        private static void Main(string[] args)
                var modelPack = new ModelPack(@"D:\dumps\smt3_ntsc\DDS3\model\field\player_a.PB");
                //var modelPack = new ModelPack( @"D:\dumps\smt3_ntsc\DDS3\model\devil\on\0x126_on.PB");
                FbxModelExporter.Instance.Export(modelPack.Models[0], "test.fbx", modelPack.TexturePack);

                //AssimpModelExporter.Instance.Export( modelPack.Models[ 0 ], "player_a.dae", modelPack.TexturePack );
                //for ( var i = 0; i < modelPack.MotionPacks[ 0 ].Motions.Count; i++ )
                //    var motion = modelPack.MotionPacks[ 0 ].Motions[ i ];
                //    if ( motion == null )
                //        continue;

                //    AssimpMotionExporter.Instance.Export( modelPack.Models[ 0 ], motion, $"player_a_motion_{i:D2}.dae" );

                var newMotion =
                                                         new AssimpMotionImporter.Config
                    NodeIndexResolver = n => modelPack.Models[0].Nodes.FindIndex(x => x.Name == n)
                for (int i = 0; i < modelPack.MotionPacks[0].Motions.Count; i++)
                    modelPack.MotionPacks[0].Motions[i] = newMotion;


                var lb = new LBFileSystem();

                var f1Handle = lb.GetHandle("F1");

                FieldScene f1;
                using (var stream = lb.OpenFile(f1Handle))
                    f1 = new FieldScene(stream, true);

                foreach (var obj in f1.Objects)
                    switch (obj.ResourceType)
                    case FieldObjectResourceType.Model:
                        var model = ( Model )obj.Resource;
                        foreach (var material in model.Materials)
                            if (material.TextureId.HasValue)
                                material.TextureId = 0;

                            material.Color1      = material.Color2 = material.Color3 = material.Color4 = material.Color5 = null;
                            material.Float1      = null;
                            material.FloatArray1 = material.FloatArray2 = material.FloatArray3 = null;

                        foreach (var node in model.Nodes)
                            if (node.Geometry == null)

                            foreach (var _mesh in node.Geometry.Meshes)
                                if (_mesh is MeshType1 mesh)
                                    foreach (var batch in mesh.Batches)
                                        batch.Flags &= ~MeshFlags.Normal;
                                        batch.Flags &= ~MeshFlags.Color;

                    case FieldObjectResourceType.Type3:

                    case FieldObjectResourceType.TextureListFileName:

                    case FieldObjectResourceType.Effect:

                    case FieldObjectResourceType.Light:

                lb.AddFile(f1Handle, f1.Save(), true, ConflictPolicy.Replace);

                var tbHandle    = lb.GetHandle("TBN");
                var texturePack = new TexturePack();
                texturePack.Textures.Add(new Texture(new Bitmap(@"D:\Modding\Tools\magenta.png")));
                lb.AddFile(tbHandle, texturePack.Save(), true, ConflictPolicy.Replace);


            //ExportObj( new ModelPack( @"D:\Modding\DDS3\Nocturne\_HostRoot\dds3data\model\field\player_b.PB" ) );

            //var modelPack = new ModelPack( @"..\..\..\..\Resources\player_a.PB" );
            //var modelPack = new ModelPack( @"D:\Modding\DDS3\Nocturne\_HostRoot\dds3data\model\field\player_a.PB" );

            //using ( var writer = File.CreateText( "test.obj" ) )
            //    var vertexBaseIndex = 0;

            //    foreach ( var model in modelPack.Models )
            //    {
            //        foreach ( var node in model.Nodes )
            //        {
            //            if ( node.Geometry == null )
            //                continue;

            //            for ( var meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < node.Geometry.Meshes.Count; meshIndex++ )
            //            {
            //                var _mesh = node.Geometry.Meshes[ meshIndex ];
            //                if ( _mesh.Type != MeshType.Type7 )
            //                    continue;

            //                var mesh = ( MeshType7 ) _mesh;
            //                var positions = new Vector3[mesh.VertexCount];
            //                var normals   = new Vector3[positions.Length];
            //                var weights   = new List<(short NodeIndex, float Weight)>[positions.Length];
            //                var texCoords = new Vector2[positions.Length];
            //                var batchVertexBaseIndex = 0;

            //                foreach ( var batch in mesh.Batches )
            //                {
            //                    for ( var nodeBatchIndex = 0; nodeBatchIndex < batch.NodeBatches.Count; nodeBatchIndex++ )
            //                    {
            //                        var nodeBatch          = batch.NodeBatches[ nodeBatchIndex ];
            //                        var nodeWorldTransform = model.Nodes[ nodeBatch.NodeIndex ].WorldTransform;

            //                        for ( int i = 0; i < nodeBatch.Positions.Length; i++ )
            //                        {
            //                            var position = new Vector3( nodeBatch.Positions[i].X, nodeBatch.Positions[i].Y,
            //                                                        nodeBatch.Positions[i].Z );
            //                            var weight                     = nodeBatch.Positions[i].W;
            //                            var weightedNodeWorldTransform = nodeWorldTransform * weight;
            //                            var weightedWorldPosition      = Vector3.Transform( position, weightedNodeWorldTransform );
            //                            positions[batchVertexBaseIndex + i] += weightedWorldPosition;
            //                            if ( weights[batchVertexBaseIndex + i] == null )
            //                                weights[batchVertexBaseIndex + i] = new List<(short NodeIndex, float Weight)>();
            //                            weights[batchVertexBaseIndex + i].Add( (nodeBatch.NodeIndex, weight) );
            //                            normals[batchVertexBaseIndex + i] += Vector3.TransformNormal( nodeBatch.Normals[i], weightedNodeWorldTransform );
            //                        }
            //                    }

            //                    Array.Copy( batch.TexCoords, 0, texCoords, batchVertexBaseIndex, batch.TexCoords.Length );

            //                    //foreach ( var position in positions )
            //                    //{
            //                    //    writer.WriteLine( $"v {position.X} {position.Y} {position.Z}" );
            //                    //}

            //                    //foreach ( var normal in normals )
            //                    //{
            //                    //    writer.WriteLine( $"vn {normal.X} {normal.Y} {normal.Z}" );
            //                    //}

            //                    //foreach ( var texCoord in batch.TexCoords )
            //                    //{
            //                    //    writer.WriteLine( $"vt {texCoord.X} {texCoord.Y}" );
            //                    //}

            //                    batchVertexBaseIndex += batch.VertexCount;
            //                }

            //                foreach ( var position in positions )
            //                {
            //                    writer.WriteLine( $"v {position.X} {position.Y} {position.Z}" );
            //                }

            //                foreach ( var normal in normals )
            //                {
            //                    writer.WriteLine( $"vn {normal.X} {normal.Y} {normal.Z}" );
            //                }

            //                foreach ( var texCoord in texCoords )
            //                {
            //                    writer.WriteLine( $"vt {texCoord.X} {texCoord.Y}" );
            //                }

            //                //// Find unique node indices used by the mesh (max 4 per mesh!)
            //                //var usedNodeIndices = weights.SelectMany( x => x.Select( y => y.NodeIndex ) ).Distinct().ToList();

            //                //// Calculate node index usage frequency
            //                //var usedNodeIndicesFrequency = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            //                //for ( int i = 0; i < usedNodeIndices.Count; i++ )
            //                //    usedNodeIndicesFrequency[usedNodeIndices[i]] = 0;

            //                //for ( int j = 0; j < positions.Length; j++ )
            //                //{
            //                //    foreach ( var (nodeIndex, _) in weights[j] )
            //                //        ++usedNodeIndicesFrequency[nodeIndex];
            //                //}

            //                //// Sort used node indices by frequency
            //                //usedNodeIndices = usedNodeIndices.OrderBy( x => usedNodeIndicesFrequency[ x ] ).ToList();

            //                //// Start building batches
            //                //var vertexIndexRemap     = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            //                //var batches = new List<MeshType7Batch>();
            //                //batchVertexBaseIndex = 0;

            //                //while ( vertexIndexRemap.Count < positions.Length )
            //                //{
            //                //    var batchVertexCount = Math.Min( 24, positions.Length - vertexIndexRemap.Count );
            //                //    var batch = new MeshType7Batch();
            //                //    var batchVertexIndexRemap = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            //                //    var batchTexCoords = new List<Vector2>();

            //                //    // req. all vertices to use the same set of node indices
            //                //    for ( var i = 0; i < usedNodeIndices.Count; i++ )
            //                //    {
            //                //        var nodeIndex = usedNodeIndices[i];
            //                //        var nodeWorldTransform = model.Nodes[nodeIndex].WorldTransform;
            //                //        var nodeWorldTransformInv = nodeWorldTransform.Inverted();

            //                //        // get all verts with this index
            //                //        var nodePositions = new List<Vector4>();
            //                //        var nodeNormals = new List<Vector3>();

            //                //        for ( int j = 0; j < positions.Length; j++ )
            //                //        {
            //                //            // Skip this vertex if it has already been processed before
            //                //            if ( vertexIndexRemap.ContainsKey( j ) )
            //                //                continue;

            //                //            foreach ( (short NodeIndex, float Weight) in weights[j] )
            //                //            {
            //                //                if ( NodeIndex != nodeIndex )
            //                //                    continue;

            //                //                // Transform position and normal to model space
            //                //                var position = Vector3.Transform( positions[j], nodeWorldTransformInv );
            //                //                var normal = Vector3.TransformNormal( normals[j], nodeWorldTransformInv );

            //                //                // Add entry to vertex remap, and add the model space positions and normals to our lists
            //                //                batchVertexIndexRemap[j] = batchVertexBaseIndex + nodePositions.Count;
            //                //                nodePositions.Add( new Vector4( position, Weight ) );
            //                //                nodeNormals.Add( normal );

            //                //                if ( i == 0 )
            //                //                {
            //                //                    // Only add this once, of course
            //                //                    batchTexCoords.Add( texCoords[ j ] );
            //                //                }

            //                //                // Stop looking if we've reached our vertex count
            //                //                if ( nodePositions.Count == batchVertexCount )
            //                //                    goto end;
            //                //            }
            //                //        }

            //                //        end:
            //                //        batch.NodeBatches.Add( new MeshType7NodeBatch()
            //                //        {
            //                //            NodeIndex = nodeIndex,
            //                //            Positions = nodePositions.ToArray(),
            //                //            Normals   = nodeNormals.ToArray()
            //                //        });
            //                //    }

            //                //    batch.TexCoords = batchTexCoords.ToArray();

            //                //    foreach ( var i in batchVertexIndexRemap )
            //                //        vertexIndexRemap.Add( i.Key, i.Value );

            //                //    Debug.Assert( batch.NodeBatches.Count > 0 );
            //                //    Debug.Assert( batch.NodeBatches.TrueForAll( x => x.VertexCount == batch.NodeBatches[ 0 ].VertexCount ) );
            //                //    batches.Add( batch );
            //                //    batchVertexBaseIndex += batchVertexCount;
            //                //}

            //                //var materialIndex = mesh.MaterialIndex;
            //                //var triangles = new Triangle[mesh.TriangleCount];
            //                //for ( var i = 0; i < mesh.Triangles.Length; i++ )
            //                //{
            //                //    ref var triangle = ref triangles[i];
            //                //    triangle.A = ( ushort )vertexIndexRemap[mesh.Triangles[i].A];
            //                //    triangle.B = ( ushort )vertexIndexRemap[mesh.Triangles[i].B];
            //                //    triangle.C = ( ushort )vertexIndexRemap[mesh.Triangles[i].C];
            //                //}

            //                //mesh = new MeshType7();
            //                //mesh.Batches.AddRange( batches );
            //                //mesh.Triangles = triangles;
            //                //mesh.MaterialIndex = materialIndex;
            //                //node.Geometry.Meshes[meshIndex] = mesh;

            //                writer.WriteLine( $"o node_{node.Name}_mesh_{meshIndex}" );
            //                foreach ( var triangle in mesh.Triangles )
            //                {
            //                    writer.WriteLine( "f {0}/{0}/{0} {1}/{1}/{1} {2}/{2}/{2}", vertexBaseIndex + triangle.A + 1, vertexBaseIndex + triangle.B + 1, vertexBaseIndex + triangle.C + 1 );
            //                }

            //                vertexBaseIndex += mesh.VertexCount;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //modelPack.Save( @"D:\Modding\DDS3\Nocturne\_HostRoot\dds3data\model\field\player_a.PB" );

            //var modelPack = new ModelPack( @"..\..\..\..\Resources\player_a.PB" );
            //foreach ( var material in modelPack.Models[0].Materials )
            //    Console.WriteLine( MaterialPresetStore.GetPresetId( material ) );
            ////for ( var i = 0; i < modelPack.TexturePack.Count; i++ )
            ////    var texture = modelPack.TexturePack[ i ];
            ////    texture.GetBitmap().Save( $"player_a_{i}.png" );

            //modelPack.Save( @"D:\Modding\DDS3\Nocturne\_HostRoot\dds3data\model\field\player_a.PB" );