文件: HighLow.cs 项目: bg0jr/Maui
        public static TableSchema HighLow( this IMslScript script, DataColumn value, TimeGrouping grouping, DataColumn intoHigh, DataColumn intoLow )
            if ( intoHigh == null )
                intoHigh = TempTable[ "high" ];
            if ( intoLow == null )
                intoLow = TempTable[ "low" ];

            if ( intoHigh.Table.TableName != intoLow.Table.TableName )
                throw new Exception( "High and low columns need to belong to the same table" );

            var inputTable = Interpreter.Context.TomScripting.GetManager( value.Table.TableName );
            var outTable = Interpreter.Context.TomScripting.GetManager( intoHigh.Table.TableName );

            var stock = Interpreter.Context.Scope.Stock;
            var from = Interpreter.Context.Scope.From;
            var to = Interpreter.Context.Scope.To;

            using ( TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope() )
                long ownerId = stock.GetId( outTable.Schema.OwnerIdColumn );
                var result = outTable.Query( ownerId );

                ScopedTable inputData = inputTable.Query( ownerId, new DateClause( from, to ), OriginClause.Default );

                DateTime? currentPeriod = null;
                DateTime? newPeriod = null;
                double low = double.MaxValue;
                double high = double.MinValue;

                // helper Lambda which adds a found result to the result table
                Action AddResult = delegate()
                    // handle no min, max could be determined
                    if ( low == double.MaxValue )
                        myLogger.Warning( "stock_price_low could not be determined for: TradedStockId = {0}", stock.TradedStock.Id );
                        low = -1;
                    if ( high == double.MinValue )
                        myLogger.Warning( "stock_price_high could not be determined for: TradedStockId = {0}", stock.TradedStock.Id );
                        high = -1;

                    DataRow outRow = result.NewRow();
                    outRow[ result.Schema.OwnerIdColumn ] = ownerId;
                    outRow.SetDate( result.Schema, currentPeriod.Value );
                    outRow[ intoHigh.ColumnName ] = high;
                    outRow[ intoLow.ColumnName ] = low;

                    result.AddOrUpdate( outRow, intoHigh.ColumnName, intoLow.ColumnName );

                foreach ( DataRow row in inputData.Rows.OrderBy( row => row[ inputTable.Schema.DateColumn ] ) )
                    DateTime date = row.GetDate( inputTable.Schema );

                    // convert the new period
                    if ( grouping == TimeGrouping.Year )
                        newPeriod = Blade.DateTimeExtensions.FirstOfYear( date.Year );
                    else if ( grouping == TimeGrouping.Month )
                        newPeriod = new DateTime( date.Year, date.Month, 1 );
                        throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unsupported time period definition: " + grouping );

                    // new period start detected other than the first one?
                    if ( currentPeriod != newPeriod && currentPeriod != null )

                        // reset temp variables
                        currentPeriod = newPeriod;
                        high = double.MinValue;
                        low = double.MaxValue;
                    else if ( currentPeriod == null )
                        // handle first period
                        currentPeriod = newPeriod;

                    double close = (double)row[ value.ColumnName ];

                    if ( close == -1 )
                        myLogger.Warning( "Ignoring invalid close price for: TradedStockId = {0}", stock.TradedStock.Id );

                    low = Math.Min( close, low );
                    high = Math.Max( close, high );

                // we left the time scope but is there s.th. left to store?
                if ( low != double.MaxValue && high != double.MinValue )


            return Interpreter.Context.TomScripting.GetManager( intoHigh.Table.TableName ).Schema;
文件: HighLow.cs 项目: riyanhax/Maui
        public static TableSchema HighLow(this IMslScript script, DataColumn value, TimeGrouping grouping, DataColumn intoHigh, DataColumn intoLow)
            if (intoHigh == null)
                intoHigh = TempTable["high"];
            if (intoLow == null)
                intoLow = TempTable["low"];

            if (intoHigh.Table.TableName != intoLow.Table.TableName)
                throw new Exception("High and low columns need to belong to the same table");

            var inputTable = Interpreter.Context.TomScripting.GetManager(value.Table.TableName);
            var outTable   = Interpreter.Context.TomScripting.GetManager(intoHigh.Table.TableName);

            var stock = Interpreter.Context.Scope.Stock;
            var from  = Interpreter.Context.Scope.From;
            var to    = Interpreter.Context.Scope.To;

            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
                long ownerId = stock.GetId(outTable.Schema.OwnerIdColumn);
                var  result  = outTable.Query(ownerId);

                ScopedTable inputData = inputTable.Query(ownerId, new DateClause(from, to), OriginClause.Default);

                DateTime?currentPeriod = null;
                DateTime?newPeriod     = null;
                double   low           = double.MaxValue;
                double   high          = double.MinValue;

                // helper Lambda which adds a found result to the result table
                Action AddResult = delegate()
                    // handle no min, max could be determined
                    if (low == double.MaxValue)
                        myLogger.Warning("stock_price_low could not be determined for: TradedStockId = {0}", stock.TradedStock.Id);
                        low = -1;
                    if (high == double.MinValue)
                        myLogger.Warning("stock_price_high could not be determined for: TradedStockId = {0}", stock.TradedStock.Id);
                        high = -1;

                    DataRow outRow = result.NewRow();
                    outRow[result.Schema.OwnerIdColumn] = ownerId;
                    outRow.SetDate(result.Schema, currentPeriod.Value);
                    outRow[intoHigh.ColumnName] = high;
                    outRow[intoLow.ColumnName]  = low;

                    result.AddOrUpdate(outRow, intoHigh.ColumnName, intoLow.ColumnName);

                foreach (DataRow row in inputData.Rows.OrderBy(row => row[inputTable.Schema.DateColumn]))
                    DateTime date = row.GetDate(inputTable.Schema);

                    // convert the new period
                    if (grouping == TimeGrouping.Year)
                        newPeriod = Blade.DateTimeExtensions.FirstOfYear(date.Year);
                    else if (grouping == TimeGrouping.Month)
                        newPeriod = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported time period definition: " + grouping);

                    // new period start detected other than the first one?
                    if (currentPeriod != newPeriod && currentPeriod != null)

                        // reset temp variables
                        currentPeriod = newPeriod;
                        high          = double.MinValue;
                        low           = double.MaxValue;
                    else if (currentPeriod == null)
                        // handle first period
                        currentPeriod = newPeriod;

                    double close = (double)row[value.ColumnName];

                    if (close == -1)
                        myLogger.Warning("Ignoring invalid close price for: TradedStockId = {0}", stock.TradedStock.Id);

                    low  = Math.Min(close, low);
                    high = Math.Max(close, high);

                // we left the time scope but is there s.th. left to store?
                if (low != double.MaxValue && high != double.MinValue)


文件: HighLow.cs 项目: bg0jr/Maui
 public static TableSchema HighLow( this IMslScript script, DataColumn value, TimeGrouping grouping )
     return HighLow( script, value, grouping, null, null );
文件: HighLow.cs 项目: riyanhax/Maui
 public static TableSchema HighLow(this IMslScript script, DataColumn value, TimeGrouping grouping)
     return(HighLow(script, value, grouping, null, null));