public void TimeEntryDurationValidationTest()
            // Prepare the time entries for test purposes.
            DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Today;

            msdyn_timeentry timeEntry1 = new msdyn_timeentry();

            timeEntry1.msdyn_timeentryId = new Guid();
            timeEntry1.msdyn_description = "entry 1";
            timeEntry1.msdyn_date        = dateTime;
            timeEntry1.msdyn_duration    = 20 * 60; // 20 hours.

            msdyn_timeentry timeEntry2 = new msdyn_timeentry();

            timeEntry2.msdyn_timeentryId = new Guid();
            timeEntry2.msdyn_description = "entry 2";
            timeEntry2.msdyn_date        = dateTime;
            timeEntry2.msdyn_duration    = 4 * 60 + 1; // 4 hours and 1 minute.

            TimeViewModel           entry     = new TimeViewModel(timeEntry1);
            TimeCollectionViewModel viewModel = new TimeCollectionViewModel();

            viewModel.AddTimeEntries(new msdyn_timeentry[] { timeEntry1, timeEntry2 });

            Assert.IsFalse(entry.CanTimeBeSaved(timeEntry1), "The time entry should not be able to save since the total duration is 24:01");

            timeEntry1.msdyn_duration = 19 * 60 + 59;    // 19 hours and 59 minutes.
            Assert.IsTrue(entry.CanTimeBeSaved(timeEntry1), "The time entry should be able to save since the total duration is 24:00");