private void AskServerAddress() { TextPrompt p = new TextPrompt() { PromptTitle = "Server Address", Hint = "", Text = m_config.Address, Keyboard = Keyboard.Url }; p.OnPromptSaved += new Prompt.PromptClosedEventListener(() => { if (p.Text != "") { //append a '/' if (!p.Text.EndsWith("/")) { p.Text += "/"; } //append scheme if (!p.Text.StartsWith("http://") && !p.Text.StartsWith("https://")) { p.Text = "http://" + p.Text; } //set the address m_config.Address = p.Text; //initialize the app Initialize(); //display toast DependencyService.Get <INotification>().ShortAlert("Server address saved, you may now log in"); } }); p.Show(this); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public bool Show(IAnsiConsole console) { var prompt = new TextPrompt <char>(_prompt) .InvalidChoiceMessage(InvalidChoiceMessage) .ValidationErrorMessage(InvalidChoiceMessage) .ShowChoices(ShowChoices) .ShowDefaultValue(ShowDefaultValue) .DefaultValue(Yes) .AddChoice(Yes) .AddChoice(No); var result = prompt.Show(console); return(result == Yes); }
private void DrawProxyNames() { using (new EditorHelper.Horizontal()) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Proxy names", GUILayout.Width(128), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (EditorHelper.MiniButton("Add", 64)) { TextPrompt textPrompt = EditorWindow.GetWindow <TextPrompt>(); textPrompt.textLabel = "Name"; textPrompt.textValidator = s => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { return(false); } foreach (Proxy proxy in proxies) { string proxyName =; if (proxyName.Equals(s)) { return(false); } } return(true); }; textPrompt.onTextValueApplied = (s, o) => { proxies.Add(new Proxy() { id = ++proxyCounter, name = s }); editor.Focus(); }; textPrompt.Show(); } } int indexToRemove = -1; using (new EditorHelper.IndentPadding(20)) { for (int i = 0; i < proxies.Count; i++) { string oldName = proxies[i].name; using (new EditorHelper.Horizontal()) { EditorGUILayout.TextField("Id " + proxies[i].id, oldName, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false), GUILayout.Width(256)); if (EditorHelper.MiniButton("-")) { indexToRemove = i; } if (EditorHelper.MiniButton("Rename")) { TextPrompt textPrompt = EditorWindow.GetWindow <TextPrompt>(); textPrompt.obj = new object[] { proxies, i, oldName }; textPrompt.textLabel = "New name"; textPrompt.text = oldName; textPrompt.textValidator = s => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { return(false); } foreach (Proxy proxy in proxies) { string groupName =; if (groupName.Equals(s)) { return(false); } } return(true); }; textPrompt.onTextValueApplied = (s, o) => { List <Proxy> _proxies = (List <Proxy>)o[0]; int index = (int)o[1]; _proxies[index].name = s; editor.Focus(); }; textPrompt.Show(); } } } } if (indexToRemove != -1) { proxies.RemoveAt(indexToRemove); } }
private void DrawMaterialNames() { using (new EditorHelper.Horizontal()) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Group names", GUILayout.Width(128), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (EditorHelper.MiniButton("Add", 64)) { TextPrompt textPrompt = EditorWindow.GetWindow <TextPrompt>(); textPrompt.textLabel = "Name"; textPrompt.textValidator = s => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { return(false); } foreach (string groupName in groupNames) { if (groupName.Equals(s)) { return(false); } } return(true); }; textPrompt.onTextValueApplied = (s, o) => { groupCounter++; groupNames.Add(s); ids.Add(groupCounter); editor.Focus(); }; textPrompt.Show(); } } int indexToRemove = -1; using (new EditorHelper.IndentPadding(20)) { for (int i = 0; i < groupNames.Count; i++) { string oldName = groupNames[i]; using (new EditorHelper.Horizontal()) { EditorGUILayout.TextField("#" + ids[i], oldName, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false), GUILayout.Width(256)); if (EditorHelper.MiniButton("-")) { if (IsIdInUse(ids[i])) { DLog.Log($"Group name {oldName} is in use, cannot delete"); return; } indexToRemove = i; } if (EditorHelper.MiniButton("Rename")) { TextPrompt textPrompt = EditorWindow.GetWindow <TextPrompt>(); textPrompt.obj = new object[] { groupNames, i, oldName }; textPrompt.textLabel = "New name"; textPrompt.text = oldName; textPrompt.textValidator = s => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { return(false); } foreach (string groupName in groupNames) { if (groupName.Equals(s)) { return(false); } } return(true); }; textPrompt.onTextValueApplied = (s, o) => { List <string> _groupNames = (List <string>)o[0]; int index = (int)o[1]; _groupNames[index] = s; editor.Focus(); }; textPrompt.Show(); } } } } if (indexToRemove != -1) { groupNames.RemoveAt(indexToRemove); ids.RemoveAt(indexToRemove); } }
private void ToolbarClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolbarItem tappedItem = sender as ToolbarItem; if (tappedItem == m_mnuProjectInfo) { ProjectInfoPage p = new ProjectInfoPage(); p.Description.Text = m_proj.Description; p.Title = this.Title; ((NavigationPage)m_mdp.Detail).PushAsync(p); } else if (tappedItem == m_mnuDelProj) { Prompt p = new Prompt() { PromptTitle = "Are you sure?", PositiveButtonText = "Yes", NegativeButtonText = "No" }; p.OnPromptSaved += new Prompt.PromptClosedEventListener(() => { DeleteCommand cmd = new DeleteCommand() { Title = m_proj.ID }; cmd.OnResponseReceived += new APICommand.ResponseReceivedHandler((response) => { if ((string)response.GetValue("result") != "success") { DependencyService.Get <INotification>().ShortAlert("ERROR: " + (string)response.GetValue("msg")); return; } //update the project list ((MainPage)m_mdp).DeleteProject(m_proj); //go back to the home page ((MainPage)m_mdp).DisplayHome(); }); CondorAPI.getInstance().Execute(cmd); }); p.Show(m_mdp); } else if (tappedItem == m_mnuAddMember) { TextPrompt p = new TextPrompt() { PromptTitle = "Enter a Mattermost User ID", Hint = "user_id", PositiveButtonText = "Add", NegativeButtonText = "Cancel", Keyboard = Keyboard.Plain }; p.OnPromptSaved += new Prompt.PromptClosedEventListener(() => { AddMemberCommand cmd = new AddMemberCommand() { Project = m_proj.ID, Member = p.Text }; cmd.OnResponseReceived += new APICommand.ResponseReceivedHandler((response) => { if ((string)response.GetValue("result") != "success") { DependencyService.Get <INotification>().ShortAlert("ERROR: " + (string)response.GetValue("msg")); return; } //update the task with the new member Member newMember = new Member() { Role = Role.MEMBER, ID = p.Text }; m_proj.Members.Add(newMember); //reload the project display ReloadProjectDisplay(); }); CondorAPI.getInstance().Execute(cmd); }); p.Show(m_mdp); } else if (tappedItem == m_mnuCreateTask) { ManageTaskPrompt p = new ManageTaskPrompt(m_proj) { CanAssign = false, CanSetTitle = true, CanDelete = false, PositiveButtonText = "Create", NegativeButtonText = "Cancel" }; p.OnPromptSaved += new Prompt.PromptClosedEventListener(() => { CreateTaskCommand cmd = new CreateTaskCommand() { Project = m_proj.ID, Title = p.TaskTitle, Due = p.Date, Description = p.Description }; cmd.OnResponseReceived += new APICommand.ResponseReceivedHandler((response) => { if ((string)response.GetValue("result") != "success") { DependencyService.Get <INotification>().ShortAlert("ERROR: " + (string)response.GetValue("msg")); return; } //update the project with the new Task Models.Task t = new Models.Task() { Name = p.TaskTitle, Due = p.Date, Description = p.Description }; m_proj.Tasks.Add(t); //reload the project display ReloadProjectDisplay(); }); CondorAPI.getInstance().Execute(cmd); }); p.Show(m_mdp); } }