public void TestTexturePackerWithMultiPack() { var textureElements = CreateFakeTextureElements(); var texturePacker = new TexturePacker { AllowMultipack = true, AllowRotation = true, MaxHeight = 300, MaxWidth = 300, }; var canPackAllTextures = texturePacker.PackTextures(textureElements); Assert.Equal(2, textureElements.Count); Assert.Empty(texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts); Assert.False(canPackAllTextures); texturePacker.Reset(); texturePacker.MaxWidth = 1500; texturePacker.MaxHeight = 800; canPackAllTextures = texturePacker.PackTextures(textureElements); Assert.True(canPackAllTextures); Assert.Single(texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts); Assert.Equal(textureElements.Count, texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts[0].Textures.Count); Assert.True(MathUtil.IsPow2(texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts[0].Width)); Assert.True(MathUtil.IsPow2(texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts[0].Height)); }
void OnGUI() { if (Application.isPlaying) { GUILayout.Label("playing"); SpriteReferenceInfoDetector.watchEditorChange = false; return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool scanAtlas = GUILayout.Button("Scan Atlas", GUILayout.Width(100)); bool scanGameObject = GUILayout.Button("Scan Reference", GUILayout.Width(100)); bool updateAtlas = GUILayout.Button("Update Atlas", GUILayout.Width(100)); SpriteReferenceInfoDetector.watchEditorChange = GUILayout.Toggle(SpriteReferenceInfoDetector.watchEditorChange, "watching"); scan_scene = GUILayout.Toggle(scan_scene, "scan scene"); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Rect atlasRect = new Rect(0, 30, position.width / 2 - 5, position.height); if (m_AtlasListTree == null) { m_AtlasListTree = new AtlasListView(this); ReloadTreeView(); } m_AtlasListTree.OnGUI(atlasRect); if (m_ReferenceListView == null) { m_ReferenceListView = new ReferenceListView(); m_ReferenceListView.Reload(); } Rect refRect = new Rect(position.width / 2 + 5, 30, position.width / 2 - 5, position.height); m_ReferenceListView.OnGUI(refRect); if (scanAtlas) { ScanSpriteAtlas(); } if (scanGameObject) { SpriteReferenceInfo.Instance.Scan(scan_scene); } if (updateAtlas) { SpriteAtlasData atlas = null; SpriteAtlasData.SpriteInfo sprite = null; Sprite origin = null; if (m_AtlasListTree.GetSelectAtlas(out atlas, out sprite, out origin)) { TexturePacker.Pack(atlas.sprites, atlas.texture); atlas.Scan(); } } }
public void Deduplicate(string remappingPath) { using (TexturePacker levelPacker = new TexturePacker(Level)) { Dictionary <TexturedTile, List <TexturedTileSegment> > allTextures = new Dictionary <TexturedTile, List <TexturedTileSegment> >(); foreach (TexturedTile tile in levelPacker.Tiles) { allTextures[tile] = new List <TexturedTileSegment>(tile.Rectangles); } TextureRemapGroup remapGroup = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TextureRemapGroup>(File.ReadAllText(remappingPath)); _deduplicator.SegmentMap = allTextures; _deduplicator.PrecompiledRemapping = remapGroup.Remapping; _deduplicator.Deduplicate(); levelPacker.AllowEmptyPacking = true; levelPacker.Pack(true); // Now we want to go through every IndexedTexture and see if it's // pointing to the same thing - so tile, position, and point direction // have to be equal. See IndexedTRObjectTexture Dictionary <int, int> indexMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (TexturedTile tile in allTextures.Keys) { foreach (TexturedTileSegment segment in allTextures[tile]) { TidySegment(segment, indexMap); } } Level.ReindexTextures(indexMap); Level.ResetUnusedTextures(); } }
} // スピードの実効値を取得する。ストッピング計算に使用するだけなので、微妙。 // メッシュ単一化(使わなくてもいい) ---------------------------------------------- public virtual GameObject combineMesh(bool isForcePackTexture = false) { var tfmeshbody = transform.Find("body/Mesh"); var meshbody = tfmeshbody.gameObject; if (isForcePackTexture) // 単体でテクスチャをパックしてしまうか { var tpacker = new TexturePacker(); tpacker.regist(meshbody); tpacker.packTextures(); } var csm = new CombineSkinnedMesh(); csm.combine(meshbody); csm.addRenderer(meshbody, Shader.Find("Custom/SkinnedMesh_1bone_nolit")); return(meshbody); }
private VectorInt2 AllocateTexture(WadTexture texture) { // Check if the texture is already loaded { VectorInt2 position; if (PackedTextures.TryGetValue(texture, out position)) { return(position); } } // Allocate texture { VectorInt2?position = TexturePacker.TryAdd(texture.Image.Size); if (position == null) { throw new TextureAtlasFullException(); } // Upload texture if (Texture == null) { Texture = Texture2D.New(GraphicsDevice, TextureAtlasSize, TextureAtlasSize, SharpDX.DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm, TextureFlags.ShaderResource, 1, SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceUsage.Default); } TextureLoad.Update(GraphicsDevice, Texture, texture.Image, position.Value); PackedTextures.Add(texture, position.Value); return(position.Value); } }
void Start() { texturePacker = new TexturePacker(); SimpleModelFactory.CreateAll(); HouseItemGenerator.Init(); StartCoroutine(InitWorld()); }
//[MenuItem("Assets/TexturePacker/Process to Sprites")] static void ProcessToSprite(int pivot) { TextAsset txt = (TextAsset)Selection.activeObject; string rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(txt)); TexturePacker.MetaData meta = TexturePacker.GetMetaData(txt.text); List <SpriteMetaData> sprites = TexturePacker.ProcessToSprites(txt.text, pivot); string imageName = meta.image; //validate image name, if it's null or something, then try to load the sprite with the same name as text file with png extension if ((imageName == null) || (imageName.Length <= 0)) { imageName =; imageName += ".png"; } string path = rootPath + "/" + imageName; Debug.Log("Loading spritesheet at: " + path); TextureImporter texImp = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter; texImp.spritesheet = sprites.ToArray(); texImp.textureType = TextureImporterType.Sprite; texImp.spriteImportMode = SpriteImportMode.Multiple; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); }
public void DicedTexturesArePreserved() { var dicedTexture = new DicedTexture(new SourceTexture("B", B), Array.Empty <DicedUnit>()); var atlasTexture = new TexturePacker(new MockTextureSerializer(), 0, false, 1, 1, 0).Pack(new[] { dicedTexture })[0]; AreEqual(dicedTexture, atlasTexture.DicedTextures[0]); }
public void TestPackTexture() { var resPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"..\..\Res"); var path = Path.Combine(resPath, "澄怜a_裸.psb-pure"); var savePath = Path.Combine(path, "packed"); Dictionary <string, Image> imgs = new Dictionary <string, Image>(); foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.png", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { imgs.Add(file, Image.FromFile(file)); } TexturePacker packer = new TexturePacker { FitHeuristic = BestFitHeuristic.MaxOneAxis, }; packer.Process(imgs, 4096, 5, false); if (Directory.Exists(savePath)) { Directory.Delete(savePath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(savePath); packer.SaveAtlasses(Path.Combine(savePath, "tex.txt")); }
static int CalcTextureSize(IList <Tile> tiles, int minSize = 128, int maxSize = 2048, int padding = 0) { int size = minSize; while (size < maxSize) { var packer = new TexturePacker(size, size, padding); int textureCount = 0; foreach (var tile in tiles) { var pack = packer.put(tile.width, -tile.height); if (pack.newTexture) { ++textureCount; } if (textureCount > 1) { break; } } if (textureCount == 1) { break; } size *= 2; } return(size); }
//处理一个文件 private static void ProcessOneFile(string txtPath) { txtPath = txtPath.Replace("\\", "/"); Debug.Log("开始处理图集" + txtPath.Substring(0, txtPath.LastIndexOf("_cfg")) + ".png"); string rootPath = txtPath; rootPath = rootPath.Substring(rootPath.IndexOf("Assets")); TextAsset txt = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <TextAsset>(rootPath); string[] p = rootPath.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string folder = p[p.Length - 2]; TexturePacker.MetaData meta = TexturePacker.GetMetaData(txt.text); List <SpriteMetaData> sprites = TexturePacker.ProcessToSprites(txt.text, folder); rootPath = rootPath.Substring(0, rootPath.LastIndexOf("/")); string path = rootPath + "/" + meta.image; TextureImporter texImp = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter; texImp.spritesheet = sprites.ToArray(); texImp.textureType = TextureImporterType.Sprite; texImp.spriteImportMode = SpriteImportMode.Multiple; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); }
private void ExportDuplicateLevelTextures(string lvlPath) { TR2Level level = _reader.ReadLevel(lvlPath); using (TexturePacker levelPacker = new TexturePacker(level)) { Dictionary <TexturedTile, List <TexturedTileSegment> > allTextures = new Dictionary <TexturedTile, List <TexturedTileSegment> >(); foreach (TexturedTile tile in levelPacker.Tiles) { allTextures[tile] = new List <TexturedTileSegment>(tile.Rectangles); } _deduplicator.SegmentMap = allTextures; _deduplicator.Deduplicate(); if (_levelRemap.ContainsKey(_currentLevel)) { if (_outputTileImages) { string dir = Path.Combine(_outputDirectory, _currentLevel); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); foreach (TexturedTile tile in allTextures.Keys) { tile.BitmapGraphics.Bitmap.Save(Path.Combine(dir, tile.Index.ToString() + ".png"), ImageFormat.Png); } } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(_outputDirectory, _currentLevel + "-TextureRemap.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_levelRemap[_currentLevel], Formatting.Indented)); } } }
public void Render1() { if (!_flag1) { return; } _flag1 = false; _texPacker = new TexturePacker(); List <Texture2D> tmp = new List <Texture2D>(); for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++) { Texture2D tex = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(string.Format("Assets/res_bundle/icon/Buff/{0:00}.png", i)); _texPacker.AddTexture2D(tex); tmp.Add(tex); } _texPacker.PackerTexture(); for (int i = tmp.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Texture2D tex = tmp[i]; tmp.RemoveAt(i); Resources.UnloadAsset(tex); } for (int i = 0; i < _imgs.Count; i++) { _imgs[i].sprite = _texPacker.GetSprite(string.Format("{0:00}", (i + 1))); } MainTex = _texPacker._mainTex; }
private void GenerateAtlas() { Rect[] rectAreas; Texture2D returnTexture = TexturePacker.AtlasTextures(textures.ToArray(), 2048, out rectAreas); int lengthOfArrays = catagory.Count; for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfArrays; i++) { if (catagory[i] == TypeofEditorTile.Terrain) { tileLocations.Add(tileManager.tiles[tempTileType[i]], rectAreas[i]); } else if (catagory[i] == TypeofEditorTile.Resource) { resourceLocations.Add(resourceManager.resources[tempResourceType[i]], rectAreas[i]); } else { improvementLocations.Add(improvementManager.improvements[tempImprovementType[i]], rectAreas[i]); } } FileUtility.SaveTexture(returnTexture, loc, "TerrainAtlas", false); worldManager.textureAtlas.terrainAtlas = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(editedLoc + "/TerrainAtlas.png", typeof(Texture2D)); worldManager.textureAtlas.tileLocations = (TileItem[])tileLocations.ToArray().Clone(); worldManager.textureAtlas.resourceLocations = (ResourceItem[])resourceLocations.ToArray().Clone(); worldManager.textureAtlas.improvementLocations = (ImprovementItem[])improvementLocations.ToArray().Clone(); EditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssets(); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); this.Close(); }
private void RemoveUnusedSprites(TexturePacker packer) { // TODO: We could potentially work out if guns/ammo other // than pistols can be removed - would need to get secret // rewards and convert to entities as script uses different // IDs. List <TR2Entities> unusedItems = new List <TR2Entities> { TR2Entities.PistolAmmo_S_P, TR2Entities.Map_M_U, TR2Entities.GrayDisk_S_H }; ISet <TR2Entities> allEntities = new HashSet <TR2Entities>(); for (int i = 0; i < Level.Entities.Length; i++) { allEntities.Add((TR2Entities)Level.Entities[i].TypeID); } for (int i = unusedItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (unusedItems[i] != TR2Entities.GrayDisk_S_H && allEntities.Contains(unusedItems[i])) { unusedItems.RemoveAt(i); } } packer.RemoveSpriteSegments(unusedItems); }
/// <summary> /// 计算合并贴图 Atlas Rect /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="doMultiAtlas"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static AtlasPackingResult[] CalculateAtlasRectanglesStatic(TextureCombinePipelineData data, bool doMultiAtlas) { List <Vector2> imageSizes = new List <Vector2>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.distinctMaterialTextures.Count; i++) { imageSizes.Add(new Vector2(data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].idealWidth, data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].idealHeight)); } TexturePacker tp = CreateTexturePacker(data.packingAlgorithm); tp.atlasMustBePowerOfTwo = data.meshBakerTexturePackerForcePowerOfTwo; List <AtlasPadding> paddings = new List <AtlasPadding>(); for (int i = 0; i < imageSizes.Count; i++) { AtlasPadding padding = new AtlasPadding(); padding.topBottom = data.atlasPadding; padding.leftRight = data.atlasPadding; if (data.packingAlgorithm == PackingAlgorithmEnum.MeshBakerTexturePacker_Horizontal) { padding.leftRight = 0; } if (data.packingAlgorithm == PackingAlgorithmEnum.MeshBakerTexturePacker_Vertical) { padding.topBottom = 0; } paddings.Add(padding); } return(tp.GetRects(imageSizes, paddings, data.maxAtlasWidth, data.maxAtlasHeight, doMultiAtlas)); }
public void TestRotationElement1() { var textureElements = new List <AtlasTextureElement> { CreateElementFromFile("imageRotated0", 0, TextureAddressMode.Clamp, TextureAddressMode.Clamp) }; textureElements[0].SourceRegion.IsRotated = true; var texturePacker = new TexturePacker { AllowMultipack = true, AllowRotation = true, MaxWidth = 128, MaxHeight = 256, }; var canPackAllTextures = texturePacker.PackTextures(textureElements); Assert.True(canPackAllTextures); Assert.Single(texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts); var atlasTexture = AtlasTextureFactory.CreateTextureAtlas(texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts[0], false); SaveAndCompareTexture(atlasTexture, "TestRotationElement1"); }
public static List <SpriteMetaData> ProcessToSprites(string text) { Hashtable hashtable = text.hashtableFromJson(); TexturePacker.MetaData metaData = new TexturePacker.MetaData((Hashtable)hashtable["meta"]); List <TexturePacker.PackedFrame> list = new List <TexturePacker.PackedFrame>(); Hashtable hashtable2 = (Hashtable)hashtable["frames"]; foreach (object obj in hashtable2) { DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry = (DictionaryEntry)obj; list.Add(new TexturePacker.PackedFrame((string)dictionaryEntry.Key, metaData.size, (Hashtable)dictionaryEntry.Value)); } TexturePacker.SortFrames(list); List <SpriteMetaData> list2 = new List <SpriteMetaData>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { SpriteMetaData spriteMetaData = list[i].BuildBasicSprite(0.01f, new Color32(128, 128, 128, 128)); bool flag = !"IGNORE_SPRITE"); if (flag) { list2.Add(spriteMetaData); } } return(list2); }
public Sprite GetSprite(string atlasName, string spriteName) { if (!spritePackers.ContainsKey(atlasName)) { spritePackers [atlasName] = new TexturePacker(atlasName); } return(spritePackers [atlasName].GetSprite(spriteName)); }
public void TestCreateTextureAtlasToOutput() { var textureElements = new List <AtlasTextureElement> { CreateElement("MediumPurple", 130, 158, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.MediumPurple, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("Red", 127, 248, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.Red, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("Blue", 212, 153, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.Blue, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("Gold", 78, 100, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.Gold, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("RosyBrown", 78, 100, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.RosyBrown, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("SaddleBrown", 400, 100, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.SaddleBrown, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("Salmon", 400, 200, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.Salmon, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("PowderBlue", 190, 200, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.PowderBlue, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("Orange", 200, 230, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.Orange, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("Silver", 100, 170, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.Silver, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("SlateGray", 100, 170, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.SlateGray, Color.SteelBlue), CreateElement("Tan", 140, 110, 10, TextureAddressMode.Border, Color.Tan, Color.SteelBlue), }; var texturePacker = new TexturePacker { AllowMultipack = false, AllowRotation = true, MaxHeight = 1024, MaxWidth = 1024 }; var canPackAllTextures = texturePacker.PackTextures(textureElements); Assert.True(canPackAllTextures); // Obtain texture atlases var textureAtlases = texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts; Assert.Single(textureAtlases); if (!texturePacker.AllowNonPowerOfTwo) { Assert.True(MathUtil.IsPow2(textureAtlases[0].Width)); Assert.True(MathUtil.IsPow2(textureAtlases[0].Height)); } // Create atlas texture var atlasTexture = AtlasTextureFactory.CreateTextureAtlas(textureAtlases[0], false); SaveAndCompareTexture(atlasTexture, "TestCreateTextureAtlasToOutput"); Assert.Equal(textureAtlases[0].Width, atlasTexture.Description.Width); Assert.Equal(textureAtlases[0].Height, atlasTexture.Description.Height); atlasTexture.Dispose(); foreach (var texture in textureAtlases.SelectMany(textureAtlas => textureAtlas.Textures)) { texture.Texture.Dispose(); } }
public static void Load(GraphicsDevice graphics) { TexturePacker.LoadAsset(graphics, "AsteroidsAtlas", true); TexturePacker.LoadAsset(graphics, "ShipsAtlas", true); TexturePacker.LoadAsset(graphics, "ParticlesAtlas", true); TexturePacker.LoadAsset(graphics, "ResourcesAtlas", false); ShieldTexture = ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadTexture2D(graphics, "Shield", true); DefaultFont = ModManager.Instance.AssetManager.LoadDynamicSpriteFont("latoblack"); }
/// <summary> /// Creates AbsoluteAtlas. /// Setting initial size is good if minimum size of textures can be predicted. /// </summary> /// <param name="maxSize">Max size of the atlas texture. Must be greater or equal than 64 x 64.</param> /// <param name="initialSize">Initial size of the atlas texture. Must be smaller or equal to MaxSize</param> public AbsoluteAtlas(string atlasName, Vector2 maxSize, Vector2 initialSize) : base(atlasName, maxSize) { this.initialSize = initialSize; if (initialSize.x > maxSize.x || initialSize.y > maxSize.y) { Debug.LogError("Absolute atlas initial size can not be greater than maximum size of it. " + atlasName); } packer = new TexturePacker(initialSize, false); }
public void LoadData() { var data = EntityData.ShipTypes[Type]; Sprite = TexturePacker.GetSprite("ShipsAtlas", data.Sprite); Origin = new Vector2(Sprite.SourceRect.Width / 2, Sprite.SourceRect.Height / 2); MoveSpeed = data.MoveSpeed; TurnSpeed = data.TurnSpeed; BaseArmourHP = data.ArmourHP; BaseShieldHP = data.ShieldHP; BaseShieldRegenRate = data.ShieldRegenRate; CurrentArmourHP = BaseArmourHP; CurrentShieldHP = BaseShieldHP; CurrentShieldRegenRate = BaseShieldRegenRate; Weapons = new List <Weapon>(); foreach (var weapon in data.Weapons) { Weapons.Add(new Weapon() { Type = weapon.Type, Range = weapon.Range, Cooldown = weapon.Cooldown, Damage = weapon.Damage, CurrentCooldown = weapon.Cooldown, }); } foreach (var weapon in Weapons) { if (MinWeaponRange == -1 || weapon.Range < MinWeaponRange) { MinWeaponRange = weapon.Range; } if (MaxWeaponRange == -1 || weapon.Range > MaxWeaponRange) { MaxWeaponRange = weapon.Range; } } ShieldSprite = new Sprite(Sprites.ShieldTexture); ShieldSprite.Colour = Color.Turquoise; ShieldSprite.Colour.A = 0; ActivateShield(); float shipSize = (Sprite.SourceRect.Width > Sprite.SourceRect.Height ? Sprite.SourceRect.Width : Sprite.SourceRect.Height); shipSize *= 1.4f; ShieldSprite.Scale = shipSize / ShieldSprite.Width; ShieldRadius = ShieldSprite.Width * ShieldSprite.Scale; }
private static List <AtlasTexture> Pack(Texture2D[] textures, float uvInset = 0, bool square = false, int sizeLimit = 8, int unitSize = 1, int padding = 0) { // TODO: Don't use dicer here; create mock diced textures instead. var dicer = new TextureDicer(unitSize, padding); var dicedTextures = textures.Select(t => new SourceTexture(, t)).Select(dicer.Dice); var serializer = new MockTextureSerializer(); var packer = new TexturePacker(serializer, uvInset, square, sizeLimit, unitSize, padding); return(packer.Pack(dicedTextures)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0) { TexturePacker.Extract(args[0]); } else { Console.WriteLine("please enter the folder or file you want to extract."); } }
private void PreloadReplaceTextures(IEnumerable <WadMoveable> newMoveables, IEnumerable <WadStatic> newStatics) { Dispose(); // Collect textures var textures = new HashSet <WadTexture>(); foreach (var moveable in newMoveables) { foreach (var mesh in moveable.Meshes) { foreach (WadPolygon polygon in mesh.Polys) { textures.Add((WadTexture)polygon.Texture.Texture); } } } foreach (var stat in newStatics) { foreach (WadPolygon polygon in stat.Mesh.Polys) { textures.Add((WadTexture)polygon.Texture.Texture); } } // Order textures for packing var packedTextures = new List <WadTexture>(textures); packedTextures.Sort(new ComparerWadTextures()); // Pack the textures in a single atlas CreateTexturePacker(); foreach (var texture in packedTextures) { VectorInt2?positionInAtlas = TexturePacker.TryAdd(texture.Image.Size); if (positionInAtlas == null) { throw new TextureAtlasFullException(); } PackedTextures.Add(texture, positionInAtlas.Value); } // Create texture atlas var tempBitmap = ImageC.CreateNew(TextureAtlasSize, TextureAtlasSize); foreach (var texture in PackedTextures) { tempBitmap.CopyFrom(texture.Value.X, texture.Value.Y, texture.Key.Image); } Texture = TextureLoad.Load(GraphicsDevice, tempBitmap, SharpDX.Direct3D11.ResourceUsage.Default); }
private Dictionary <Guid, string> ProcessObjectTextures(Project input, ContentProcessorContext context, out List <Page> pages) { Dictionary <Guid, string> texAssetMap = new Dictionary <Guid, string>(); pages = new List <Page>(); string assetPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(context.OutputFilename).Substring(context.OutputDirectory.Length); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(BuildPath, assetPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(BuildPath, assetPath)); } foreach (ObjectPool pool in input.ObjectPoolManager.Pools) { string path = Path.Combine(BuildPath, assetPath, "objects-" + pool.Uid + ".png"); //Debugger.Launch(); TexturePacker packer = new TexturePacker(Path.Combine(BuildPath, assetPath), new Settings() { Rotation = false, }); foreach (ObjectClass obj in pool.Objects) { using (Bitmap image = obj.Image.CreateBitmap()) { packer.AddImage(image, obj.Uid.ToString()); } } pages.AddRange(packer.Pack(Path.Combine(BuildPath, assetPath), "objects-" + pool.Uid)); string assetName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).Substring(BuildPath.Length); OpaqueDataDictionary data = new OpaqueDataDictionary() { { "GenerateMipmaps", false }, { "ResizeToPowerofTwo", false }, { "TextureFormat", TextureProcessorOutputFormat.Color }, }; context.BuildAsset <TextureContent, TextureContent>( new ExternalReference <TextureContent>(path), "TextureProcessor", data, "TextureImporter", assetName); texAssetMap[pool.Uid] = assetName; } return(texAssetMap); }
private Direction ReadFrames(Stream stream, BinaryReader reader, int dirIndex) { int internalIndex = DirectionMapping.MapToInternal(directionCount, dirIndex); var dir = new Direction(); dir.frames = new Frame[framesPerDirection]; dir.sprites = new Sprite[framesPerDirection]; int maxWidth = 0; int maxHeight = 0; for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < framesPerDirection; frameIndex++) { int offset = offsets[internalIndex * framesPerDirection + frameIndex]; stream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); var frame = new Frame(); reader.ReadInt32(); // skip frame.width = reader.ReadInt32(); frame.height = reader.ReadInt32(); frame.offsetX = reader.ReadInt32(); frame.offsetY = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.ReadInt32(); // skip reader.ReadInt32(); // skip frame.dataSize = reader.ReadInt32(); frame.dataOffset = (int)stream.Position; dir.frames[frameIndex] = frame; maxWidth = Mathf.Max(maxWidth, frame.width); maxHeight = Mathf.Max(maxHeight, frame.height); } TexturePacker packer; int padding = framesPerDirection > 1 ? 2 : 0; if (textureSize == -1) { int textureWidth = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((maxWidth + padding) * framesPerDirection); int textureHeight = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(maxHeight + padding); textureWidth = Mathf.Min(1024, textureWidth); packer = new TexturePacker(textureWidth, textureHeight, padding); } else { packer = new TexturePacker(textureSize, textureSize, padding); } DrawFrames(dir, packer); return(dir); }
public void SetType(string type, Ship source) { ProjectileType = type; var data = EntityData.ProjectileTypes[ProjectileType]; DeathType = data.DeathType; MoveSpeed = data.MoveSpeed; TurnSpeed = data.TurnSpeed; Lifetime = data.Lifetime; Colour = source.IsPlayerShip ? data.Colour : data.EnemyColour; Sprite = TexturePacker.GetSprite("ParticlesAtlas", data.Sprite); Scale = data.Scale; }
private void Dispose(bool manual) { if (!disposed) { pack = null; if (manual) { GL.DeleteTextures(1, ref texture); font.Dispose(); gfx.Dispose(); } disposed = true; } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI () { SuperLevelOptimizer SLO = (SuperLevelOptimizer)target; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("SuperLevelOptimizer only works with static objects." ,UnityEditor.MessageType.None); SLO.GroupingWithoutCombine = GUILayout.Toggle(SLO.GroupingWithoutCombine, "GroupingWithoutCombine"); SLO.SuperOptimization = GUILayout.Toggle(SLO.SuperOptimization, "SuperOptimization"); SLO.combineState = (SuperLevelOptimizer.CombineState)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("CombineState :", SLO.combineState); if (SLO.combineState == SuperLevelOptimizer.CombineState.CombineToPrefab) { SLO.folderPatch = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Folder patch", SLO.folderPatch); } teb.combineState = (MaterialStructurizer.CombineState)SLO.combineState; teb.folderPatch = SLO.folderPatch; teb.GroupingWithoutCombine = SLO.GroupingWithoutCombine; if(GUILayout.Button("Create atlases")) { TexturePacker tp = new TexturePacker(); tp.superOptimization = SLO.SuperOptimization; tp.StartPacking(); } if( GUILayout.Button("Combine Meshes") ) { teb.gameObject = SLO.gameObject; teb.Remove(); teb.FindRenderers(); teb.CreateObjects(); } if( GUILayout.Button("Destroy sources") ) { teb.DestroyChildren(); } }
public ItemPackingStep(PackingProcess proc, int start, int total) : base(proc, start, total) { TexturePacker = new TexturePacker(this, "items"); }
public TilePackingStep(PackingProcess proc, int start, int total) : base(proc, start, total) { TexturePacker = new TexturePacker(this, "tiles"); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the optimal size for the font texture and TexturePacker, and creates both. /// </summary> private void PrepareTexturePacker() { // Calculate the size of the texture packer. We want a power-of-two size // that is less than 1024 (supported in Geforce256-era cards), but large // enough to hold at least 256 (16*16) font glyphs. // TODO: Find the actual card limits, maybe? int size = (int)(font.Size * 16); size = (int)System.Math.Pow(2.0, System.Math.Ceiling(System.Math.Log((double)size, 2.0))); if (size > 1024) size = 1024; texture_width = size; texture_height = size; pack = new TexturePacker<Glyph>(texture_width, texture_height); GL.GenTextures(1, out texture); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2d, texture); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2d, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)All.Linear); GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2d, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)All.Linear); GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2d, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Alpha, texture_width, texture_height, 0, OpenTK.OpenGL.Enums.PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, IntPtr.Zero); }