public void ClearFilter() { thingFilter = new ThingFilter(); thingFilter.AllowedQualityLevels = new QualityRange(QualityCategory.Normal, QualityCategory.Legendary); thingFilter.AllowedHitPointsPercents = new FloatRange(0.8f, 1); thingFilter.SetDisallowAll(null, null); }
public void SetDefaultFilter(Bill_Production bill) { var thingDef = bill.recipe.products.First().thingDef; OutputFilter.SetDisallowAll(); OutputFilter.SetAllow(thingDef, true); }
public Trigger_Threshold(ManagerJob_Foraging job) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; TargetCount = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); }
public static void DoThingFilterConfigWindow(Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1, string filterText = null) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect, true); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float num = rect.width - 2f; Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.TextButton(rect2, "ClearAll".Translate(), true, false)) { filter.SetDisallowAll(); } Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect2.xMax + 1f, rect2.y, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.TextButton(rect3, "AllowAll".Translate(), true, false)) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.yMin = rect2.yMax; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width - 16f, HelperThingFilterUI.viewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); float num2 = 0f; num2 += 2f; HelperThingFilterUI.DrawHitPointsFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); HelperThingFilterUI.DrawQualityFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); float num3 = num2; Rect rect4 = new Rect(0f, num2, 9999f, 9999f); Listing_TreeThingFilter listing_TreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter(rect4, filter, parentFilter, 210f, true); TreeNode_ThingCategory node = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if (parentFilter != null) { if (parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory == null) { parentFilter.RecalculateDisplayRootCategory(); } node = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } if (filterText != null && filterText.Length > 2) { var rootNode = new TreeNode_ThingCategory(new ThingCategoryDef()); node.catDef.DescendantThingDefs.Where(td => td.label.ToLower().Contains(filterText.ToLower())); foreach (ThingDef currentThing in node.catDef.DescendantThingDefs.Where(td => td.label.ToLower().Contains(filterText.ToLower()))) { rootNode.catDef.childThingDefs.Add(currentThing); } node = rootNode; } listing_TreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren(node, 0, openMask, true); listing_TreeThingFilter.End(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { HelperThingFilterUI.viewHeight = num3 + listing_TreeThingFilter.CurHeight + 90f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public Trigger_Threshold(ManagerJob_Forestry job) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; TargetCount = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ThresholdFilter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.WoodLog, true); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_MedZone() { ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Medicine, true); return(filter); }
public Trigger_Threshold( ManagerJob_Hunting job ) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; Count = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( Utilities_Hunting.RawMeat, true ); }
public Trigger_Threshold( ManagerJob_Forestry job ) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; Count = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( Utilities_Forestry.Wood, true ); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_MedZone() { List <ThingDef> database = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading; ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Medicine, true); return(filter); }
public TriggerThreshold(ManagerJobProduction job) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = job.MainProduct.MaxUpperThreshold; Count = MaxUpperThreshold / 5; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); if (job.MainProduct.ThingDef != null) ThresholdFilter.SetAllow(job.MainProduct.ThingDef, true); if (job.MainProduct.CategoryDef != null) ThresholdFilter.SetAllow(job.MainProduct.CategoryDef, true); }
public static void DoThingFilterConfigWindow(Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ref ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, ThingFilter defaultFilter = null, int openMask = 1) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float num = rect.width - 2f; Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num / 2f, buttonHeight); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect2, "ClearAll".Translate(), true, false, true)) { filter.SetDisallowAll(null, null); SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOff.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect2.xMax + 1f, rect2.y, rect.xMax - 1f - (rect2.xMax + 1f), buttonHeight); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect3, "AllowAll".Translate(), true, false, true)) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOn.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.yMin = rect2.yMax; TreeNode_ThingCategory node = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if (parentFilter != null) { node = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width - 17f, viewHeight); Rect scrollrect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - 1f, rect.height - buttonHeight - 1f); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollrect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect, true); float num2 = 2f; float num3 = num2; Rect rect4 = new Rect(0f, num2, viewRect.width, 9999f); Listing_TreeThingFilter listing_TreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter(filter, parentFilter, null, null, null); listing_TreeThingFilter.Begin(rect4); listing_TreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren(node, 0, openMask, null, true); listing_TreeThingFilter.End(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { viewHeight = num3 + listing_TreeThingFilter.CurHeight + 90f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Rect buttonRect = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num, buttonHeight); buttonRect.height = 24f; buttonRect.position = new Vector2(buttonRect.position.x, rect.yMax - buttonHeight - 1f); bool clicked = Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "Reset"); if (clicked && defaultFilter != null) { filter = defaultFilter; } }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_AnimalZone() { ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesAnimal, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesInsect, false); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDef.Named("AllowRotten"), false); return(filter); }
public Trigger_Threshold(ManagerJob_Hunting job) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; TargetCount = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); // limit selection to food only. ParentFilter = new ThingFilter(); ParentFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ParentFilter.SetAllow(Utilities_Hunting.FoodRaw, true); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_OutdoorZone() { var filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(null, DefDatabase <SpecialThingFilterDef> .AllDefs); DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs .Where(d => !d.HasComp(typeof(CompRottable))) .Where(d => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.DeteriorationRate) == 0f) .ToList() .ForEach(d => filter.SetAllow(d, true)); return(filter); }
public static ThingFilter ClearFilter(RecipeDef recipe, int count) { IngredientCount ic = new IngredientCount(); ic.SetBaseCount(count); recipe.ingredients.Clear(); recipe.ingredients.Add(ic); ThingFilter filter = ic.filter; recipe.defaultIngredientFilter = filter; filter.SetDisallowAll(null, null); recipe.fixedIngredientFilter = filter; return(filter); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_JoyZone() { List <ThingDef> database = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading; ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); for (int t = 0; t < database.Count; t++) { if (database[t].IsIngestible && database[t].ingestible.joyKind != null && database[t] > 0) { filter.SetAllow(database[t], true); } } return(filter); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_RottableZone() { var filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(null, DefDatabase <SpecialThingFilterDef> .AllDefs); DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs .Where(d => d.HasComp(typeof(CompRottable))) .ToList() .ForEach(d => filter.SetAllow(d, true)); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDef.Named("AllowRotten"), false); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesHumanlike, false); return(filter); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_MealZone() { List <ThingDef> database = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading; ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); for (int t = 0; t < database.Count; t++) { if (database[t].comps.Any(c => c is CompProperties_Rottable) && database[t].IsIngestible && ((database[t].ingestible.foodType & FoodTypeFlags.Meal) != 0)) { filter.SetAllow(database[t], true); } } return(filter); }
public Trigger_Threshold(ManagerJob_Mining job) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; TargetCount = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(job.Notify_ThresholdFilterChanged); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); // limit selection to stone, chunks, minerals and components only. ParentFilter = new ThingFilter(); ParentFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ParentFilter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Chunks, true); ParentFilter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.ResourcesRaw, true); ParentFilter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.PlantMatter, false); ParentFilter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.ComponentIndustrial, true); }
public static void DoThingFilterConfigWindow(Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1, IEnumerable <ThingDef> forceHiddenDefs = null, IEnumerable <SpecialThingFilterDef> forceHiddenFilters = null, List <ThingDef> suppressSmallVolumeTags = null) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float num = rect.width - 2f; Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect2, "ClearAll".Translate())) { filter.SetDisallowAll(forceHiddenDefs, forceHiddenFilters); } Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect2.xMax + 1f, rect2.y, rect.xMax - 1f - (rect2.xMax + 1f), 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect3, "AllowAll".Translate())) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.yMin = rect2.yMax; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width - 16f, viewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); float num2 = 2f; DrawHitPointsFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); DrawQualityFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); DrawMarketValueFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); float num3 = num2; Rect rect4 = new Rect(0f, num2, viewRect.width, 9999f); Listing_TreeThingFilter listing_TreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter(filter, parentFilter, forceHiddenDefs, forceHiddenFilters, suppressSmallVolumeTags); listing_TreeThingFilter.Begin(rect4); TreeNode_ThingCategory node = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if (parentFilter != null) { node = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } listing_TreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren(node, 0, openMask, true); listing_TreeThingFilter.End(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { viewHeight = num3 + listing_TreeThingFilter.CurHeight + 90f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_MeatZone() { List <ThingDef> database = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading; ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); for (int t = 0; t < database.Count; t++) { if (database[t].IsIngestible && database[t].ingestible.sourceDef != null && database[t].ingestible.sourceDef.race != null && !database[t].ingestible.sourceDef.race.Humanlike && database[t].ingestible.sourceDef.race.FleshType != FleshTypeDefOf.Insectoid) { filter.SetAllow(database[t], true); } } filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Corpses, false); return(filter); }
public Trigger_Threshold( ManagerJob_Production job ) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = job.MainProduct.MaxUpperThreshold; // TODO: Better way of setting sensible defaults? Count = MaxUpperThreshold / 20; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); if ( job.MainProduct.ThingDef != null ) { ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( job.MainProduct.ThingDef, true ); } if ( job.MainProduct.CategoryDef != null ) { ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( job.MainProduct.CategoryDef, true ); } }
public static void DoThingFilterConfigWindow(Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; var num = rect.width - 2f; var rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect2, "ClearAll".Translate())) { filter.SetDisallowAll(); } var rect3 = new Rect(rect2.xMax + 1f, rect2.y, num / 2f - 1f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect3, "AllowAll".Translate())) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.yMin = rect2.yMax; var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width - 16f, viewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); var num2 = 0f; num2 += 2f; DrawHitPointsFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); DrawQualityFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); var num3 = num2; var rect4 = new Rect(0f, num2, 9999f, 9999f); var listing_TreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter(rect4, filter, parentFilter); var node = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if (parentFilter != null) { if (parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory == null) { parentFilter.RecalculateDisplayRootCategory(); } node = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } listing_TreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren(node, 0, openMask, true); listing_TreeThingFilter.End(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { viewHeight = num3 + listing_TreeThingFilter.CurHeight + 90f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_OutdoorZone() { List <ThingDef> list = new List <ThingDef>(); ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); list.AddRange(ThingCategoryDefOf.ResourcesRaw.DescendantThingDefs); list.AddRange(ThingCategoryDefOf.Items.DescendantThingDefs); for (int t = 0; t < list.Count; t++) { if (list[t].GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.DeteriorationRate) == 0 && !list[t].comps.Any(c => c is CompProperties_Rottable) && !list[t].IsIngestible) { filter.SetAllow(list[t], true); } } return(filter); }
public void DoThingFilterConfigWindow(Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float num = rect.width - 2f; Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.TextButton(rect2, "ClearAll".Translate())) { filter.SetDisallowAll(); } Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect2.xMax + 1f, rect2.y, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.TextButton(rect3, "AllowAll".Translate())) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.yMin = rect2.yMax; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width - 16f, viewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); float num2 = 0f; num2 += 2f; DrawHitPointsFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); DrawQualityFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); float num3 = num2; Rect rect4 = new Rect(0f, num2, 9999f, 9999f); Listing_TreeThingFilter listingTreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter(rect4, filter, parentFilter, 210f, true); TreeNode_ThingCategory node = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if (parentFilter != null) { if (parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory == null) { parentFilter.RecalculateDisplayRootCategory(); } node = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } listingTreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren(node, 0, openMask, true); listingTreeThingFilter.End(); viewHeight = num3 + listingTreeThingFilter.CurHeight + 90f; Log.Message(viewHeight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public override void GenerateRewards(ThingFilter filter, FloatRange totalValue, IntRange countRange, TechLevel?techLevel, float?totalMass) { base.GenerateRewards(filter, totalValue, countRange, techLevel, totalMass); filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.ResourcesRaw, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Items, true); ThingSetMaker_MarketValue maker = new ThingSetMaker_MarketValue(); ThingSetMakerParams parms2 = default; parms2.totalMarketValueRange = new FloatRange(300, 800); parms2.countRange = new IntRange(2, 4); parms2.filter = filter; maker.fixedParams = parms2; List <Thing> items = maker.Generate(); items.ForEach(i => Rewards.Add(i)); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { if (thingFilter.AllowedThingDefs.Count() > 1) { thingFilter = new ThingFilter(); thingFilter.AllowedQualityLevels = SelectQualities; thingFilter.AllowedHitPointsPercents = SelectHitPointsPercents; thingFilter.SetDisallowAll(null, null); } SelectThingDef = thingFilter.AllowedThingDefs.FirstOrDefault(); SelectQualities = thingFilter.AllowedQualityLevels; SelectHitPointsPercents = thingFilter.AllowedHitPointsPercents; const float mainListingSpacing = 6f; var btnSize = new Vector2(140f, 40f); var buttonYStart = inRect.height - btnSize.y; /* * var ev = Event.current; * if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(0, buttonYStart, btnSize.x, btnSize.y), "OCity_DialogInput_Ok".Translate()) || ev.isKey && ev.type == EventType.KeyDown && ev.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) */ if (SelectThingDef != null) { Close(); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(inRect.width - btnSize.x, buttonYStart, btnSize.x, btnSize.y), "OCity_DialogInput_Cancele".Translate())) { Close(); } //выше кнопок Rect workRect = new Rect(inRect.x, inRect.y, inRect.width, buttonYStart - mainListingSpacing); ThingFilterUI.DoThingFilterConfigWindow(workRect, ref this.scrollPosition, thingFilter, null, 8); }
public ManagerJob_Fishing(Manager manager) : base(manager) { var thingFilter = new ThingFilter(Notify_ThresholdFilterChanged); thingFilter.SetDisallowAll(); var parentFilter = new ThingFilter(); parentFilter.SetAllowAll(null); Trigger = new Trigger_Threshold(this.manager) { Op = Trigger_Threshold.Ops.LowerThan, MaxUpperThreshold = Trigger_Threshold.DefaultMaxUpperThreshold, TargetCount = Trigger_Threshold.DefaultCount, ThresholdFilter = thingFilter, ParentFilter = parentFilter, countAllOnMap = true }; History = new History(new[] { I18n.HistoryStock, I18n.HistoryDesignated }, new[] { Color.white, Color.grey }); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.Inactive) { RefreshAllowedFish(); } }
public static ThingFilter DefaultFilter_IndoorZone() { List <ThingDef> database = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading; ThingFilter filter = new ThingFilter(); filter.SetDisallowAll(); for (int t = 0; t < database.Count; t++) { if (database[t].GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.DeteriorationRate) > 0) { filter.SetAllow(database[t], true); } } filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Corpses, false); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDef.Named("AllowRotten"), false); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDef.Named("AllowPlantFood"), true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDef.Named("AllowNonDeadmansApparel"), true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDef.Named("AllowSmeltable"), true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDef.Named("AllowNonSmeltableWeapons"), true); return(filter); }
public static List <RecipeDef> GenAlloySmeltDefs(IReadOnlyList <AlloyDef> alloys) { if (alloys == null) { return(null); } var field = typeof(RecipeDef).GetField("ingredientValueGetterInt", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (field == null) { Core.Error("Failed to find RecipeDef.ingredientValueGetterInt field. Has RimWorld updated and broken everything?"); return(null); } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(128); string MakeDesc(AlloyDef alloy, int multi) { str.Clear(); foreach (var item in alloy.input) { var equivalents = AlloyHelper.GetEquivalentResources(item.resource); if (equivalents.Count == 1) { str.Append(" •"); str.Append(item.resource.LabelCap); str.Append(" x"); str.Append(item.count * multi).AppendLine(); } else { str.Append(" •"); for (int i = 0; i < equivalents.Count; i++) { var eq = equivalents[i]; string modName = eq.modContentPack == null ? "???" : eq.modContentPack.IsCoreMod ? null : eq.modContentPack.Name; if (modName != null) { str.Append("<i>").Append(modName).Append("</i> "); } str.Append(eq.LabelCap); if (i != equivalents.Count - 1) { str.Append(" or "); } } str.Append(" x"); str.Append(item.count * multi).AppendLine(); } } str.Append("\nRequires forge temperature: <color=#ff5555ff>").Append(alloy.MinTemperature.ToStringTemperature()).Append("</color>"); return($"{alloy.description?.TrimEnd()}\n\nMake {alloy.output.resource.label} x{alloy.output.count * multi} using:\n\n{str.ToString().TrimEnd()}".TrimStart()); } RecipeDef CreateDef(AlloyDef alloy, bool bulk) { var output = alloy.output.resource; int multi = bulk ? alloy.bulkMultiplier : 1; RecipeDef def = new RecipeDef(); def.defName = $"RF_Smelt_{output.defName}{(bulk ? "_Bulk" : "")}_AutoGenerated"; def.label = $"Create {output.label}"; if (bulk) { def.label += " (bulk)"; } def.description = MakeDesc(alloy, multi); def.workAmount = alloy.baseWork * multi; def.jobString = $"Creating {output.label} at the forge."; def.modContentPack = alloy.modContentPack ?? output.modContentPack; def.fileName = "fuckoffitsautogeneratedwhatdoyouexpect.xml"; def.generated = true; field.SetValue(def, new IngredientValueGetter_IgnoreVolume()); // Add output. def.products.Add(new ThingDefCountClass(alloy.output.resource, alloy.output.count * multi)); // Add inputs. ThingFilter masterFilter = new ThingFilter(); masterFilter.SetDisallowAll(); foreach (var item in alloy.input) { var ingredient = new IngredientCount(); var allowedInputs = AlloyHelper.GetEquivalentResources(item.resource); foreach (var item2 in allowedInputs) { ingredient.filter.SetAllow(item2, true); masterFilter.SetAllow(item2, true); } ingredient.SetBaseCount(item.count * multi); def.ingredients.Add(ingredient); } def.fixedIngredientFilter = masterFilter; return(def); } var list = new List <RecipeDef>(alloys.Count); foreach (var alloy in alloys) { if (alloy == null || !alloy.IsValid) { continue; } var simple = CreateDef(alloy, false); list.Add(simple); AlloyHelper.RegisterAlloyRecipe(simple, alloy); if (alloy.allowBulk) { var bulk = CreateDef(alloy, true); list.Add(bulk); AlloyHelper.RegisterAlloyRecipe(bulk, alloy); } } DefGenHelper.TryPostGenerate(list); return(list); }
public static void DoThingFilterConfigWindowHeader(ref Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1, IEnumerable <ThingDef> forceHiddenDefs = null, IEnumerable <SpecialThingFilterDef> forceHiddenFilters = null, List <ThingDef> suppressSmallVolumeTags = null) { bool showSearch = showSearchCount-- > 0 && searchOptions.Count != 0; showSearchCount = Math.Max(0, showSearchCount); if (showSearch) { /* Layout * buttonSpacing 2x buttonSpacing buttonsInset * | | | | * |<>| |<--->| |<>| | * | * +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - | * | | o---+ * | +------------+--+------------+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - * | | | | | | | | ^ * | | CLEAR | | ALLOW | | | | | * | | | | | | SEARCH BOX | | |- buttonSize * | | ALL | | ALL | | | | | * | | | | | | | | v * | +------------+--+------------+-----+------------ headRect ------------------------------------------------+ | - * | | * * * |<------ restWidth --------->| |<--------------------------- searchWidth ---------------------------->| * * * |<--------->| |<---------->| * | | * clearAllowWidth * (clamped to min * buttonSize+2*2) */ var headRect = new Rect(rect.x + buttonsInset, rect.y + buttonsInset, rect.width - (2 * buttonsInset), buttonSize); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; var restWidth = headRect.width * (1 - Settings.SearchWidth) - 3 * buttonSpacing; var clearAllowWidth = Math.Max(buttonSize, restWidth / 2f); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; var clear = "ClearAll".Translate(); var allow = "AllowAll".Translate(); // check min width "clear"/"allow" texts would need var minWidth = new[] { clear, allow }.Max(c => Text.CurFontStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(c)).x); Func <Rect, string, object, bool> drawButton; if (minWidth + 4f > clearAllowWidth) { // use icons drawButton = (r, t, o) => ExtraWidgets.ButtonImage(r, (Texture2D)o, true, new TipSignal { text = t }, new Rect(r.x + (r.width - buttonSize) / 2f, r.y, buttonSize, buttonSize)); } else { // use text buttons drawButton = (r, t, _) => Widgets.ButtonText(r, t, true, false, true); } Rect rect2 = new Rect(headRect.x, headRect.y, clearAllowWidth, buttonSize); if (drawButton(rect2, clear, Widgets.CheckboxOffTex)) { filter.SetDisallowAll(forceHiddenDefs, forceHiddenFilters); } Rect rect3 = new Rect(headRect.x + clearAllowWidth + buttonSpacing, headRect.y, clearAllowWidth, buttonSize); if (drawButton(rect3, allow, Widgets.CheckboxOnTex)) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } var searchWidth = headRect.width - (2 * clearAllowWidth + 3 * buttonSpacing); Rect searchRect = new Rect(headRect.xMax - searchWidth, headRect.y, searchWidth, buttonSize); var options = searchOptions.Dequeue(); DoSearchBlock(searchRect, options.Term, options.Watermark); ThingFilter_InjectFilter.Projections.Enqueue(options.Term.FilterNodes); rect.yMin = searchRect.yMax; } else { Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float num = rect.width - 2f; Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect2, "ClearAll".Translate(), true, false, true)) { filter.SetDisallowAll(forceHiddenDefs, forceHiddenFilters); } Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect2.xMax + 1f, rect2.y, rect.xMax - 1f - (rect2.xMax + 1f), 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect3, "AllowAll".Translate(), true, false, true)) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.yMin = rect2.yMax + 1; } }
public override void ProcessInput(Event ev) { base.ProcessInput(ev); List <FloatMenuOption> menuList = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_GeneralFreezer".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Foods, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Ambrosia, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Beer, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Wort, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.PlantMatter, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesHumanlike, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesAnimal, true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowRotten, false); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_FreezerNoMeals".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Foods, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.FoodMeals, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Ambrosia, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Beer, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Wort, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.PlantMatter, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesHumanlike, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesAnimal, true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowRotten, false); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_Meals".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.FoodMeals, true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowRotten, false); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_GeneralStorage".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Manufactured, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Ambrosia, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Beer, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Wort, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.ResourcesRaw, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.PlantMatter, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Items, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Weapons, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Apparel, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Buildings, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesMechanoid, true); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_GeneralMedical".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Medicine, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Drugs, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Ambrosia, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Beer, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Neutroamine, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.BodyParts, true); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_Drugs".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Drugs, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Ambrosia, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Beer, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Neutroamine, true); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_MaterialsOutside".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.StoneBlocks, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Plasteel, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Silver, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Steel, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Uranium, true); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_Materials".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.ResourcesRaw, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.PlantMatter, false); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_VariousOthers".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Manufactured, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Medicine, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Drugs, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Neutroamine, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingDefOf.Wort, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Items, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.BodyParts, false); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Weapons, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Apparel, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Buildings, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesMechanoid, true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowDeadmansApparel, false); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_Shells".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(AdditionalThingCategoryDefOf.MortarShells, true); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_Weapons".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Weapons, true); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_CleanApparel".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Apparel, true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowDeadmansApparel, false); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_TaintedApparel".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Apparel, true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowNonDeadmansApparel, false); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_Chunks".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Chunks, true); })); menuList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CSSP_Rotting".Translate(), delegate { filter.SetDisallowAll(); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.Apparel, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesHumanlike, true); filter.SetAllow(ThingCategoryDefOf.CorpsesAnimal, true); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowFresh, false); filter.SetAllow(SpecialThingFilterDefOf.AllowNonDeadmansApparel, false); })); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(menuList)); }
public Trigger_Threshold( ManagerJob_Hunting job ) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; Count = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( Utilities_Hunting.RawMeat, true ); }
public static void DoThingFilterConfigWindow(Rect rect, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1, IEnumerable <ThingDef> forceHiddenDefs = null, IEnumerable <SpecialThingFilterDef> forceHiddenFilters = null, string filterText = null) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect, true); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float num = rect.width - 2f; Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y + 1f, num / 2f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect2, "ClearAll".Translate(), true, false, true)) { filter.SetDisallowAll(forceHiddenDefs, forceHiddenFilters); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(rect2.xMax + 1f, rect2.y, num / 2f, 24f), "AllowAll".Translate(), true, false, true)) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; rect.yMin = rect2.yMax; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width - 16f, HelperThingFilterUI.viewHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); float num2 = 2f; HelperThingFilterUI.DrawHitPointsFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); HelperThingFilterUI.DrawQualityFilterConfig(ref num2, viewRect.width, filter); float num3 = num2; Listing_TreeThingFilter listing_TreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter(new Rect(0f, num2, viewRect.width, 9999f), filter, parentFilter, forceHiddenDefs, forceHiddenFilters); TreeNode_ThingCategory treeNode_ThingCategory = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if (parentFilter != null) { if (parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory == null) { parentFilter.RecalculateDisplayRootCategory(); } treeNode_ThingCategory = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } if (filterText != null && filterText.Length > 0) { TreeNode_ThingCategory treeNode_ThingCategory2 = new TreeNode_ThingCategory(new ThingCategoryDef()); from td in treeNode_ThingCategory.catDef.DescendantThingDefs where td.label.ToLower().Contains(filterText.ToLower()) select td; IEnumerable <ThingDef> arg_1D5_0 = treeNode_ThingCategory.catDef.DescendantThingDefs; Func <ThingDef, bool> < > 9__1; Func <ThingDef, bool> arg_1D5_1; if ((arg_1D5_1 = < > 9__1) == null) { arg_1D5_1 = (< > 9__1 = ((ThingDef td) => td.label.ToLower().Contains(filterText.ToLower()))); } foreach (ThingDef current in arg_1D5_0.Where(arg_1D5_1)) { treeNode_ThingCategory2.catDef.childThingDefs.Add(current); } treeNode_ThingCategory = treeNode_ThingCategory2; } listing_TreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren(treeNode_ThingCategory, 0, openMask, true); listing_TreeThingFilter.End(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { HelperThingFilterUI.viewHeight = num3 + listing_TreeThingFilter.CurHeight + 90f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public void DoThingFilterConfigWindow(Rect canvas, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1, bool buttonsAtBottom = false) { // respect your bounds! GUI.BeginGroup(canvas); canvas = canvas.AtZero(); // set up buttons Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float width = canvas.width - 2f; var clearButtonRect = new Rect(canvas.x + 1f, canvas.y + 1f, width / 2f, 24f); var allButtonRect = new Rect(clearButtonRect.xMax + 1f, clearButtonRect.y, width / 2f, 24f); // offset canvas position for buttons. if (buttonsAtBottom) { clearButtonRect.y = canvas.height - clearButtonRect.height; allButtonRect.y = canvas.height - clearButtonRect.height; canvas.yMax -= clearButtonRect.height; } else { canvas.yMin = clearButtonRect.height; } // draw buttons + logic if (Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(clearButtonRect, "ClearAll".Translate())) { filter.SetDisallowAll(); } if (Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(allButtonRect, "AllowAll".Translate())) { filter.SetAllowAll(parentFilter); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; // do list var curY = 2f; var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, canvas.width - ScrollbarWidth, viewHeight); // scrollview Widgets.BeginScrollView(canvas, ref scrollPosition, viewRect); // slider(s) DrawHitPointsFilterConfig(ref curY, viewRect.width, filter); DrawQualityFilterConfig(ref curY, viewRect.width, filter); // main listing var listingRect = new Rect(0f, curY, viewRect.width, 9999f); var listingTreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter(filter, parentFilter, null, null, null); listingTreeThingFilter.Begin(listingRect); TreeNode_ThingCategory node = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if (parentFilter != null) { if (parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory == null) { parentFilter.RecalculateDisplayRootCategory(); } node = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } // draw the actual thing listingTreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren(node, 0, openMask, Find.CurrentMap, true); listingTreeThingFilter.End(); // update height. viewHeight = curY + listingTreeThingFilter.CurHeight; Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
public Trigger_Threshold( ManagerJob_Foraging job ) : base(job.manager) { Op = Ops.LowerThan; MaxUpperThreshold = DefaultMaxUpperThreshold; Count = DefaultCount; ThresholdFilter = new ThingFilter(); ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); }
public void DoThingFilterConfigWindow( Rect canvas, ref Vector2 scrollPosition, ThingFilter filter, ThingFilter parentFilter = null, int openMask = 1, bool buttonsAtBottom = false ) { // respect your bounds! GUI.BeginGroup( canvas ); canvas = canvas.AtZero(); // set up buttons Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float width = canvas.width - 2f; var clearButtonRect = new Rect( canvas.x + 1f, canvas.y + 1f, width / 2f, 24f ); var allButtonRect = new Rect( clearButtonRect.xMax + 1f, clearButtonRect.y, width / 2f, 24f ); // offset canvas position for buttons. if ( buttonsAtBottom ) { clearButtonRect.y = canvas.height - clearButtonRect.height; allButtonRect.y = canvas.height - clearButtonRect.height; canvas.yMax -= clearButtonRect.height; } else { canvas.yMin = clearButtonRect.height; } // draw buttons + logic if ( Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle( clearButtonRect, "ClearAll".Translate() ) ) { filter.SetDisallowAll(); } if ( Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle( allButtonRect, "AllowAll".Translate() ) ) { filter.SetAllowAll( parentFilter ); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; // do list var curY = 2f; var viewRect = new Rect( 0f, 0f, canvas.width - 16f, viewHeight ); // scrollview Widgets.BeginScrollView( canvas, ref scrollPosition, viewRect ); // slider(s) DrawHitPointsFilterConfig( ref curY, viewRect.width, filter ); DrawQualityFilterConfig( ref curY, viewRect.width, filter ); // main listing var listingRect = new Rect( 0f, curY, viewRect.width, 9999f ); var listingTreeThingFilter = new Listing_TreeThingFilter( listingRect, filter, parentFilter, null, null ); TreeNode_ThingCategory node = ThingCategoryNodeDatabase.RootNode; if ( parentFilter != null ) { if ( parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory == null ) { parentFilter.RecalculateDisplayRootCategory(); } node = parentFilter.DisplayRootCategory; } // draw the actual thing listingTreeThingFilter.DoCategoryChildren( node, 0, openMask, true ); listingTreeThingFilter.End(); // update height. viewHeight = curY + listingTreeThingFilter.CurHeight; Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); }