//Function called from CreateTileGrid.StartMapCreation to save the map info when a new game is started
    public void SaveTileGrid(string folderName_)
        //Making sure the save folder exists

        //Creating a 2D list of strings to hold all of the serialized TileInfo classes in the tile grid
        List <List <string> > serializedTileGrid = new List <List <string> >();

        for (int col = 0; col < TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid.Count; ++col)
            //Creating a new column (list of tile strings)
            List <string> newCol = new List <string>();

            for (int row = 0; row < TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid[0].Count; ++row)
                //Serializing the current tile using JsonUtility
                string jsonTile = JsonUtility.ToJson(TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid[col][row]);
                //Adding the tile string to the list of serialized tiles

            //Adding the new column to our 2D list of tile strings

        //Creating a list of strings to hold serialized TileInfo classes for city tiles
        List <string> serializedCities = new List <string>();

        for (int c = 0; c < TileMapManager.globalReference.cityTiles.Count; ++c)
            //Serializing the current city tile using JsonUtility
            string jsonCityTile = JsonUtility.ToJson(TileMapManager.globalReference.cityTiles[c]);
            //Adding the city tile to the list of serialized cities

        //Creating a list of strings to hold serialized TileInfo classes for dungeon tiles
        List <string> serializedDungeons = new List <string>();

        for (int d = 0; d < TileMapManager.globalReference.dungeonTiles.Count; ++d)
            //Serializing the current dungeon tile using JsonUtility
            string jsonDungeonTile = JsonUtility.ToJson(TileMapManager.globalReference.dungeonTiles[d]);
            //Adding the city tile to the list of serialized dungeons

        //Creating a new TileGridSaveInfo class to store all of the data that will be written
        TileGridSaveInfo newMapSave = new TileGridSaveInfo(serializedTileGrid, serializedCities, serializedDungeons);

        //Serializing the newMapSave class that holds all of our tile info
        string jsonMapData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newMapSave, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings()
            ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

        //Writing the JSON map data to a new text file in the given folder's directory
        File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + folderName_ + "/" + this.defaultTileGridFileName, jsonMapData);
    //Function called from CreateTileGrid to load map info from a save directory
    public void LoadTileGrid(string folderName_)
        //If the folder directory doesn't exist
        if (!Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + folderName_))
            //We throw an exception because the folder that's supposed to hold the TileGrid.txt file doesn't exist
            throw new System.ArgumentException("SaveLoadManager.LoadTileGrid, The folder directory given does not exist!");
        //If the folder exists but the file doesn't
        else if (!File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + folderName_ + "/" + this.defaultTileGridFileName))
            //We throw an exception because the file that we're supposed to load doesn't exist
            throw new System.ArgumentException("SaveLoadManager.LoadTileGrid, The TileGrid.txt file for this save does not exist!");

        //Getting all of the string data from the TileGrid.txt file
        string fileData = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + folderName_ + "/" + this.defaultTileGridFileName);

        //Getting the de-serialized TileGridSaveInfo class from the file using the JSON.net converter
        TileGridSaveInfo tileSaveInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(fileData, typeof(TileGridSaveInfo)) as TileGridSaveInfo;

        //Getting the de-serialized 2D list of TileInfo classes for the TileGrid
        List <List <TileInfo> > loadedTileGrid = new List <List <TileInfo> >();

        //Looping through every column of tiles in the tile grid
        for (int c = 0; c < tileSaveInfo.serializedTileGrid.Count; ++c)
            //Creating a new list of tiles to store the tiles in this column
            List <TileInfo> newTileColumn = new List <TileInfo>();

            //Looping through every row of the current column of tiles
            for (int r = 0; r < tileSaveInfo.serializedTileGrid[0].Count; ++r)
                //De-serializing the current tile from the string info using the JsonUtility
                TileInfo newTile = JsonUtility.FromJson(tileSaveInfo.serializedTileGrid[c][r], typeof(TileInfo)) as TileInfo;

            //Adding the new column of tiles to the tile grid

        //Looping through all of the tiles in the tile grid to set their connections
        for (int tc = 0; tc < loadedTileGrid.Count; ++tc)
            for (int tr = 0; tr < loadedTileGrid[0].Count; ++tr)
                //Initializing the list of connected tiles for the current tile
                loadedTileGrid[tc][tr].connectedTiles = new List <TileInfo>()
                    null, null, null, null, null, null

                //Looping through all of the tile connections for the given tile
                for (int coord = 0; coord < loadedTileGrid[tc][tr].connectedTileCoordinates.Count; ++coord)
                    int col = loadedTileGrid[tc][tr].connectedTileCoordinates[coord].col;
                    int row = loadedTileGrid[tc][tr].connectedTileCoordinates[coord].row;
                    loadedTileGrid[tc][tr].connectedTiles[coord] = loadedTileGrid[col][row];

        //Getting the de-serialized list of TileInfo classes for the city tiles
        List <TileInfo> loadedCityTiles = new List <TileInfo>();

        for (int ct = 0; ct < tileSaveInfo.serializedCityTiles.Count; ++ct)
            //De-serializing the current tile from the string info using JsonUtility
            TileInfo cityTile = JsonUtility.FromJson(tileSaveInfo.serializedCityTiles[ct], typeof(TileInfo)) as TileInfo;

        //Getting the de-serialized list of TileInfo classes for the dungeon tiles
        List <TileInfo> loadedDungeonTiles = new List <TileInfo>();

        for (int dt = 0; dt < tileSaveInfo.serializedDungeonTiles.Count; ++dt)
            //De-serializing the current tile from the string info using JsonUtility
            TileInfo dungeonTile = JsonUtility.FromJson(tileSaveInfo.serializedDungeonTiles[dt], typeof(TileInfo)) as TileInfo;

        //Setting the CreateTileGrid references to the loaded lists of tiles
        TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid     = loadedTileGrid;
        TileMapManager.globalReference.cityTiles    = loadedCityTiles;
        TileMapManager.globalReference.dungeonTiles = loadedDungeonTiles;