        private void SetupWindow()
            Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Setting up window.");

            // get the windows graphics object
            Graphics GFX = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero);
            SizeF    TextRect;

            // measure the size of the string based on the maximum width
            TextRect = GFX.MeasureString(m_Text, m_Font, m_MaxWidth, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);

            // create the new client rectangle based on the size of the text rectangle, then inflate it by the padding
            m_ClientRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)TextRect.Width + 1, (int)TextRect.Height + 1);
            m_ClientRectangle.Inflate(PADDING, PADDING);

            // if the window handle is not null
            if (m_ToolTipWnd.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
                // if we are using uxthemes
                if (m_Style == ToolStyle.UxTheme)
                    // grab the theme and graphics handle
                    IntPtr pTheme = GetToolTipTheme();
                    IntPtr hdc    = GFX.GetHdc();

                    // if the pointer is not null
                    if (pTheme != IntPtr.Zero)
                        // create a RECT to pass to the theme routine and create a region pointer
                        RECT ClipRect = new RECT(0, 0, m_ClientRectangle.Width, m_ClientRectangle.Height);

                        IntPtr pRegion = IntPtr.Zero;

                        // attempt to get the region of the theme
                        if (ThemeRoutines.GetThemeBackgroundRegion(pTheme, hdc, (int)ToolTipPart.Standard,
                                                                   (int)ToolTipStandardState.TTSS_NORMAL, ref ClipRect, out pRegion) == 0)
                            // if we were successful, go ahead and set the window region, this will give us rounded edges
                            Win32.SetWindowRgn(m_ToolTipWnd.Handle, pRegion, true);

                            // TODO: Determine if not releasing the region object pointed to will cause memory leaks (likely use deleteobject)
                            // otherwise, fall to the failsafe, assume the entire rectangle is visible, set that as the region
                            Win32.SetWindowRgn(m_ToolTipWnd.Handle, ref ClipRect, true);

                    // release the hdc

            // dispose the graphics object
        private void PaintToolTip(ref Message msg)
                // get the open them and graphics object
                Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": Painting Tooltip.");
                Graphics GFX    = Graphics.FromHwnd(m_ToolTipWnd.Handle);
                IntPtr   pTheme = GetToolTipTheme();

                // if we are using uxtheme and have an open theme available
                if (m_Style == ToolStyle.UxTheme && pTheme != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // get the clip rectangle from the client rectangle
                    RECT ClipRect = new RECT(0, 0, m_ClientRectangle.Width, m_ClientRectangle.Height);

                    IntPtr hdc = GFX.GetHdc();

                    //DrawingUtils.GDI.GDI.SetBkMode(hdc, 1);

                    // draw the themed background using uxtheme
                    ThemeRoutines.DrawThemeBackground(pTheme, hdc, (int)ToolTipPart.Standard, (int)ToolTipStandardState.TTSS_NORMAL,
                                                      ref ClipRect, ref ClipRect);

                    // TODO: Draw the themed text as well

                    // otherwise, this is for flat style and fail safe

                    // get a pen with the border color and clear the background using the backcolor
                    Pen brderPen = new Pen(m_BorderColor, BORDERWIDTH);

                    // draw the border and dispose the pen
                    GFX.DrawRectangle(brderPen, 0, 0, m_ClientRectangle.Width - BORDERWIDTH, m_ClientRectangle.Height - BORDERWIDTH);

                // get the text bounds by using the client rectangle and deflating it by the padding width
                Rectangle TxtBounds = new Rectangle(-1, -1, m_ClientRectangle.Width, m_ClientRectangle.Height);
                TxtBounds.Inflate(-PADDING, -PADDING);

                // get a new brush using the forecolor and draw the string
                Brush bshFrgrnd = new SolidBrush(m_ForeColor);
                GFX.DrawString(m_Text, m_Font, bshFrgrnd, TxtBounds);

                // clean up what we used

                // return the hresult of zero and validate the entire rectangle
                msg.Result = IntPtr.Zero;
                Win32.ValidateRect(msg.HWnd, IntPtr.Zero);
            catch (Exception ex)