FromNanoseconds(parsedTime.Ticks * 100);

                        if (timeStamp < oldestTimestamp)
                            oldestTimestamp  = timeStamp;
                            fileStartTime    = parsedTime;
                            startNanoSeconds = oldestTimestamp.ToNanoseconds;
                        if (timeStamp > newestTImestamp)
                            newestTImestamp = timeStamp;

                        lastEntry.timestamp = new Timestamp(timeStamp.ToNanoseconds - startNanoSeconds);

                    else if (entriesList.Count > 0)
                        if (lastEntry == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't parse the log.");
                        lastEntry.message = lastEntry.message + "\n" + line;
                        lastEntry.rawLog  = lastEntry.rawLog + "\n" + line;


                if (lastEntry != null)
                    dataProcessor.ProcessDataElement(lastEntry, Context, cancellationToken);

                contentDictionary[path] = entriesList.AsReadOnly();


                Context.UpdateFileMetadata(path, new FileMetadata(currentLineNumber));

            var offsetEndTimestamp = new Timestamp(newestTImestamp.ToNanoseconds - startNanoSeconds);

            dataSourceInfo = new DataSourceInfo(0, offsetEndTimestamp.ToNanoseconds, fileStartTime);
        public override void ProcessSource(
            ISourceDataProcessor <WaLinuxAgentLogParsedEntry, LogContext, LogParsedDataKey> dataProcessor,
            ILogger logger, IProgress <int> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (FilePaths.Length == 0)

            Timestamp startTime        = Timestamp.MaxValue;
            Timestamp endTime          = Timestamp.MinValue;
            DateTime  fileStartTime    = default(DateTime);
            long      startNanoSeconds = 0;

            foreach (var path in FilePaths)
                ulong  lineNumber = 0;
                string line;

                var file = new StreamReader(path);

                var      logEntries   = new List <LogEntry>();
                LogEntry lastLogEntry = null;

                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)

                    var WaLinuxAgentMatch = WaLinuxAgentRegex.Match(line);
                    if (!WaLinuxAgentMatch.Success)
                        // Continuation of the last line.
                        if (lastLogEntry == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find the timestamp of the log.");

                        lastLogEntry.Log += '\n' + line;

                    // We successfully match the format of the log, which means the last log entry is completed.
                    if (lastLogEntry != null)
                        dataProcessor.ProcessDataElement(lastLogEntry, Context, cancellationToken);

                    DateTime time;
                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(WaLinuxAgentMatch.Groups[1].Value, out time))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Time cannot be parsed to DateTime format");

                    var utcTime   = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(time.ToFileTimeUtc()); // Need to explicitly say log time is in UTC, otherwise it will be interpreted as local
                    var timeStamp = Timestamp.FromNanoseconds(utcTime.Ticks * 100);

                    if (timeStamp < startTime)
                        startTime        = timeStamp;
                        fileStartTime    = utcTime;
                        startNanoSeconds = startTime.ToNanoseconds;

                    if (timeStamp > endTime)
                        endTime = timeStamp;

                    var offsetEventTimestamp = new Timestamp(timeStamp.ToNanoseconds - startNanoSeconds);

                    lastLogEntry = new LogEntry(path, lineNumber, offsetEventTimestamp,
                                                WaLinuxAgentMatch.Groups[2].Value, WaLinuxAgentMatch.Groups[3].Value);

                if (lastLogEntry != null)
                    dataProcessor.ProcessDataElement(lastLogEntry, Context, cancellationToken);

                Context.UpdateFileMetadata(path, new FileMetadata(lineNumber));

            var offsetEndTimestamp = new Timestamp(endTime.ToNanoseconds - startNanoSeconds);

            this.dataSourceInfo = new DataSourceInfo(0, offsetEndTimestamp.ToNanoseconds, fileStartTime);