/* * Formats the keyword textbox to create a list of each of the keywords it needs to seach for, * then finds out how often it appears in the text and adds it to the KeywordFrequencies list. */ private void GetKeywordsFromTextbox() { List <String> Keywords = new List <String>(); String[] KeywordsSplitted = Textbox_Keywords.getTextbox().Text.Split(','); KeywordFrequencies.Clear(); foreach (String keyword in KeywordsSplitted) { if (keyword.Trim() != String.Empty) { String FormattedKeyword = keyword.ToLower().Trim(); int Frequency = GetNumberOfKeywords(FormattedKeyword); if (RichTextbox_MainText.getTextbox().Text.ToLower().Contains(FormattedKeyword)) { KeywordFrequency NewKF; NewKF.Keyword = keyword.Trim(); NewKF.Frequency = Frequency; KeywordFrequencies.Add(NewKF); } ChangeColourOfKeywords(FormattedKeyword); } } AddKeywordsToListbox(); }
private void Button_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Search will only start if there is text in the textbox if (Textbox_Keywords.getTextbox().Text.Length > 0) { GetKeywordsFromTextbox(); } }
/* * Loads keywords from a file, or if the file does not exist it will create a new .csv file will * the default keywords. */ private void Button_KeywordsFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (File.Exists("keywords.csv")) { String keywordsFileText = File.ReadAllText("keywords.csv"); Textbox_Keywords.getTextbox().Text = keywordsFileText; } else { MessageBox.Show("Could not find the \"keyword.search\" file." + Environment.NewLine + "Creating default file.", "File", MessageBoxButtons.OK); String fileText = "fear, terror, threat, the enemy, out there, always, circling, watching, waiting"; StreamWriter newFile = new StreamWriter("keywords.csv"); newFile.WriteLine(fileText); newFile.Close(); } }
/* * Clears the text in the keywords textbox. */ private void Button_ClearKeywords_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Textbox_Keywords.getTextbox().Text = String.Empty; Listbox_SearchCount.getListBox().Items.Clear(); SetMainTextDefaultColour(); }