private static void CCGiveRandomItems(ConCommandArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { return; } if (args.senderMasterObject) { Inventory component = args.senderMasterObject.GetComponent <Inventory>(); if (component) { try { int num; TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[0], out num); if (num > 0) { WeightedSelection <List <PickupIndex> > weightedSelection = new WeightedSelection <List <PickupIndex> >(8); weightedSelection.AddChoice(Run.instance.availableTier1DropList, 80f); weightedSelection.AddChoice(Run.instance.availableTier2DropList, 19f); weightedSelection.AddChoice(Run.instance.availableTier3DropList, 1f); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { List <PickupIndex> list = weightedSelection.Evaluate(UnityEngine.Random.value); component.GiveItem(list[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, list.Count)].itemIndex, 1); } } } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } }
private static void CCGiveMoney(ConCommandArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { return; } if (args.senderMasterObject) { CharacterMaster component = args.senderMasterObject.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>(); if (component) { try { int num = 1; if (args.Count > 0) { TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[0], out num); } += (uint)num; } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } }
private static void CCUseSeed(ConCommandArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { string s = "Current Seed is "; if (PreGameController.instance) { s += PreGameController.instance.runSeed; } else { s += (seed == 0) ? "random" : seed.ToString(); } Log.Message(s); return; } args.CheckArgumentCount(1); if (!TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[0], out ulong result)) { throw new ConCommandException("Specified seed is not a parsable uint64."); } if (PreGameController.instance) { PreGameController.instance.runSeed = (result == 0) ? RoR2Application.rng.nextUlong : result; } seed = result; Log.Message($"Seed set to {((seed == 0) ? "vanilla generation" : seed.ToString())}."); }
public static IEnumerator Setup() { ready = false; var hudConVar = RoR2.Console.instance.FindConVar("hud_scale"); if (Config.UI.useHUDScale) { if (hudConVar != null && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(hudConVar.GetString(), out float num)) { hudScale = num / 100f; } } else { hudScale = Config.UI.overrideHUDScale; } while (!ready) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); if (LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser() != null && LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser()?.cameraRigController?.hud != null) { screenSize = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser()?.cameraRigController?.hud.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta ?? new Vector2(0,0); if (!(screenSize.x <= 1 || screenSize.y <= 1)) { ready = true; }; } } }
private static void CCGiveMoney(ConCommandArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { return; } if (!TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[0], out uint result)) { return; } if (args.Count < 2 || args[1].ToLower() != "all") { CharacterMaster master = args.sender.master; if (args.Count >= 2) { NetworkUser player = GetNetUserFromString(args[1]); if (player != null) { master = player.master; } } master.GiveMoney(result); } else { TeamManager.instance.GiveTeamMoney(args.sender.master.teamIndex, result); } Log.Message("$$$"); }
private static void CCSplitscreenModNoKeyboard(ConCommandArgs args) { int num = 2; int value; if (args.Count >= 1 && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[0], out value)) { num = Mathf.Clamp(value, 1, 4); } if (! { UserProfile mainProfile = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser().userProfile; LocalUserManager.ClearUsers(); LocalUserManager.LocalUserInitializationInfo[] array = new LocalUserManager.LocalUserInitializationInfo[num]; array[0].player = ReInput.players.GetPlayer(2); array[0].profile = mainProfile; if (array[0].profile == null) { array[0].profile = UserProfile.CreateGuestProfile(); print("SplitscreenMod: Profile could not be loaded. Using guest profile."); } for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) { array[i] = new LocalUserManager.LocalUserInitializationInfo { player = ReInput.players.GetPlayer(2 + i), profile = UserProfile.CreateGuestProfile() }; } LocalUserManager.SetLocalUsers(array); } }
// Methods private void Awake() { questUI = Instantiate(Core.assetBundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>("Assets/QuestUI.prefab")); var hudConVar = RoR2.Console.instance.FindConVar("hud_scale"); if (Questing.Config.useGameHudScale) { if (hudConVar != null && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(hudConVar.GetString(), out float num)) { hudScale = num / 100f; } } else { hudScale = 1f; } iconBorder = questUI.transform.Find("iconBorder"); backgroundBorder = questUI.transform.Find("backgroundBorder"); infoBackground = questUI.transform.Find("background"); objectiveIconHolder = iconBorder.Find("icon"); titleField = infoBackground.Find("title"); descriptionField = infoBackground.Find("description"); rewardField = infoBackground.Find("reward"); equipIconBorder = infoBackground.Find("equipIconBorder"); equipIconHolder = equipIconBorder.Find("equipIcon"); progressBackground = infoBackground.Find("progressBackground"); progressBarPrimary = progressBackground.Find("progressBarPrimary"); progressBarSecondary = progressBackground.Find("progressBarSecondary"); progressField = progressBackground.Find("progress"); primaryBarTransform = progressBarPrimary.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); secondaryBarTransform = progressBarSecondary.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); }
private static void CCGiveItem(ConCommandArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { return; } if (args.senderMasterObject) { Inventory component = args.senderMasterObject.GetComponent <Inventory>(); if (component) { try { int count = 1; if (args.Count > 1) { TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[1], out count); } component.GiveItem((ItemIndex)Enum.Parse(typeof(ItemIndex), args[0]), count); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } }
private static void CCTimeScale(ConCommandArgs args) { if (args.Count == 0) { Log.Message(Time.timeScale); return; } if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(args[0], out float scale)) { Time.timeScale = scale; Log.Message("Time scale set to " + scale); } else { Log.Message("Incorrect arguments. Try: time_scale 0.5"); } NetworkWriter networkWriter = new NetworkWriter(); networkWriter.StartMessage(101); networkWriter.Write((double)Time.timeScale); networkWriter.FinishMessage(); NetworkServer.SendWriterToReady(null, networkWriter, QosChannelIndex.time.intVal); }
private void RecalcBarRect() { this.width = Screen.width; this.height = Screen.height; TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(this.scaleVar.GetString(), out this.scale); Single barWidth = this.width * this.barWidthFrac * this.scale / 100; Single barHeight = this.height * this.barHeightFrac * this.scale / 100; Single spaceSize = barHeight * this.spaceFrac / 10; Single barSize = spaceSize * this.boxHeightFrac; this.boxesSpacing = spaceSize; this.boxesH = barSize; this.boxesW = barWidth; this.boxesStartH = this.width * this.barPosHFrac; Single barV = this.height * this.barPosVFrac; this.boxesStartV = barV - (barHeight / 4f); this.texW = Mathf.CeilToInt(this.boxesW / 2f); this.texH = Mathf.CeilToInt(this.boxesH / 2f); for (Int32 i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.boxes[i] = new Rect(this.boxesStartH, this.boxesStartV + (i * (spaceSize)), this.boxesW, this.boxesH); } this.CreateTextures(); }
// Token: 0x0600193D RID: 6461 RVA: 0x0006CF7C File Offset: 0x0006B17C public override void SetString(string newValue) { string[] array = newValue.Split(new char[] { 'x' }); int width; if (array.Length < 1 || !TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(array[0], out width)) { throw new ConCommandException("Invalid resolution format. No width integer. Example: \"1920x1080x60\"."); } int height; if (array.Length < 2 || !TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(array[1], out height)) { throw new ConCommandException("Invalid resolution format. No height integer. Example: \"1920x1080x60\"."); } int preferredRefreshRate; if (array.Length < 3 || !TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(array[2], out preferredRefreshRate)) { throw new ConCommandException("Invalid resolution format. No refresh rate integer. Example: \"1920x1080x60\"."); } Screen.SetResolution(width, height, Screen.fullScreenMode, preferredRefreshRate); }
// Token: 0x060023AE RID: 9134 RVA: 0x000A7C67 File Offset: 0x000A5E67 private void OnSliderValueChanged(float newValue) { if (base.inUpdateControls) { return; } base.SubmitSetting(TextSerialization.ToStringInvariant(newValue)); }
// Token: 0x06001B2F RID: 6959 RVA: 0x0007F604 File Offset: 0x0007D804 protected override string RebuildValue() { if (this.groupId == CSteamID.nil) { return(null); } return(TextSerialization.ToStringInvariant(this.groupId.value)); }
// Token: 0x0600197F RID: 6527 RVA: 0x0006D7B0 File Offset: 0x0006B9B0 public override string GetString() { if (!SettingsConVars.PpGammaConVar.colorGradingSettings) { return("0"); } return(TextSerialization.ToStringInvariant(SettingsConVars.PpGammaConVar.colorGradingSettings.gamma.value.w)); }
// Token: 0x0600197E RID: 6526 RVA: 0x0006D778 File Offset: 0x0006B978 public override void SetString(string newValue) { float w; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out w) && SettingsConVars.PpGammaConVar.colorGradingSettings) { SettingsConVars.PpGammaConVar.colorGradingSettings.gamma.value.w = w; } }
// Token: 0x0600197A RID: 6522 RVA: 0x0006D6DC File Offset: 0x0006B8DC public override void SetString(string newValue) { int num; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out num) && SettingsConVars.PpAOConVar.settings) { = (num == 0); } }
// Token: 0x0600196A RID: 6506 RVA: 0x0006D470 File Offset: 0x0006B670 public override void SetString(string newValue) { float shadowDistance; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out shadowDistance)) { QualitySettings.shadowDistance = shadowDistance; } }
// Token: 0x06001966 RID: 6502 RVA: 0x0006D42C File Offset: 0x0006B62C public override void SetString(string newValue) { int shadowCascades; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out shadowCascades)) { QualitySettings.shadowCascades = shadowCascades; } }
// Token: 0x0600195A RID: 6490 RVA: 0x0006D2DC File Offset: 0x0006B4DC public override void SetString(string newValue) { int masterTextureLimit; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out masterTextureLimit)) { QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = masterTextureLimit; } }
// Token: 0x06001956 RID: 6486 RVA: 0x0006D298 File Offset: 0x0006B498 public override void SetString(string newValue) { int maximumLODLevel; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out maximumLODLevel)) { QualitySettings.maximumLODLevel = maximumLODLevel; } }
// Token: 0x06000B48 RID: 2888 RVA: 0x00037DC0 File Offset: 0x00035FC0 public override void SetString(string newValue) { float value; if (AkSoundEngine.IsInitialized() && TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out value)) { AkSoundEngine.SetRTPCValue(this.rtpcName, Mathf.Clamp(value, 0f, 100f)); } }
// Token: 0x0600194A RID: 6474 RVA: 0x0006D19C File Offset: 0x0006B39C public override void SetString(string newValue) { int num; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out num)) { QualitySettings.softParticles = (num != 0); } }
// Token: 0x06001935 RID: 6453 RVA: 0x0006CE68 File Offset: 0x0006B068 public override void SetString(string newValue) { int vSyncCount; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out vSyncCount)) { QualitySettings.vSyncCount = vSyncCount; } }
// Token: 0x06001942 RID: 6466 RVA: 0x0006D0D0 File Offset: 0x0006B2D0 public override void SetString(string newValue) { int targetFrameRate; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out targetFrameRate)) { Application.targetFrameRate = targetFrameRate; } }
// Token: 0x06002538 RID: 9528 RVA: 0x000AEC90 File Offset: 0x000ACE90 public override void SetString(string newValue) { int num; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out num)) { this.value = (num != 0); } }
// Token: 0x0600253D RID: 9533 RVA: 0x000AECD8 File Offset: 0x000ACED8 public override void SetString(string newValue) { int value; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out value)) { this.value = value; } }
// Token: 0x06000B4B RID: 2891 RVA: 0x00037E48 File Offset: 0x00036048 public override void SetString(string newValue) { int num; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out num)) { AkSoundEngineController.s_MuteOnFocusLost = (num != 0); } }
// Token: 0x06001952 RID: 6482 RVA: 0x0006D254 File Offset: 0x0006B454 public override void SetString(string newValue) { float lodBias; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out lodBias)) { QualitySettings.lodBias = lodBias; } }
public override void SetString(string newValue) { float num; if (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(newValue, out num) && !float.IsNaN(num) && !float.IsInfinity(num)) { this.value = num; } }
public void FixedUpdate() { Single temp = 0f; if (Screen.width != this.width || Screen.height != this.height || (TextSerialization.TryParseInvariant(this.scaleVar.GetString(), out temp) && temp != this.scale)) { this.RecalcBarRect(); } }