        protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
            DateTime expTime = this.ExpirationTime.Get(context);

            // DurableTimerExtension.Register takes a TimeSpan so we use this method to convert between
            // an the expired DateTime and how long of a delay to register for the timer
            TimeSpan delay = expTime - DateTime.Now;

            // If the input DateTime is already past due, then there is no need to register a timer.
            if (delay > TimeSpan.Zero)
                // Get the timer extension. Since we are asking for a type of TimerExtension and not specifically DurableTimerExtension,
                // this activity could potentially be reused with a custom TimerExtension.
                TimerExtension timerExtension = context.GetExtension <TimerExtension>();

                // The bookmark that will be resumed when the timer expires
                Bookmark bookmark = context.CreateBookmark(new BookmarkCallback(OnTimerExpired));

                Console.WriteLine("AbsoluteDelay: Registering timer to expire at {0}", expTime.ToString());
                timerExtension.RegisterTimer(delay, bookmark);
                Console.WriteLine("AbsoluteDelay: Requested expiry time is already past due, skipping timer registration");
        public static TimerExtension GetTimerExtension(this ActivityContext context)
            TimerExtension timerExtension = context.GetExtension <TimerExtension>();

            if (timerExtension == null)
                throw new ValidationException(nameof(TimerExtension) + " is not found.");
        // The TimerExtensions support cancellation, so if this activity is canceled, propagate that signal to the TimerExtension
        protected override void Cancel(NativeActivityContext context)

            TimerExtension timerExtension = context.GetExtension <TimerExtension>();

            Bookmark bookmark = this.timerExpiredBookmark.Get(context);

            if (bookmark != null)