    public IEnumerator moveUnitToTargetTile(Vector3 destination)
        List <Vector3> path     = new List <Vector3>();
        Vector3        nextTile = destination;

        // Create path backwards (going from the destination to the unit's starting position)
        while (nextTile != currentlySelectedUnit.transform.position)
            TileToCheck t = listOfAlreadyCheckedTiles.Find(x => x.pos == nextTile);
            nextTile = t.posOfParentTile;
        int   pathIndex        = 0;
        float timeSinceStarted = 0f;
        float movementSpeed    = path.Count * 2f;

        // Move the unit tile by tile
        while (pathIndex < path.Count)
            // Make the unit move smoothly towards the next tile in the path
            timeSinceStarted += Time.deltaTime;
            currentlySelectedUnit.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentlySelectedUnit.transform.position, path[pathIndex], timeSinceStarted * movementSpeed);

            // If the unit reaches the tile, prepare for the next tile in the path
            if (currentlySelectedUnit.transform.position == path[pathIndex])
                timeSinceStarted = 0;

            // Go on to next frame8
            yield return(null);

        // Once the unit finishes the path, stop the coroutine and return control to the cursor
        activeCursor = true;
        currentlySelectedUnit.transform.position = destination; // Correct decimal deviations
        yield break;
    void checkIfTileIsValidForMovement(int posX, int posY, Vector3 parent, int rangeLeft)
        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(posX, posY);

        // Check if the tile has already been explored (FindIndex returns -1 otherwise)
        if (listOfAlreadyCheckedTiles.FindIndex(x => x.pos == pos) >= 0)
            TileToCheck tile = listOfAlreadyCheckedTiles.Find(x => x.pos == pos);
            if (tile.maxRangeSoFar >= rangeLeft)
                return; // Stop exploring, since that path has already been explored before
            else // Otherwise, remove the tile (it has an incorrect maxRangeSoFar)
            // Then keep exploring (the tile will be readded later)

        if (validDestination(posX, posY))
        { // Add tile to list of valid targets
            upperTilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(posX, posY, 0), tileSelectorMovement);
            listOfAlreadyCheckedTiles.Add(new TileToCheck(pos, parent, rangeLeft));
            // Keep checking if there is still range left
            if (rangeLeft > 1)
                checkValidMovementDestinationsRecursively(posX, posY, rangeLeft - 1);
        else if (allyInTile(posX, posY))
            listOfAlreadyCheckedTiles.Add(new TileToCheck(pos, parent, rangeLeft));
            // If the tile is occupied by an ally, the unit cannot move there, but can pass through there
            if (rangeLeft > 1)
                checkValidMovementDestinationsRecursively(posX, posY, rangeLeft - 1);