private void StartSelectTilesSequence(PointerEventInfo info, ILevelGeometry viewport) { bool controlKey = Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control); bool shiftKey = Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift); if (shiftKey) { StartDragAdd(info, viewport); return; } if (controlKey) { StartDragRemove(info, viewport); return; } TileCoord location = TileLocation(info); if (!_selectLayer.TileSelectionCoverageAt(location)) { StartDragNew(info, viewport); } else { StartMove(info, viewport); } }
public void CreateTile(TileCoord pos, Tile tile) { // Make sure the prefab we want to spawn exists, if it doesn't cry in // the console and exit out of this method. if (!(tile.prefab >= 0 && tile.prefab < levelSet.items.Length)) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("This tile index {0} is not a valid index: Didn't do anything.", tile.prefab)); return; } // Check to see if a tile is already here if so, windge about it and // return out of this method. if ( return; if (!spawnedTiles.ContainsKey(pos)) { // Spawn in the prefab. Transform inst = (Transform)Instantiate(levelSet.items[tile.prefab].prefab.transform, new Vector3(0.5f + pos.x, 0, 0.5f + pos.y), Quaternion.identity); inst.SetParent(transform); spawnedTiles.Add(pos, inst); }, tile); }
public static List <Tile> GetTilesWithinDistance(int distance, TileCoord coord) { var allTiles = new List <Tile> { GetTile(coord) }; var prevTiles = new List <Tile> { GetTile(coord) }; var newTiles = new List <Tile>(); for (int i = 0; i < distance; i++) { foreach (var tile in prevTiles) { var neighbors = GetNeighbors(tile.Coord); var uniqueNeighbors = neighbors.Where(x => !allTiles.Contains(x) && !prevTiles.Contains(x) && !newTiles.Contains(x)); newTiles.AddRange(uniqueNeighbors); } allTiles.AddRange(newTiles); prevTiles = newTiles; newTiles = new List <Tile>(); } return(allTiles); }
public void FloodFill(int x, int y) { _ranges = new FloodFillRangeQueue((_fillLayer.TilesWide + _fillLayer.TilesHigh) / 2 * 5); _matchStack = _fillLayer[x, y]; LinearFill(ref x, ref y); while (_ranges.Count > 0) { FloodFillRange range = _ranges.Dequeue(); int upY = range.Y - 1; int downY = range.Y + 1; TileCoord tid; for (int i = range.StartX; i <= range.EndX; i++) { tid = new TileCoord(i, upY); if (range.Y > 0 && /*!_sourceStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]) &&*/ (_matchStack == null ? _matchStack == _fillLayer[tid] : _matchStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]))) { LinearFill(ref i, ref upY); } tid = new TileCoord(i, downY); if (range.Y < (_fillLayer.TilesHigh - 1) && /*!_sourceStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]) &&*/ (_matchStack == null ? _matchStack == _fillLayer[tid] : _matchStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]))) { LinearFill(ref i, ref downY); } } } }
public override void HandlePointerPosition(PointerEventInfo info) { if (_form._tileController == null || _form._layer == null) { return; } TileCoord location = TileLocation(info); if (!TileInRange(location)) { return; } if (_form._tileController.SelectedTile != null) { if (_form._tileController.SelectedTile.Width != _form._layer.TileWidth || _form._tileController.SelectedTile.Height != _form._layer.TileHeight) { MessageBox.Show("Selected tile not compatible with brush tile dimensions.", "Incompatible Tile", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } _form._layer.ClearTile(location.X, location.Y); if (!_erase) { _form._layer.AddTile(location.X, location.Y, _form._tileController.SelectedTile); } } }
public Tile Add(TextureResource texture) { if (texture.Width != TileWidth || texture.Height != TileHeight) { throw new ArgumentException("Supplied texture does not have tile dimensions", "texture"); } Tile tile = new PhysicalTile() { Pool = _pool }; if (ShouldExpandTexture()) { ExpandTexture(); } TileCoord coord = _openLocations[_openLocations.Count - 1]; _openLocations.RemoveAt(_openLocations.Count - 1); _tileSource.Set(texture, new Point(coord.X * TileWidth, coord.Y * TileHeight)); _texturePool.Invalidate(_tileSource.Uid); _locations[tile.Uid] = coord; Add(tile); return(tile); }
public void QueueReplacement(TileCoord coord, Tile replacement) { TileStack srcStack = null; if (_tileSource.InRange(coord)) { srcStack = new TileStack(_tileSource[coord]); } TileStack stack = null; if (replacement != null) { stack = new TileStack(); stack.Add(replacement); } if (_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) { _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(_tiles[coord].Original, stack); } else { _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(srcStack, stack); } }
public void QueueAdd(TileCoord coord, TileStack stack) { if (stack != null) { TileStack srcStack = null; if (_tileSource.InRange(coord)) { srcStack = new TileStack(_tileSource[coord]); } TileStack newStack = new TileStack(srcStack); foreach (Tile t in stack) { newStack.Add(t); } if (_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) { _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(_tiles[coord].Original, stack); } else { _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(srcStack, newStack); } } }
public MultiTileSelectionAnnot(Point start) { _selectedLocations = new HashSet <TileCoord>(); TileMinExtant = new TileCoord(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue); TileMaxExtant = new TileCoord(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue); }
public MultiTileSelectionAnnot(Point start) { _selectedLocations = new HashSet<TileCoord>(); TileMinExtant = new TileCoord(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue); TileMaxExtant = new TileCoord(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue); }
public void RemoveTile(TileCoord coord, Tile tile) { if (_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) { _tiles[coord].Remove(tile); } }
public void FloodFill(int x, int y) { _ranges = new FloodFillRangeQueue((_fillLayer.TilesWide + _fillLayer.TilesHigh) / 2 * 5); _matchStack = _fillLayer[x, y]; LinearFill(ref x, ref y); while (_ranges.Count > 0) { FloodFillRange range = _ranges.Dequeue(); int upY = range.Y - 1; int downY = range.Y + 1; TileCoord tid; for (int i = range.StartX; i <= range.EndX; i++) { tid = new TileCoord(i, upY); if (range.Y > 0 && /*!_sourceStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]) &&*/ (_matchStack == null ? _matchStack == _fillLayer[tid] : _matchStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]))) LinearFill(ref i, ref upY); tid = new TileCoord(i, downY); if (range.Y < (_fillLayer.TilesHigh - 1) && /*!_sourceStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]) &&*/ (_matchStack == null ? _matchStack == _fillLayer[tid] : _matchStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]))) LinearFill(ref i, ref downY); } } }
public static void RemoveTile(TileCoord coord) { var tile = GetTile(coord); if (tile == null) { return; } foreach (var tileConnection in tile.Connections) { if (tileConnection != null) { Destroy(tileConnection.gameObject); } } Tiles.Remove(coord); Destroy(tile.gameObject); foreach (var playerToken in PlayerTokens.Values) { if (playerToken.Coord == coord) { playerToken.RpcClearCoord(); } } }
public static void AddTile(TileCoord coord) { var tile = Instantiate(_tilePrefabs[Random.Range(0, _tilePrefabs.Count)]).GetComponent <Tile>(); Tiles[coord] = tile; NetworkServer.Spawn(tile.gameObject); tile.RpcMove(coord.R, coord.Q); Tuple <ConnectionDirection, TileCoord>[] directions = new[] { new Tuple <ConnectionDirection, TileCoord>(ConnectionDirection.East, new TileCoord(1, 0)), new Tuple <ConnectionDirection, TileCoord>(ConnectionDirection.SouthEast, new TileCoord(0, 1)), new Tuple <ConnectionDirection, TileCoord>(ConnectionDirection.SouthWest, new TileCoord(-1, 1)), new Tuple <ConnectionDirection, TileCoord>(ConnectionDirection.West, new TileCoord(-1, 0)), new Tuple <ConnectionDirection, TileCoord>(ConnectionDirection.NorthWest, new TileCoord(0, -1)), new Tuple <ConnectionDirection, TileCoord>(ConnectionDirection.NorthEast, new TileCoord(1, -1)), }; foreach (var(dir, dirCoord) in directions) { var neighborCoord = new TileCoord(coord.R + dirCoord.R, coord.Q + dirCoord.Q); if (Tiles.ContainsKey(neighborCoord)) { var neighborTile = Tiles[neighborCoord]; var connection = Instantiate(_connectionPrefab).GetComponent <Connection>(); NetworkServer.Spawn(connection.gameObject); tile.Connections[(int)dir] = connection; neighborTile.Connections[((int)dir + 3) % 6] = connection; connection.Left = tile; connection.Right = neighborTile; connection.RpcSetPosition(coord.R, coord.Q, neighborCoord.R, neighborCoord.Q); } } }
public static void MoveToken(Player player, TileCoord coord, bool snapToTile = false) { var token = GetToken(player); var currentTile = GetTile(token.Coord); if (currentTile != null) { currentTile.Token = null; } if (snapToTile) { token.RpcSetCoord(coord.R, coord.Q); GetTile(coord).Token = token; } else { var tiles = GetTilesAlongPath(token.Coord, coord); var rs = new List <int>(); var qs = new List <int>(); foreach (var tile in tiles) { rs.Add(tile.Coord.R); qs.Add(tile.Coord.Q); } token.RpcMoveAlongPath(rs.ToArray(), qs.ToArray()); tiles.Last().Token = token; } token.Coord = coord; }
private bool FloodFill_Sprite(int nMapX, int nMapY, Sprite spriteOld, int subpaletteOld, Sprite spriteNew, int tileNew, int subpaletteNew) { int spriteWidth = spriteNew == null ? 1 : spriteNew.TileWidth; int spriteHeight = spriteNew == null ? 1 : spriteNew.TileHeight; // Stack of tiles to process. m_stackTiles = new Stack <TileCoord>(); m_tilesDone = new Dictionary <TileCoord, bool>(); TileCoord t = new TileCoord(nMapX, nMapY); m_stackTiles.Push(t); m_tilesDone.Add(t, true); // Adjust the mapclick origin off the map (negative) so that all of our // offset calculations are guaranteed to be positive. while (nMapX > 0) { nMapX -= spriteWidth; } while (nMapY > 0) { nMapY -= spriteHeight; } while (m_stackTiles.Count != 0) { t = m_stackTiles.Pop(); // Calc tile within sprite that we're painting: // // Current sprite: abcd // efgh // // Original: Click: After: // ___...___ ___...___ ___efg___ // __.....__ __.x...__ __dabcd__ // __...____ __...____ __hef____ // ____.____ ____.____ ____b____ // // '.' marks the map coords that belong to the same sprite // (regardless of the particular tile within the sprite). int dx = (t.X - nMapX) % spriteWidth; int dy = (t.Y - nMapY) % spriteHeight; int tile = tileNew + dx + dy * spriteWidth; m_map.SetTile(t.X, t.Y, tile, subpaletteNew); FloodFill_CheckTile(t.X - 1, t.Y, spriteOld, subpaletteOld); FloodFill_CheckTile(t.X + 1, t.Y, spriteOld, subpaletteOld); FloodFill_CheckTile(t.X, t.Y - 1, spriteOld, subpaletteOld); FloodFill_CheckTile(t.X, t.Y + 1, spriteOld, subpaletteOld); } m_stackTiles = null; m_tilesDone = null; return(true); }
protected override void Write(ContentWriter output, TileRegistryContent value) { output.Write(value.Version); Guid id = value.Id; TilePool pool = value.TilePool; output.Write((short)id); output.Write((short)pool.TileWidth); output.Write((short)pool.TileHeight); output.Write(value.TextureAsset); WritePropertyBlock(output, pool.CustomProperties); output.Write((short)pool.Count); foreach (Tile tile in pool) { TileCoord coord = pool.GetTileLocation(tile.Uid); output.Write((short)tile.Uid); output.Write((short)coord.X); output.Write((short)coord.Y); WritePropertyBlock(output, tile.CustomProperties); } }
// Use this for initialization public override void Start() { base.Start(); player = FindObjectOfType(typeof(Player_Script)) as Player_Script; //Stats bar Name_Text.text = myName; Att_Text.text = attack.ToString(); HP_Text.text = health.ToString(); Def_Text.text = defence.ToString(); Stats_Bar.SetActive(true); //information board Name_Text2.text = myName; Att_Text2.text = attack.ToString(); HP_Text2.text = health.ToString(); Def_Text2.text = defence.ToString(); information_board.SetActive(false); TurnState = State.NONE; RunOnce = false; //for sleeper MaxHp = health; speed = player.speed; DesTileID = CurrentTileID; }
/// <summary> /// Create a link between the tile at the coordinates indicated in the 1st chunk and /// the tile indicated by the coordinates in the 2nd chunk. /// Can be used to link tiles within the same chunk. /// Can even be used to link a tile to itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="chunk1"></param> /// <param name="chunk2"></param> /// <param name="tile1"></param> /// <param name="tile2"></param> public static void createTwoWayLink(Node[,] chunkFrom, Node[,] chunkTo, TileCoord tileFrom, TileCoord tileTo, GameManager.Direction dir) { int opposite = ((int)dir + 2) % 4; chunkFrom[tileFrom.x, tileFrom.y].defaultConn[(int)dir] = chunkTo[tileTo.x, tileTo.y].index; chunkTo[tileTo.x, tileTo.y].defaultConn[opposite] = chunkFrom[tileFrom.x, tileFrom.y].index; }
public void MoveSelectionByOffset(TileCoord offset) { if (_selection != null) { _selection.Offset = new TileCoord(_selection.Offset.X + offset.X, _selection.Offset.Y + offset.Y); } }
void VerifyBoard() { List <int> remove; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { TileCoord pos = new TileCoord(x, y); int type = getTileType(pos); if (type <= 0) { continue; } remove = new List <int>(); while (matchFinder(pos, true).Count > 0) { type = getTileType(pos); if (!remove.Contains(type)) { remove.Add(type); } setTileType(pos, newType(ref remove)); } } } }
public void SetSelectionOffset(TileCoord offset) { if (_selection != null) { _selection.Offset = offset; } }
public void RotatePieces(TileCoord topLeft, bool direction) { Tile one = getTile(topLeft); TilePiece pieceOne = one.getPiece(); Tile two = getTile(TileCoord.add(topLeft, TileCoord.right)); TilePiece pieceTwo = two.getPiece(); Tile three = getTile(TileCoord.add(topLeft, TileCoord.up)); TilePiece pieceThree = three.getPiece(); Tile four = getTile(TileCoord.add(topLeft, TileCoord.add(TileCoord.right, TileCoord.up))); TilePiece pieceFour = four.getPiece(); Debug.Log("P00: " + getTileType(one.pos) + " P10: " + getTileType(two.pos) + " P01: " + getTileType(three.pos) + " P11: " + getTileType(four.pos)); if (direction) { one.SetPiece(pieceThree); two.SetPiece(pieceOne); three.SetPiece(pieceFour); four.SetPiece(pieceTwo); } else { one.SetPiece(pieceTwo); two.SetPiece(pieceFour); three.SetPiece(pieceOne); four.SetPiece(pieceThree); } Debug.Log("P00: " + getTileType(one.pos) + " P10: " + getTileType(two.pos) + " P01: " + getTileType(three.pos) + " P11: " + getTileType(four.pos)); update.Add(pieceOne); update.Add(pieceTwo); update.Add(pieceThree); update.Add(pieceFour); }
void RemovePiece(TileCoord pos) { List <RemovedPiece> available = new List <RemovedPiece>(); for (int i = 0; i < removed.Count; i++) { if (!removed[i].falling) { available.Add(removed[i]); } } RemovedPiece set = null; if (available.Count > 0) { set = available[0]; } else { GameObject remove = GameObject.Instantiate(removedPiece, removedBoard); RemovedPiece kPiece = remove.GetComponent <RemovedPiece>(); set = kPiece; removed.Add(kPiece); } int tile = getTileType(pos) - 1; if (set != null && tile >= 0 && tile < tiles.Length) { set.Initialize(tiles[tile], getPositionFromCoord(pos)); } }
private void StartFillSequence(PointerEventInfo info) { if (!SourceValid) { return; } TileCoord location = TileLocation(info); if (!TileInRange(location)) { return; } if (SourceType == TileSourceType.Brush) { Layer.TileAdding += TileAddingHandler; Layer.TileRemoving += TileRemovingHandler; } _fillLayer = Layer; _sourceStack = new TileStack(); _sourceStack.Add(ActiveTile); _fillCommand = new TileReplace2DCommand(Layer); FloodFill(location.X, location.Y); if (SourceType == TileSourceType.Brush) { Layer.TileAdding -= TileAddingHandler; Layer.TileRemoving -= TileRemovingHandler; } History.Execute(_fillCommand); }
public TileStack this[TileCoord location] { get { return this[location.X, location.Y]; } set { this[location.X, location.Y] = value; } }
public void RpcSetPosition(int leftR, int leftQ, int rightR, int rightQ) { var left = new TileCoord(leftR, leftQ); var right = new TileCoord(rightR, rightQ); transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(left.Position, right.Position, 0.5f); transform.LookAt(left.Position); }
public static List <Tile> GetNeighbors(TileCoord coord) { var tile = GetTile(coord); var traversableConnections = tile.Connections.Where(x => x != null && x.Traversable).ToList(); var tiles = traversableConnections.Select(conn => conn.From(tile)).ToList(); return(tiles); }
public TileStack this[TileCoord location] { get { return(this[location.X, location.Y]); } set { this[location.X, location.Y] = value; } }
int getTileType(TileCoord pos) { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= width || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= height) { return(-1); } return(board[pos.x, pos.y].type); }
protected void TryResetPos() { GroundManager.Inst.logic.TryResetMapChild(this); Vector3 localPos; tilePos = GroundManager.Inst.logic.GetMapTile(this, out localPos); GroundManager.Inst.graphic.SetIntoTile(graphicInstance.transform, tilePos, localPos); }
public void Initialize(int type, TileCoord pos, Sprite tile) { img = GetComponent <Image>(); rect = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); this.type = type; SetIndex(pos); img.sprite = tile; }
public bool TileSelectionCoverageAt(TileCoord coord) { if (_selection == null) { return(false); } return(_selection.CoverageAt(coord)); }
public TileStack TileStacksAt(TileCoord location) { if (!CheckBounds(location.X, location.Y)) { return(null); } return(_tiles[YIndex(location.Y), XIndex(location.X)]); }
public override Dictionary<TileCoord, Tile> GetBrush(int radius, TileCoord pos, Tile fill) { Dictionary<TileCoord, Tile> brush = new Dictionary<TileCoord, Tile>(); for (int y, x = pos.x - radius; x <= (pos.x + radius); x++) { for (y = pos.y - radius; y <= (pos.y + radius); y++) { brush.Add(new TileCoord(x, y), fill); } } return brush; }
private void LinearFill(ref int x, ref int y) { // Find left edge int lFillLoc = x; while (true) { TileCoord tid = new TileCoord(lFillLoc, y); if (SourceType == TileSourceType.Brush && ActiveBrush != null) { ActiveBrush.ApplyBrush(_fillLayer, tid.X, tid.Y); } else { _fillCommand.QueueReplacement(tid, _sourceStack); _fillLayer[tid] = _sourceStack; } lFillLoc--; tid = new TileCoord(lFillLoc, y); if (lFillLoc < 0 || /*_sourceStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]) ||*/ !(_matchStack == null ? _matchStack == _fillLayer[tid] : _matchStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]))) break; } lFillLoc++; // Find right edge int rFillLoc = x; while (true) { TileCoord tid = new TileCoord(rFillLoc, y); /*if (!_sourceStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid])) {*/ if (SourceType == TileSourceType.Brush && ActiveBrush != null) { ActiveBrush.ApplyBrush(_fillLayer, tid.X, tid.Y); } else { _fillCommand.QueueReplacement(tid, _sourceStack); _fillLayer[tid] = _sourceStack; } //} rFillLoc++; tid = new TileCoord(rFillLoc, y); if (rFillLoc >= _fillLayer.TilesWide || /*_sourceStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]) ||*/ !(_matchStack == null ? _matchStack == _fillLayer[tid] : _matchStack.Equals(_fillLayer[tid]))) break; } rFillLoc--; FloodFillRange r = new FloodFillRange(lFillLoc, rFillLoc, y); _ranges.Enqueue(ref r); }
public static TileCoord getClosestDirection ( TileCoord from, TileCoord to ) { TileCoord diff = to - from; if ( diff.x == diff.y ) { return null; } else if ( Mathf.Abs ( diff.x ) > Mathf.Abs ( diff.y ) ) { return new TileCoord ( ( diff.x > 0 ) ? +1 : -1, 0 ); } else { return new TileCoord ( 0, ( diff.y > 0 ) ? +1 : -1 ); } }
// Return an array of Tiles that fit inside a square the size of radius // with an offset. public TileCoord[] InsideSquare(int radius, TileCoord offset) { List<TileCoord> tiles = new List<TileCoord>(); for (int y, x = offset.x - radius; x <= (offset.x + radius); x++) { for (y = offset.y - radius; y <= (offset.y + radius); y++) { tiles.Add(new TileCoord(x, y)); } } return tiles.ToArray(); }
// Return an array of Tiles that fit inside a square the size of radius // with an offset of the same type of 'type'. public TileCoord[] InsideSquareOfType(int radius, TileCoord offset, Tile type) { List<TileCoord> tiles = new List<TileCoord>(); for (int y, x = offset.x - radius; x <= (offset.x + radius); x++) { for (y = offset.y - radius; y <= (offset.y + radius); y++) { if (level.GetTile(new TileCoord(x, y)) == type) tiles.Add(new TileCoord(x, y)); } } return tiles.ToArray(); }
public void VisualiseBrush(Brush brush, int radius, TileCoord start, TileCoord end) { tiles = new List<TileCoord>(); foreach (TileCoord lineTile in editor.getTiles.AlongLine(start, end)) { foreach (TileCoord tile in brush.GetBrush(radius, lineTile, new Cow.Tile(0)).Keys) { if (!tiles.Contains(tile)) tiles.Add(tile); } } tiles = new List<TileCoord>(brush.GetBrush(radius, new TileCoord(), new Tile(0)).Keys); RenderTiles(); }
public void MouseHold(TileCoord pos) { // Only paint a line if the cursor has moved more than one unit else // just paint a single tile at the new cursor pos. Also set the lastPos // to the current pos for the next time the cursor moves. if (pos.x > lastPos.x + 1 || pos.x < lastPos.x - 1 || pos.y > lastPos.y + 1 || pos.y < lastPos.y - 1) // Just loop through each tile in the line and paint a brush over // the tile. foreach (TileCoord posInLine in getTiles.AlongLine(lastPos, pos)) Paint(posInLine, currTile); else Paint(pos, currTile); lastPos = pos; }
public TileSelection(TileSelection selection) { if (selection != null) { _offset = selection._offset; _tileAnnot = new MultiTileSelectionAnnot(selection._tileAnnot); _active = selection._active; _floating = selection._floating; _tiles = new Dictionary<TileCoord, TileStack>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<TileCoord, TileStack> kvp in selection._tiles) _tiles.Add(kvp.Key, new TileStack(kvp.Value)); } }
public void QueueAdd(TileCoord coord, Tile tile) { if (tile != null) { TileStack srcStack = null; if (_tileSource.InRange(coord)) srcStack = new TileStack(_tileSource[coord]); TileStack stack = new TileStack(srcStack); stack.Add(tile); if (_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(_tiles[coord].Original, stack); else _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(srcStack, stack); } }
public override Dictionary<TileCoord, Tile> GetBrush(int radius, TileCoord pos, Tile fill) { Dictionary<TileCoord, Tile> brush = new Dictionary<TileCoord, Tile>(); TileCoord centre; int sqrRadius = radius * radius; for (int y, x = pos.x - radius; x <= (pos.x + radius); x++) { for (y = pos.y - radius; y <= (pos.y + radius); y++) { centre.x = x - pos.x; centre.y = y - pos.y; if(centre.x * centre.x + centre.y * centre.y <= sqrRadius) brush.Add(new TileCoord(x, y), fill); } } return brush; }
public void Tile(TileCoord pos) { //Create the top face Quad( new Vector3(pos.x + 0, height, pos.y + 0), new Vector3(pos.x + 0, height, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, height, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, height, pos.y + 0)); if (!tiles.Contains(new TileCoord(pos.x - 1, pos.y))) { Quad( new Vector3(pos.x + 0, height, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 0, height, pos.y + 0), new Vector3(pos.x + 0, 0, pos.y + 0), new Vector3(pos.x + 0, 0, pos.y + 1)); } if (!tiles.Contains(new TileCoord(pos.x + 1, pos.y))) { Quad( new Vector3(pos.x + 1, height, pos.y + 0), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, height, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, 0, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, 0, pos.y + 0)); } if (!tiles.Contains(new TileCoord(pos.x, pos.y-1))) { Quad( new Vector3(pos.x + 0, height, pos.y + 0), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, height, pos.y + 0), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, 0, pos.y + 0), new Vector3(pos.x + 0, 0, pos.y + 0)); } if (!tiles.Contains(new TileCoord(pos.x, pos.y + 1))) { Quad( new Vector3(pos.x + 1, height, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 0, height, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 0, 0, pos.y + 1), new Vector3(pos.x + 1, 0, pos.y + 1)); } }
// Returns an array of tiles along a line from start to end. public TileCoord[] AlongLine(TileCoord start, TileCoord end) { // This if statement just swaps the start and end around if the start // is left of the end. if (start.x > end.x) { TileCoord swapTile = start; start = end; end = swapTile; } // Bresenham's line algorithm. //'s_line_algorithm // C.O.W. C# Implementation written by Tom Parker. List<TileCoord> tiles = new List<TileCoord>(); float deltaX = end.x - start.x; float deltaY = end.y - start.y; float error = 0; float deltaError = Mathf.Abs(deltaY / deltaX); int y = start.y; for (int x = start.x; x < end.x; x++) { tiles.Add(new TileCoord(x, y)); error += deltaError; while (error >= 0.5f) { tiles.Add(new TileCoord(x, y)); y += (int)Mathf.Sign(end.y - start.y); error -= 1; } } return tiles.ToArray(); }
private void UpdateExtants(TileCoord coord) { if (coord.X < _minX) _minX = coord.X; if (coord.X > _maxX) _maxX = coord.X; if (coord.Y < _minY) _minY = coord.Y; if (coord.Y > _maxY) _maxY = coord.Y; }
public void RemoveTile(TileCoord coord, Tile tile) { if (_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) _tiles[coord].Remove(tile); }
public void ClearTile(TileCoord coord) { _tiles.Remove(coord); ResetExtants(); }
public void AddTile(TileCoord coord, Tile tile) { if (!_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) _tiles.Add(coord, new TileStack()); _tiles[coord].Remove(tile); _tiles[coord].Add(tile); UpdateExtants(coord); }
public void QueueReplacement(TileCoord coord, Tile replacement) { TileStack srcStack = null; if (_tileSource.InRange(coord)) srcStack = new TileStack(_tileSource[coord]); TileStack stack = null; if (replacement != null) { stack = new TileStack(); stack.Add(replacement); } if (_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(_tiles[coord].Original, stack); else _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(srcStack, stack); }
private void AddTile(MultiTileGridLayer layer, TileCoord location) { if (!_tiles.ContainsKey(location)) { TileStack stack = layer.TileStacksAt(location); if (!TileStack.NullOrEmpty(stack)) _tiles.Add(location, stack); _tileAnnot.AddTileLocation(location); } }
private TileCoord AdjustLocation(TileCoord location) { return new TileCoord(location.X - _offset.X, location.Y - _offset.Y); }
public bool TileAt(TileCoord location) { return _tiles.ContainsKey(AdjustLocation(location)); }
public bool CoverageAt(TileCoord location) { return _tileAnnot.TileLocations.Contains(AdjustLocation(location)); }
public void ClearTiles() { _tiles.Clear(); _offset = new TileCoord(0, 0); }
private void ShowPreviewMarker(TileCoord location) { if (!_previewMarkerVisible) { if (_previewMarker == null) { _previewMarker = new SelectionAnnot(); _previewMarker.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(new Color(192, 0, 0, 128)); } _annots.Add(_previewMarker); _previewMarkerVisible = true; } int x = (int)(location.X * Layer.TileWidth); int y = (int)(location.Y * Layer.TileHeight); _previewMarker.Start = new Point(x, y); _previewMarker.End = new Point(x + Layer.TileWidth, y + Layer.TileHeight); }
private TileSelection() { _tiles = new Dictionary<TileCoord, TileStack>(); _offset = new TileCoord(0, 0); _tileAnnot = new MultiTileSelectionAnnot(); }
private bool TileInRange(TileCoord location) { if (location.X < 0 || location.X >= _form._layer.TilesWide) return false; if (location.Y < 0 || location.Y >= _form._layer.TilesHigh) return false; return true; }
public void QueueReplacement(TileCoord coord, TileStack replacement) { TileStack srcStack = null; if (_tileSource.InRange(coord)) srcStack = new TileStack(_tileSource[coord]); replacement = (replacement != null) ? new TileStack(replacement) : null; if (_tiles.ContainsKey(coord)) _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(_tiles[coord].Original, replacement); else _tiles[coord] = new TileRecord(srcStack, replacement); }