private void CloseMenu() { Audio.Play(SFX.ui_game_unpause); Audio.Resume(sfx); menu?.RemoveSelf(); menu = null; }
/// <summary> /// Add an Enter and Leave handler, displaying a description if selected. /// </summary> /// <param name="option">The input TextMenu.Item option.</param> /// <param name="containingMenu">The menu containing the TextMenu.Item option.</param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <returns>The passed option.</returns> public static TextMenu.Item AddDescription(this TextMenu.Item option, TextMenu containingMenu, string description) { // build the description menu entry TextMenuExt.EaseInSubHeaderExt descriptionText = new TextMenuExt.EaseInSubHeaderExt(description, false, containingMenu) { TextColor = Color.Gray, HeightExtra = 0f }; List <TextMenu.Item> items = containingMenu.GetItems(); if (items.Contains(option)) { // insert the description after the option. containingMenu.Insert(items.IndexOf(option) + 1, descriptionText); } option.OnEnter += delegate { // make the description appear. descriptionText.FadeVisible = true; }; option.OnLeave += delegate { // make the description disappear. descriptionText.FadeVisible = false; }; return(option); }
private void ReloadMenu() { Vector2 position = Vector2.Zero; int selected = -1; if (menu != null) { position = menu.Position; selected = menu.Selection; Scene.Remove(menu); } menu = CreateMenu(false, null); if (selected >= 0) { menu.Selection = selected; menu.Position = position; } IEnumerable <TextMenu> menus = Scene.Entities.OfType <TextMenu>(); Scene.Remove(menus); Scene.Add(menu); }
public override void CreateModMenuSection(TextMenu menu, bool inGame, EventInstance snapshot) { // Optional - reload mod settings when entering the mod options. LoadSettings(); if (!inGame) { if (Everest.Updater.HasUpdate) { menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_update").Replace("((version))", Everest.Updater.Newest.Version.ToString())).Pressed(() => { Everest.Updater.Update(OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiLoggedProgress>()); })); } // Allow downgrading travis / dev builds. if (Celeste.PlayMode == Celeste.PlayModes.Debug || Everest.VersionSuffix.StartsWith("travis-") || Everest.VersionSuffix == "dev") { menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_versionlist")).Pressed(() => { OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiVersionList>(); })); } } base.CreateModMenuSection(menu, inGame, snapshot); if (!inGame) { menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_soundtest")).Pressed(() => { OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiSoundTest>(); })); } }
private void EndlessCantRestartSnarky(On.Celeste.Level.orig_GiveUp orig, Level self, int returnIndex, bool restartArea, bool minimal, bool showHint) { var settings = this.InRandomizerSettings; if (settings == null || settings.Algorithm != LogicType.Endless || !restartArea) { orig(self, returnIndex, restartArea, minimal, showHint); return; } self.Paused = true; var menu = new TextMenu() { new TextMenu.Header(Dialog.Clean("MENU_CANTRESTART_HEADER")), }; menu.AutoScroll = false; menu.OnPause = menu.OnESC = () => { menu.RemoveSelf(); self.Paused = false; Engine.FreezeTimer = 0.15f; Audio.Play("event:/ui/game/unpause"); }; menu.OnCancel = () => { Audio.Play("event:/ui/main/button_back"); menu.RemoveSelf(); self.Pause(returnIndex, minimal); }; self.Add(menu); }
public static EaseInSubMenu CreateSubMenu(TextMenu menu, bool inGame) { subMenuItem = new EaseInSubMenu("Show Hitboxes".ToDialogText(), false).Apply(subMenu => { subMenu.Add(new TextMenu.OnOff("Enabled".ToDialogText(), Settings.ShowHitboxes).Change(value => Settings.ShowHitboxes = value)); subMenu.Add(new TextMenu.OnOff("Show Trigger Hitboxes".ToDialogText(), Settings.ShowTriggerHitboxes).Change(value => Settings.ShowTriggerHitboxes = value)); subMenu.Add(new TextMenu.OnOff("Show Unloaded Rooms Hitboxes".ToDialogText(), Settings.ShowUnloadedRoomsHitboxes).Change(value => Settings.ShowUnloadedRoomsHitboxes = value)); subMenu.Add(new TextMenu.Option <ActualCollideHitboxType>("Actual Collide Hitboxes".ToDialogText()).Apply(option => { Array enumValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActualCollideHitboxType)); foreach (ActualCollideHitboxType value in enumValues) { option.Add(value.ToString().SpacedPascalCase().ToDialogText(), value, value.Equals(Settings.ShowActualCollideHitboxes)); } option.Change(value => Settings.ShowActualCollideHitboxes = value); })); subMenu.Add(new TextMenu.OnOff("Simplified Hitboxes".ToDialogText(), Settings.SimplifiedHitboxes).Change(value => Settings.SimplifiedHitboxes = value)); subMenu.Add(HitboxColor.CreateEntityHitboxColorButton(menu, inGame)); subMenu.Add(HitboxColor.CreateTriggerHitboxColorButton(menu, inGame)); subMenu.Add(HitboxColor.CreatePlatformHitboxColorButton(menu, inGame)); }); return(subMenuItem); }
public override void CreateModMenuSection(TextMenu menu, bool inGame, EventInstance snapshot) { // Optional - reload mod settings when entering the mod options. LoadSettings(); base.CreateModMenuSection(menu, inGame, snapshot); if (!inGame) { menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_oobe")).Pressed(() => { OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiOOBE>(); })); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_soundtest")).Pressed(() => { OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiSoundTest>(); })); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_versionlist")).Pressed(() => { OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiVersionList>(); })); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_modupdates")).Pressed(() => { OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiModUpdateList>(); })); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_coremodule_togglemods")).Pressed(() => { OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiModToggler>(); })); } }
private void GiveUp(int returnIndex, bool restartArea, bool minimal, bool showHint) { GiveUpHint hint = null; if (!Everest.Flags.IsDisabled && !restartArea && !showHint) { // The game originally doesn't show a hint when exiting to the map. Add(hint = new GiveUpHint()); } orig_GiveUp(returnIndex, restartArea, minimal, showHint); TextMenu menu = Entities.GetToAdd().LastOrDefault(e => e is TextMenu) as TextMenu; if (menu == null) { return; } Action removeHint = () => hint?.RemoveSelf(); menu.OnPause += removeHint; menu.OnESC += removeHint; menu.OnCancel += removeHint; }
static void Main(string[] args) { IStmt stmt1 = new CompStmt(new CompStmt( new OpenRFile("varf", "read.txt"), new ReadFile(new VarExp("varf"), "varc") ), new CompStmt( new PrintStmt(new VarExp("varc")), new CloseRFile("varf") ) ); IMyStack <IStmt> exec = new MyStack <IStmt>(); IMyDictionary <String, int> symbolT = new MyDictionary <String, int>(); IMyList <int> msg = new MyList <int>(); IMyFileTable <int, FileData> filet = new MyFileTable <int, FileData>(); PrgState prg1 = new PrgState(exec, symbolT, msg, filet, stmt1); IRepository repo1 = new Repository("log1.txt"); Controller ctr1 = new Controller(repo1); repo1.AddPrgState(prg1); TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(); menu.AddCommand(new ExitCommand("0", "exit")); menu.AddCommand(new RunExample("1", stmt1.ToString(), ctr1)); menu.Show(); }
protected virtual void CreateModMenuSectionHeader(TextMenu menu, bool inGame, EventInstance snapshot) { Type type = SettingsType; EverestModuleSettings settings = _Settings; if (type == null || settings == null) { return; } string typeName = type.Name.ToLowerInvariant(); if (typeName.EndsWith("settings")) { typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - 8); } string nameDefaultPrefix = $"modoptions_{typeName}_"; string name; // We lazily reuse this field for the props later on. name = type.GetCustomAttribute <SettingNameAttribute>()?.Name ?? $"{nameDefaultPrefix}title"; name = name.DialogCleanOrNull() ?? ModUpdaterHelper.FormatModName(Metadata.Name); menu.Add(new patch_TextMenu.patch_SubHeader(name + " | v." + Metadata.VersionString)); }
private static void TrySetNeedRelaunch(TextMenu textMenu, TextMenu.Item item) { if (item is TextMenu.OnOff onOffItem && needRelaunchItemLabels.Contains(onOffItem.Label)) { item.NeedsRelaunch(textMenu); } }
protected override void OnStart() { _background = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Background"); _menu = new TextMenu(AppContents.DefaultFont); _menu.ItemHovered += (item) => { _soundsManager.PlaySound(SoundName.Blip5); }; _menu.Pos = new Vector2(100, 150); _menu.Padding = AppConstants.MenuPadding; _menu.Color = AppColors.MenuItems; _menu.ColorDisabled = AppColors.MenuItemsDisabled; _menu.ColorHover = AppColors.MenuItemsHover; var itemNew = _menu.CreateItem("New game"); itemNew.Clicked += ItemNew_Clicked; var itemContinueLast = _menu.CreateItem("Continue"); itemContinueLast.Clicked += ItemContinueLast_Clicked; var itemHighscore = _menu.CreateItem("Highscores"); itemHighscore.Clicked += ItemHighscore_Clicked; itemHighscore.Margin = new Padding(0, 15, 0, 0); var itemSettings = _menu.CreateItem("Settings"); itemSettings.Clicked += ItemSettings_Clicked; itemSettings.Margin = new Padding(0, 15, 0, 0); var itemEnd = _menu.CreateItem("Exit"); itemEnd.Margin = new Padding(0, 45, 0, 0); itemEnd.Clicked += ItemEnd_Clicked; }
public override IEnumerator Leave(Oui next) { Audio.SetMusic(audioPrevMusic); Audio.SetAmbience(audioPrevAmbience); Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_whoosh_large_out); if (playing != null) { Audio.Stop(playing); } Focused = false; Vector2 posFrom = Position; Vector2 posTo = new Vector2(0f, 1080f); for (float t = 0f; t < 1f; t += Engine.DeltaTime * 2f) { ease = 1f - Ease.CubeIn(t); Position = posFrom + (posTo - posFrom) * Ease.CubeInOut(t); yield return(null); } Visible = false; musicParamMenu = null; playingPath = null; }
private static void ToggleMoreOptionsMenuItem(TextMenu textMenu, bool visible) { foreach (TextMenu.Item item in hiddenOptions) { item.Visible = visible; } }
/// <summary> /// Add an Enter and Leave handler, notifying the user that a relaunch is required to apply the changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="option">The input TextMenu.Item option.</param> /// <param name="containingMenu">The menu containing the TextMenu.Item option.</param> /// <param name="needsRelaunch">This method does nothing if this is set to false.</param> /// <returns>The passed option.</returns> public static TextMenu.Item NeedsRelaunch(this TextMenu.Item option, TextMenu containingMenu, bool needsRelaunch = true) { if (!needsRelaunch) { return(option); } // build the "Restart is required" text menu entry TextMenuExt.EaseInSubHeaderExt needsRelaunchText = new TextMenuExt.EaseInSubHeaderExt(Dialog.Clean("MODOPTIONS_NEEDSRELAUNCH"), false, containingMenu) { TextColor = Color.OrangeRed, HeightExtra = 0f }; List <TextMenu.Item> items = containingMenu.GetItems(); if (items.Contains(option)) { // insert the text after the option that needs relaunch. containingMenu.Insert(items.IndexOf(option) + 1, needsRelaunchText); } option.OnEnter += delegate { // make the description appear. needsRelaunchText.FadeVisible = true; }; option.OnLeave += delegate { // make the description disappear. needsRelaunchText.FadeVisible = false; }; return(option); }
private void addFileToMenu(TextMenu menu, string file) { TextMenu.OnOff option; bool enabled = !Everest.Loader._Blacklist.Contains(file); menu.Add(option = (TextMenu.OnOff) new TextMenu.OnOff(file.Length > 40 ? file.Substring(0, 40) + "..." : file, enabled) .Change(b => { if (b) { removeFromBlacklist(file); } else { addToBlacklist(file); } updateHighlightedMods(); })); allMods.Add(file); if (!enabled) { blacklistedMods.Add(file); } modToggles[file] = option; }
public void CreateEnabledEntry(TextMenu menu, bool inGame) { TextMenu.OnOff button = new TextMenu.OnOff(DialogIds.Enabled.DialogClean(), Enabled) { OnValueChange = value => { Enabled = value; bool mineItem = false; int mineItemsCount = 2; foreach (TextMenu.Item item in menu.Items) { if (item == menu.Current && !mineItem) { mineItem = true; continue; } if (!mineItem || mineItemsCount <= 0) { continue; } mineItemsCount--; item.Visible = value; } } }; menu.Add(button); }
public override void CreateModMenuSection(TextMenu menu, bool inGame, EventInstance snapshot) { if (!inGame) { base.CreateModMenuSection(menu, inGame, snapshot); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { IStatement ex1 = new CompoundStatement(new AssignStatement("v", new ConstantExpression(2)), new PrintStatement(new VariableExpression("v"))); IStatement ex2 = new CompoundStatement(new AssignStatement("a", new ArithmeticExpression(new ConstantExpression(2), new ArithmeticExpression(new ConstantExpression(3), new ConstantExpression(5), Operation.MULTIPLY), Operation.ADD)), new CompoundStatement(new AssignStatement("b", new ArithmeticExpression(new VariableExpression("a"), new ConstantExpression(1), Operation.ADD)), new PrintStatement(new VariableExpression("b")))); IStatement ex3 = new CompoundStatement(new AssignStatement("a", new ArithmeticExpression(new ConstantExpression(2), new ConstantExpression(2), Operation.SUBTRACT)), new CompoundStatement(new IfStatement(new VariableExpression("a"), new AssignStatement("v", new ConstantExpression(2)), new AssignStatement("v", new ConstantExpression(3))), new PrintStatement(new VariableExpression("v")))); IStatement ex4 = new CompoundStatement(new OpenStatement("var_f", ""), new CompoundStatement(new ReadStatement(new VariableExpression("var_f"), "var_c"), new CompoundStatement(new PrintStatement(new VariableExpression("var_c")), new CompoundStatement(new IfStatement(new VariableExpression("var_c"), new CompoundStatement(new ReadStatement(new VariableExpression("var_f"), "var_c"), new PrintStatement(new VariableExpression("var_c"))), new PrintStatement(new ConstantExpression(0))), new CloseStatement(new VariableExpression("var_f")))))); TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(new MyDictionary <string, Command>(new Dictionary <string, Command>())); menu.AddCommand(new ExitCommand("0", "exit")); menu.AddCommand(new RunCommand("1", ex1.ToString(), CreateController(ex1, "log1.txt"))); menu.AddCommand(new RunCommand("2", ex2.ToString(), CreateController(ex2, "log2.txt"))); menu.AddCommand(new RunCommand("3", ex3.ToString(), CreateController(ex3, "log3.txt"))); menu.AddCommand(new RunCommand("4", ex4.ToString(), CreateController(ex4, "log4.txt")));; }
private void ModifyLevelMenu(Level level, TextMenu pausemenu, bool minimal) { if (this.InRandomizer) { foreach (var item in new System.Collections.Generic.List <TextMenu.Item>(pausemenu.GetItems())) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(TextMenu.Button)) { var btn = (TextMenu.Button)item; if (btn.Label == Dialog.Clean("MENU_PAUSE_SAVEQUIT") || btn.Label == Dialog.Clean("MENU_PAUSE_RETURN")) { pausemenu.Remove(item); } if (btn.Label == Dialog.Clean("MENU_PAUSE_RESTARTAREA")) { btn.Label = Dialog.Clean("MENU_PAUSE_RESTARTRANDO"); } } } int returnIdx = pausemenu.GetItems().Count; pausemenu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("MENU_PAUSE_QUITRANDO")).Pressed(() => { level.PauseMainMenuOpen = false; pausemenu.RemoveSelf(); TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(); menu.AutoScroll = false; menu.Position = new Vector2((float)Engine.Width / 2f, (float)((double)Engine.Height / 2.0 - 100.0)); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Header(Dialog.Clean("MENU_QUITRANDO_TITLE"))); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("MENU_QUITRANDO_CONFIRM")).Pressed((Action)(() => { Engine.TimeRate = 1f; menu.Focused = false; level.Session.InArea = false; Audio.SetMusic((string)null, true, true); Audio.BusStopAll("bus:/gameplay_sfx", true); level.DoScreenWipe(false, (Action)(() => Engine.Scene = (Scene) new LevelExit(LevelExit.Mode.SaveAndQuit, level.Session, level.HiresSnow)), true); foreach (LevelEndingHook component in level.Tracker.GetComponents <LevelEndingHook>()) { if (component.OnEnd != null) { component.OnEnd(); } } }))); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("MENU_QUITRANDO_CANCEL")).Pressed((Action)(() => menu.OnCancel()))); menu.OnPause = menu.OnESC = (Action)(() => { menu.RemoveSelf(); level.Paused = false; Engine.FreezeTimer = 0.15f; Audio.Play("event:/ui/game/unpause"); }); menu.OnCancel = (Action)(() => { Audio.Play("event:/ui/main/button_back"); menu.RemoveSelf(); level.Pause(returnIdx, minimal, false); }); level.Add((Entity)menu); })); } }
private static void onCreatePauseMenuButtons(Level level, TextMenu menu, bool minimal) { if (CollabModule.Instance.Session.LobbySID != null) { // find the position just under "Return to Map". int returnToMapIndex = menu.GetItems().FindIndex(item => item.GetType() == typeof(TextMenu.Button) && ((TextMenu.Button)item).Label == Dialog.Clean("MENU_PAUSE_RETURN")); if (returnToMapIndex == -1) { // fall back to the bottom of the menu. returnToMapIndex = menu.GetItems().Count - 1; } // add the "Return to Lobby" button TextMenu.Button returnToLobbyButton = new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("collabutils2_returntolobby")); returnToLobbyButton.Pressed(() => { level.PauseMainMenuOpen = false; menu.RemoveSelf(); openReturnToLobbyConfirmMenu(level, menu.Selection); }); returnToLobbyButton.ConfirmSfx = "event:/ui/main/message_confirm"; menu.Insert(returnToMapIndex + 1, returnToLobbyButton); } }
private Entity CreateButtonConfigUI(TextMenu menu) { return(new ModuleSettingsButtonConfigUI(this) { OnClose = () => menu.Focused = true }); }
// ================ Mod options setup ================ public override void CreateModMenuSection(TextMenu menu, bool inGame, EventInstance snapshot) { base.CreateModMenuSection(menu, inGame, snapshot); if (Settings.OptionsOutOfModOptionsMenuEnabled && inGame) { // build the menu with only the master switch new ModOptionsEntries().CreateAllOptions(ModOptionsEntries.VariantCategory.None, true, false, false, false, null /* don't care, no submenu */, menu, inGame, triggerIsHooked); } else if (Settings.SubmenusForEachCategoryEnabled) { // build the menu with the master switch + submenus + randomizer options new ModOptionsEntries().CreateAllOptions(ModOptionsEntries.VariantCategory.None, true, true, true, false, () => OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiModOptions>(), menu, inGame, triggerIsHooked); } else if (Settings.OptionsOutOfModOptionsMenuEnabled) { // build the menu with the master switch + the button to open the submenu new ModOptionsEntries().CreateAllOptions(ModOptionsEntries.VariantCategory.None, true, false, false, true, null /* don't care, no submenu */, menu, inGame, triggerIsHooked); } else { // build the good old full menu directly in Mod Options (master switch + all variant categories + randomizer) new ModOptionsEntries().CreateAllOptions(ModOptionsEntries.VariantCategory.All, true, false, true, false, () => OuiModOptions.Instance.Overworld.Goto <OuiModOptions>(), menu, inGame, triggerIsHooked); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { IExeStack <IStatement> stack = new ExeStack <IStatement>(); Utils.IDictionary <string, int> dict = new MyDictionary <string, int>(); IMyList <int> output = new MyList <int>(); FileTable <int, FileData> fileTable = new FileTable <int, FileData>(); IStatement s1 = new OpenRFile("var_f", "C:\\Users\\Emy\\RiderProjects\\lab7\\text1.txt"); IStatement s2 = new ReadFile(new VarExp("var_f"), "var_c"); IStatement thenS1 = new ReadFile(new VarExp("var_f"), "var_c"); IStatement thenS2 = new PrintStmt(new VarExp("var_c")); IStatement thenS = new CompStmt(thenS1, thenS2); IStatement elseS = new PrintStmt(new ConstExp(0)); IStatement s3 = new IfStmt(new VarExp("var_c"), thenS, elseS); IStatement s4 = new CloseRFile(new VarExp("var_f")); IStatement s5 = new CompStmt(s1, s2); IStatement s6 = new CompStmt(s3, s4); IStatement s7 = new CompStmt(s5, s6); stack.push(s7); PrgState state = new PrgState(dict, stack, output, fileTable); Controller.Controller ctrl = new Controller.Controller(state); TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(); menu.addCommand(new ExitCommand("0", "exit")); menu.addCommand(new RunExample("1", "example_1", ctrl));; }
public override IEnumerator Enter(Oui from) { Everest.Loader.AutoLoadNewMods = false; menu = new TextMenu(); // display the title and a dummy "Fetching" button menu.Add(new TextMenu.Header(Dialog.Clean("MODUPDATECHECKER_MENU_TITLE"))); menu.Add(subHeader = new TextMenuExt.SubHeaderExt(Dialog.Clean("MODUPDATECHECKER_MENU_HEADER"))); fetchingButton = new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("MODUPDATECHECKER_FETCHING")); fetchingButton.Disabled = true; menu.Add(fetchingButton); Scene.Add(menu); currentCheckForUpdates = new CheckForUpdates(); task = new Task(() => currentCheckForUpdates.Fetch()); task.Start(); menu.Visible = Visible = true; menu.Focused = false; for (float p = 0f; p < 1f; p += Engine.DeltaTime * 4f) { menu.X = offScreenX + -1920f * Ease.CubeOut(p); alpha = Ease.CubeOut(p); yield return(null); } menu.Focused = true; menuOnScreen = true; }
public override void CreateModMenuSection(TextMenu menu, bool inGame, EventInstance snapshot) { base.CreateModMenuSection(menu, inGame, snapshot); // this could maybe be refactored into a helper function with some generics magic foreach (var item in menu.Items) { if (!(item is TextMenu.Button btn) || !btn.Label.StartsWith(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_bingoclient_playername"))) { continue; } var messageHeader = new TextMenuExt.EaseInSubHeaderExt(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_bingoclient_playername_about"), false, menu) { HeightExtra = 17f, Offset = new Vector2(30, -5), }; menu.Insert(menu.Items.IndexOf(item) + 1, messageHeader); btn.OnEnter = () => messageHeader.FadeVisible = true; btn.OnLeave = () => messageHeader.FadeVisible = false; break; } foreach (var item in menu.Items) { if (!(item is TextMenu.OnOff btn) || !btn.Label.StartsWith(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_bingoclient_claimassist"))) { continue; } var messageHeader = new TextMenuExt.EaseInSubHeaderExt(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_bingoclient_claimassist_about"), false, menu) { HeightExtra = 17f, Offset = new Vector2(30, -5), }; menu.Insert(menu.Items.IndexOf(item) + 1, messageHeader); btn.OnEnter = () => messageHeader.FadeVisible = true; btn.OnLeave = () => messageHeader.FadeVisible = false; break; } if (this.Password != null && !this.Connected) { var retryBtn = new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_bingoclient_reconnect")); retryBtn.OnPressed = () => { this.Connect(); }; menu.Add(retryBtn); } if (this.Connected) { var disconnectBtn = new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("modoptions_bingoclient_disconnect")); disconnectBtn.OnPressed = () => { this.Disconnect(); }; menu.Add(disconnectBtn); } }
public TextMenu CreateMenu(bool inGame, EventInstance snapshot) { menu = new TextMenu(); items.Clear(); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Header(Dialog.Clean("maplist_title"))); if (menu.Height > menu.ScrollableMinSize) { menu.Position.Y = menu.ScrollTargetY; } menu.Add(new TextMenu.SubHeader(Dialog.Clean("maplist_filters"))); sets.Clear(); foreach (AreaData area in AreaData.Areas) { string levelSet = area.GetLevelSet(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(levelSet)) { continue; } if (levelSet == "Celeste") { continue; } if (sets.Contains(levelSet)) { continue; } sets.Add(levelSet); } menu.Add(new TextMenu.Slider(Dialog.Clean("maplist_type"), value => { if (value == 0) { return(Dialog.Clean("levelset_celeste")); } if (value == 1) { return(Dialog.Clean("maplist_type_allmods")); } return(DialogExt.CleanLevelSet(sets[value - 2])); }, 0, 1 + sets.Count, type).Change(value => { type = value; ReloadItems(); })); menu.Add(new TextMenu.Slider(Dialog.Clean("maplist_side"), value => ((char)('A' + value)).ToString(), 0, Enum.GetValues(typeof(AreaMode)).Length - 1, side).Change(value => { side = value; ReloadItems(); })); menu.Add(new TextMenu.SubHeader(Dialog.Clean("maplist_list"))); ReloadItems(); return(menu); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Statement s = new CompStatement(new VarDeclStatement("v", new IntType()), new CompStatement(new AssignStatement("v", new ValueExpression(new IntValue(2))), new PrintStatement(new VariableExpression("v")))); List <ProgramState> l = new List <ProgramState>(); l.Add(new ProgramState(new Stack <Statement>(), new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Value>(), new List <Value>(), s)); RepositoryInterface r = new Repository(l); ControllerInterface c = new Controller(r); Statement s2 = ex1(); List <ProgramState> l1 = new List <ProgramState>(); l1.Add(new ProgramState(new Stack <Statement>(), new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Value>(), new List <Value>(), s2)); RepositoryInterface r1 = new Repository(l1); ControllerInterface c1 = new Controller(r1); Statement s3 = ex2(); List <ProgramState> l2 = new List <ProgramState>(); l2.Add(new ProgramState(new Stack <Statement>(), new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Value>(), new List <Value>(), s3)); RepositoryInterface r2 = new Repository(l2); ControllerInterface c2 = new Controller(r2); Statement s4 = ex4(); List <ProgramState> l4 = new List <ProgramState>(); l4.Add(new ProgramState(new Stack <Statement>(), new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Value>(), new List <Value>(), s4)); RepositoryInterface r4 = new Repository(l4); ControllerInterface c4 = new Controller(r4); Statement s5 = ex5(); List <ProgramState> l5 = new List <ProgramState>(); l5.Add(new ProgramState(new Stack <Statement>(), new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Value>(), new List <Value>(), s5)); RepositoryInterface r5 = new Repository(l5); ControllerInterface c5 = new Controller(r5); Statement s6 = ex6(); List <ProgramState> l6 = new List <ProgramState>(); l6.Add(new ProgramState(new Stack <Statement>(), new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Value>(), new List <Value>(), s6)); RepositoryInterface r6 = new Repository(l6); ControllerInterface c6 = new Controller(r6); TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Command>()); menu.addCommand(new ExitCommand("x", "Exit")); menu.addCommand(new RunCommand("1", s.ToString(), c)); menu.addCommand(new RunCommand("2", s2.ToString(), c1)); menu.addCommand(new RunCommand("3", s3.ToString(), c2)); menu.addCommand(new RunCommand("4", s4.ToString(), c4)); menu.addCommand(new RunCommand("5", s5.ToString(), c5)); menu.addCommand(new RunCommand("6", s6.ToString(), c6)); menu.runTextMenu(); }
public void CreateMenu(TextMenu menu, bool inGame) { currentPreset = 0; enabledText = new TextMenu.OnOff(Dialog.Clean("MODOPTIONS_HYPERLINE_ENABLED"), Settings.Enabled).Change(EnabledToggled); allowMapHairText = new TextMenu.OnOff(Dialog.Clean("MODOPTIONS_HYPERLINE_ALLOWMAPHAIR"), Settings.AllowMapHairColors).Change(v => Settings.AllowMapHairColors = v); maddyCrownText = new TextMenu.OnOff("Maddy Crown Support:", Settings.DoMaddyCrown).Change(v => { Settings.DoMaddyCrown = v; }); doFeatherColorText = new TextMenu.OnOff("Do Feather Color", Settings.DoFeatherColor).Change(v => { Settings.DoFeatherColor = v; }); doDashFlashText = new TextMenu.OnOff("Do Dash Flash", Settings.DoDashFlash).Change(v => { Settings.DoDashFlash = v; }); menu.Add(enabledText); menu.Add(allowMapHairText); menu.Add(maddyCrownText); menu.Add(doFeatherColorText); menu.Add(doDashFlashText); CreatePresetMenu(menu); colorMenus = new List <List <List <TextMenu.Item> > >(); //dashes dashCountMenu = new TextMenuExt.OptionSubMenu("Dashes"); dashCountMenu.SetInitialSelection(lastDash); dashCountMenu.Change(v => { UpdateHairType(v, Settings.hairTypeList[v]); }); for (int counterd = 0; counterd < Hyperline.MAX_DASH_COUNT; counterd++) { int r = counterd; List <TextMenu.Item> Menu = new List <TextMenu.Item>(); TextMenuExt.EnumerableSlider <uint> HairTypeMenu; colorMenus.Add(CreateDashCountMenu(menu, inGame, counterd, out HairTypeMenu)); if (!inGame) { Menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button("Custom Texture: " + Settings.hairTextureSource[counterd]).Pressed(() => { Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_savefile_rename_start); menu.SceneAs <Overworld>().Goto <OuiModOptionString>().Init <OuiModOptions>(Settings.hairTextureSource[r], v => { Settings.hairTextureSource[r] = v; Settings.LoadCustomTexture(r); }, 12); })); Menu.Add(new TextMenu.Button("Custom Bangs: " + Settings.hairBangsSource[counterd]).Pressed(() => { Audio.Play(SFX.ui_main_savefile_rename_start); menu.SceneAs <Overworld>().Goto <OuiModOptionString>().Init <OuiModOptions>(Settings.hairBangsSource[r], v => { Settings.hairBangsSource[r] = v; Settings.LoadCustomBangs(r); }, 12); })); } Menu.Add(new TextMenu.Slider("Speed:", StringFromInt, HyperlineSettings.MIN_HAIR_SPEED, HyperlineSettings.MAX_HAIR_SPEED, Settings.hairSpeedList[counterd]).Change(v => { SetHairSpeed(r, v); })); Menu.Add(new TextMenu.Slider("Length:", StringFromInt, HyperlineSettings.MIN_HAIR_LENGTH, Settings.HairLengthSoftCap, Settings.hairLengthList[counterd]).Change(v => { SetHairLength(r, v); })); Menu.Add(HairTypeMenu); if (!inGame) { for (int i = 0; i < colorMenus[counterd].Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < colorMenus[counterd][i].Count; j++) { Menu.Add(colorMenus[counterd][i][j]); } } } dashCountMenu.Add(counterd.ToString(), Menu); } menu.Add(dashCountMenu); UpdateHairType(lastDash, Settings.hairTypeList[lastDash]); EnabledToggled(Settings.Enabled); }
public static TextMenu.Item CreateTriggerHitboxColorButton(TextMenu textMenu, bool inGame) { return(new TextMenu.Button($"Trigger Hitbox Color ARGB: {ColorToHex(Settings.TriggerHitboxColor)}").Pressed(() => { Audio.Play("event:/ui/main/savefile_rename_start"); textMenu.SceneAs <Overworld>().Goto <OuiModOptionString>() .Init <OuiModOptions>(ColorToHex(Settings.TriggerHitboxColor), value => Settings.TriggerHitboxColor = HexToColor(value), 9); })); }
void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // declare the menu and set its properties TextMenu tm = new TextMenu(); tm.ID = "TextMenu1"; // add the menu to page Page.Controls.Add(tm); string sConnectionString; OleDbDataReader oReader; // set the connection string sConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("../App_Data/DBDEMO.mdb"); OleDbConnection Cn = new OleDbConnection(sConnectionString); // The database has one table called items containing both parent items and menu items // LEVEL shows what level the item is at (0 - parent item, 1 - belongs to menu attached to parent item, etc) // ORDER sets what is the item's order in the current menu (1 - first item, 2 - second item, etc.) // it is very important to add parent elements first, then level 1 items, then level 2 items, etc. string SQL = "SELECT * FROM Items ORDER BY [LEVEL], [ORDER]"; OleDbCommand Com = new OleDbCommand(SQL,Cn); Cn.Open(); oReader = Com.ExecuteReader(); // Populate TM. while (oReader.Read()) { // if PARENTID is null, we're adding a parent element, otherwise it's a menu item tm.Add(oReader.IsDBNull(oReader.GetOrdinal("PARENTID")) ? null : oReader.GetString(oReader.GetOrdinal("PARENTID")), oReader.GetString(oReader.GetOrdinal("ID")), oReader.IsDBNull(oReader.GetOrdinal("HTML")) ? "" : oReader.GetString(oReader.GetOrdinal("HTML")), oReader.IsDBNull(oReader.GetOrdinal("URL")) ? null : oReader.GetString(oReader.GetOrdinal("URL")), oReader.IsDBNull(oReader.GetOrdinal("URLTARGET")) ? null : oReader.GetString(oReader.GetOrdinal("URLTARGET"))); } oReader.Close(); Cn.Close(); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { TextMenu tm1 = new TextMenu(); tm1.ID = "tm1"; tm1.StyleFolder = "styles/submenuicon"; tm1.SubMenuText = ""; tm1.Add(null, "brands", "Brands", null, null); tm1.Add("brands", "ibm", "IBM"); tm1.Add("brands", "microsoft", "MICROSOFT"); tm1.Add("brands", "obout", "OBOUT", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "treeview", "TreeView", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "slidemenu", "Slide Menu", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "calendar", "Calendar", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "postback", "AJAXPage", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "splitter", "Splitter", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "easymenu", "EasyMenu", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "combobox", "Combobox", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "editor", "HTML Editor", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "treedb", "Tree_DB", "", "_top"); tm1.Add("obout", "textmenu", "TextMenu", "", "_top"); tm1.Add(null, "systems", "Systems"); tm1.Add("systems", "desktops", "Desktops"); tm1.Add("systems", "handhelds", "Handhelds"); tm1.Add("systems", "notebooks", "Notebooks"); tm1.Add("systems", "servers", "Servers"); tm1.Add(null, "hardware", "Hardware"); tm1.Add("hardware", "accessories", "Accessories"); tm1.Add("hardware", "keyboards", "Keyboards"); tm1.Add("hardware", "memory", "Memory"); tm1.Add("hardware", "printers", "Printers"); tm1.Add("hardware", "videocards", "Video Cards"); tm1.Add(null, "software", "Software"); tm1.Add("software", "applications", "Applications"); tm1.Add("software", "licensing", "Licensing"); this.Controls.Add(tm1); }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(Server.MapPath("TextMenuXML.xml")); System.Xml.XmlNodeList menuNodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/TextMenu"); foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode menuNode in menuNodes) { string menuID = menuNode.Attributes["ID"].Value; // create new TextMenu object ... TextMenu tmpMenu = new TextMenu(); tmpMenu.ID = menuID; // take the childs and create the menu items ... System.Xml.XmlNodeList menuItemsNodes = menuNode.SelectNodes("//Item"); foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode menuItemNode in menuItemsNodes) { string menuItemID = menuItemNode.Attributes["ID"].Value; string InnerHTML = menuItemNode.Attributes["InnerHTML"].Value; string parentMenuItemID = null; if (menuItemNode.Attributes["ParentID"] != null) parentMenuItemID = menuItemNode.Attributes["ParentID"].Value; string menuUrl = null; if (menuItemNode.Attributes["Url"] != null) menuUrl = menuItemNode.Attributes["Url"].Value; // create new Menu item object and add it to the created menu ... tmpMenu.Add(parentMenuItemID, menuItemID, InnerHTML, menuUrl, null); } placeHolder1.Controls.Add(tmpMenu); } }
//--- Menu item callbacks // Root menu: private void ShowCelestialMenu(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { currentMenu = MenuList.Celestials; // MOARdV: Bug warning: rightColumnWidth for ShowCelestialMenu and // ShowVesselMenu is hard-coded to 8, which fits the default format // string. It really needs to be sized appropriately, which isn't // easy if the format string is configured with non-fixed size. // Maybe the format string should be non-configurable? // // Mihara: Well, why not make it another module parameter then and // let the modder who uses it worry about that? Most won't change it. activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.rightColumnWidth = distanceColumnWidth; activeMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; activeMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; activeMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; activeMenu.rightTextColor = distanceColorTag; UpdateLists(); if (selectedCelestial != null) { int idx = celestialsList.FindIndex(x => x.body == selectedCelestial); activeMenu.currentSelection = idx; } }
private void SmartASS_Node(int index, TextMenu.Item tmi) { SetSmartassMode(JSIMechJeb.Target.NODE); }
// Filters Menu private void ToggleFilter(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { vesselFilter[vesselFilter.ElementAt(index).Key] = !vesselFilter[vesselFilter.ElementAt(index).Key]; persistence.SetVar(persistentVarName, VesselFilterToBitmask(vesselFilter)); ti.isSelected = !ti.isSelected; ti.labelText = vesselFilter.ElementAt(index).Key.ToString().PadRight(9) + (ti.isSelected ? "- On" : "- Off"); }
// Space Object Menu private void TargetSpaceObject(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { spaceObjectsList[index].SetTarget(); selectedCelestial = null; selectedPort = null; activeMenu.SetSelected(index, true); }
// Celestial Menu private void TargetCelestial(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { celestialsList[index].SetTarget(); selectedVessel = null; selectedPort = null; activeMenu.SetSelected(index, true); }
private void ShowUndockMenu(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { currentMenu = MenuList.Undock; activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; activeMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; activeMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; activeMenu.rightTextColor = distanceColorTag; UpdateLists(); }
private void ShowCrewEVA(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { currentMenu = MenuList.CrewEVA; activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; activeMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; activeMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; activeMenu.rightTextColor = distanceColorTag; var vesselCrew = vessel.GetVesselCrew(); for (int crewIdx = 0; crewIdx < vesselCrew.Count; ++crewIdx) { if (vesselCrew[crewIdx] != null) { var tmi = new TextMenu.Item(); tmi.action = CrewEVA; tmi.labelText = vesselCrew[crewIdx].name; tmi.rightText = vesselCrew[crewIdx].experienceTrait.Title; tmi.isSelected = false; = crewIdx; activeMenu.Add(tmi); } } }
// EVA Menu private void CrewEVA(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { var vesselCrew = vessel.GetVesselCrew(); float acLevel = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.AstronautComplex); bool evaUnlocked = GameVariables.Instance.UnlockedEVA(acLevel); bool evaPossible = GameVariables.Instance.EVAIsPossible(evaUnlocked, vessel); if (evaPossible && < vesselCrew.Count && vesselCrew[] != null && HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Flight.CanEVA) { FlightEVA.SpawnEVA(vesselCrew[].KerbalRef); CameraManager.Instance.SetCameraFlight(); } }
public void Start() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; rpmComp = RasterPropMonitorComputer.Instantiate(internalProp, true); // Grrrrrr. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameColor)) nameColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(nameColor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(distanceColor)) distanceColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(distanceColor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedColor)) selectedColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(selectedColor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unavailableColor)) unavailableColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(unavailableColor); persistentVarName = "targetfilter" + internalProp.propID; // 7 is the bitmask for ship-station-probe; VesselFilterFromBitmask(rpmComp.GetPersistentVariable(persistentVarName, defaultFilter, false).MassageToInt()); nameColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(nameColorValue); distanceColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(distanceColorValue); selectedColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(selectedColorValue); unavailableColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(unavailableColorValue); distanceFormatString = distanceFormatString.UnMangleConfigText(); menuTitleFormatString = menuTitleFormatString.UnMangleConfigText(); topMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; topMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; topMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle)) pageTitle = pageTitle.UnMangleConfigText(); foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies) { celestialsList.Add(new Celestial(body, vessel.transform.position)); } FindReferencePoints(); UpdateUndockablesList(); var menuActions = new List<Action<int, TextMenu.Item>>(); menuActions.Add(ShowCelestialMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowVesselMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowSpaceObjectMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowReferenceMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowUndockMenu); menuActions.Add(ArmGrapple); menuActions.Add(ShowFiltersMenu); menuActions.Add(ClearTarget); menuActions.Add(ShowCrewEVA); for (int i = 0; i < rootMenu.Count; ++i) { var menuitem = new TextMenu.Item(); menuitem.labelText = rootMenu[i]; menuitem.action = menuActions[i]; topMenu.Add(menuitem); switch (menuitem.labelText) { case clearTargetItemText: clearTarget = topMenu[i]; break; case undockItemText: undockMenuItem = topMenu[i]; break; case armGrappleText: grappleMenuItem = topMenu[i]; break; case crewEvaText: float acLevel = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.AstronautComplex); bool evaUnlocked = GameVariables.Instance.UnlockedEVA(acLevel); menuitem.isDisabled = !GameVariables.Instance.EVAIsPossible(evaUnlocked, vessel); break; } } activeMenu = topMenu; }
private void ToggleForceRoll(int index, TextMenu.Item tmi) { bool newForceRollState = !ForceRollState(); forceRollMenuItem.isSelected = newForceRollState; ForceRoll(newForceRollState); }
private void TargetMenu(int index, TextMenu.Item tmi) { currentMenu = MJMenu.TargetMenu; activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.labelColor = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(itemColorValue); activeMenu.selectedColor = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(selectedColorValue); activeMenu.disabledColor = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(unavailableColorValue); foreach (JSIMechJeb.Target target in targetTargets) { activeMenu.Add(new TextMenu.Item(JSIMechJeb.TargetTexts[(int)target].Replace('\n', ' '), SelectTarget)); } }
private void SmartASS_Off(int index, TextMenu.Item tmi) { SetSmartassMode(JSIMechJeb.Target.OFF); }
private void ShowFiltersMenu(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { currentMenu = MenuList.Filters; activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; activeMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; activeMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; activeMenu.rightTextColor = distanceColorTag; for (int i = 0; i < vesselFilter.Count; i++) { var filter = vesselFilter.ElementAt(i); var tmi = new TextMenu.Item(); tmi.labelText = filter.Key.ToString().PadRight(9) + (filter.Value ? "- On" : "- Off"); tmi.isSelected = filter.Value; tmi.action = ToggleFilter; activeMenu.Add(tmi); } }
private void ShowReferenceMenu(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { currentMenu = MenuList.Reference; activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; activeMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; activeMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; activeMenu.rightTextColor = distanceColorTag; UpdateLists(); activeMenu.currentSelection = referencePoints.FindIndex(x => x.part == vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart()); }
public void ButtonProcessor(int buttonID) { if (buttonID == buttonUp) { activeMenu.PreviousItem(); } if (buttonID == buttonDown) { activeMenu.NextItem(); } if (buttonID == buttonEnter) { activeMenu.SelectItem(); } if (buttonID == buttonEsc) { if (currentMenu == MenuList.Ports) { // Take advantage of the fact that ShowVesselMenu does not // care about the parameters. ShowVesselMenu(0, null); } else { activeMenu = topMenu; currentMenu = MenuList.Root; } } if (buttonID == buttonHome) { sortMode = sortMode == SortMode.Alphabetic ? SortMode.Distance : SortMode.Alphabetic; UpdateLists(); } }
private void ShowVesselMenu(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { currentMenu = MenuList.Vessels; activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.rightColumnWidth = distanceColumnWidth; activeMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; activeMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; activeMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; activeMenu.rightTextColor = distanceColorTag; UpdateLists(); if (selectedVessel != null) { int idx = vesselsList.FindIndex(x => x.vessel == selectedVessel); activeMenu.currentSelection = idx; } }
public void Start() { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; // Grrrrrr. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameColor)) nameColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(nameColor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(distanceColor)) distanceColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(distanceColor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedColor)) selectedColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(selectedColor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unavailableColor)) unavailableColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(unavailableColor); persistentVarName = "targetfilter" + internalProp.propID; persistence = new PersistenceAccessor(internalProp); // 7 is the bitmask for ship-station-probe; VesselFilterFromBitmask(persistence.GetVar(persistentVarName, defaultFilter)); nameColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(nameColorValue); distanceColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(distanceColorValue); selectedColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(selectedColorValue); unavailableColorTag = JUtil.ColorToColorTag(unavailableColorValue); distanceFormatString = distanceFormatString.UnMangleConfigText(); menuTitleFormatString = menuTitleFormatString.UnMangleConfigText(); topMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; topMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; topMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageTitle)) pageTitle = pageTitle.UnMangleConfigText(); foreach (CelestialBody body in FlightGlobals.Bodies) { celestialsList.Add(new Celestial(body, vessel.transform.position)); } FindReferencePoints(); UpdateUndockablesList(); var menuActions = new List<Action<int, TextMenu.Item>>(); menuActions.Add(ShowCelestialMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowVesselMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowSpaceObjectMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowReferenceMenu); menuActions.Add(ShowUndockMenu); menuActions.Add(ArmGrapple); menuActions.Add(ShowFiltersMenu); menuActions.Add(ClearTarget); for (int i = 0; i < rootMenu.Count; ++i) { var menuitem = new TextMenu.Item(); menuitem.labelText = rootMenu[i]; menuitem.action = menuActions[i]; topMenu.Add(menuitem); switch (menuitem.labelText) { case clearTargetItemText: clearTarget = topMenu[i]; break; case undockItemText: undockMenuItem = topMenu[i]; break; case armGrappleText: grappleMenuItem = topMenu[i]; break; } } activeMenu = topMenu; }
// Port Menu private void TargetPort(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { if (selectedVessel != null && selectedVessel.loaded && portsList[index] != null) { FlightGlobals.fetch.SetVesselTarget(portsList[index]); } selectedCelestial = null; activeMenu.SetSelected(index, true); }
private static void ClearTarget(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { FlightGlobals.fetch.SetVesselTarget((ITargetable)null); }
// Vessel Menu private void TargetVessel(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { if (selectedVessel == vesselsList[index].vessel) { // Already selected. Are there ports? UpdatePortsList(); if (portsList.Count > 0) { currentMenu = MenuList.Ports; activeMenu = new TextMenu(); activeMenu.rightColumnWidth = 8; activeMenu.labelColor = nameColorTag; activeMenu.selectedColor = selectedColorTag; activeMenu.disabledColor = unavailableColorTag; activeMenu.rightTextColor = distanceColorTag; UpdateLists(); if (selectedPort != null) { int idx = portsList.FindIndex(x => x == selectedPort); activeMenu.currentSelection = idx; } } } else { vesselsList[index].SetTarget(); selectedCelestial = null; selectedPort = null; activeMenu.SetSelected(index, true); } }
private void ArmGrapple(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { ModuleGrappleNode thatClaw = null; foreach (PartModule thatModule in vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart().Modules) { thatClaw = thatModule as ModuleGrappleNode; if (thatClaw != null) { break; } } if (thatClaw != null) { try { ModuleAnimateGeneric clawAnimation = (vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart().Modules[thatClaw.deployAnimationController] as ModuleAnimateGeneric); if (clawAnimation != null) { clawAnimation.Toggle(); } } catch (Exception e) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Exception trying to arm/disarm Grapple Node: {0}", e.Message); } } }
// Decouple port menu... private void DecouplePort(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { var thatPort = undockablesList[index] as ModuleDockingNode; var thatClaw = undockablesList[index] as ModuleGrappleNode; if (thatPort != null) { switch (thatPort.state) { case "Docked (docker)": thatPort.Undock(); break; case "PreAttached": thatPort.Decouple(); break; } } // Mihara: Claws require multiple different calls depending on state -- // Release releases the claw that grabbed something else, while Decouple releases the claw that grabbed your own vessel. // FIXME: This needs further research. if (thatClaw != null) { thatClaw.Release(); } UpdateUndockablesList(); activeMenu = topMenu; currentMenu = MenuList.Root; UpdateLists(); }
// Reference Menu private void SetReferencePoint(int index, TextMenu.Item ti) { // This is going to get complicated... if (referencePoints[index].part != vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart()) { referencePoints[index].part.MakeReferencePart(); } activeMenu.SetSelected(index, true); }
private void SelectTarget(int index, TextMenu.Item tmi) { JSIMechJeb.Target[] activeTargets = null; switch (currentMenu) { case MJMenu.OrbitMenu: activeTargets = orbitalTargets; break; case MJMenu.SurfaceMenu: activeTargets = surfaceTargets; break; case MJMenu.TargetMenu: activeTargets = targetTargets; break; } if (activeTargets != null) { SetSmartassMode(activeTargets[index]); } }
private void SAS_Mode(int arg1, TextMenu.Item arg2) { vessel.Autopilot.SetMode(modes[arg1]); // find the UI object on screen RUIToggleButton[] SASbtns = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<VesselAutopilotUI>().modeButtons; // set our mode, note it takes the mode as an int, generally top to bottom, left to right, as seen on the screen. Maneuver node being the exception, it is 9 SASbtns.ElementAt<RUIToggleButton>((int)modes[arg1]).SetTrue(true, true); }
private void SAS_Toggle(int arg1, TextMenu.Item arg2) { vessel.ActionGroups.ToggleGroup(KSPActionGroup.SAS); }
private void SmartASS_KillRot(int index, TextMenu.Item tmi) { SetSmartassMode(JSIMechJeb.Target.KILLROT); }