private void reportPrint(List <titletable> title, List <TB_EXPENSE> detail, List <foots> fs) { try { ReportTools myReportTool; TfrxReportClass report; myReportTool = new ReportTools(); report = new TfrxReportClass(); report.ClearDatasets(); FrxDataTable titleable = new FrxDataTable("dtWorkTitle"); //概要 myReportTool.ListToFrxTable(title, titleable); FrxDataTable detailtable = new FrxDataTable("dtWorkDetail"); //明细 myReportTool.ListToFrxTable(detail, detailtable); FrxDataTable detailtable2 = new FrxDataTable("dtWorkDetail2"); //明细2 myReportTool.ListToFrxTable(fs, detailtable2); report.LoadReportFromFile("ExpenseReport.fr3"); detailtable.AssignToReport(true, report); titleable.AssignToReport(true, report); report.ShowReport(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageHelper.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TfrxReportClass report; report = new TfrxReportClass(); report.ReportOptions.ConnectionName = @"Database=database1;Data Source=;User Id=root;Password="******"C:/Users/Asus/Desktop/2.fr3"); // report.DesignReport(); редактирование отчета report.ShowReport(); report.PrintOptions.PageNumbers = ""; report.ExportToTXT("export2.txt", true, true, true, true); }
private void reportPrint(List <projProfileClass> summery, List <TB_EXPENSE> detail) { try { ReportTools myReportTool; TfrxReportClass report; myReportTool = new ReportTools(); report = new TfrxReportClass(); report.ClearDatasets(); FrxDataTable summeryTable = new FrxDataTable("dtWorkTitle"); //概要 myReportTool.ListToFrxTable(summery, summeryTable); FrxDataTable detailtable = new FrxDataTable("dtWorkDetail"); //明细 myReportTool.ListToFrxTable(detail, detailtable); report.LoadReportFromFile("profileReport.fr3"); summeryTable.AssignToReport(true, report); detailtable.AssignToReport(true, report); report.ShowReport(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageHelper.ShowMessage(ex.Message); } }
private void printpq(string barcode, string strJz) { string scriptstr = ""; string ph, gg, pch, jz, rq, bb, gh, bz, xlh, tm, ckcxh, sx, pcxx, bzstr, bbtemp, printmodual, stpath, tct, wlh; bool ckflg, nocheck; int iType; if (chkTSXX.Checked) { if (chkCPDJ.Checked) { iType = 4; } else { iType = 3; } } else { if (chkCPDJ.Checked) { iType = 2; } else { iType = 1; } } printmodual = Public.GetXmlValue("PrintModuleName"); if (printmodual == "") { printmodual = "标准模板"; } stpath = Application.StartupPath + "\\report\\" + printmodual + "\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(stpath)) { MessageBox.Show("标签模板不存在!", "系统提示"); return; } string strSql = "select * from " + tablename + " where barcode='" + barcode.Trim() + "'"; DataSet ds = DbEntry.Context.ExecuteDataset(strSql); ph = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PH"].ToString(); gg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["GG"].ToString(); pch = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PCH"].ToString(); jz = strJz; rq = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProduceData"].ToString(); bb = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bb"].ToString(); pcxx = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pcinfo"].ToString(); gh = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["gh"]).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); sx = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["SX"].ToString(); if (sx.ToUpper() == "CK") { bz = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["GH"].ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); } else { bz = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bz"].ToString(); } xlh = this.txtLSH.Text; tm = barcode; wlh = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wlh"].ToString(); ckcxh = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ckcxh"].ToString(); if ((sx == "B2") || (sx == "C2")) { nocheck = false; } else { nocheck = true; } TfrxReportClass Report = new TfrxReportClass(); scriptstr = "begin" + "\r\n"; if (sx == "CK") { Report.LoadReportFromFile(stpath + "ckcz.fr3"); scriptstr += "memspec.Text:='" + pcxx + "';"; if (this.chkTSXX.Checked) { scriptstr += "memspec.visible:=true;"; } else { scriptstr += "memspec.visible:=false;"; } } else { switch (iType) { case 1: Report.LoadReportFromFile(stpath + "ptcz1.fr3"); break; case 2: Report.LoadReportFromFile(stpath + "ptcz2.fr3"); scriptstr += "memosx.text:='" + sx + "';"; if (!nocheck) { scriptstr += "memosx.visible:=false;"; scriptstr += "Shape1.visible:=false;"; } else { scriptstr += "memosx.visible:=true;"; scriptstr += "Shape1.visible:=true;"; } break; case 3: Report.LoadReportFromFile(stpath + "ptcz3.fr3"); scriptstr += "memopcinfo.text:='" + pcxx + "';"; if (!nocheck) { scriptstr += "memopcinfo.visible:=false;"; } else { scriptstr += "memopcinfo.visible:=true;"; } break; case 4: Report.LoadReportFromFile(stpath + "ptcz4.fr3"); scriptstr += "memopcinfo.text:='" + pcxx + "';"; if (!nocheck) { scriptstr += "memopcinfo.visible:=false;"; scriptstr += "Shape1.visible:=false;"; } else { scriptstr += "memopcinfo.visible:=true;"; scriptstr += "Shape1.visible:=true;"; } break; } } scriptstr += "Barcode1.text:='" + tm + "';"; scriptstr += "memoph.text:='" + ph + "';"; scriptstr += "memogg.text:='" + gg + "';"; scriptstr += "memopch.text:='" + pch + "';"; double fjz = Convert.ToDouble(jz);; scriptstr += "memojz.text:='" + fjz.ToString() + " kg';"; scriptstr += "memorq.text:='" + rq + "';"; scriptstr += "memogh.text:='" + gh + "';"; //bbtemp = ""; //if (bb == "甲班") bbtemp = "A"; //if (bb == "乙班") bbtemp = "B"; //if (bb == "丙班") bbtemp = "C"; //if (bb == "丁班") bbtemp = "D"; //scriptstr += "memobb.text:='" + bbtemp + "';"; //如果炉号为空,则再次查询nc if (txtheatid.Text.Trim() == "") { string loadSql = ""; loadSql += "select mm_wr_b.pch,getbilletbatchcode(mm_wr_b.pch) billet_heat_number,"; loadSql += " mm_po.xsddh customer_material_number"; loadSql += " from mm_wr_b mm_wr_b, mm_mo mm_mo, mm_mosource mm_mosource, mm_po mm_po"; loadSql += " where mm_wr_b.scddid = mm_mo.pk_moid and mm_mo.pk_moid = mm_mosource.scddid"; loadSql += " and mm_mosource.lyid = mm_po.pk_poid and mm_po.pk_corp = '1001'"; loadSql += " and mm_po.dr = 0 and mm_mosource.pk_corp = '1001' and mm_mosource.dr = 0 "; loadSql += " and mm_mo.pk_corp = '1001' and mm_mo.dr = 0 and mm_wr_b.pk_corp = '1001'"; loadSql += " and mm_wr_b.dr = 0 and mm_wr_b.pch = '" + pch + "'"; //OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("Data Source=;User ID=nctest;Password=nctest;"); //OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("Data Source=nctest;User ID=nctest;Password=nctest;"); OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("Data Source=ncv5;User ID=xgerp50;Password=xgerp204212350;"); conn.Open(); OracleCommand selectCmd = conn.CreateCommand(); selectCmd.CommandText = loadSql; // selectCmd.BindByName = true; OracleDataAdapter oradap = new OracleDataAdapter(selectCmd); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); oradap.Fill(ds1); conn.Close(); if (ds1 == null || ds1.Tables.Count == 0 || ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { } else { txtheatid.Text = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["billet_heat_number"].ToString(); txtGgHeatid.Text = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["billet_heat_number"].ToString(); txtliaohao.Text = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["customer_material_number"].ToString(); } } //库内补打 料号判断 异常情况料号置空 if ((txtliaohao.Text.ToString().Trim() != "") && (tablename == "WMS_Bms_Inv_Info")) { string sql = " SELECT invinfo.WGDH FROM WMS_Bms_Inv_Info AS invinfo LEFT OUTER JOIN WMS_Bms_Rec_WGD AS wgd ON invinfo.PCH = wgd.PCH WHERE (invinfo.WLH = wgd.YWLH) AND (invinfo.vfree1 = wgd.vfree1) AND "; sql += " (wgd.yvfree1 = wgd.vfree1) AND (invinfo.vfree2 = wgd.vfree2) AND (wgd.yvfree2 = wgd.vfree2) AND (invinfo.vfree3 = wgd.vfree3) AND (wgd.yvfree3 = wgd.vfree3) AND (invinfo.SX IN ('AAA', 'AA', 'A', 'CK')) AND "; sql += " invinfo.barcode='" + barcode.Trim() + "'"; DataSet dstable = DbEntry.Context.ExecuteDataset(sql); if ((dstable == null) || (dstable.Tables.Count == 0) || dstable.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { txtliaohao.Text = ""; } } if (txtliaohao.Text.ToString().Trim() != "") { scriptstr += "Memliao.text:='" + txtliaohao.Text.ToString().Trim() + "';"; scriptstr += "Memliao.visible:=true;"; scriptstr += "memliao1.visible:=true;"; scriptstr += "Lineliao.visible:=true;"; } //修改添加 炉次 删除班别 scriptstr += "memobb.text:='" + txtheatid.Text.ToString().Trim() + "';"; if (sx != "CK") { string bzstrf = ""; bzstrf = bz.Substring(bz.IndexOf('~') + 1); scriptstr += "memobz.text:='" + bzstrf + "';"; } else { scriptstr += "memoxlh.text:='" + xlh + "';"; } scriptstr += "memowlh.text:='" + wlh.Substring(0, 3) + "';"; scriptstr += "end."; Report.ScriptText = scriptstr; Report.PrepareReport(true); int con = 2; if (this.numTxt.Value > 0) { con = int.Parse(numTxt.Value.ToString()); } Report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog = false; Report.PrintOptions.Copies = con; try { if (this.chkBowse.Checked) { Report.ShowReport(); } else { Report.PrintReport(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("打印错误:" + ex.Message + ".请补打!"); } }
public static void Preview(TfrxReportClass report) { report.PrepareReport(true); report.ShowReport(); }