        public static T CreateBowSpace <T>(bool rmvStopWords, int maxNGramLen, WordWeightType wordWeightType, Language language, int minWordFreq) where T : BowSpace, new()
            Set <string> .ReadOnly langStopWords = null;
            IStemmer stemmer = null;

                TextMiningUtils.GetLanguageTools(language, out langStopWords, out stemmer);

            if (language == Language.Portuguese)
                stemmer = null;

            var bowSpc = new T
                //Logger = logger,
                Tokenizer = new RegexTokenizer
                    TokenRegex =
                        new[] { Language.Russian, Language.Bulgarian, Language.Serbian }.Contains(language)
                                    ? @"[#@$]?([\d_]*[\p{IsBasicLatin}\p{IsLatin-1Supplement}\p{IsLatinExtended-A}\p{IsLatinExtended-B}\p{IsLatinExtendedAdditional}\p{IsCyrillic}\p{IsCyrillicSupplement}-[^\p{L}]][\d_]*){2,}"
                                    : @"[#@$]?([\d_]*[\p{IsBasicLatin}\p{IsLatin-1Supplement}\p{IsLatinExtended-A}\p{IsLatinExtended-B}\p{IsLatinExtendedAdditional}-[^\p{L}]][\d_]*){2,}",
                    IgnoreUnknownTokens = true
                CutLowWeightsPerc = 0,
                MaxNGramLen       = maxNGramLen,
                MinWordFreq       = minWordFreq,
                WordWeightType    = wordWeightType,
                NormalizeVectors  = true,
                Stemmer           = stemmer

            if (langStopWords != null)
                var stopWords = new Set <string>(langStopWords)
                // additional stop words
                if (language == Language.English)
                if (rmvStopWords)
                    bowSpc.StopWords = stopWords;
        public override void Run(object[] args)
            // prepare data
            IStemmer stemmer;

            Set <string> .ReadOnly stopWords;
            TextMiningUtils.GetLanguageTools(Language.English, out stopWords, out stemmer);

            // Create a tokenizer.
            var tokenizer = new UnicodeTokenizer
                MinTokenLen = 2,                            // Each token must be at least 2 characters long.
                Filter      = TokenizerFilter.AlphaStrict   // Tokens can consist of alphabetic characters only.

            // take data for two classes from cvs file
            var data = new List <LabeledTweet>(GetLabeledTweets().Where(lt => lt.Polarity != 2)).ToList();

            // Create a bag-of-words space.
            var bowSpc = new BowSpace
                Tokenizer      = tokenizer,                 // Assign the tokenizer.
                StopWords      = stopWords,                 // Assign the stop words.
                Stemmer        = stemmer,                   // Assign the stemmer.
                MinWordFreq    = 1,                         // A term must appear at least n-times in the corpus for it to be part of the vocabulary.
                MaxNGramLen    = 2,                         // Terms consisting of at most n-consecutive words will be considered.
                WordWeightType = WordWeightType.TermFreq,   // Set the weighting scheme for the bag-of-words vectors to TF.
                //WordWeightType = WordWeightType.TfIdf,  // Set the weighting scheme for the bag-of-words vectors to TF-IDF.
                NormalizeVectors  = true,                   // The TF-IDF vectors will be normalized.
                CutLowWeightsPerc = 0                       // The terms with the lowest weights, summing up to 20% of the overall weight sum, will be removed from each TF-IDF vector.
            ArrayList <SparseVector <double> > bowData = bowSpc.Initialize(data.Select(d => d.Text));

            // label data
            var labeledSet = new LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                labeledSet.Add(data[i].Label, bowData[i]);

            int testSize    = labeledSet.Count / 10;
            var trainingSet = new LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> >(labeledSet.Skip(testSize));
            var testSet     = new LabeledDataset <string, SparseVector <double> >(labeledSet.Take(testSize));

            //-------------------- SVM

            var svmBinClass = new SvmBinaryClassifier <string> {
                VerbosityLevel = SvmLightVerbosityLevel.Off

            if (args.Any())
                svmBinClass.C = (int)args[0];
            //svmBinClass.BiasedHyperplane = true;
            //svmBinClass.CustomParams = "-t 3";   // non-linear kernel
            //svmBinClass.CustomParams = String.Format("-j {0}",j);


            int    correct = 0;
            double avgDist = 0;

            foreach (LabeledExample <string, SparseVector <double> > labeledExample in testSet)
                var prediction = svmBinClass.Predict(labeledExample.Example);
                //Output.WriteLine("actual: {0}\tpredicted: {1}\t score: {2:0.0000}", labeledExample.Label, prediction.BestClassLabel, prediction.BestScore);
                avgDist += prediction.BestScore;
                if (prediction.BestClassLabel == labeledExample.Label)

            Output.WriteLine("Accuracy: {0:0.00}", 100.0 * correct / testSet.Count);
            Output.WriteLine("Avg. distance: {0:0.00}", avgDist / testSet.Count);

            Result.Add("accuracy", (double)correct / testSet.Count);

            Result.Add("classifier", svmBinClass);
            Result.Add("labeled_data", labeledSet);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the stop words and stemmer for English.

            IStemmer stemmer;

            Set <string> .ReadOnly stopWords;
                                             out stopWords, out stemmer);

            // Create a tokenizer.

            UnicodeTokenizer tokenizer = new UnicodeTokenizer();

            tokenizer.MinTokenLen = 2;                      // Each token must be at least 2
            // characters long.
            tokenizer.Filter = TokenizerFilter.AlphaStrict; // Tokens
            // can consist of alphabetic characters only.

            // Load a document corpus from a file. Each line in the file
            // represents one document.

            string[] docs
                = File.ReadAllLines("..\\..\\Data\\YahooFinance.txt");

            // Create a bag-of-words space.

            BowSpace bowSpc = new BowSpace();

            bowSpc.Tokenizer   = tokenizer; // Assign the tokenizer.
            bowSpc.StopWords   = stopWords; // Assign the stop words.
            bowSpc.Stemmer     = stemmer;   // Assign the stemmer.
            bowSpc.MinWordFreq = 3;         // A term must appear at least 3
            // times in the corpus for it to be part of the
            // vocabulary.
            bowSpc.MaxNGramLen = 3;                       // Terms consisting of at most 3
            // consecutive words will be considered.
            bowSpc.WordWeightType = WordWeightType.TfIdf; // Set the
            // weighting scheme for the bag-of-words vectors to
            // TF-IDF.
            bowSpc.NormalizeVectors = true; // The TF-IDF vectors will
            // be normalized.
            bowSpc.CutLowWeightsPerc = 0.2; // The terms with the lowest
            // weights, summing up to 20% of the overall weight sum,
            // will be removed from each TF-IDF vector.

            bowSpc.Initialize(docs); // Initialize the BOW space.

            // Compute 100 clusters of documents.

            KMeansFast kMeans = new KMeansFast(100); // Set k to 100.

            kMeans.Trials = 3;                       // Perform 3 repetitions. Take the best
            // result.
            kMeans.Eps = 0.001;                      // Stop iterating when the partition
            // quality increases for less than 0.001.

            ClusteringResult cr = kMeans.Cluster(bowSpc); // Execute.

            // Extract the top 5 terms with the highest TF-IDF weights
            // from each of the clusters' centroids and output the
            // number of documents (companies) in each cluster.

            foreach (Cluster cl in cr.Roots)
                SparseVector <double> .ReadOnly centroid
                    = cl.ComputeCentroid(bowSpc, CentroidType.NrmL2);
                Console.Write(bowSpc.GetKeywordsStr(centroid, 5));
                Console.WriteLine(" ({0} companies)", cl.Items.Count);

            // Output the documents that are contained in the first
            // cluster.

            foreach (int docIdx in cr.Roots[0].Items)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the stop words and stemmer for English.

            IStemmer stemmer;

            Set <string> .ReadOnly stopWords;
                                             out stopWords, out stemmer);

            // Test the stemmer.

            // Output: run

            // Create a tokenizer.

            UnicodeTokenizer tokenizer = new UnicodeTokenizer();

            tokenizer.MinTokenLen = 2;                      // Each token must be at least 2
            // characters long.
            tokenizer.Filter = TokenizerFilter.AlphaStrict; // Tokens
            // can consist of alphabetic characters only.

            // Test the tokenizer.

            tokenizer.Text = "one 1 two 2 three 3 one_1 two_2 three_3";
            foreach (string token in tokenizer)
                Console.Write("\"{0}\" ", token);
            // Output: "one" "two" "three"

            // Load a document corpus from a file. Each line in the file
            // represents one document.

            string[] docs
                = File.ReadAllLines("..\\..\\Data\\YahooFinance.txt");

            // Create a bag-of-words space.

            BowSpace bowSpc = new BowSpace();

            bowSpc.Tokenizer   = tokenizer; // Assign the tokenizer.
            bowSpc.StopWords   = stopWords; // Assign the stop words.
            bowSpc.Stemmer     = stemmer;   // Assign the stemmer.
            bowSpc.MinWordFreq = 3;         // A term must appear at least 3
            // times in the corpus for it to be part of the
            // vocabulary.
            bowSpc.MaxNGramLen = 3;                       // Terms consisting of at most 3
            // consecutive words will be considered.
            bowSpc.WordWeightType = WordWeightType.TfIdf; // Set the
            // weighting scheme for the bag-of-words vectors to
            // TF-IDF.
            bowSpc.NormalizeVectors = true; // The TF-IDF vectors will
            // be normalized.
            bowSpc.CutLowWeightsPerc = 0.2; // The terms with the lowest
            // weights, summing up to 20% of the overall weight sum,
            // will be removed from each TF-IDF vector.

            bowSpc.Initialize(docs); // Initialize the BOW space.

            // Output the vocabulary (the terms, their stems,
            // frequencies, and document frequencies) to the console.

            StreamWriter stdOut
                = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput());


            // Output the TF-IDF vector representing the description of
            // Google to the console.

            SparseVector <double> .ReadOnly googVec
                = bowSpc.BowVectors[4192 - 1]; // The description of
            // Google can be found at the row 4192 in the corpus.
            foreach (IdxDat <double> termInfo in googVec)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}",

            // Extract the top 5 terms with the highest TF-IDF weights
            // from the vector representing Google.

            Console.WriteLine(bowSpc.GetKeywordsStr(googVec, 5));
            // Output: google, relevant, targeted advertising, search,
            // index