protected virtual void UpdateWordSelection()
            SnapshotPoint currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
            var           wordSpans      = new List <SnapshotSpan>();

            TextExtent selectedWord = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);

            bool success = TryGetSelectedWord(currentRequest, ref selectedWord);

            if (!success)
                UpdateSelectionState(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            SnapshotSpan selectedWordSpan = selectedWord.Span;

            if (CurrentWord.HasValue &&
                CurrentWord == selectedWordSpan)

            IEnumerable <SnapshotSpan> matches = FindAllMatches(selectedWordSpan);


            UpdateSelectionState(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans), selectedWordSpan);
        void UpdateWordAdornments()
            SnapshotPoint       currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
            List <SnapshotSpan> wordSpans      = new List <SnapshotSpan>();
            //Find all words in the buffer like the one the caret is on
            TextExtent word      = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);
            bool       foundWord = true;

            //If we've selected something not worth highlighting, we might have missed a "word" by a little bit
            if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                //Before we retry, make sure it is worthwhile
                if (word.Span.Start != currentRequest ||
                    currentRequest == currentRequest.GetContainingLine().Start ||
                    char.IsWhiteSpace((currentRequest - 1).GetChar()))
                    foundWord = false;
                    // Try again, one character previous.
                    //If the caret is at the end of a word, pick up the word.
                    word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest - 1);

                    //If the word still isn't valid, we're done
                    if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                        foundWord = false;

            if (!foundWord)
                //If we couldn't find a word, clear out the existing markers
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            SnapshotSpan currentWord = word.Span;

            //If this is the current word, and the caret moved within a word, we're done.
            if (CurrentWord.HasValue && currentWord == CurrentWord)

            //Find the new spans
            FindData findData = new FindData(currentWord.GetText(), currentWord.Snapshot);

            findData.FindOptions = FindOptions.WholeWord | FindOptions.MatchCase;


            //If another change hasn't happened, do a real update
            if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans), currentWord);
        void UpdateWordAdornments()
            SnapshotPoint currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
            TextExtent    word           = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);
            bool          foundWord      = true;

            //If we've selected something not worth highlighting, we might have missed a "word" by a little bit
            if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                //Before we retry, make sure it is worthwhile
                if (word.Span.Start != currentRequest ||
                    currentRequest == currentRequest.GetContainingLine().Start ||
                    char.IsWhiteSpace((currentRequest - 1).GetChar()))
                    foundWord = false;
                    //Try again, one character previous.
                    //If looking at the end of a word, pick up the word.
                    word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest - 1);

                    //If the word still isn't valid, we're done
                    if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                        foundWord = false;

            if (!foundWord)
                //If we couldn't find a word, clear out the existing markers
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, null);

            SnapshotSpan currentWord = word.Span;

            //If this is the current word, and the user's eyes moved within a word, we're done.
            if (CurrentWord.HasValue && currentWord == CurrentWord)

            //If another change hasn't happened, do a real update
            if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, currentWord);
        private void UpdateWordAdornments()
            //Find the new spans
                var store           = DocumentScriptCosters.GetInstance().GetCoster();
                var yellowWordSpans = new List <SnapshotSpan>();
                var redWordSpans    = new List <SnapshotSpan>();

                if (null != store)
                    var statements = store.GetCosts();
                    if (statements != null)
                        foreach (var s in statements)
                            if (s.Band == CostBand.Medium)
                                var findData = new FindData(s.Text, RequestedPoint.Snapshot);
                                findData.FindOptions = FindOptions.Multiline | FindOptions.Wrap;

                            if (s.Band == CostBand.High)
                                var findData = new FindData(s.Text, RequestedPoint.Snapshot);
                                findData.FindOptions = FindOptions.Multiline | FindOptions.Wrap;

                var currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
                var word           = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);
                var currentWord    = word.Span;

                //If another change hasn't happened, do a real update
                if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                    SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(yellowWordSpans),
                                      new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(redWordSpans), currentWord);

            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("2 - e : " + e.Message + " \r\n " + e.StackTrace);
        void UpdateWordAdornments()
            SnapshotPoint       currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
            List <SnapshotSpan> wordSpans      = new List <SnapshotSpan>();
            //Find all words in the buffer like the one the caret is on
            TextExtent word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);

            if (FCM == null)
                //If we couldn't find a word, clear out the existing markers
                SynchronousUpdate(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection());

            FindBadElements(wordSpans, word.Span);

            SynchronousUpdate(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans));
        protected virtual bool TryGetSelectedWord(SnapshotPoint currentRequest, ref TextExtent word)
            if (WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))

            if (word.Span.Start != currentRequest ||
                currentRequest == currentRequest.GetContainingLine().Start ||
                char.IsWhiteSpace((currentRequest - 1).GetChar()))

            // If the caret is at the end of a word, pick up the word.
            word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest - 1);

            return(WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word));
        // The ShimLanguageNavigator that the editor uses to map from ITextStructureNavigator to the
        // old language service interfaces has a bug in inline views, where it uses the wrong ITextSnapshot
        // in a TranslateTo operation. This workaround doesn't try to correct the problem, but
        // merely wraps all calls inside a Try/Catch block and returning a default value instead of throwing.
        // See Dev10 #906779 for more details. This bug has been fixed post-Dev10 RTM.
        TextExtent GetExtentOfWord(SnapshotPoint point)
            var topPoint = View.BufferGraph.MapUpToSnapshot(point, PointTrackingMode.Positive, PositionAffinity.Successor, View.TextSnapshot);

            if (!topPoint.HasValue)
                Debug.Fail("Unexpected: can't map point to view.");
                return(new TextExtent(new SnapshotSpan(point, point), false));

            var topExtent = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(topPoint.Value);
            var spans     = View.BufferGraph.MapDownToSnapshot(topExtent.Span, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive, point.Snapshot);

            if (!spans.Any())
                Debug.Fail("Unexpected: can't map back down to view.");
                return(new TextExtent(new SnapshotSpan(point, point), false));

            return(new TextExtent(new SnapshotSpan(spans[0].Start, spans[spans.Count - 1].End), topExtent.IsSignificant));
        // END - 20150224 by MXK

        // START - 20140117 by kicko (
        void SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TextExtent word;

            if (View.Selection.SelectedSpans[0].IsEmpty)
                SynchronousUpdate(RequestedPoint, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            if (View.Selection.SelectedSpans.Count == 1)
                word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(View.Selection.Start.Position);

                if (word.Span.Equals(View.Selection.SelectedSpans[0]))
                    RequestedPoint = View.Selection.Start.Position;
        void UpdateWordAdornments()
            //Find the new spans

            FindData findData = new FindData("select * from t", RequestedPoint.Snapshot);

            findData.FindOptions = FindOptions.WholeWord | FindOptions.MatchCase;
            List <SnapshotSpan> wordSpans = new List <SnapshotSpan>();

            SnapshotPoint currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
            TextExtent    word           = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);
            SnapshotSpan  currentWord    = word.Span;

            //need to send the text to sql and get back the costs, only when toggled on though
            //or if text changed since last got it i.e. need some sort of cache then fill the spans :)

            //If another change hasn't happened, do a real update
            if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans), currentWord);
        protected override void HandlePostExec(ref Guid commandGroup, uint commandId, uint executionOptions, IntPtr pvaIn, IntPtr pvaOut)
            if (commandGroup == VsMenus.guidStandardCommandSet2K)
                switch ((VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID)commandId)
                case VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.TYPECHAR:
                    //case VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.BACKSPACE:
                    //case VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.TAB:
                    //case VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.BACKTAB:
                    //case VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.DELETE:
                    char typedChar = Convert.ToChar(Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant(pvaIn));
                    switch (typedChar)
                    /* currently only implemented for $ references */
                    //case '@':
                    //case ':':
                    case '$':
                        //case '.':
                        SnapshotPoint currentPosition = TextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition;
                        TextExtent    wordExtent      = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentPosition);
                        SnapshotSpan  wordSpan        = wordExtent.Span;
                        if (wordExtent.Span.Start >= currentPosition)
                            wordExtent = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentPosition - 1);
                            wordSpan   = wordExtent.Span;

                        if (wordSpan.End == currentPosition && wordSpan.Length <= 2)
                            string wordText = wordSpan.GetText();
                            switch (wordText)
                            case "@":
                            case "$":
                                ITrackingPoint triggerPoint = currentPosition.Snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(currentPosition, PointTrackingMode.Positive);
                                base.Controller.TriggerCompletion(triggerPoint, CompletionInfoType.AutoListMemberInfo, IntellisenseInvocationType.IdentifierChar);

                            case ".":
                            case "::":
                                ITrackingPoint triggerPoint = currentPosition.Snapshot.CreateTrackingPoint(currentPosition, PointTrackingMode.Positive);
                                base.Controller.TriggerCompletion(triggerPoint, CompletionInfoType.AutoListMemberInfo, IntellisenseInvocationType.ShowMemberList);





            base.HandlePostExec(ref commandGroup, commandId, executionOptions, pvaIn, pvaOut);
        private void OnSelectionChanged(object sender, object e)
                String selectedText = this.View.Selection.StreamSelectionSpan.GetText();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedText) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectedText))
                    // where are we
                    SnapshotPoint       currentRequest = this.View.Selection.Start.Position;
                    List <SnapshotSpan> wordSpans      = new List <SnapshotSpan>();
                    // Search for me please
                    TextExtent word      = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);
                    bool       foundWord = true;
                    if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                        //Same context ?
                        if (word.Span.Start != currentRequest ||
                            currentRequest == currentRequest.GetContainingLine().Start ||
                            char.IsWhiteSpace((currentRequest - 1).GetChar()))
                            foundWord = false;
                            // Move back, and start again
                            word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest - 1);

                            //If the word still isn't valid, we're done
                            if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                                foundWord = false;

                    if (!foundWord)
                        //If we couldn't find a word, clear out the existing markers
                        SynchronousUpdate(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection());
                    SnapshotSpan currentWord = word.Span;
                    selectedWord = this.View.Selection.StreamSelectionSpan.SnapshotSpan;

                    //If this is the current word, and the caret moved within a word, we're done.
                    if (!(selectedWord.HasValue && currentWord == selectedWord))
                    //Find the new spans
                    FindData findData = new FindData(currentWord.GetText(), currentWord.Snapshot);
                    findData.FindOptions = FindOptions.WholeWord | FindOptions.MatchCase;
                    // Values are zero-based
                    SnapshotPoint point = View.Caret.Position.BufferPosition;
                    // Retrieve the XFile
                    XSharpModel.XFile xFile = this.View.TextBuffer.GetFile();
                    if (xFile != null)
                        // Now, retrieve the current member
                        XSharpModel.XMemberDefinition member = XSharpTokenTools.FindMemberAtPosition(point.Position, xFile);
                        if (member == null)
                        // Ok, so we now have the "range" of the Member, and will only select text in THIS member
                        SnapshotSpan memberSpan = new SnapshotSpan(currentWord.Snapshot, member.Interval.Start, member.Interval.Width);
                        // Get all the corresponding Words
                        Collection <SnapshotSpan> allFound    = TextSearchService.FindAll(findData);
                        Collection <SnapshotSpan> memberFound = new Collection <SnapshotSpan>();
                        foreach (SnapshotSpan ssp in allFound)
                            // Inside the Member ?
                            if (memberSpan.Contains(ssp))
                        // Show please
                        SynchronousUpdate(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans));
            catch (Exception ex)
                XSettings.DisplayOutputMessage("HighlightWordTag Exception: " + ex.Message);
        protected override void UpdateWordAdornments()
                var dte = (DTE)VsServiceProvider.Get(typeof(DTE));

                if (dte.ActiveDocument == null)

                if (RequestedPoint.Snapshot.ContentType.TypeName != "SQL Server Tools" || !RequestedPoint.Snapshot.ContentType.BaseTypes.Any(p => p.IsOfType("code")))

                    var store = CodeCoverageStore.Get;

                    var path = dte.ActiveDocument.FullName;

                    if (store.ObjectsInFile(path) == null)

                    var yellowWordSpans = new List <SnapshotSpan>();
                    var redWordSpans    = new List <SnapshotSpan>();

                    if (null != store && CodeCoverageTaggerSettings.Enabled)
                        var documentKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}", RequestedPoint.Snapshot.Length, RequestedPoint.Snapshot.Version.VersionNumber);

                        var script = GetCurrentDocumentText(dte);

                        foreach (var proc in ScriptDom.GetProcedures(script))
                            var name = proc?.ProcedureReference.Name.ToNameString();

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                            var statements = store.GetCoveredStatements(name, path);

                            if (statements == null)

                            if (statements.Any(p => p.TimeStamp < File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path)))

                            foreach (var statement in statements)
                                var offset = proc.StartOffset + (int)statement.Offset;
                                if (offset + statement.Length > script.Length)
                                    continue; //bad things!
                                if (statement.Length > -1)
                                    var span = new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(RequestedPoint.Snapshot, offset), (int)statement.Length + 1);
                                    var span = new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(RequestedPoint.Snapshot, offset), (proc.FragmentLength - offset));

                        foreach (var proc in ScriptDom.GetFunctions(script))
                            var name = proc?.Name.ToNameString();

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))

                            var statements = store.GetCoveredStatements(name, path);

                            if (statements == null)

                            foreach (var statement in statements)
                                var offset = proc.StartOffset + (int)statement.Offset;
                                if (offset + statement.Length > script.Length)
                                    continue; //bad things!
                                if (statement.Length > -1)
                                    var span = new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(RequestedPoint.Snapshot, offset), (int)statement.Length + 1);
                                    var span = new SnapshotSpan(new SnapshotPoint(RequestedPoint.Snapshot, offset), (proc.FragmentLength - offset) + 1);

                        if (documentKey != string.Format("{0}:{1}", RequestedPoint.Snapshot.Length, RequestedPoint.Snapshot.Version.VersionNumber))

                    var currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
                    var word           = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);
                    var currentWord    = word.Span;

                    //If another change hasn't happened, do a real update
                    if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                        SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(yellowWordSpans), new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(redWordSpans), currentWord);

                catch (Exception)
                    // MessageBox.Show("2 - e : " + e.Message + " \r\n " + e.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception)
                // MessageBox.Show("2 - e : " + e.Message + " \r\n " + e.StackTrace);
        private void UpdateWordAdornments(object threadContext)
            if (!Enabled)

            Enabled = false;

            SnapshotPoint currentRequest = RequestedPoint;

            List <SnapshotSpan> wordSpans = new List <SnapshotSpan>();

            // Find all words in the buffer like the one the caret is on
            TextExtent word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);

            bool foundWord = true;

            // If we've selected something not worth highlighting, we might have
            // missed a "word" by a little bit
            if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                // Before we retry, make sure it is worthwhile
                if (word.Span.Start != currentRequest ||
                    currentRequest == currentRequest.GetContainingLine().Start ||
                    char.IsWhiteSpace((currentRequest - 1).GetChar()))
                    foundWord = false;
                    // Try again, one character previous.  If the caret is at the end of a word, then
                    // this will pick up the word we are at the end of.
                    word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest - 1);

                    // If we still aren't valid the second time around, we're done
                    if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                        foundWord = false;

            if (!foundWord)
                // If we couldn't find a word, just clear out the existing markers
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            SnapshotSpan currentWord = word.Span;

            // If this is the same word we currently have, we're done (e.g. caret moved within a word).
            if (CurrentWord.HasValue && currentWord == CurrentWord)

            /* Find spans using simple text search....
             * FindData findData = new FindData(currentWord.GetText(), currentWord.Snapshot);
             * findData.FindOptions = FindOptions.WholeWord | FindOptions.MatchCase;
             * wordSpans.AddRange(TextSearchService.FindAll(findData));

            // Verify current word is a grammar symbol.
            //  Now, check for valid classification type.
            string classification = null;

            ClassificationSpan[] c1 = _aggregator.GetClassificationSpans(currentWord).ToArray();
            foreach (ClassificationSpan cl in c1)
                classification = cl.ClassificationType.Classification.ToLower();
                if (classification == AntlrVSIX.Constants.ClassificationNameTerminal)
                else if (classification == AntlrVSIX.Constants.ClassificationNameNonterminal)
            if (classification == null)

            SnapshotSpan span = currentWord;
            ITextView    view = this.View;

            // First, find out what this view is, and what the file is.
            ITextBuffer   buffer = view.TextBuffer;
            ITextDocument doc    = buffer.GetTextDocument();
            string        path   = doc.FilePath;

            List <IToken> where = new List <IToken>();
            List <ParserDetails> where_details = new List <ParserDetails>();
            IToken token = null;

            foreach (var kvp in ParserDetails._per_file_parser_details)
                string        file_name = kvp.Key;
                ParserDetails details   = kvp.Value;
                if (classification == AntlrVSIX.Constants.ClassificationNameNonterminal)
                    var it = details._ant_nonterminals.Where(
                        (t) => t.Text == span.GetText());
                    foreach (var i in it)
                else if (classification == AntlrVSIX.Constants.ClassificationNameTerminal)
                    var it = details._ant_terminals.Where(
                        (t) => t.Text == span.GetText());
                    foreach (var i in it)
                else if (classification == AntlrVSIX.Constants.ClassificationNameLiteral)
                    var it = details._ant_literals.Where(
                        (t) => t.Text == span.GetText());
                    foreach (var i in it)
            if (!where.Any())

            // Populate the Antlr find results model/window with file/line/col info
            // for each occurrence.
            var results = new List <Entry>();

            for (int i = 0; i < where.Count; ++i)
                IToken        x = where[i];
                ParserDetails y = where_details[i];
                var           w = new Entry()
                    FileName = y.full_file_name, LineNumber = x.Line, ColumnNumber = x.Column, Token = x

            // Now, for all entries which are in this buffer, highlight.
            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; ++i)
                var w = results[i];
                if (w.FileName == path)
                    // Create new span in the appropriate view.
                    ITextSnapshot cc = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                    SnapshotSpan  ss = new SnapshotSpan(cc, w.Token.StartIndex, 1 + w.Token.StopIndex - w.Token.StartIndex);
                    SnapshotPoint sp = ss.Start;

            // If we are still up-to-date (another change hasn't happened yet), do a real update
            if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans), currentWord);

            // Call up the rename dialog box. In another thread because
            // of "The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this."
            // error.
            Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate {
                RenameDialogBox inputDialog = new RenameDialogBox(currentWord.GetText());
                if (inputDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    var new_name = inputDialog.Answer;
                    // Replace all occurrences of symbol, working backwards.
                    foreach (Entry e in results)
                        string file_name   = e.FileName;
                        var pd             = ParserDetails._per_file_parser_details[file_name];
                        IVsTextView vstv   = IVsTextViewExtensions.GetIVsTextView(file_name);
                        IWpfTextView wpftv = vstv.GetIWpfTextView();
                        if (wpftv == null)
                            // File has not been opened before! Open file in editor.
                            vstv  = IVsTextViewExtensions.GetIVsTextView(file_name);
                            wpftv = vstv.GetIWpfTextView();
                        ITextBuffer tb   = wpftv.TextBuffer;
                        ITextSnapshot cc = tb.CurrentSnapshot;
                        SnapshotSpan ss  = new SnapshotSpan(cc, e.Token.StartIndex, 1 + e.Token.StopIndex - e.Token.StartIndex);
                        SnapshotPoint sp = ss.Start;
                        tb.Replace(ss, new_name);

                    // Reparse everything.
                    foreach (string f in results.Select((e) => e.FileName).Distinct())
                        ParserDetails foo = new ParserDetails();
                        ParserDetails._per_file_parser_details[f] = foo;
                        IVsTextView vstv   = IVsTextViewExtensions.GetIVsTextView(f);
                        IWpfTextView wpftv = vstv.GetIWpfTextView();
                        if (wpftv == null)
                        ITextBuffer tb = wpftv.TextBuffer;
                        foo.Parse(tb.GetBufferText(), f);
        void UpdateWordAdornments()
            SnapshotPoint       currentRequest = RequestedPoint;
            List <SnapshotSpan> wordSpans      = new List <SnapshotSpan>();
            //Find all words in the buffer like the one the caret is on
            TextExtent word      = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);
            bool       foundWord = true;

            //If we've selected something not worth highlighting, we might have missed a "word" by a little bit
            if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                //Before we retry, make sure it is worthwhile
                if (word.Span.Start != currentRequest ||
                    currentRequest == currentRequest.GetContainingLine().Start ||
                    char.IsWhiteSpace((currentRequest - 1).GetChar()))
                    foundWord = false;
                    // Try again, one character previous.
                    //If the caret is at the end of a word, pick up the word.
                    word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest - 1);

                    //If the word still isn't valid, we're done
                    if (!WordExtentIsValid(currentRequest, word))
                        foundWord = false;

            IScopedObject found = null;

            if (foundWord) // see if it's an identifier
                if (nodeProvider.LastValidTree != null)
                    string text = word.Span.GetText();
                    // check functions
                    if (nodeProvider.Funcs == null || (found = nodeProvider.Funcs.FirstOrDefault(func => func.Name == text)) == null)
                        IEnumerable <Field> fields = nodeProvider.GetFields(currentRequest);
                        if (fields == null || (found = fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == text)) == null ||
                            !found.References.Any(f => f.Location.Position <= word.Span.Start.Position && f.Span.EndPosition >= word.Span.End.Position)
                            foundWord = false;

            if (!foundWord)
                //If we couldn't find a word, clear out the existing markers
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            SnapshotSpan currentWord = word.Span;

            //If this is the current word, and the caret moved within a word, we're done.
            if (CurrentWord.HasValue && currentWord == CurrentWord)

            //Find the new spans
            FindData findData = new FindData(currentWord.GetText(), currentWord.Snapshot);

            findData.FindOptions = FindOptions.WholeWord | FindOptions.MatchCase;

            IEnumerable <SnapshotSpan> spans = TextSearchService.FindAll(findData);

            if (found != null && found.References != null)
                spans = spans.Where(span => found.References.Any(f => f.Location.Position <= span.Start.Position && f.Span.EndPosition >= span.End.Position));


            //If another change hasn't happened, do a real update
            if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans), currentWord);
        void UpdateWordAdornments()
            SnapshotPoint currentRequest = RequestedPoint;

            var document = View.TextSnapshot.TextBuffer.GetRelatedDocuments().FirstOrDefault();

            if (document == null)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            var syntaxTree = document.GetSyntaxTreeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var root       = syntaxTree.GetRoot();

            SyntaxNodeOrToken token = root.FindToken(currentRequest.Position);

            var line = View.TextSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(currentRequest.Position);
            SyntaxNodeOrToken lineSyntax = root.FindNode(TextSpan.FromBounds(line.Start, line.End));
            var nodes = lineSyntax.ChildNodesAndTokens();

            var methods = new List <SyntaxNodeOrToken>();

            TraversideNodes(nodes, methods);

            if (!methods.Any())
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);
            var               idx            = -1;
            TextSpan          currentArgSpan = TextSpan.FromBounds(0, 0);
            SyntaxNodeOrToken _sqlSyntax     = null;

            foreach (var method in methods)
                var _argsSyntax = ((SyntaxNodeOrToken)method.Parent).GetNextSibling().ChildNodesAndTokens().Where(p => p.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Argument));
                foreach (var _arg in _argsSyntax)
                    if (_arg.Span.Start <= currentRequest.Position && currentRequest.Position <= _arg.Span.End)
                        currentArgSpan = _arg.Span;
                        var dot = method.GetPreviousSibling();
                        if (!dot.IsKind(SyntaxKind.DotToken))
                            SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);
                        _sqlSyntax = dot.GetPreviousSibling();
            if (idx == -1 || !_sqlSyntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression))
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            //SyntaxNodeOrToken argsSyntax = null;

            //if (token.Parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ArgumentList))
            //    argsSyntax = token.Parent;
            //    argsSyntax = ((SyntaxNodeOrToken)token.Parent?.Parent).GetPreviousSibling().Parent;//此情况是光标在具体某个参数上

            //if (argsSyntax.RawKind == 0)
            //    argsSyntax = ((SyntaxNodeOrToken)token.Parent?.Parent?.Parent).GetPreviousSibling().Parent;

            //if (argsSyntax == null || !argsSyntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ArgumentList))
            //    SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);
            //    return;

            //var expression = argsSyntax.GetPreviousSibling();

            //#region 判断是不是拼接sql的方法(Splice)
            //var syntax = expression.ChildNodesAndTokens();
            //if (syntax.Count != 3)
            //    SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);
            //    return;
            //if (!syntax.First().IsKind(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression) || !syntax.Last().IsKind(SyntaxKind.IdentifierName) || !syntax.Last().ToFullString().Equals("Splice", StringComparison.Ordinal))
            //    SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);
            //    return;
            //var args = argsSyntax.ChildNodesAndTokens().Where(p => p.IsKind(SyntaxKind.Argument)).ToList();
            //var pointer = token.Span.Start;

            //foreach (var arg in args)
            //    idx++;
            //    if (arg.Span.Start >= pointer && pointer <= arg.Span.End)
            //        break;

            //var sqlSyntax = syntax.First();

            var sql        = _sqlSyntax.ToString();
            var startIdx   = -1;
            var endIdx     = -1;
            var currentIdx = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i <= idx; i++)
                startIdx = sql.IndexOf("{", currentIdx);
                if (startIdx == -1)
                endIdx = sql.IndexOf("}", startIdx);
                if (endIdx == -1)
                currentIdx = endIdx;
            if (startIdx == -1 || endIdx == -1)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(), null);

            List <SnapshotSpan> wordSpans = new List <SnapshotSpan>();

            //wordSpans.Add(new SnapshotSpan(View.TextSnapshot, currentArgSpan.Start, currentArgSpan.End - currentArgSpan.Start));
            wordSpans.Add(new SnapshotSpan(View.TextSnapshot, _sqlSyntax.Span.Start + startIdx, endIdx - startIdx + 1));

            //Find all words in the buffer like the one the caret is on
            TextExtent word = TextStructureNavigator.GetExtentOfWord(currentRequest);

            SnapshotSpan currentWord = word.Span;

            //If this is the current word, and the caret moved within a word, we're done.
            if (CurrentWord.HasValue && currentWord == CurrentWord)

            //If another change hasn't happened, do a real update
            if (currentRequest == RequestedPoint)
                SynchronousUpdate(currentRequest, new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(wordSpans), currentWord);