        private void owner_MouseMovePicked(object sender, HitEventArgs e)
            string toolTipText = null;

            if (m_active)
                e.Handled = true;

                if (e.HitRecord.Type == HitType.Interval &&
                    e.MouseEvent.Button == MouseButtons.None &&
                    !m_owner.IsUsingMouse &&
                    TimelinePath hitPath   = e.HitRecord.HitPath;
                    IInterval    hitObject = (IInterval)e.HitRecord.HitTimelineObject;
                    float        worldX    = GdiUtil.InverseTransform(m_owner.Transform, e.MouseEvent.Location.X);

                    //Make sure the snap-to indicator line is drawn.
                    float delta = m_owner.GetSnapOffset(new[] { worldX }, s_snapOptions);

                    worldX += delta;
                    worldX  = m_owner.ConstrainFrameOffset(worldX);

                    Matrix localToWorld = TimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(hitPath);

                    if (worldX <= GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, hitObject.Start) ||
                        worldX >= GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, hitObject.Start + hitObject.Length))
                        // Clear the results since a split is impossible.
                        m_owner.GetSnapOffset(new float[] { }, s_snapOptions);
                        toolTipText = worldX.ToString();

            if (toolTipText != null)
                m_toolTip.Show(toolTipText, m_owner, e.MouseEvent.Location);
        // private because this may be moved to TimelineControl
        private bool Overlaps(TimelinePath path, float beginTime, float endTime)
            IEvent e = (IEvent)path.Last;

            Matrix localToWorld = TimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(path);
            float  start        = GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, e.Start);
            float  length       = GdiUtil.TransformVector(localToWorld, e.Length);

            // If the length is zero, then count an exact match with beginTime or endTime as
            //  being an overlap.
            if (length == 0)
                           start > endTime ||
                           start + length < beginTime));

            // Otherwise, don't count an exact match.
                       start >= endTime ||
                       start + length <= beginTime));
        private void owner_MouseDownPicked(object sender, HitEventArgs e)
            TimelinePath hitPath     = e.HitRecord.HitPath;
            IInterval    hitInterval = e.HitRecord.HitTimelineObject as IInterval;

            if (m_active &&
                e.MouseEvent.Button == MouseButtons.Left &&
                !m_owner.IsUsingMouse &&
                if (hitInterval != null &&
                    e.HitRecord.Type == HitType.Interval)
                    float worldX =
                        Sce.Atf.GdiUtil.InverseTransform(m_owner.Transform, e.MouseEvent.Location.X);

                    worldX += m_owner.GetSnapOffset(new[] { worldX }, s_snapOptions);

                    Matrix localToWorld = TimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(hitPath);

                    float fraction =
                        (worldX - GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, hitInterval.Start)) /
                        GdiUtil.TransformVector(localToWorld, hitInterval.Length);

                    if (m_owner.Selection.SelectionContains(hitInterval))
                        SplitUnselectedInterval(hitInterval, fraction);
                Active    = false;
                e.Handled = true; //don't let subsequent listeners get this event
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the offset from one of the world snap points to the closest non-selected object's edge</summary>
        /// <param name="movingPoints">The x-coordinates to snap "from", in world coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="options">The options to control the behavior. If null, the defaults are used.</param>
        /// <returns>The value to be added, to GetDragOffset().X, for example. Is in world coordinates.</returns>
        private float GetSnapOffset(IEnumerable <float> movingPoints, TimelineControl.SnapOptions options)
            //we want to recalculate m_snapInfo and reflect changes to the snap-to lines

            if (options == null)
                options = new TimelineControl.SnapOptions();

            // Check for user-forced snapping and no-snapping.
            if (options.CheckModifierKeys)
                Keys modKeys = Control.ModifierKeys;
                if (s_deactivatorKeys != Keys.None &&
                    (modKeys & s_deactivatorKeys) == s_deactivatorKeys)
                if (s_activatorKeys != Keys.None &&
                    (modKeys & s_activatorKeys) != s_activatorKeys)

            // Prepare helper object on each moving point.
            foreach (float snapping in movingPoints)
                m_snapInfo.Add(new SnapOffsetInfo(snapping));
            if (m_snapInfo.Count == 0)

            // Find the closest IEvent.
            float worldSnapTolerance = GdiUtil.InverseTransformVector(m_owner.Transform, s_snapTolerance);

            List <TimelinePath> events = new List <TimelinePath>(
                TimelineControl.GetObjects <IEvent>(m_owner.Timeline));

            // Allow for snapping to a scrubber manipulator.
            if (m_scrubber != null && options.IncludeScrubber)
                events.Add(new TimelinePath(m_scrubber));

            foreach (TimelinePath path in events)
                if (options.IncludeSelected ||
                    IEvent snapToEvent = (IEvent)path.Last;

                    if (options.Filter == null ||
                        options.Filter(snapToEvent, options))
                        Matrix localToWorld = TimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(path);
                        float  start, length;
                        GetEventDimensions(snapToEvent, localToWorld, out start, out length);

                        foreach (SnapOffsetInfo info in m_snapInfo)
                            info.Update(start, snapToEvent, worldSnapTolerance);
                            if (length > 0)
                                info.Update(start + length, snapToEvent, worldSnapTolerance);

            // Keep only the shortest distance snap-to points. Could be multiple in case of tie.
            if (m_snapInfo.Count == 0)

            SnapOffsetInfo topInfo = m_snapInfo[0];

        // gets move information, for drawing ghosts and for performing actual move operation
        private GhostInfo[] GetMoveGhostInfo(Matrix worldToView, TimelineLayout layout)
            // get start and y offsets in timeline space
            PointF dragOffset = m_owner.GetDragOffset();

            // Get snapping points along the timeline (in world coordinates).
            List <float> movingPoints = new List <float>(2);
            TimelinePath snapperPath;

            if (m_mouseMoveHitRecord != null)
                snapperPath = m_mouseMoveHitRecord.HitPath;//use the last clicked event (interval, key or marker)
                snapperPath = m_owner.Selection.LastSelected as TimelinePath;//moving a group or track, for example
            IEvent snapperEvent = snapperPath != null ? snapperPath.Last as IEvent : null;

            if (snapperEvent != null)
                Matrix localToWorld = TimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(snapperPath);
                float  worldStart   = GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, snapperEvent.Start + dragOffset.X);
                if (snapperEvent.Length > 0.0f)
                    movingPoints.Add(GdiUtil.Transform(localToWorld, snapperEvent.Start + dragOffset.X + snapperEvent.Length));

            // Get the offset from one of the world snap points to the closest non-selected object.
            float snapOffset;

                s_snapOptions.FilterContext = snapperEvent;
                s_snapOptions.Filter        = new TimelineControl.SnapFilter(MoveSnapFilter);
                snapOffset = m_owner.GetSnapOffset(movingPoints, s_snapOptions);
                s_snapOptions.FilterContext = null;
                s_snapOptions.Filter        = null;

            // adjust dragOffset to "snap-to" nearest event
            dragOffset.X += snapOffset;

            // get offsets in client space
            float xOffset = dragOffset.X * worldToView.Elements[0];
            float yOffset = dragOffset.Y * worldToView.Elements[3];

            TimelinePath[] targets = GetMoveTargets(layout);

            GhostInfo[] ghosts = new GhostInfo[targets.Length];
            int         i      = -1;

            foreach (TimelinePath path in m_owner.Selection.Selection)

                ITimelineObject timelineObject = path.Last;
                RectangleF      bounds         = layout[path];

                TimelinePath    targetPath = targets[i];
                ITimelineObject target     = targetPath != null ? targetPath.Last : null;

                float start  = 0;
                float length = 0;
                bool  valid  = true;

                IInterval          interval  = timelineObject as IInterval;
                IKey               key       = timelineObject as IKey;
                IMarker            marker    = timelineObject as IMarker;
                ITrack             track     = timelineObject as ITrack;
                IGroup             group     = timelineObject as IGroup;
                ITimelineReference reference = timelineObject as ITimelineReference;

                if (interval != null)
                    ITrack targetTrack = target as ITrack;
                    start  = interval.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    length = interval.Length;
                    valid  =
                        targetTrack != null &&
                        m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(interval, ref start) &&
                        m_owner.Constraints.IsLengthValid(interval, ref length);

                    if (valid)
                        yOffset = layout[target].Y - layout[interval.Track].Y;
                        TimelinePath testPath = new TimelinePath(targetPath);
                        foreach (IInterval other in targetTrack.Intervals)
                            // skip selected intervals, since they are moving too
                            testPath.Last = other;
                            if (m_owner.Selection.SelectionContains(testPath))

                            if (!m_owner.Constraints.IsIntervalValid(interval, ref start, ref length, other))
                                valid = false;
                else if (reference != null)
                    // don't allow for vertical repositioning yet
                    start = reference.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    valid = true;
                else if (key != null)
                    start = key.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    ITrack targetTrack = target as ITrack;
                    valid =
                        targetTrack != null &&
                        m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(key, ref start);

                    if (valid)
                        yOffset = layout[targetTrack].Y - layout[key.Track].Y;
                else if (marker != null)
                    start   = marker.Start + dragOffset.X;
                    yOffset = 0;
                    valid   = m_owner.Constraints.IsStartValid(marker, ref start);
                else if (track != null)
                    xOffset = 0;
                    if (target == null)
                        target =
                            (m_owner.DragDelta.Y < 0) ? GetLastTrack() : GetFirstTrack();
                else if (group != null)
                    xOffset = 0;
                    if (target == null)
                        IList <IGroup> groups = m_owner.TimelineDocument.Timeline.Groups;
                        target = (m_owner.DragDelta.Y < 0) ? groups[0] : groups[groups.Count - 1];

                bounds.Offset(xOffset, yOffset);

                ghosts[i] = new GhostInfo(timelineObject, target, start, length, bounds, valid);