        private void Controller_ThrottleRight(object sender, ThrottleAxisEventArgs e)
            if (RightEnabled)
                int z = e.AxisValue * 2;


                // Zero is full throttle
                // 32K is no throttle

                // Invert the values.  We want the multipler to rise the closer we get to full throttle
                //int z_inverted = (1024 * 32) - z;

                //z_inverted = Curves.Calculate(z_inverted, (32 * 1024), .5);

                // Invert the value again
                //z = (1024 * 32) - z_inverted;

                tmThrottleController.SetJoystickAxis(z, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Z, vJoyTypes.Throttle);
        private void Controller_ThrottleLeft(object sender, ThrottleAxisEventArgs e)
            if (LeftEnabled)
                int z = e.AxisValue * 2;


                // for this curve we want the top and bottom of the throttle to be the full multiplier
                // The middle is where it will damper the movement

                // Shift the value down to -16k to +16K
                int shifted_value = z - (1024 * 16);

                // .2 makes a good dead zone in the middle of the throttle
                shifted_value = Curves.Calculate(shifted_value, (16 * 1024), .2);

                // Move the value back up
                z = shifted_value + (1024 * 16);

                tmThrottleController.SetJoystickAxis(z, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RZ, vJoyTypes.Throttle);