    IEnumerator ProduceData(Vector3 origin, Vector3 bounds, float resolution)
        float realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        xz_NavTable = new Dictionary <Vector2, List <ThreadedNavNode> >();

        Vector3 origin_at_height = origin + Vector3.up * bounds.y;
        Ray     r;

        RaycastHit[] hits;
        Vector2      tv2;

        // raycast down to a central point.
        r    = new Ray(origin_at_height, Vector3.down);
        hits = Physics.RaycastAll(r, bounds.y * 2, PathingLayer.value);

        tv2 = new Vector2(origin_at_height.x, origin_at_height.z);

        // if we need to, make a list in the table.
        if (hits.Length > 0 && !xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(tv2))
            xz_NavTable.Add(tv2, new List <ThreadedNavNode>());

        for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
            xz_NavTable[tv2].Add(new ThreadedNavNode(hits[i].point));

        Vector2 prekey = tv2;

        Vector3[] cardinals = new Vector3[4] {
            Vector3.forward, Vector3.right, Vector3.back, Vector3.left

        // raycast along each axis, then do points to points
        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
            float boundingvalue = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(cardinals[c], bounds));
            for (float s = 0; s <= boundingvalue; s += resolution)
                // a step to the left
                r.origin = origin_at_height + cardinals[c] * s;
                hits     = Physics.RaycastAll(r, bounds.y * 2, PathingLayer.value);
                // Debug.DrawRay(r.origin, r.direction * bounds.y * 2, Color.blue, 0.5f, true);
                tv2 = new Vector2(r.origin.x, r.origin.z);

                if (hits.Length > 0 && !xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(tv2))
                    xz_NavTable.Add(tv2, new List <ThreadedNavNode>());

                for (int n = 0; n < hits.Length; n++)
                    xz_NavTable[tv2].Add(new ThreadedNavNode(hits[n].point));
                    Ray d  = new Ray(hits[n].point + m_PathingHeight * Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);
                    Ray d2 = new Ray();
                    //Debug.Log("pk: " + prekey);
                    for (int i = 0; xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(prekey) && i < xz_NavTable[prekey].Count; i++)
                        // now, run this against placed nodes
                        d.direction = xz_NavTable[prekey][i].getOrigin() - d.origin + m_PathingHeight * Vector3.up;
                        // if there is no obstacle between the two nodes, they connect
                        d2.origin    = xz_NavTable[prekey][i].getOrigin() + m_PathingHeight * Vector3.up;
                        d2.direction = -d.direction;

                        bool h = Physics.Raycast(d, d.direction.magnitude, PathingLayer.value);
                        if (!h)
                            xz_NavTable[tv2][n].addExit(new WeightedThreadedNavNodeExit(xz_NavTable[prekey][i], d.direction.magnitude));
                            Debug.DrawRay(d.origin, 0.5f * d.direction, Color.green, 0.5f, false);
                            Debug.DrawRay(d.origin, 0.5f * d.direction, Color.red, 1f, false);

                        h = Physics.Raycast(d2, d2.direction.magnitude, PathingLayer.value);
                        if (!h)
                            xz_NavTable[prekey][i].addExit(new WeightedThreadedNavNodeExit(xz_NavTable[tv2][n], d.direction.magnitude));
                            Debug.DrawRay(d2.origin, 0.5f * d2.direction, Color.green, 0.5f, false);
                            Debug.DrawRay(d2.origin, 0.5f * d2.direction, Color.red, 1f, false);

                        if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                            realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(null);

                prekey = tv2;
                if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                    realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(null);
        //Debug.Log("p: " + prekey);

        int y = 0;

        Vector3 location, secondlocation, thirdlocation;
        Vector2 search, secondaddy;
        float   nextlast, last;

        // now we use the cardinals to do each quadrant. for each axis:
        for (int c = 0; c < cardinals.Length; c++)
            // we generate the last entry we expect to find in the table.
            last = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(cardinals[c], bounds));

            // we start at the end of the axis, and move in.
            for (float n = last; n >= 0; n -= resolution)
                location = origin + cardinals[c] * n + bounds.y * Vector3.up; // this is the row coordinate
                search   = new Vector2(location.x, location.z);

                nextlast = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(cardinals[(c + 1) % 4], bounds)) - resolution;
                for (float i = resolution; i <= nextlast; i += resolution)
                    secondlocation = location + i * cardinals[(c + 1) % 4];
                    tv2            = new Vector2(secondlocation.x, secondlocation.z);

                    r.origin    = secondlocation;
                    r.direction = Vector3.down;

                    // first, we raycast down.
                    hits = Physics.RaycastAll(r, 2 * bounds.y, PathingLayer.value);

                     * if (hits.Length > 0)
                     *  Debug.DrawRay(r.origin, r.direction * bounds.y * 2, Color.blue, 0.5f, false);
                     * else {
                     *  Debug.DrawRay(r.origin, r.direction * bounds.y * 2, Color.red, 0.5f, false);
                     * }*/

                    if (hits.Length > 0 && !xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(tv2))
                        xz_NavTable.Add(tv2, new List <ThreadedNavNode>());

                    for (int m = 0; m < hits.Length; m++)
                        ThreadedNavNode mynode = new ThreadedNavNode(hits[m].point);

                        // raycast to the left
                        thirdlocation = secondlocation - cardinals[(c + 1) % 4] * resolution;
                        secondaddy    = new Vector2(thirdlocation.x, thirdlocation.z);
                        if (xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(secondaddy))
                            for (int q = 0; q < xz_NavTable[secondaddy].Count; q++)
                                r.origin    = hits[m].point + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up;
                                r.direction = (xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].getOrigin() + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up) - r.origin;

                                bool h = Physics.Raycast(r, resolution, PathingLayer.value);
                                if (!h)
                                    xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].addExit(new WeightedThreadedNavNodeExit(mynode, r.direction.magnitude / resolution));

                                    // try

                                    Vector2 fli = new Vector2(mynode.getOrigin().x, mynode.getOrigin().z);

                                    if (xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(fli))
                                        for (int t = 0; t < xz_NavTable[fli].Count; t++)
                                            if (xz_NavTable[fli][t].getOrigin() != mynode.getOrigin())
                                            xz_NavTable[fli][t].addExit(new WeightedThreadedNavNodeExit(xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q], r.direction.magnitude / resolution));
                                    // mynode.

                                    Debug.DrawLine(r.origin, xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].getOrigin() + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up, Color.green, 0.5f);
                                    Debug.DrawLine(r.origin, xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].getOrigin() + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up, Color.red, 0.5f);

                                if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                                    realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(null);

                        // raycast forward
                        thirdlocation = secondlocation - cardinals[(c + 2) % 4] * resolution;
                        secondaddy    = new Vector2(thirdlocation.x, thirdlocation.z);
                        if (xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(secondaddy))
                            for (int q = 0; q < xz_NavTable[secondaddy].Count; q++)
                                r.origin    = hits[m].point + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up;
                                r.direction = (xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].getOrigin() + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up) - r.origin;

                                bool h = Physics.Raycast(r, resolution, PathingLayer.value);

                                if (!h)
                                    // if we didn't hit, we should check the opposite direction
                                    r.origin    = r.origin + resolution * r.direction.normalized;
                                    r.direction = -r.direction;
                                    h           = Physics.Raycast(r, resolution, PathingLayer.value);

                                if (!h)
                                    xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].addExit(new WeightedThreadedNavNodeExit(mynode, r.direction.magnitude / resolution));
                                    // xz_NavTable[mynode.getOrigin()]

                                    // try

                                    Vector2 fli = new Vector2(mynode.getOrigin().x, mynode.getOrigin().z);
                                    if (xz_NavTable.ContainsKey(fli))
                                        for (int t = 0; t < xz_NavTable[fli].Count; t++)
                                            if (xz_NavTable[fli][t].getOrigin() != mynode.getOrigin())
                                            xz_NavTable[fli][t].addExit(new WeightedThreadedNavNodeExit(xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q], r.direction.magnitude / resolution));
                                    // mynode.

                                    Debug.DrawLine(r.origin, xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].getOrigin() + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up, Color.green, 0.5f);
                                    Debug.DrawLine(r.origin, xz_NavTable[secondaddy][q].getOrigin() + (resolution / 4f) * Vector3.up, Color.red, 0.5f);

                                // second half not here yet.

                                if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                                    realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(null);

                        // then take a step to the right
                        if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                            realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(null);

                    if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                        realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(null);
        //Debug.Log("y: " + y);

        // now, for all entries, if we have an exit, we backcopy to the other...
    // returns null, if no path found.
    // returns a list of Vector3s
    public IEnumerator FindPath(Vector3 entry, Vector3 exit, float tolerance = 5f)
        float          realtime  = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        float          totaltime = 0f;
        List <Vector3> retList   = new List <Vector3>();

        // find nearest node
        ThreadedNavNode start = FindClosestNode(entry);
        ThreadedNavNode end   = FindClosestNode(exit);

        if (((start.getOrigin() - entry).magnitude > tolerance) || (end.getOrigin() - exit).magnitude > tolerance)
            //Debug.Log("Could not find nodes for entry or exit.");
            yield break;  // return null;

        // if (start == end) { return new List<Vector3>(); }
        if (start == end)
            yield break;

        PriorityQueue <ThreadedNavNode>     queue = new PriorityQueue <ThreadedNavNode>();
        Dictionary <ThreadedNavNode, float> costs = new Dictionary <ThreadedNavNode, float>();
        List <ThreadedNavNode> visited            = new List <ThreadedNavNode>();

        ThreadedNavNode prev    = start;
        ThreadedNavNode current = start;

        bool  solved   = false;
        float priority = 0f;

        queue.Add(start, 0f); // begin with the origin node
        costs.Add(start, 0f); //

        while (queue.Count > 0)
            current  = queue.Get(0);
            priority = queue.GetPriority(0);

            if (visited.Contains(current))

            List <WeightedThreadedNavNodeExit> exits = current.accessExits();
            int count = exits.Count;

            if (count < 4)
                //Debug.Log("short exits");
                Debug.DrawRay(current.getOrigin(), 10f * Vector3.up, Color.red, 0.5f);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // calculate heuristic for each node and add to the queue
                // heuristic is cost + expected

                float h = (exits[i].exit.getOrigin() - end.getOrigin()).magnitude;

                if (!costs.ContainsKey(exits[i].exit))
                    // we have never been here before.
                    costs.Add(exits[i].exit, costs[current] + exits[i].weight);
                    // now add it to the queue

                    queue.Add(exits[i].exit, h + costs[exits[i].exit]);
                    Debug.DrawLine(exits[i].exit.getOrigin(), current.getOrigin(), Color.green, 0.5f);
                else if (costs[current] + exits[i].weight < costs[exits[i].exit])
                    // we have found a shorter path to this location
                    costs[exits[i].exit] = costs[current] + exits[i].weight;
                    // so add it to the queue again
                    queue.Add(exits[i].exit, h + costs[exits[i].exit]);
                    Debug.DrawLine(exits[i].exit.getOrigin(), current.getOrigin(), Color.green, 0.5f);
                    Debug.DrawLine(exits[i].exit.getOrigin(), current.getOrigin(), Color.red, 0.5f);

            if (current == end)
                solved = true;
                break; // solved.

            if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                yield return(null);

        if (!solved)
            Debug.Log("[PATHER] Path finding failed.");
            yield break; // return null;

        // then we reconstruct the path
        current  = end;
        priority = Mathf.Infinity;
        prev     = null; // temp

        while (current != start)
            if (current == null)
            priority = Mathf.Infinity;
            prev = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < current.accessExits().Count; i++)
                //Debug.Log("checking: " + current.accessExits()[i].exit.getOrigin());
                if (!costs.ContainsKey(current.accessExits()[i].exit))
                else if (costs[current.accessExits()[i].exit] < priority)
                    priority = costs[current.accessExits()[i].exit];
                    prev     = current.accessExits()[i].exit;

            //Debug.Log(current.getOrigin() + " - " + priority);

            current = prev;
            if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - realtime > m_ScanDeltaMax)
                realtime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(null);

        for (int i = 0; i < retList.Count - 1; i++)
            Debug.DrawLine(retList[i], retList[i + 1], Color.magenta, 5f);


        yield return(null); // return retList;