private void TimerEvents_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_eventCollapse) { PanelEvent.Height += 10; if (PanelEvent.Size == PanelEvent.MaximumSize) { TimerEvents.Stop(); _eventCollapse = false; } } else { PanelEvent.Height -= 10; if (PanelEvent.Size == PanelEvent.MinimumSize) { TimerEvents.Stop(); _eventCollapse = true; } } }
private void BtnEventMain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TimerEvents.Start(); }
private void checkForCompletion() { if (restart || gameOver) { return; } switch (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name) { case "Level1": // The answer is 1 Ca / 1 C int rightItems = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in repo) { if (entry.Key == "Carbon" && entry.Value == 1) { rightItems++; } if (entry.Key == "Calcium" && entry.Value == 1) { rightItems++; } } if (rightItems == 2) { hasWon = true; successText.text = "That's right! Press space to play the next level or Q to quit"; TimerEvents timer = FindObjectOfType <TimerEvents>(); timer.Stop(); } break; case "Level2": // The answer is 1 Zn / 2 Cl int rightItems2 = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in repo) { if (entry.Key == "Zinc" && entry.Value == 1) { rightItems2++; } if (entry.Key == "Chlorine" && entry.Value == 2) { rightItems2++; } } if (rightItems2 == 2) { hasWon = true; successText.text = "Great! Press space to play the next level or Q to quit"; TimerEvents timer = FindObjectOfType <TimerEvents>(); timer.Stop(); } break; case "Level3": // The answer is 1 C / 10 O2 int rightItems3 = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in repo) { if (entry.Key == "Oxygen" && entry.Value == 10) { rightItems3++; } if (entry.Key == "Carbon" && entry.Value == 1) { rightItems3++; } } if (rightItems3 == 2) { hasWon = true; successText.text = "You won! Press Q to quit"; TimerEvents timer = FindObjectOfType <TimerEvents>(); timer.Stop(); } break; default: break; } }