        private static Tuple <List <DayPeriodModel>, List <PostionWithWarningInfo> > GetMovablePositons(string localID, string classID, List <ResultDetailModel> item, ResultModel resultModel)
            var dayPeriods   = new List <DayPeriodModel>();
            var notReachable = new List <PostionWithWarningInfo>();

            ICommonDataManager commonDataManager = CacheManager.Instance.UnityContainer.Resolve <ICommonDataManager>();
            var cp   = commonDataManager.GetCPCase(localID);
            var rule = commonDataManager.GetAminRule(localID);
            var algo = commonDataManager.GetAminAlgoRule(localID);

            dayPeriods = cp?.Positions?.Where(p => p.IsSelected &&
                                              p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AB &&
                                              p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.Noon &&
                                              p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PB)
                         ?.Select(d => d.DayPeriod)?.ToList() ?? new List <DayPeriodModel>();

            cp?.Positions?.Where(p => !p.IsSelected &&
                                 p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AB &&
                                 p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.Noon &&
                                 p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PB)
            ?.Select(d => d.DayPeriod)?.ToList()?.ForEach(p => {
                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                    DayPeriod = p, WaringMessage = $"方案不可用时间!"

            //TODO: 是否基于现有模型更新结果模型中的教师信息?
            item?.ForEach(it =>
                List <string> teachers = new List <string>();
                teachers = it?.Teachers == null ? new List <string>() : it.Teachers.ToList();

                //1.0 移除教师在其他班级的课位
                if (teachers.Count > 0)
                    resultModel.ResultClasses?.Where(c => c.ClassID != classID)?.ToList()?.ForEach(c =>
                        c.ResultDetails?.Where(rd => rd.Teachers != null && rd.Teachers.Intersect(teachers).Count() > 0)?.ToList()?.ForEach(t =>
                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                DayPeriod = t.DayPeriod, WaringMessage = $"教师在课位({TimeOperation.GetDateInfo(t.DayPeriod)})安排有其他班级课程!"
                            dayPeriods.RemoveAll(p => p.Day == t.DayPeriod.Day && p.PeriodName == t.DayPeriod.PeriodName);

                //2.0 检查批量规则 - 仅查权重为高级的规则
                rule?.TeacherTimes?.Where(t => t.Weight == 1 && teachers.Contains(t.TeacherID))?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    if (x.ForbidTimes != null)
                        dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, x.ForbidTimes);

                        x.ForbidTimes.ForEach(fb =>
                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                DayPeriod = fb, WaringMessage = $"教师在课位({TimeOperation.GetDateInfo(fb)})有禁止规则!"

                    if (x.MustTimes != null)

                rule?.CourseTimes?.Where(c => c.Weight == 1 && c.ClassID == classID && c.CourseID == it.CourseID)?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    if (x.ForbidTimes != null)
                        dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, x.ForbidTimes);

                        x.ForbidTimes.ForEach(fb =>
                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                DayPeriod = fb, WaringMessage = $"课程在课位({TimeOperation.GetDateInfo(fb)})有禁止规则!"

                    if (x.MustTimes != null)
                        int classHourNumber = cp.ClassHours.Where(ch => ch.ClassID == classID && ch.CourseID == it.CourseID).Count();

                        if (x.MustTimes.Count >= classHourNumber)
                            dayPeriods.ForEach(dp =>
                                if (!x.MustTimes.Exists(mt => mt.Day == dp.Day && mt.PeriodName == dp.PeriodName))
                                    notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                        DayPeriod = dp, WaringMessage = "课程应先满足排到必须规则指定课位内!"

                            dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(dayPeriods, x.MustTimes);
                            List <DayPeriodModel> classHourTimes = resultModel.ResultClasses.Where(c => c.ClassID == classID)
                                                                   ?.SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)
                                                                   ?.Where(c => c.CourseID == it.CourseID)
                                                                   ?.Select(c => c.DayPeriod).ToList() ?? new List <DayPeriodModel>()

                            List <DayPeriodModel> classHoursInMust = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(x.MustTimes, classHourTimes);
                            if (classHoursInMust.Count < x.MustTimes.Count)
                                dayPeriods.ForEach(dp =>
                                    if (!x.MustTimes.Exists(mt => mt.Day == dp.Day && mt.PeriodName == dp.PeriodName))
                                        notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                            DayPeriod = dp, WaringMessage = "课程应先满足排到必须规则指定课位内!"

                                dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(dayPeriods, x.MustTimes);
                                List <DayPeriodModel> mustTempTimes = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(x.MustTimes, new List <DayPeriodModel>()
                                if (mustTempTimes.Count == 1)
                                    dayPeriods.ForEach(dp =>
                                        if (!classHourTimes.Exists(mt => mt.Day == dp.Day && mt.PeriodName == dp.PeriodName))
                                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                                DayPeriod = dp, WaringMessage = "课程应先满足排到必须规则指定课位内!"

                                    dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(dayPeriods, classHourTimes);

                rule?.AmPmClassHours?.Where(a => a.Weight == 1 && a.ClassID == classID && a.CourseID == it.CourseID)?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    int pmNumber     = 0;
                    int amNumber     = 0;
                    var timePosition = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.DayPeriod.Day == it.DayPeriod.Day && p.DayPeriod.PeriodName == it.DayPeriod.PeriodName).FirstOrDefault();
                    var classHours   = resultModel.ResultClasses?.Where(c => c.ClassID == classID)
                                       ?.SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)?.Where(c => c.CourseID == it.CourseID)?.ToList();

                    classHours?.ForEach(c =>
                        var tPosition = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.DayPeriod.Day == c.DayPeriod.Day && p.DayPeriod.PeriodName == c.DayPeriod.PeriodName).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (tPosition != null)
                            if (tPosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM)
                                amNumber = amNumber + 1;

                            if (tPosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM)
                                pmNumber = pmNumber + 1;

                    //If current time slot is AM, And PMMax is full, Disable PM
                    if (timePosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM)
                        if (x.PmMax > 0 && pmNumber >= x.PmMax)
                            //Disable PM
                            var pmTimes = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, pmTimes);

                            pmTimes.ForEach(pt =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = pt, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的下午最大课时规则!"

                        if (x.AmMax > 0 && amNumber > x.AmMax)
                            //Disable AM
                            var amTimes = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, amTimes);

                            amTimes.ForEach(pt =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = pt, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的上午最大课时规则!"

                    //If current time slot is PM, And AMMax is full, Disable AM
                    if (timePosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM)
                        if (x.AmMax > 0 && amNumber >= x.AmMax)
                            //Disable AM
                            var amTimes = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, amTimes);

                            amTimes.ForEach(at =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = at, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的上午最大课时规则!"

                        if (x.PmMax > 0 && pmNumber > x.PmMax)
                            //Disable PM
                            var pmTimes = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, pmTimes);

                            pmTimes.ForEach(at =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = at, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的下午最大课时规则!"

                rule?.AmPmNoContinues.Where(a => a.Weight == 1 && teachers.Contains(a.TeacherID)).ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    List <DayPeriodModel> currentTimeSlots = resultModel.ResultClasses?.SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)?.Where(c => c.Teachers != null && c.Teachers.Contains(x.TeacherID))?.ToList()?.Select(c => c.DayPeriod)?.ToList() ?? new List <DayPeriodModel>()
                    var amLast  = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM && p.DayPeriod.Day == DayOfWeek.Monday).OrderBy(p => p.PositionOrder).LastOrDefault();
                    var pmFirst = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM && p.DayPeriod.Day == DayOfWeek.Monday).OrderBy(p => p.PositionOrder).FirstOrDefault();
                    List <DayPeriodModel> amLasts  = new List <DayPeriodModel>();
                    List <DayPeriodModel> pmFirsts = new List <DayPeriodModel>();

                    if (amLast != null)
                        amLasts = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM && p.DayPeriod.PeriodName == amLast.DayPeriod.PeriodName).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();

                    if (pmFirst != null)
                        pmFirsts = cp.Positions.Where(p => p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM && p.DayPeriod.PeriodName == pmFirst.DayPeriod.PeriodName).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();

                    List <DayPeriodModel> availableNoonTimes = TimeOperation.TimeSlotUnion(amLasts, pmFirsts);
                    List <DayPeriodModel> teacherNoonTimes             = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(currentTimeSlots, availableNoonTimes);
                    List <DayPeriodModel> teacherNotAvailableNoonTimes = new List <DayPeriodModel>()

                    availableNoonTimes.Select(lnt => lnt.Day).Distinct().ToList().ForEach(lnt => {
                        var teacherCurrentDayNoonTimes = teacherNoonTimes.Where(tnt => tnt.Day == lnt);
                        if (teacherCurrentDayNoonTimes.Count() == 2)
                            var intersectResult = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(teacherCurrentDayNoonTimes.ToList(), new List <DayPeriodModel>()
                            if (intersectResult.Count > 0)
                                var leftTimeSlot = availableNoonTimes.Where(ant => ant.Day == lnt && ant.Period != it.DayPeriod.Period).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (leftTimeSlot != null)

                        if (teacherCurrentDayNoonTimes.Count() == 1)
                            var teacherTimeSlot = teacherCurrentDayNoonTimes.First();
                            if (!(teacherTimeSlot.Day == it.DayPeriod.Day && teacherTimeSlot.Period == it.DayPeriod.Period))
                                var conflitTimeSlot = availableNoonTimes.Where(ant => ant.Day == teacherTimeSlot.Day && ant.Period != teacherTimeSlot.Period).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (conflitTimeSlot != null)

                    dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, teacherNotAvailableNoonTimes);

                    teacherNotAvailableNoonTimes.ForEach(tn =>
                        notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                            DayPeriod = tn, WaringMessage = "违反教师中午课时不连排规则!"

                rule?.MasterApprenttices.Where(m => m.Weight == 1 && m.CourseID == it.CourseID && (teachers.Contains(m.MasterID) || teachers.Intersect(m.ApprenticeIDs).Count() > 0))?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    //默认处理逻辑为徒弟之间也不允许同时排课, 不然无法保证互听课
                    List <string> tempTeachers = new List <string>();
                    tempTeachers = tempTeachers.Distinct().ToList();

                    var classHoursTimes = resultModel.ResultClasses?.SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)?.Where(c => c.CourseID == it.CourseID && c.Teachers.Except(it.Teachers).Count() > 0 && c.Teachers.Intersect(tempTeachers).Count() > 0)?.ToList()?.Select(c => c.DayPeriod);

                    classHoursTimes?.ToList()?.ForEach(c =>
                        dayPeriods.RemoveAll(d => d.Day == c.Day && d.PeriodName == c.PeriodName);
                        notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                            DayPeriod = c, WaringMessage = "违反师徒跟随规则!"

                rule?.Mutexes?.Where(m => m.Weight == 1 && m.CourseIDs != null && m.CourseIDs.Contains(it.CourseID))?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    List <string> tempCourseIds = x.CourseIDs?.Select(xc => xc)?.ToList();
                    tempCourseIds.RemoveAll(t => t == it.CourseID);

                    var classHoursTimes = resultModel.ResultClasses
                                          ?.Where(r => r.ClassID == classID)?.SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)
                                          ?.Where(c => tempCourseIds.Contains(c.CourseID))
                                          ?.ToList()?.Select(c => c.DayPeriod.Day);

                    classHoursTimes?.ToList()?.ForEach(c =>
                        dayPeriods.Where(d => d.Day == c)?.ToList()?.ForEach(dp =>
                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                DayPeriod = dp, WaringMessage = "违反课程互斥规则!"

                        dayPeriods.RemoveAll(d => d.Day == c);

                #region 合班规则
                List <string> unionClassIDs = new List <string>();
                rule?.ClassUnions?.Where(cu => cu.ClassIDs != null && cu.ClassIDs.Contains(classID) && cu.CourseID == it.CourseID)?.ToList()?.ForEach(x => {
                    //Get All Union ClassID
                    x.ClassIDs.ForEach(cl => {
                        if (!unionClassIDs.Contains(cl))

                if (unionClassIDs.Count > 1)
                    bool flag = true;
                    List <DayPeriodModel> timeslots = new List <DayPeriodModel>();

                    foreach (string classId in unionClassIDs)
                        var courseTimes = resultModel.ResultClasses?
                                          .Where(rc => rc.ClassID == classId)?
                                          .SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)?
                                          .Where(c => c.CourseID == it.CourseID)?
                                          .ToList()?.Select(c => c.DayPeriod)?.ToList() ?? new List <DayPeriodModel>();

                        if (timeslots.Count == 0)
                            timeslots = courseTimes;
                            List <DayPeriodModel> timesUnion = TimeOperation.TimeSlotUnion(timeslots.ToList(), courseTimes);
                            List <DayPeriodModel> timesDiff  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(timeslots.ToList(), courseTimes);
                            if (timesUnion.Count != timeslots.Count || timesDiff.Count != 0)
                                flag = false;

                    if (flag)
                        List <DayPeriodModel> timesInterSect = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(timeslots.ToList(), dayPeriods.ToList());
                        List <DayPeriodModel> timesDiff      = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods.ToList(), timesInterSect.ToList());

                        timesDiff?.ForEach(c =>
                            dayPeriods.RemoveAll(d => d.Day == c.Day && d.PeriodName == c.PeriodName);
                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                DayPeriod = c, WaringMessage = "违反合班规则!"

            return(Tuple.Create(dayPeriods, notReachable));
        private static Tuple <List <DayPeriodModel>, List <PostionWithWarningInfo> > GetMovablePositons(string localID, List <ResultDetailModel> item, ResultModel resultModel)
            var dayPeriods   = new List <DayPeriodModel>();
            var notReachable = new List <PostionWithWarningInfo>();

            ICommonDataManager commonDataManager = CacheManager.Instance.UnityContainer.Resolve <ICommonDataManager>();
            var cl   = commonDataManager.GetCLCase(localID);
            var rule = commonDataManager.GetMixedRule(localID);
            var algo = commonDataManager.GetMixedAlgoRule(localID);

            dayPeriods = cl?.Positions?.Where(p => p.IsSelected &&
                                              p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AB &&
                                              p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.Noon &&
                                              p.Position != XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PB)
                         ?.Select(d => d.DayPeriod)?.ToList() ?? new List <DayPeriodModel>();

            //TODO: 是否基于现有模型更新结果模型中的教师信息?
            item?.ForEach(it =>
                var classHourInfo = cl.ClassHours.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == it.ClassHourId);
                string classID    = classHourInfo?.ClassID ?? string.Empty;
                string courseID   = classHourInfo?.CourseID ?? string.Empty;

                List <string> teachers = new List <string>();
                teachers = it?.Teachers == null ? new List <string>() : it.Teachers.ToList();

                //2.0 检查批量规则 - 仅查权重为高级的规则
                rule?.TeacherTimes?.Where(t => t.Weight == 1 && teachers.Contains(t.TeacherID))?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    if (x.ForbidTimes != null)
                        dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, x.ForbidTimes);

                        x.ForbidTimes.ForEach(fb =>
                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                DayPeriod = fb, WaringMessage = $"教师在课位({TimeOperation.GetDateInfo(fb)})有禁止规则!"

                    if (x.MustTimes != null)

                rule?.CourseTimes?.Where(c => c.Weight == 1 && c.ClassID == classID)?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    if (x.ForbidTimes != null)
                        dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, x.ForbidTimes);

                        x.ForbidTimes.ForEach(fb =>
                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                DayPeriod = fb, WaringMessage = $"课程在课位({TimeOperation.GetDateInfo(fb)})有禁止规则!"

                    if (x.MustTimes != null)
                        int classHourNumber = cl.ClassHours.Where(ch => ch.ClassID == classID && ch.CourseID == courseID).Count();

                        if (x.MustTimes.Count >= classHourNumber)
                            dayPeriods.ForEach(dp =>
                                if (!x.MustTimes.Exists(mt => mt.Day == dp.Day && mt.PeriodName == dp.PeriodName))
                                    notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                        DayPeriod = dp, WaringMessage = "课程应先满足排到必须规则指定课位内!"

                            dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(dayPeriods, x.MustTimes);
                            List <DayPeriodModel> classHourTimes = resultModel.ResultClasses.Where(c => c.ClassID == classID)
                                                                   ?.SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)
                                                                   ?.Select(c => c.DayPeriod).ToList() ?? new List <DayPeriodModel>()

                            List <DayPeriodModel> classHoursInMust = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(x.MustTimes, classHourTimes);
                            if (classHoursInMust.Count < x.MustTimes.Count)
                                dayPeriods.ForEach(dp =>
                                    if (!x.MustTimes.Exists(mt => mt.Day == dp.Day && mt.PeriodName == dp.PeriodName))
                                        notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                            DayPeriod = dp, WaringMessage = "课程应先满足排到必须规则指定课位内!"

                                dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(dayPeriods, x.MustTimes);
                                List <DayPeriodModel> mustTempTimes = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(x.MustTimes, new List <DayPeriodModel>()
                                if (mustTempTimes.Count == 1)
                                    dayPeriods.ForEach(dp =>
                                        if (!classHourTimes.Exists(mt => mt.Day == dp.Day && mt.PeriodName == dp.PeriodName))
                                            notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                                DayPeriod = dp, WaringMessage = "课程应先满足排到必须规则指定课位内!"

                                    dayPeriods = TimeOperation.TimeSlotInterSect(dayPeriods, classHourTimes);

                rule?.AmPmClassHours?.Where(a => a.Weight == 1 && a.ClassID == classID && a.CourseID == courseID)?.ToList()?.ForEach(x =>
                    int pmNumber     = 0;
                    int amNumber     = 0;
                    var timePosition = cl.Positions.Where(p => p.DayPeriod.Day == it.DayPeriod.Day && p.DayPeriod.PeriodName == it.DayPeriod.PeriodName).FirstOrDefault();
                    var classHours   = resultModel.ResultClasses?.Where(c => c.ClassID == classID)
                                       ?.SelectMany(c => c.ResultDetails)?.ToList();

                    classHours?.ForEach(c =>
                        var tPosition = cl.Positions.Where(p => p.DayPeriod.Day == c.DayPeriod.Day && p.DayPeriod.PeriodName == c.DayPeriod.PeriodName).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (tPosition != null)
                            if (tPosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM)
                                amNumber = amNumber + 1;

                            if (tPosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM)
                                pmNumber = pmNumber + 1;

                    //If current time slot is AM, And PMMax is full, Disable PM
                    if (timePosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM)
                        if (x.PmMax > 0 && pmNumber >= x.PmMax)
                            //Disable PM
                            var pmTimes = cl.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, pmTimes);

                            pmTimes.ForEach(pt =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = pt, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的下午最大课时规则!"

                        if (x.AmMax > 0 && amNumber > x.AmMax)
                            //Disable AM
                            var amTimes = cl.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, amTimes);

                            amTimes.ForEach(pt =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = pt, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的上午最大课时规则!"

                    //If current time slot is PM, And AMMax is full, Disable AM
                    if (timePosition.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM)
                        if (x.AmMax > 0 && amNumber >= x.AmMax)
                            //Disable AM
                            var amTimes = cl.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.AM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, amTimes);

                            amTimes.ForEach(at =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = at, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的上午最大课时规则!"

                        if (x.PmMax > 0 && pmNumber > x.PmMax)
                            //Disable PM
                            var pmTimes = cl.Positions.Where(p => p.IsSelected && p.Position == XYKernel.OS.Common.Enums.Position.PM).Select(p => p.DayPeriod).ToList();
                            dayPeriods  = TimeOperation.TimeSlotDiff(dayPeriods, pmTimes);

                            pmTimes.ForEach(at =>
                                notReachable.Add(new PostionWithWarningInfo()
                                    DayPeriod = at, WaringMessage = "违反班级课程的下午最大课时规则!"

            return(Tuple.Create(dayPeriods, notReachable));