        public async Task Test_TicketsController_AddInternalReplyToTicket()
            // Setup.
            TicketsController controllerUnderTest = new TicketsController(Database);

            // Check that the controller handles incorrect paramters.
            if (await controllerUnderTest.AddExternalReplyToTicket(null, null, null, null))
                Assert.Fail("Controller not handling incorrect parameters.");
            if (await controllerUnderTest.AddExternalReplyToTicket("", "", "", ""))
                Assert.Fail("Controller not handling incorrect parameters.");
            if (await controllerUnderTest.AddExternalReplyToTicket("not_a_number", "could_be_valid", "could_be_valid", "could_be_valid"))
                Assert.Fail("Controller not handling incorrect parameters.");

            // Setup (Get a valid User to test with).
            User user = Database.Users.First();

            if (user == null)
                Assert.Fail("Seeded database not as expected for this test.");
            string     userId        = user.Id;                                                           // Used as a cache to get the same User later on.
            JsonResult userTokenJson = await new UserController(Database).GetNewUserToken(user.UserName); // This Controller has been tested independently.

            if (userTokenJson == null)                                                                    // Check that we didn't get an error from the controller and that we can continue.
                Assert.Fail("Problem getting User Token for testing.");
            user = Database.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId); // Re-get the User from the database, as UserController should have changed it.
            if (user == null)
                Assert.Fail("Logic problem with test, cannot continue.");

            int ticketLogCount = await Database.TicketLogs.CountAsync(tl => tl.TicketId == 1);

            if (ticketLogCount != 3)
                Assert.Fail("Seeded database not as expected for this test, incorrect amount of ticket logs.");

            if (!await controllerUnderTest.AddInternalReplyToTicket("1", user.UserName, user.UserToken, "Message to add to Ticket."))
                Assert.Fail("Received unexpected result from controller.");

            ticketLogCount = await Database.TicketLogs.CountAsync(tl => tl.TicketId == 1);

            if (ticketLogCount != 4)
                Assert.Fail("Seeded database not as expected for this test, incorrect amount of ticket logs.");

            if (!await controllerUnderTest.AddInternalReplyToTicket("1", user.UserName, user.UserToken, "Another message to add to Ticket."))
                Assert.Fail("Received unexpected result from controller.");

            ticketLogCount = await Database.TicketLogs.CountAsync(tl => tl.TicketId == 1);

            if (ticketLogCount != 5)
                Assert.Fail("Seeded database not as expected for this test, incorrect amount of ticket logs.");

            // TODO: Check for the handling of the User being internal/not internal.