        public void Test_IsolateSingleTableWithSchema_Duplication(string schemaExpression, bool includeQualifiers)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("Fish", 1);
            dt.Rows.Add("Fish", 2);
            dt.Rows.Add("Fish", 3);
            dt.Rows.Add("Frank", 2);
            dt.Rows.Add("Candy", 2);

            var tbl = db.CreateTable("MyCoolTable2", dt);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            Import(tbl, out var tableInfoCreated, out var columnInfosCreated);

            var syntax = db.Server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper();

            tableInfoCreated.Name =
                (includeQualifiers  ?  syntax.EnsureWrapped(db.GetRuntimeName()) : db.GetRuntimeName())
                + schemaExpression +
                (includeQualifiers  ?  syntax.EnsureWrapped(tbl.GetRuntimeName()) : tbl.GetRuntimeName());


            foreach (ColumnInfo column in columnInfosCreated)
                column.Name = tableInfoCreated.Name + "." +
                              (includeQualifiers ?  syntax.EnsureWrapped(column.GetRuntimeName()) : column.GetRuntimeName());

            //lie about the primary key status
            var a = columnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("A"));

            a.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, tableInfoCreated);

            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, RdmpMockFactory.Mock_INameDatabasesAndTablesDuringLoads(db, "MyCoolTable2"));
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, tableInfoCreated);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            dt = tbl.GetDataTable();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dt.Rows.Count);

            var dtIsolation = tbl.Database.ExpectTable("MyCoolTable2_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, dtIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void TestToCSVConverter(bool prefixWithWorkbookName)
            var loc = _fileLocations[TestFile];

            ExcelToCSVFilesConverter converter = new ExcelToCSVFilesConverter();

            converter.ExcelFilePattern       = loc.Name;
            converter.PrefixWithWorkbookName = prefixWithWorkbookName;

            var mockProjDir = Mock.Of <ILoadDirectory>(p => p.ForLoading == loc.Directory);

            var j = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob();

            j.LoadDirectory = mockProjDir;

            converter.Fetch(j, new GracefulCancellationToken());

            var file = prefixWithWorkbookName ?  loc.Directory.GetFiles("Book1_Sheet1.csv").Single(): loc.Directory.GetFiles("Sheet1.csv").Single();


            var contents = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);

Frank,1.1,no,2001-01-01 10:30:00,0.51,11:30:00
Hank,2.1,no,2002-01-01 11:30:00,0.22,0.1
Shanker,2,yes,2003-01-01 01:30:00,0.10,0.51
Bobboy,2,maybe,2015-09-18,15:09:00,00:03:56", contents.Trim(new[] { ',', '\r', '\n', ' ', '\t' }));

        public void Dilution_WithNamer_Test()
            var db = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Rows.Add(new[] { "Fish" });

            var tbl = db.CreateTable("DilutionNamerTest", dt);

            Import(tbl, out var ti, out var cols);

            var namer = RdmpMockFactory.Mock_INameDatabasesAndTablesDuringLoads(db, "AAAA");

            var discarded = new PreLoadDiscardedColumn(CatalogueRepository, ti, "Bob");

            discarded.SqlDataType = "varchar(10)";
            discarded.Destination = DiscardedColumnDestination.Dilute;

            var dilution = new Dilution();

            dilution.ColumnToDilute = discarded;
            dilution.Operation      = typeof(CrushToBitFlag);

            dilution.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustStaging);
            dilution.Check(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier());

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, namer), ti);

        public void TestTableInfo(bool usenamer)
            string filename = Path.Combine(LoadDirectory.ForLoading.FullName, "bob.csv");
            var    sw       = new StreamWriter(filename);



            TableInfo ti;

            ColumnInfo[] cols;
            Import(_table, out ti, out cols);

            var attacher = new AnySeparatorFileAttacher();

            attacher.Initialize(LoadDirectory, _database);
            attacher.Separator   = ",";
            attacher.FilePattern = "bob*";
            attacher.TableToLoad = ti;

            INameDatabasesAndTablesDuringLoads namer = null;

            if (usenamer)
                namer = RdmpMockFactory.Mock_INameDatabasesAndTablesDuringLoads(_database, "AAA");

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(new HICDatabaseConfiguration(_database.Server, namer), ti);

            var exitCode = attacher.Attach(job, new GracefulCancellationToken());

            Assert.AreEqual(ExitCodeType.Success, exitCode);

            using (var con = _database.Server.GetConnection())
                var r = _database.Server.GetCommand("Select name,name2 from " + _table.GetRuntimeName(), con).ExecuteReader();
                Assert.AreEqual("Bob", r["name"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Munchousain", r["name2"]);

                Assert.AreEqual("Franky", r["name"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Hollyw9ood", r["name2"]);

            attacher.LoadCompletedSoDispose(ExitCodeType.Success, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());

        public void ExecuteSqlRuntimeTask_InvalidID(DatabaseType dbType)
            var dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2 });

            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType, true);

            var tbl = db.CreateTable("Fish", dt);

            TableInfo ti;

            ColumnInfo[] cols;
            Import(tbl, out ti, out cols);

            string sql = @"UPDATE {T:0} Set {C:0} = 1";

            IRuntimeTask task;
            IProcessTask pt;

            var dir = LoadDirectory.CreateDirectoryStructure(new DirectoryInfo(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory), "ExecuteSqlFileRuntimeTaskTests", true);

            var sqlArg = new IArgument[] { Mock.Of <IArgument>(x =>
                                                               x.Name == "Sql" &&
                                                               x.Value == sql &&
                                                               x.GetValueAsSystemType() == sql) };

            var args = new RuntimeArgumentCollection(sqlArg, new StageArgs(LoadStage.AdjustRaw, db, dir));

            pt = Mock.Of <IProcessTask>(x =>
                                        x.Path == typeof(ExecuteSqlMutilation).FullName &&
                                        x.GetAllArguments() == sqlArg

            task = new MutilateDataTablesRuntimeTask(pt, args, CatalogueRepository.MEF);

            task.Check(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier());
            HICDatabaseConfiguration configuration = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server);

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob();

            job.RegularTablesToLoad = new List <ITableInfo> {
            job.LookupTablesToLoad = new List <ITableInfo>();
            job.Configuration      = configuration;

            var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => task.Run(job, new GracefulCancellationToken()));

            StringAssert.Contains("Mutilate failed", ex.Message);
            StringAssert.Contains("Failed to find a TableInfo in the load with ID 0", ex.InnerException.Message);

            task.LoadCompletedSoDispose(Core.DataLoad.ExitCodeType.Success, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());
        public void VarcharMaxer_BadTableNames(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            var tbl = db.CreateTable("Fi ; '`sh", new[]
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("Da'   ,,;ve", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 100)),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("Frrrrr ##' ank", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(int)))

            TableInfo ti;

            ColumnInfo[] cols;
            Import(tbl, out ti, out cols);

            var maxer = new TableVarcharMaxer();

            maxer.TableRegexPattern = new Regex(".*");
            maxer.DestinationType   = db.Server.GetQuerySyntaxHelper().TypeTranslater.GetSQLDBTypeForCSharpType(new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), int.MaxValue));

            maxer.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);
            maxer.Check(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier()
                ThrowOnWarning = true

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob();

            job.RegularTablesToLoad = new List <ITableInfo>()
            job.Configuration = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, null, null, null);


            switch (dbType)
            case DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer:
                Assert.AreEqual("varchar(max)", tbl.DiscoverColumn("Da'   ,,;ve").DataType.SQLType);

            case DatabaseType.MySql:
                Assert.AreEqual("text", tbl.DiscoverColumn("Da'   ,,;ve").DataType.SQLType);

            case DatabaseType.Oracle:
                Assert.AreEqual("varchar(max)", tbl.DiscoverColumn("Da'   ,,;ve").DataType.SQLType);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dbType");
        public void Test_IsolateSingleTable_Dupliction(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("Fish", 1);
            dt.Rows.Add("Fish", 2);
            dt.Rows.Add("Fish", 3);
            dt.Rows.Add("Frank", 2);
            dt.Rows.Add("Candy", 2);

            var tbl = db.CreateTable("MyCoolTable2", dt);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo tableInfoCreated;

            ColumnInfo[] columnInfosCreated;

            Import(tbl, out tableInfoCreated, out columnInfosCreated);

            //lie abot the primary key status
            var a = columnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("A"));

            a.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, tableInfoCreated);

            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, RdmpMockFactory.Mock_INameDatabasesAndTablesDuringLoads(db, "MyCoolTable2"));
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, tableInfoCreated);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            dt = tbl.GetDataTable();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dt.Rows.Count);

            var dtIsolation = tbl.Database.ExpectTable("MyCoolTable2_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, dtIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void Test_FlatFileAttcher_IgnoreColumns()
            string filename = Path.Combine(LoadDirectory.ForLoading.FullName, "bob.csv");
            var    sw       = new StreamWriter(filename);

            sw.WriteLine("Bob,Munchousain,\"67, franklin\"");
            sw.WriteLine("Franky,Hollyw9ood,32 dodgery");


            Import(_table, out var ti, out var cols);

            var attacher = new AnySeparatorFileAttacher();

            attacher.Initialize(LoadDirectory, _database);
            attacher.Separator     = ",";
            attacher.FilePattern   = "bob*";
            attacher.TableToLoad   = ti;
            attacher.IgnoreColumns = "address";

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(new HICDatabaseConfiguration(_database.Server, null), ti);

            var exitCode = attacher.Attach(job, new GracefulCancellationToken());

            Assert.AreEqual(ExitCodeType.Success, exitCode);

            using (var con = _database.Server.GetConnection())
                var r = _database.Server.GetCommand("Select name,name2 from " + _table.GetRuntimeName(), con).ExecuteReader();
                Assert.AreEqual("Bob", r["name"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Munchousain", r["name2"]);

                Assert.AreEqual("Franky", r["name"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("Hollyw9ood", r["name2"]);

            attacher.LoadCompletedSoDispose(ExitCodeType.Success, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());

        public void Test_FlatFileAttcher_AmbiguousDates(DatabaseType type, string val, string attacherCulture, string threadCulture)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(threadCulture);

            string filename = Path.Combine(LoadDirectory.ForLoading.FullName, "bob.csv");
            var    sw       = new StreamWriter(filename);



            var db = GetCleanedServer(type);

            var tbl =
                               new [] { new DatabaseColumnRequest("dob", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(DateTime))) }

            Import(tbl, out TableInfo ti, out _);
            var attacher = new AnySeparatorFileAttacher();

            attacher.Separator   = ",";
            attacher.FilePattern = "bob*";
            attacher.TableName   = tbl.GetRuntimeName();
            attacher.Culture     = new CultureInfo(attacherCulture);
            attacher.Initialize(LoadDirectory, db);

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(new HICDatabaseConfiguration(_database.Server, null), ti);

            var exitCode = attacher.Attach(job, new GracefulCancellationToken());

            Assert.AreEqual(ExitCodeType.Success, exitCode);

            attacher.LoadCompletedSoDispose(ExitCodeType.Success, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2001, 1, 27), tbl.GetDataTable().Rows[0][0]);

        public void Test_TableToLoad_IDNotInLoadMetadata()
            var source = new AnySeparatorFileAttacher();

            var tiInLoad    = new TableInfo(CatalogueRepository, "TableInLoad");
            var tiNotInLoad = new TableInfo(CatalogueRepository, "TableNotInLoad");

            source.TableToLoad = tiNotInLoad;

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener()
                ThrowOnWarning = true

            job.RegularTablesToLoad = new System.Collections.Generic.List <ITableInfo>(new [] { tiInLoad });

            var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => source.Attach(job, new GracefulCancellationToken()));

            StringAssert.IsMatch("FlatFileAttacher TableToLoad was 'TableNotInLoad' \\(ID=\\d+\\) but that table was not one of the tables in the load:'TableInLoad'", ex.Message);
        private void TestConversionFor(string targetFile, string fileExtensionToConvert, int expectedNumberOfSheets, LoadDirectory directory)
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(targetFile);

                Assert.IsTrue(f.Length > 100);

                ExcelToCSVFilesConverter converter = new ExcelToCSVFilesConverter();

                var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener()
                    ThrowOnWarning = true, WriteToConsole = true
                job.LoadDirectory = directory;

                converter.ExcelFilePattern = fileExtensionToConvert;
                converter.Fetch(job, new GracefulCancellationToken());

                FileInfo[] filesCreated = directory.ForLoading.GetFiles("*.csv");

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedNumberOfSheets, filesCreated.Length);

                foreach (FileInfo fileCreated in filesCreated)
                    Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(fileCreated.Name, "Sheet[0-9].csv"));
                    Assert.GreaterOrEqual(fileCreated.Length, 100);
        public void Test_IsolateTables_NoRecordsLeftBehind(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

             *      Parent(Pk)     Child (Pk2,Fk,OtherCol)
             *         A        ->       X,A,FF
             *                               ⬍  (collision on Pk X means we migrate A but we must make sure to ship Y too or it will be an orphan)
             *                           X,A,GG
             *                           Y,A,HH ('good' record but must be isolated because referenced foreign key A is going away).

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("A", 1);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "A", "FF", DBNull.Value); //these are colliding (on pk 'X')
            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "A", "GG", DBNull.Value);
            dt2.Rows.Add("Y", "A", "HH", DBNull.Value); //must not be left behind

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt);
            var tblChild  = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie about the primary key statuses (to simulate live)
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk2"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Fk")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => mutilator.Mutilate(job));

            //parent should now have 0...
            var dtParent = parentTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtParent.Rows.Count);

            //isolation should have 1
            var dtParentIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Parent_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtParentIsolation.Rows.Count);

            //child table should also be empty
            var dtChild = childTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtChild.Rows.Count);

            //child isolation table should have 3 (both bad records and the good record that would otherwise be an orphan in live)
            var dtChildIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Child_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, dtChildIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void Test_IsolateTwoTables_Dupliction(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("1.2.3", 1); //collision with children (see d2)
            dt.Rows.Add("1.2.3", 2);
            dt.Rows.Add("2.3.4", 3); //collision with no children
            dt.Rows.Add("2.3.4", 4);
            dt.Rows.Add("5.2.1", 2); //unique
            dt.Rows.Add("9.9.9", 2); // not a collision but should be deleted because of child collision

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add("1.2.3", "1.2.1", "Frank");
            //these are not a collision because SOPInstanceUID is the pk for this table but they should also be isolated because their series contains duplication
            dt2.Rows.Add("1.2.3", "1.2.2", "Dave");

            dt2.Rows.Add("5.2.1", "1.1.1", "jjj"); //some more normal records in child
            dt2.Rows.Add("5.2.1", "1.1.2", "fff");
            dt2.Rows.Add("5.2.1", "1.1.3", "kkk");

            dt2.Rows.Add("9.9.9", "1.1.5", "zkk"); //collision on SOPInstanceUID ("1.1.5")
            dt2.Rows.Add("9.9.9", "1.1.5", "zzb");

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt, new[]
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("SeriesInstanceUID", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string))),

            var tblChild = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2, new []
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("SeriesInstanceUID", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string))),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("SOPInstanceUID", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string)))

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie abot the primary key statuses
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("SeriesInstanceUID"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("SOPInstanceUID"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //checking should fail because it doesn't know how to join tables
            var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier()));

            StringAssert.Contains("join", ex.Message); //should be complaining about missing join infos

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("SeriesInstanceUID")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("SeriesInstanceUID")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            //parent should now only have "5.2.1"
            var dtParent = parentTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtParent.Rows.Count);

            //isolation should have 5 ("1.2.3", "2.3.4" and "9.9.9")
            var dtParentIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Parent_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(5, dtParentIsolation.Rows.Count);

            //child table should now only have 3 ("1.1.1", "1.1.2" and "1.1.3")
            var dtChild = childTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, dtChild.Rows.Count);

            //child isolation table should have 4:

             * "1.2.3","1.2.1","Frank"
             * "1.2.3","1.2.2","Dave"
             * "9.9.9", "1.1.5", "zkk"
             * "9.9.9", "1.1.5", "zzb"

            var dtChildIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Child_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, dtChildIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void Test_IsolateTwoTables_MutipleConflictingColumns(DatabaseType dbType, bool whitespace)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("A", 1); //these are colliding on pk "A" with different values of "OtherCol"
            dt.Rows.Add(whitespace? "A " :"A", 2);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add(whitespace ? "X ": "X", "A", "FF", DBNull.Value); //these are colliding on pk "X" with different values of "OtherCol2"
            dt2.Rows.Add("X", whitespace ? "A " :"A", "GG", DBNull.Value);
            dt2.Rows.Add(whitespace ? "X ": "X", "A", "FF", "HH");         //these are colliding on pk "X" with different values of "OtherCol2"
            dt2.Rows.Add("X", whitespace ? "A " :"A", "GG", "HH");

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt);
            var tblChild  = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie about the primary key statuses (to simulate live)
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk2"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Fk")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            //parent should now be empty
            var dtParent = parentTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtParent.Rows.Count);

            //isolation should have 2
            var dtParentIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Parent_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dtParentIsolation.Rows.Count);

            //child table should also be empty
            var dtChild = childTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtChild.Rows.Count);

            //child isolation table should have 4:
            var dtChildIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Child_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, dtChildIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void Test_IsolateTwoTables_IntKeys(DatabaseType dbType)
             *      Parent(Pk)     Child (Pk2,Fk,OtherCol)
             *         4        ->       8,4,1
             *                               ⬍  (collision causes pk 4 to be migrated)
             *                           8,4,2
             *         5        ->       9,5,1  (good record with no collisions anywhere)

            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add(4, 1);
            dt.Rows.Add(5, 2);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add(8, 4, 1); //these are colliding on pk 8 which will ship full hierarchy of parent pk 4 to the isolation table
            dt2.Rows.Add(8, 4, 2);
            dt2.Rows.Add(9, 5, 1); //good record with no collisions, should not be deleted!

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt);
            var tblChild  = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2);

            //make sure FAnsi made an int column
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), tblParent.DiscoverColumn("Pk").GetGuesser().Guess.CSharpType);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie about the primary key statuses (to simulate live)
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk2"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Fk")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            //parent should now have 1
            var dtParent = parentTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtParent.Rows.Count);

            //isolation should have 1
            var dtParentIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Parent_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtParentIsolation.Rows.Count);

            //child table should have the good 1
            var dtChild = childTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtChild.Rows.Count);

            //child isolation table should have 2:
            var dtChildIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Child_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dtChildIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void TestMerge(DatabaseType databaseType)
            //microsoft one gets called for free in test setup (see base class)
            if (databaseType != DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer)

            var dt      = new DataTable();
            var colName = new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string));
            var colAge  = new DataColumn("Age", typeof(int));

            dt.Columns.Add("Postcode", typeof(string));

            //Data in live awaiting toTbl be updated
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Dave", 18, "DD3 1AB" });
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Dave", 25, "DD1 1XS" });
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Mango", 32, DBNull.Value });
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Filli", 32, "DD3 78L" });
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Mandrake", 32, DBNull.Value });

            dt.PrimaryKey = new[] { colName, colAge };

            var toTbl = To.CreateTable("ToTable", dt);



            //new data being loaded
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Dave", 25, "DD1 1PS" });       //update toTbl change postcode toTbl "DD1 1PS"
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Chutney", 32, DBNull.Value }); //new insert Chutney
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Mango", 32, DBNull.Value });   //ignored because already present in dataset
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Filli", 32, DBNull.Value });   //update from "DD3 78L" null
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Mandrake", 32, "DD1 1PS" });   //update from null toTbl "DD1 1PS"
            dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Mandrake", 31, "DD1 1PS" });   // insert because Age is unique (and part of pk)

            var fromTbl = From.CreateTable(DatabaseName + "_ToTable_STAGING", dt);

            //import the toTbl table as a TableInfo
            TableInfo ti;

            ColumnInfo[] cis;
            var          cata = Import(toTbl, out ti, out cis);

            //put the backup trigger on the live table (this will also create the needed hic_ columns etc)
            var triggerImplementer = new TriggerImplementerFactory(databaseType).Create(toTbl);

            triggerImplementer.CreateTrigger(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier());

            var configuration = new MigrationConfiguration(From, LoadBubble.Staging, LoadBubble.Live,
                                                           new FixedStagingDatabaseNamer(toTbl.Database.GetRuntimeName(), fromTbl.Database.GetRuntimeName()));

            var lmd = new LoadMetadata(CatalogueRepository);

            cata.LoadMetadata_ID = lmd.ID;

            var migrationHost = new MigrationHost(From, To, configuration, new HICDatabaseConfiguration(lmd));

            //set SetUp a logging task
            var logServer  = new ServerDefaults(CatalogueRepository).GetDefaultFor(PermissableDefaults.LiveLoggingServer_ID);
            var logManager = new LogManager(logServer);

            var dli = logManager.CreateDataLoadInfo("CrossDatabaseMergeCommandTest", "tests", "running test", "", true);

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob();

            job.DataLoadInfo        = dli;
            job.RegularTablesToLoad = new List <ITableInfo>(new[] { ti });

            migrationHost.Migrate(job, new GracefulCancellationToken());

            var resultantDt = toTbl.GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(7, resultantDt.Rows.Count);

            AssertRowEquals(resultantDt, "Dave", 25, "DD1 1PS");
            AssertRowEquals(resultantDt, "Chutney", 32, DBNull.Value);
            AssertRowEquals(resultantDt, "Mango", 32, DBNull.Value);

            AssertRowEquals(resultantDt, "Filli", 32, DBNull.Value);
            AssertRowEquals(resultantDt, "Mandrake", 32, "DD1 1PS");
            AssertRowEquals(resultantDt, "Mandrake", 31, "DD1 1PS");

            AssertRowEquals(resultantDt, "Dave", 18, "DD3 1AB");

            var archival = logManager.GetArchivalDataLoadInfos("CrossDatabaseMergeCommandTest", new CancellationToken());
            var log      = archival.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(dli.ID, log.ID);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, log.TableLoadInfos.Single().Inserts);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, log.TableLoadInfos.Single().Updates);
        public void Test_IsolateTwoTables_MultipleCollidingChildren(DatabaseType dbType)
             *      Parent(Pk)     Child (Pk2,Fk,OtherCol)
             *         A        ->       X,A,1
             *                               ⬍  (collision causes A delete)
             *                           X,A,2
             *                  ->       Y,A,1
             *                               ⬍  (collision causes repeated attempt to delete A)
             *                           Y,A,2

            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("A", 1);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "A", 1); //these are colliding on pk "X" which will ship A to the isolation table
            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "A", 2);
            dt2.Rows.Add("Y", "A", 2); //these are colliding on pk "Y" but also reference A (which has already been shipped to isolation)
            dt2.Rows.Add("Y", "A", 1);

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt);
            var tblChild  = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie about the primary key statuses (to simulate live)
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk2"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Fk")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            //parent should now have 0...
            var dtParent = parentTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtParent.Rows.Count);

            //isolation should have 1
            var dtParentIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Parent_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtParentIsolation.Rows.Count);

            //child table should also be empty
            var dtChild = childTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtChild.Rows.Count);

            //child isolation table should have 4:
            var dtChildIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Child_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, dtChildIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void Test_IsolateTables_Orphans(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

             *      Parent(Pk)     Child (Pk2,Fk,OtherCol)
             *         A        <>       X,B,FF
             *                               ⬍  (collision on pk X causes lookup of Fk B which does not exist in Parent)
             *                           X,B,GG

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("A", 1); //these are colliding on pk "A" with different values of "OtherCol"
            dt.Rows.Add("A", 2);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "B", "FF", DBNull.Value); //these are colliding (on pk 'X') and also orphans (B does not appear in parent table dt)
            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "B", "GG", DBNull.Value);

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt);
            var tblChild  = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie about the primary key statuses (to simulate live)
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk2"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Fk")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);
            var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => mutilator.Mutilate(job));

            Assert.AreEqual("Primary key value not found for X", ex.Message);
        public void Test_IsolateTables_NullForeignKey(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

             *      Parent(Pk)     Child (Pk2,Fk,OtherCol)
             *         A        <>       X,A,FF
             *                               ⬍  (collision on pk X causes lookup of A but then we throw because the second record has no Fk listed)
             *                           X,NULL,GG

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("A", 1); //these are colliding on pk "A" with different values of "OtherCol"

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "A", "FF", DBNull.Value); //these are colliding (on pk 'X').  "A" exists but the null value in the other record is a problem
            dt2.Rows.Add("X", DBNull.Value, "GG", DBNull.Value);

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt);
            var tblChild  = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie about the primary key statuses (to simulate live)
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk2"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Fk")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            //parent should now have 0...
            var dtParent = parentTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtParent.Rows.Count);

            //isolation should have 1 (A)
            var dtParentIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Parent_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtParentIsolation.Rows.Count);
            AssertContains(dtParentIsolation, "A", true, 0);

            //child table should have the null record only
            var dtChild = childTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtChild.Rows.Count);
            AssertContains(dtChild, "X", DBNull.Value, "GG", DBNull.Value);

            //child isolation table should have 1 record (the X,A,FF)
            var dtChildIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Child_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dtChildIsolation.Rows.Count);
            AssertContains(dtChildIsolation, "X", "A", "FF", DBNull.Value, 0);
        public void Test_IsolateTables_AmbiguousFk(DatabaseType dbType)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

             *      Parent(Pk)     Child (Pk2,Fk,OtherCol)
             *         A        ->       X,A,FF
             *                               ⬍  (collision on pk X is a big problem because they list different fks!)
             *         B        ->       X,B,GG
             *                           Y,B,AA (good record, if we have to isolate both A and B we had better isolate this too)

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt = new DataTable();


            dt.Rows.Add("A", 1);
            dt.Rows.Add("B", 2);

            //Create a table in 'RAW' (has no constraints)
            var dt2 = new DataTable();


            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "A", "FF", DBNull.Value); //these are colliding (on pk 'X') but list two different (but existing) pks!
            dt2.Rows.Add("X", "B", "GG", DBNull.Value);
            dt2.Rows.Add("Y", "B", "AA", DBNull.Value); //good record but has to be isolated because it is child of B which is involved in the above collision

            var tblParent = db.CreateTable("Parent", dt);
            var tblChild  = db.CreateTable("Child", dt2);

            //import the table and make A look like a primary key to the metadata layer (and A would be pk in LIVE but not in RAW ofc)
            TableInfo parentTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] parentColumnInfosCreated;

            TableInfo childTableInfo;

            ColumnInfo[] childColumnInfosCreated;

            Import(tblParent, out parentTableInfo, out parentColumnInfosCreated);
            Import(tblChild, out childTableInfo, out childColumnInfosCreated);

            //make sure RDMP knows joins start with this table
            parentTableInfo.IsPrimaryExtractionTable = true;

            //lie about the primary key statuses (to simulate live)
            var seriesInstanceUIdCol =
                parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk"));

            seriesInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            var sopInstanceUIdCol = childColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk2"));

            sopInstanceUIdCol.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            //Create a new mutilator for these two tables
            var mutilator = GetMutilator(db, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            //tell RDMP about how to join tables
            new JoinInfo(CatalogueRepository, childColumnInfosCreated.Single(
                             c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Fk")),
                         parentColumnInfosCreated.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("Pk")),
                         ExtractionJoinType.Right, null);

            //now that we have a join it should pass checks
            mutilator.Check(new AcceptAllCheckNotifier());

            var config = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, new ReturnSameString());
            var job    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(config, parentTableInfo, childTableInfo);

            mutilator.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            //parent should now have 0...
            var dtParent = parentTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtParent.Rows.Count);

            //isolation should have 2 (A and B)
            var dtParentIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Parent_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dtParentIsolation.Rows.Count);

            //child table should also be empty
            var dtChild = childTableInfo.Discover(DataAccessContext.InternalDataProcessing).GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dtChild.Rows.Count);

            //child isolation table should have 3 (both bad records and the good record that would otherwise be an orphan in live)
            var dtChildIsolation = db.ExpectTable("Child_Isolation").GetDataTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, dtChildIsolation.Rows.Count);
        public void CopyFiles()
            var sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory).CreateSubdirectory("subdir");
            var targetDir = new DirectoryInfo(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory).CreateSubdirectory("loaddir");

            //make sure target is empty
            foreach (var f in targetDir.GetFiles())

            var originpath = Path.Combine(sourceDir.FullName, "myFile.txt");

            File.WriteAllText(originpath, "fish");

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob();
            var mockProjectDirectory = Mock.Of <ILoadDirectory>(p => p.ForLoading == targetDir);

            job.LoadDirectory = mockProjectDirectory;

            //Create the provider
            var provider = new ImportFilesDataProvider();

            //it doesn't know what to load yet
            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => provider.Check(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier()));

            //now it does
            provider.DirectoryPath = sourceDir.FullName;

            //but it doesn't have a file pattern
            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => provider.Check(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier()));

            //now it does but its not a matching one
            provider.FilePattern = "cannonballs.bat";

            //either way it passes checking
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => provider.Check(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier()));

            //execute the provider
            provider.Fetch(job, new GracefulCancellationToken());

            //destination is empty because nothing matched

            //give it correct pattern
            provider.FilePattern = "*.txt";

            //execute the provider
            provider.Fetch(job, new GracefulCancellationToken());

            //both files should exist
            Assert.AreEqual(1, targetDir.GetFiles().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sourceDir.GetFiles().Count());

            //simulate load failure
            provider.LoadCompletedSoDispose(ExitCodeType.Abort, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob());

            //both files should exist
            Assert.AreEqual(1, targetDir.GetFiles().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sourceDir.GetFiles().Count());

            //simulate load success
            provider.LoadCompletedSoDispose(ExitCodeType.Success, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob());

            //both files should exist because Delete on success is false
            Assert.AreEqual(1, targetDir.GetFiles().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sourceDir.GetFiles().Count());

            //change behaviour to delete on successful data loads
            provider.DeleteFilesOnsuccessfulLoad = true;

            //simulate load failure
            provider.LoadCompletedSoDispose(ExitCodeType.Error, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob());

            //both files should exist
            Assert.AreEqual(1, targetDir.GetFiles().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sourceDir.GetFiles().Count());

            //simulate load success
            provider.LoadCompletedSoDispose(ExitCodeType.Success, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob());

            //only forLoading file should exist (in real life that one would be handled by archivng already)
            Assert.AreEqual(1, targetDir.GetFiles().Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, sourceDir.GetFiles().Count());
        public void TestCoalescer_RampantNullness(DatabaseType type, bool useCustomNamer)
            var db = GetCleanedServer(type, "TestCoalescer");

            int batchCount = 1000;

            DataTable dt = new DataTable("TestCoalescer_RampantNullness");


            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < batchCount; i++)
                int randInt          = r.Next(250);
                int randCompleteness = r.Next(4);

                dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, randInt, randInt, randInt });
                dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, randInt });
                dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, randInt, DBNull.Value });
                dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, randInt, randInt });

                if (randCompleteness >= 1)
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt, randInt, randInt });

                if (randCompleteness >= 2)
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, randInt });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt, DBNull.Value });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt, randInt });

                if (randCompleteness >= 3)
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value, randInt });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, randInt, randInt, randInt, DBNull.Value });
                    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { randInt, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value });

            var tbl = db.CreateTable(dt.TableName, dt);

            var importer = new TableInfoImporter(CatalogueRepository, tbl);

            importer.DoImport(out var tableInfo, out var colInfos);

            //lie about what hte primary key is because this component is designed to run in the RAW environment and we are simulating a LIVE TableInfo (correctly)
            var pk = colInfos.Single(c => c.GetRuntimeName().Equals("pk"));

            pk.IsPrimaryKey = true;

            INameDatabasesAndTablesDuringLoads namer = null;

            if (useCustomNamer)
                namer = RdmpMockFactory.Mock_INameDatabasesAndTablesDuringLoads(db, "AAAA");

            HICDatabaseConfiguration configuration = new HICDatabaseConfiguration(db.Server, namer);

            var coalescer = new Coalescer();

            coalescer.TableRegexPattern = new Regex(".*");
            coalescer.CreateIndex       = true;
            coalescer.Initialize(db, LoadStage.AdjustRaw);

            var job = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadJob(configuration, tableInfo);


            var dt2 = tbl.GetDataTable();

            foreach (DataRow row in dt2.Rows)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(DBNull.Value, row["f1"]);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(DBNull.Value, row["f2"]);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(DBNull.Value, row["f3"]);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(DBNull.Value, row["f4"]);
