        public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            // Setup:
            GcPdfDocument doc = new GcPdfDocument();
            TextLayout    tl  = new TextLayout(72)
                MaxWidth  = doc.PageSize.Width,
                MaxHeight = doc.PageSize.Height,
                MarginAll = 72,

            tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 7;
            var tfH = new TextFormat()
                Font = StandardFonts.TimesBold, FontSize = 12
            var tfP = new TextFormat()
                Font = StandardFonts.Times, FontSize = 11

            // Loop through all system fonts,
            // list Unicode ranges provided by each font:
            foreach (Font font in FontCollection.SystemFonts)
                tl.AppendLine($"{font.FontFileName} [{font.FullFontName}] [{font.FontFamilyName}]", tfH);
                var shot = font.CreateFontTables(TableTag.OS2);
                tl.AppendLine(shot.GetUnicodeRanges(), tfP);

            // Split and render TextLayout as shown in the PaginatedText sample:
            TextSplitOptions to = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                MinLinesInFirstParagraph = 2,
                MinLinesInLastParagraph  = 2

            while (true)
                var splitResult = tl.Split(to, out TextLayout rest);
                doc.Pages.Add().Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                if (splitResult != SplitResult.Split)
                tl = rest;

            // Done:
        public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            using (var clouds = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "clouds.jpg")))
                using (var firth = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "firth.jpg")))
                    using (var lavender = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "lavender.jpg")))
                        var yumin = Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "yumin.ttf"));
                        var ia    = new ImageAlign(ImageAlignHorz.Left, ImageAlignVert.Top, true, true, true, false, false);

                        var doc = new GcPdfDocument();

                        // The TextLayout that will hold and render the text:
                        var tl = new TextLayout(72);
                        tl.FirstLineIndent       = 18;
                        tl.ParagraphSpacing      = 6;
                        tl.FlowDirection         = FlowDirection.VerticalRightToLeft;
                        tl.TextAlignment         = TextAlignment.Justified;
                        tl.AlignmentDelayToSplit = true;
                        var tf = new TextFormat()
                            Font = yumin, FontSize = 12
                        // Repeat test text to fill a few pages:
                        for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
                            tl.Append(text, tf);

                        // Layout text in 4 horizontal columns:
                        // (The logic/code in this sample is identical to ArabicColumns):
                        const int NCOLS  = 4;
                        var       margin = 36f;
                        var       gap    = 18f;
                        var       page   = doc.NewPage();
                        page.Landscape = true;
                        var colHeight = (page.Size.Height - margin * 2 - gap * (NCOLS - 1)) / NCOLS;
                        tl.MaxWidth     = page.Size.Width;
                        tl.MaxHeight    = page.Size.Height;
                        tl.MarginLeft   = tl.MarginRight = margin;
                        tl.MarginTop    = margin;
                        tl.MarginBottom = margin + (colHeight + gap) * (NCOLS - 1);
                        // We can specify arbitrary rectangles for the text to flow around.
                        // In this case, we add 3 areas to draw some images:
                        tl.ObjectRects = new List <ObjectRect>()
                            new ObjectRect(page.Size.Width - margin - 267, margin, 267, 200),
                            new ObjectRect(margin + 100, margin + 60, 133, 100),
                            new ObjectRect(margin, page.Size.Height - margin - 301, 200, 301),
                        // Convert object rects to image areas, adjust to provide nice looking padding:
                        var rClouds = tl.ObjectRects[0].ToRectangleF();
                        rClouds.Inflate(-4, -3);
                        var rFirth = tl.ObjectRects[1].ToRectangleF();
                        rFirth.Inflate(-4, -3);
                        var rLavender = tl.ObjectRects[2].ToRectangleF();
                        rLavender.Inflate(-4, -3);
                        page.Graphics.DrawImage(clouds, rClouds, null, ia);
                        page.Graphics.DrawImage(firth, rFirth, null, ia);
                        page.Graphics.DrawImage(lavender, rLavender, null, ia);

                        // THE call: it calculates the glyphs needed to draw the text, and lays it out:

                        // Loop while there is still text to render:
                        bool done = false;
                        while (!done)
                            for (int col = 0; col < NCOLS; ++col)
                                int nextcol = (col < NCOLS - 1) ? col + 1 : 0;
                                // TextSplitOptions tell TextLayout.Split() how to layout the remaining text.
                                // In this case we advance from column to column by updating top and bottom margins:
                                var tso = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                                    RestMarginTop    = margin + (colHeight + gap) * nextcol,
                                    RestMarginBottom = margin + (colHeight + gap) * (NCOLS - 1 - nextcol)
                                var split = tl.Split(tso, out TextLayout rest);
                                page.Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                                if (split != SplitResult.Split)
                                    done = true;
                                tl = rest;
                            if (!done)
                                page           = doc.NewPage();
                                page.Landscape = true;
                                // We only want to render images on the first page, so clear ObjectRect:
                                if (tl.ObjectRects != null)
                                    tl.ObjectRects = null;
                                    // We need to redo the layout, but no need to recalculate the glyphs:
                        // Done:
        void Page1(GcPdfDocument doc)
            var page = doc.Pages.Add();
            var g    = page.Graphics;
            var tl   = new TextLayout(g.Resolution)
                FontCollection = _fc

            var gclogo   = GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "gc-logo-100px.png"));
            var gclogoRc = new RectangleF(36, 0, 72 * 1.8f, 72);

            g.DrawImage(gclogo, gclogoRc, null,
                        new ImageAlign(ImageAlignHorz.Left, ImageAlignVert.Center, true, true, true, false, false), out RectangleF[] rcs);
            g.DrawLine(rcs[0].Right + 10, rcs[0].Top, rcs[0].Right + 10, rcs[0].Bottom, _darkGray, 1);

            tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
            tl.MaxHeight          = gclogoRc.Height;
            tl.Append("Developer Solutions",
                      new TextFormat()
                FontName = "open sans", FontSize = 16, ForeColor = _darkGray
            g.DrawTextLayout(tl, new PointF(gclogoRc.Right + 20, gclogoRc.Y));

            var back       = GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "GCDocs-datasheet-sm.png"));
            var backRcClip = new RectangleF(0, 72, page.Size.Width, page.Size.Width - 72 * 1.75f);
            var backRc     = new RectangleF(-72, -72 * 4, page.Size.Width + 72 * 4, page.Size.Height + 72 * 4);

            g.DrawImage(back, backRc, backRcClip, ImageAlign.StretchImage);
            g.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(0, backRcClip.Bottom, page.Size.Width, page.Size.Height - backRcClip.Bottom), _lightGray);
            g.DrawLine(backRcClip.X, backRcClip.Bottom, backRcClip.Right, backRcClip.Bottom, Color.White, 1, null);
            g.DrawLine(backRcClip.X, backRcClip.Bottom + 1, backRcClip.Right, backRcClip.Bottom + 1, _darkGray, 1, null);

            var blueRc = new RectangleF(0, backRcClip.Y, page.Size.Width, 72 * 4);

            g.FillRectangle(blueRc, Color.FromArgb(220, _blue));

            blueRc.Inflate(0, -36);
            g.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(blueRc.Location, new SizeF(10, blueRc.Height)), Color.White);

            blueRc.Inflate(-36, 0);
            tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Near;
            tl.MaxWidth           = blueRc.Width;
            tl.MaxHeight          = blueRc.Height;
            tl.Append("NEW PRODUCT LINE",
                      new TextFormat()
                FontName = "open sans semibold", FontSize = 20, ForeColor = Color.White
            g.DrawTextLayout(tl, blueRc.Location);

            var midRc = new RectangleF(blueRc.X, blueRc.Y + tl.ContentHeight, blueRc.Width, blueRc.Height - tl.ContentHeight);

            tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Far;
                "Take total control of your digital documents with this NEW collection of ultra-fast, low-footprint document APIs for .NET Standard 2.0. These intuitive, extensible APIs " +
                "allow you to create, load, modify, and save Excel spreadsheets and PDF files in any .NET Standard 2.0 application",
                new TextFormat()
                FontName = "open sans light", FontSize = 14, ForeColor = Color.White
            g.DrawTextLayout(tl, blueRc.Location);

            midRc.Height -= tl.ContentHeight;
            midRc.Inflate(0, -20);

            var hex   = GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "gcd-hex-logo-white.png"));
            var hexRc = new RectangleF(midRc.Location, new SizeF(midRc.Height, midRc.Height));

            g.DrawImage(hex, hexRc, null, ImageAlign.StretchImage);

            tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
            tl.MaxHeight          = midRc.Height;
            tl.Append("GrapeCity Documents",
                      new TextFormat()
                FontName = "open sans semibold", FontSize = 26, ForeColor = Color.White
            g.DrawTextLayout(tl, new PointF(midRc.X + midRc.Height + 10, midRc.Y));

            var pointRc = new RectangleF(0, backRcClip.Bottom, page.Size.Width / 2, (page.Size.Height - backRcClip.Bottom) / 2 - 12);

            tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Near;
            tl.MaxWidth           = pointRc.Width;
            tl.MaxHeight          = pointRc.Height;
            tl.MarginLeft         = 80;
            tl.MarginTop          = 25;
            tl.MarginBottom       = 0;

            addPoint(GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "ico-hex-.NET.png")),
                     "Expand the reach of modern apps",
                     "With full support for .NET Standard 2.0, you can target multiple platforms, devices, and cloud with one code base.");

            pointRc.Offset(0, pointRc.Height);
            addPoint(GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "ico-hex-code.png")),
                     "Comprehensive, highly programmable",
                     "Do more with your Excel spreadsheets and PDFs: these APIs support Windows, Mac, Linux, and a wide variety of features for your documents.");

            pointRc.Offset(pointRc.Width, -pointRc.Height);
            tl.MarginRight = 30;
            addPoint(GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "ico-hex-speed.png")),
                     "High-speed, small footprint",
                     "The API architecture is designed to generate large, optimized documents, fast—while remaining lightweight and extensible.");

            pointRc.Offset(0, pointRc.Height);
            addPoint(GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "ico-hex-nodependences.png")),
                     "No dependencies",
                     "Generate and edit digital documents with no Acrobat or Excel dependencies.");

            g.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(0, page.Size.Height - 16, page.Size.Width, 16), _darkGray);

            drawCircle(new PointF(page.Size.Width - 160, backRcClip.Bottom - 105));

            void addPoint(IImage img, string caption, string text)
                var imgRc = new RectangleF(pointRc.X + 20, pointRc.Y + tl.MarginTop, 48, 48);

                g.DrawImage(img, imgRc, null, new ImageAlign()
                    AlignHorz = ImageAlignHorz.Center, AlignVert = ImageAlignVert.Center, BestFit = true
                tl.AppendLine(caption, new TextFormat()
                    FontName = "open sans semibold", FontSize = 11
                tl.Append(text, new TextFormat()
                    FontName = "open sans light", FontSize = 11
                if (!tl.ContentHeightFitsInBounds)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected: text overflow.");
                g.DrawTextLayout(tl, pointRc.Location);

            void drawCircle(PointF p)
                float D     = 128;
                float angle = (float)(16 * Math.PI) / 180f;

                g.Transform =
                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(-D / 2, -D / 2) *
                    Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(angle) *
                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(p.X + D / 2, p.Y + D / 2);

                var r = new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, new SizeF(D, D));

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    g.FillEllipse(r, Color.FromArgb(30 + i * 10, _darkGray));
                    r.Inflate(-1, -1);
                g.FillEllipse(r, _darkGray);
                r.Inflate(-1, -1);
                g.FillEllipse(r, Color.White);
                r.Inflate(-6, -6);
                g.FillEllipse(r, _darkGray);

                tl.MaxHeight          = tl.MaxWidth = D;
                tl.MarginLeft         = tl.MarginRight = tl.MarginTop = tl.MarginBottom = 0;
                tl.TextAlignment      = TextAlignment.Center;
                tl.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
                tl.ParagraphSpacing   = -4;
                var tf = new TextFormat()
                    FontName = "open sans light", FontSize = 18, ForeColor = Color.White

                tl.Append("DEPLOY\nTO", tf);
                tl.Append(" AZURE\n", new TextFormat(tf)
                    FontName = "open sans semibold"
                tl.Append(" ");
                g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);

                g.Transform = Matrix3x2.Identity;
        void Page2(GcPdfDocument doc)
            var page = doc.Pages.Add();
            var g    = page.Graphics;
            var tl   = new TextLayout(g.Resolution)
                FontCollection = _fc
            var col0X    = 36;
            var colWidth = page.Size.Width / 3 - 40;
            var colGap   = 20;
            var vgap     = 10;
            var ser1Y    = 100;
            var ser2Y    = 72 * 6;
            var h        = 45;

            List <(string caption, List <string> points)> gcpdf = new List <(string, List <string>)>()
                ("Advanced Text Handling", new List <string> {
                    "Standard PDF Fonts, Truetype Fonts, Open type Fonts, WOFF Fonts, system font loading, font embedding, fallback and linked fonts, EUDC fonts",
                    "Advanced text rendering features",
                    "Special character support",
                ("Cross-Platform, Cross-Framework compatibility", new List <string>
                    ".NET Standard 2.0",
                    ".NET Core 2.0",
                    ".NET Framework",
                    "Xamarin iOS",
                    "VSTO-style API"
                ("Security", new List <string>
                    "Encryption and decrpyption",
                    "User and owner passwords",
                    "AllowCopyContent, AllowEditAnnotations, AllowEditContent, AllowPrint",
                    "Digital Signatures"
                ("Annotations", new List <string>
                    "Modify, extract or delete annotations from existing PDFs"
                ("Fillable Form Fields", new List <string>
                    "Radio button",
                    "Push button",
                    "Signature field",
                    "Modify, extract or delete form fields from existing PDFs"
                ("Navigation", new List <string>
                ("Additional Features", new List <string>
                    "50 barcodes and properties",
                    "Create PDF/A files",
                    "Maintain document history with document properties",
                    "Generate linearized PDFs for fast web view",
                    "Full image and graphic support on all platforms",
                    "Add and delete pages",
                    "Chage page sizes",
                    "Page orientation"

            List <(string caption, List <string> points)> gcexcel = new List <(string, List <string>)>()
                ("Fast and Efficient", new List <string>
                    "Optimized for processing large Excel documents quickly"
                ("Cross-Platform, Cross-Framework compatibility", new List <string>
                    ".NET Standard 2.0",
                    ".NET Core 2.0",
                    ".NET Framework",
                    "VSTO-style API",
                ("Data Visualization", new List <string>
                    "Shapes and pictures",
                ("Powerful Calculation Engine", new List <string>
                    "450+ Excel functions",
                ("Seamless Excel Compatibility", new List <string>
                    "Import and export Excel files",
                    "Export to PDF",
                    "Encrypt files",
                    "Workbooks and worksheets",
                    "Cell range operations",
                    "Pivot and Excel tables",
                    "Data validation",
                ("Conditional Formatting Rules", new List <string>
                    "Cell value",
                    "Color scale",
                    "Data bar",
                    "Icon sets",
                    "Top and Bottom",
                ("Flexible Themes And Components", new List <string>
                    "Customizable themes",
                    "Configurable components",
                    "Summary data",
                    "Custom styles",
                    "Embedded drawing objects",
                    "Integrated calculation engine",

                      "GrapeCity Documents for PDF",
                      "This high-speed, feature-rich PDF document API for .NET Standard 2.0 gives you total " +
                      "control of your PDF documents, with no dependencies on Adobe Acrobat.Generate, " +
                      "edit, and store feature - rich PDF documents without compromising design or features.");

            PointF ipt = new PointF(col0X, ser1Y);

            foreach (var(caption, points) in gcpdf)
                var rc = addList(ipt, caption, points.ToArray());
                if (rc.Bottom < ser2Y - 120)
                    ipt = new PointF(rc.X, rc.Bottom + vgap);
                    ipt = new PointF(rc.X + colWidth + colGap, ser1Y);

                      "GrapeCity Documents for Excel",
                      "Generate high-performance Excel spreadsheets with no dependencies on Excel! " +
                      "Generate, convert, calculate, format, and parse spreadsheets in any app.");

            var topY = ser2Y + h + 10;

            ipt = new PointF(col0X, topY);
            foreach (var(caption, points) in gcexcel)
                var rc = addList(ipt, caption, points.ToArray());
                if (rc.Bottom < page.Size.Height - 100)
                    ipt = new PointF(rc.X, rc.Bottom + vgap);
                    ipt = new PointF(rc.X + colWidth + colGap, topY);

            var hdrRc = new RectangleF(28, 0, page.Size.Width - 28 * 2, 36);

            g.FillRectangle(hdrRc, _darkGray);
            var w = hdrRc.Width / 7;

            string[] hdrs  = new string[] { "Create", "Load", "Edit", "Save", "Analyze" };
            var      hdrTf = new TextFormat()
                FontName = "open sans", FontSize = 12, ForeColor = Color.White
            var trc = new RectangleF(hdrRc.X + w, hdrRc.Y, w, hdrRc.Height);

            for (int i = 0; i < hdrs.Length; ++i)
                g.DrawString(hdrs[i], hdrTf, trc, TextAlignment.Center, ParagraphAlignment.Center, false);
                if (i < hdrs.Length - 1)
                    g.DrawLine(trc.Right, trc.Top + 12, trc.Right, trc.Bottom - 12, Color.White, 1);
                trc.Offset(w, 0);
            var ftrRc = new RectangleF(0, page.Size.Height - 36, page.Size.Width, 36);

            g.FillRectangle(ftrRc, _darkGray);
            var ftr0 = "GrapeCity.com";
            var ftr1 = "© 2018 GrapeCity, Inc.All rights reserved.All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders.";

            ftrRc.Inflate(-col0X, -5);
            hdrTf.FontSize = 12;
            g.DrawString(ftr0, hdrTf, ftrRc, TextAlignment.Leading, ParagraphAlignment.Near, false);
            hdrTf.FontSize = 6;
            g.DrawString(ftr1, hdrTf, ftrRc, TextAlignment.Leading, ParagraphAlignment.Far, false);
            ftrRc.Inflate(0, -5);
            g.DrawImage(GetImage(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "logo-GC-white.png")), ftrRc, null,
                        new ImageAlign()
                AlignHorz = ImageAlignHorz.Right, AlignVert = ImageAlignVert.Center, BestFit = true

            void addHeader(float y, string caption, string text)
                var bluerc = new RectangleF(0, y, 28, h);

                g.FillRectangle(bluerc, _blue);
                var caprc = new RectangleF(bluerc.Right, y, 72 * 2.75f, h);

                g.FillRectangle(caprc, _lightGray);
                caprc.X      = col0X;
                caprc.Width -= col0X - bluerc.Width;
                g.DrawString(caption, new TextFormat()
                    FontName = "open sans semibold", FontSize = 12
                }, caprc, TextAlignment.Leading, ParagraphAlignment.Center, false);
                var textrc = new RectangleF(caprc.Right, caprc.Top, page.Size.Width - caprc.Right, caprc.Height);

                textrc.Inflate(-10, 0);
                g.DrawString(text, new TextFormat()
                    FontName = "open sans light", FontSize = 9
                }, textrc, TextAlignment.Leading, ParagraphAlignment.Center, true);

            RectangleF addList(PointF pt, string caption, params string[] items)
                var tf = new TextFormat()
                    FontName = "open sans light", FontSize = 9
                var ret = new RectangleF(pt, SizeF.Empty);

                tl.MaxWidth = colWidth;
                tl.AppendLine(caption, new TextFormat()
                    FontName = "open sans", FontBold = true, FontSize = 9
                g.DrawTextLayout(tl, pt);
                ret.Width  = tl.ContentWidth;
                ret.Height = tl.ContentHeight;
                pt.Y      += ret.Height;
                var itemPrefix = "\u2022  ";

                tl.FirstLineIndent = -g.MeasureStringWithTrailingWhitespace(itemPrefix, tf).Width;
                foreach (var item in items)
                    tl.AppendLine(itemPrefix + item, tf);
                g.DrawTextLayout(tl, pt);
                ret.Width   = Math.Max(ret.Width, tl.ContentWidth);
                ret.Height += tl.ContentHeight;
        // Adds a word index to the end of the passed document:
        private void AddWordIndex(GcPdfDocument doc, IEnumerable <string> words)
            var tStart = DateTime.Now;

            // Words and page indices where they occur, sorted on words:
            SortedDictionary <string, List <int> > index = new SortedDictionary <string, List <int> >();

            // Here the main loop building the index is on key words.
            // An alternative would be to loop over the pages.
            // Depending on the relative sizes of the keyword dictionary vs
            // the number of pages in the document, one or the other might be better,
            // but this is beyond the scope of this sample.
            foreach (string word in words)
                bool wholeWord = word.IndexOf(' ') == -1;
                var  ft        = doc.FindText(new FindTextParams(word, wholeWord, false), OutputRange.All);
                var  pgs       = ft.Select(fp_ => fp_.PageIndex).Distinct();
                // A very simplistic way of also finding plurals:
                if (wholeWord && !word.EndsWith('s'))
                    var ftpl = doc.FindText(new FindTextParams(word + "s", wholeWord, false), OutputRange.All);
                    pgs = pgs.Concat(ftpl.Select(fp_ => fp_.PageIndex).Distinct()).Distinct();
                if (pgs.Any())
                    var sorted = pgs.ToList();
                    index.Add(word, sorted);

            // Prepare to render the index. The whole index is built
            // in a single TextLayout instance, set up to render it
            // in two columns per page.
            // The main rendering loop uses the TextLayout.SplitAndBalance method
            // using the approach demonstrated in BalancedColumns sample.
            // The complication here is that we need to associate a link to the
            // relevant page with each page number rendered, see linkIndices below.
            // Set up the TextLayout:
            const float margin     = 72;
            var         pageWidth  = doc.PageSize.Width;
            var         pageHeight = doc.PageSize.Height;
            var         cW         = pageWidth - margin * 2;
            // Caption (index letter) format:
            var tfCap = new TextFormat()
                FontName = _fontFamily,
                FontBold = true,
                FontSize = 16,
                LineGap  = 24,
            // Index word and pages format:
            var tfRun = new TextFormat()
                FontName = _fontFamily,
                FontSize = 10,
            // Page headers/footers:
            var tfHdr = new TextFormat()
                FontName   = _fontFamily,
                FontItalic = true,
                FontSize   = 10,
            // FirstLineIndent = -18 sets up hanging indent:
            var tl = new TextLayout(72)
                FontCollection         = _fc,
                FirstLineIndent        = -18,
                MaxWidth               = pageWidth,
                MaxHeight              = pageHeight,
                MarginLeft             = margin,
                MarginRight            = margin,
                MarginBottom           = margin,
                MarginTop              = margin,
                ColumnWidth            = cW * 0.46f,
                TextAlignment          = TextAlignment.Leading,
                ParagraphSpacing       = 4,
                LineGapBeforeFirstLine = false,

            // The list of text runs created for page numbers:
            List <Tuple <TextRun, int> > pgnumRuns = new List <Tuple <TextRun, int> >();
            // This loop builds the index on the TextLayout, saving the text runs
            // created for each page number rendered. Note that at this point
            // (prior to the PerformLayout(true) call) the text runs do not contain any info
            // about their code points and render locations, so we can only save the text runs here.
            // Later they will be used to add links to referenced pages in the PDF:
            char litera = ' ';

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <int> > kvp in index)
                var word        = kvp.Key;
                var pageIndices = kvp.Value;
                if (Char.ToUpper(word[0]) != litera)
                    litera = Char.ToUpper(word[0]);
                    tl.Append($"{litera}\u2029", tfCap);
                tl.Append(word, tfRun);
                tl.Append("  ", tfRun);
                for (int i = 0; i < pageIndices.Count; ++i)
                    var from = pageIndices[i];
                    var tr   = tl.Append((from + 1).ToString(), tfRun);
                    pgnumRuns.Add(Tuple.Create(tr, from));
                    // We merge sequential pages into "..-M":
                    int k = i;
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < pageIndices.Count && pageIndices[j] == pageIndices[j - 1] + 1; ++j)
                        k = j;
                    if (k > i + 1)
                        tl.Append("-", tfRun);
                        var to = pageIndices[k];
                        tr = tl.Append((to + 1).ToString(), tfRun);
                        pgnumRuns.Add(Tuple.Create(tr, to));
                        // Fast forward:
                        i = k;
                    if (i < pageIndices.Count - 1)
                        tl.Append(", ", tfRun);
            // This calculates the glyphs and lays out the whole index.
            // The tl.SplitAndBalance() call in the loop below does not require redoing the layout:

            // Now we are ready to split and render the text layout, and also add links to page numbers.

            // Split areas and options - see BalancedColumns for details:
            var psas = new PageSplitArea[] {
                new PageSplitArea(tl)
                    MarginLeft = tl.MarginLeft + (cW * 0.54f)
            TextSplitOptions tso = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                KeepParagraphLinesTogether = true,

            // First original code point index in the current column:
            int cpiStart = 0;
            // Max+1 original code point index in the current column:
            int cpiEnd = 0;
            // Current index in pgnumRuns:
            int pgnumRunsIdx = 0;

            // Split and render the index in 2 columns:
            for (var page = doc.Pages.Add(); ; page = doc.Pages.Add())
                var g = page.Graphics;
                // Add a simple page header:
                g.DrawString($"Index generated by GcPdf on {tStart}", tfHdr,
                             new RectangleF(margin, 0, pageWidth - margin * 2, margin),
                             TextAlignment.Center, ParagraphAlignment.Center, false);
                // 'rest' will accept the text that did not fit on this page:
                var splitResult = tl.SplitAndBalance(psas, tso, out TextLayout rest);
                // Render text:
                g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                g.DrawTextLayout(psas[0].TextLayout, PointF.Empty);
                // Add links from page numbers to pages:
                linkIndices(tl, page);
                linkIndices(psas[0].TextLayout, page);
                // Are we done yet?
                if (splitResult != SplitResult.Split)
                tl = rest;
            // Done:

            // Method to add links to actual pages over page numbers in the current column:
            void linkIndices(TextLayout tl_, Page page_)
                cpiEnd += tl_.CodePointCount;
                for (; pgnumRunsIdx < pgnumRuns.Count; ++pgnumRunsIdx)
                    var run     = pgnumRuns[pgnumRunsIdx];
                    var textRun = run.Item1;
                    int cpi     = textRun.CodePointIndex;
                    if (cpi >= cpiEnd)
                    cpi -= cpiStart;
                    var rects = tl_.GetTextRects(cpi, textRun.CodePointCount);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rects.Count > 0);
                    page_.Annotations.Add(new LinkAnnotation(rects[0].ToRectangleF(), new DestinationFit(run.Item2)));
                cpiStart += tl_.CodePointCount;
        public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            GcPdfDocument doc  = new GcPdfDocument();
            var           page = doc.NewPage();

            var rc = Common.Util.AddNote(
                "This sample loads the PDF created by the TimeSheet sample into a temporary GcPdfDocument, " +
                "gets the text map for the first page, and prints out the coordinates and texts of all " +
                "line fragments in the map. " +
                "It also uses the map's HitTest method to find the text at specific coordinates in the PDF " +
                "and prints the result. " +
                "The original TimeSheet.pdf used by this sample (consisting of 1 page) is appended for reference.",

            // Setup text formatting and layout:
            var tf = new TextFormat()
                Font     = StandardFonts.Times,
                FontSize = 13
            var tfFound = new TextFormat()
                Font      = StandardFonts.TimesBold,
                FontSize  = 14,
                ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
            var tl = new TextLayout(72)
                MaxWidth  = doc.PageSize.Width,
                MaxHeight = doc.PageSize.Height,
                MarginAll = rc.Left,
                MarginTop = rc.Bottom + 36,
                TabStops  = new List <TabStop>()
                    new TabStop(72 * 2)
            TextSplitOptions to = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                MinLinesInFirstParagraph = 2,
                MinLinesInLastParagraph  = 2,
                RestMarginTop            = rc.Left,

            // Open an arbitrary PDF, load it into a temp document and use the map to find some texts:
            using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine("Resources", "PDFs", "TimeSheet.pdf"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                var doc1 = new GcPdfDocument();
                var tmap = doc1.Pages[0].GetTextMap();

                // We retrieve the text at a specific (known to us) geometric location on the page:
                float       tx0 = 2.1f, ty0 = 3.37f, tx1 = 3.1f, ty1 = 3.5f;
                HitTestInfo htiFrom = tmap.HitTest(tx0 * 72, ty0 * 72);
                HitTestInfo htiTo   = tmap.HitTest(ty0 * 72, ty1 * 72);
                tmap.GetFragment(htiFrom.Pos, htiTo.Pos, out TextMapFragment range1, out string text1);
                tl.AppendLine($"Looked for text inside rectangle x={tx0:F2}\", y={ty0:F2}\", width={tx1-tx0:F2}\", height={ty1-ty0:F2}\", found:", tf);
                tl.AppendLine(text1, tfFound);

                // Get all text fragments and their locations on the page:
                tl.AppendLine("List of all texts found on the page", tf);
                tmap.GetFragment(out TextMapFragment range, out string text);
                foreach (TextLineFragment tlf in range)
                    var coords = tmap.GetCoords(tlf);
                    tl.Append($"Text at ({coords.B.X / 72:F2}\",{coords.B.Y / 72:F2}\"):\t", tf);
                    tl.AppendLine(tmap.GetText(tlf), tfFound);

                // Print the results:
                while (true)
                    // 'rest' will accept the text that did not fit:
                    var splitResult = tl.Split(to, out TextLayout rest);
                    doc.Pages.Last.Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                    if (splitResult != SplitResult.Split)
                    tl = rest;

                // Append the original document for reference:
                doc.MergeWithDocument(doc1, new MergeDocumentOptions());
            // Done:
        // The main sample driver.
        public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            GcPdfDocument doc = new GcPdfDocument();
            // This will hold the llst of images so we can dispose them after saving the document:
            List <IDisposable> disposables = new List <IDisposable>();

            // Page footer:
            var ftrImg = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", "logo-GC-devsol.png"));

            var fx    = ftrImg.HorizontalResolution / 72f;
            var fy    = ftrImg.VerticalResolution / 72f;
            var ftrRc = new RectangleF(
                doc.PageSize.Width / 2 - ftrImg.Width / fx / 2,
                doc.PageSize.Height - 40,
                ftrImg.Width / fx,
                ftrImg.Height / fy);

            // Color for the title:
            var colorBlue = Color.FromArgb(0x3B, 0x5C, 0xAA);
            // Color for the highlights:
            var colorRed = Color.Red;
            // The text layout used to render text:
            TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(72)
                MaxWidth     = doc.PageSize.Width,
                MaxHeight    = doc.PageSize.Height,
                MarginLeft   = 72,
                MarginRight  = 72,
                MarginTop    = 72,
                MarginBottom = 72,

            tl.DefaultFormat.Font     = Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "segoeui.ttf"));
            tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 11;

            var page = doc.NewPage();

            var g = page.Graphics;

            // Caption:
            tl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
            tl.Append("Introduction\n", new TextFormat()
                FontSize = 16, ForeColor = colorBlue
            tl.Append("The Importance of Wetlands", new TextFormat()
                FontSize = 13, ForeColor = colorBlue
            g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);

            // Move below the caption for the first para:
            tl.MarginTop = tl.ContentHeight + 72 * 2;
            tl.TextAlignment    = TextAlignment.Leading;
            tl.ParagraphSpacing = 12;

            // For the first para we want a bigger initial letter, but no first line indent,
            // so we render it separately from the rest of the text:
            tl.Append(_paras[0].Substring(0, 1), new TextFormat(tl.DefaultFormat)
                FontSize = 22
            g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);

            // Account for the first para, and set up the text layout
            // for the rest of the text (a TextLayout allows to render multiple paragraphs,
            // but they all must have the same paragraph format):
            tl.MarginTop = tl.ContentRectangle.Bottom;
            tl.FirstLineIndent = 36;

            // Add remaining paragraphs:
            foreach (var para in _paras.Skip(1))
                // Paragraphs starting with '::' indicate images to be rendered across the page width:
                if (para.StartsWith("::"))
                    var img = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "ImagesBis", para.Substring(2)));
                    var w = tl.MaxWidth.Value - tl.MarginLeft - tl.MarginRight;
                    var h = (float)img.Height / (float)img.Width * w;
                    tl.AppendInlineObject(img, w, h);
            // Layout the paragraphs:
            // Text split options allow to implement widow and orphan control:
            var tso = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                RestMarginTop            = 72,
                MinLinesInFirstParagraph = 2,
                MinLinesInLastParagraph  = 2,
            // Image alignment used to render the pictures:
            var ia = new ImageAlign(ImageAlignHorz.Left, ImageAlignVert.Top, true, true, true, false, false)
                BestFit = true

            // In a loop, split and render the text:
            while (true)
                var splitResult = tl.Split(tso, out TextLayout rest);
                g = doc.Pages.Last.Graphics;
                doc.Pages.Last.Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                // Render all images that occurred on this page:
                foreach (var io in tl.InlineObjects)
                    doc.Pages.Last.Graphics.DrawImage((Image)io.Object, io.ObjectRect.ToRectangleF(), null, ia);
                // Break unless there is more to render:
                if (splitResult != SplitResult.Split)
                // Assign the remaining text to the 'main' TextLayout, add a new page and continue:
                tl = rest;

            // Save the PDF:
            // Dispose images (can be done only after saving the document):
            disposables.ForEach(d_ => d_.Dispose());
            // Done:

            void addPara(string para)
                // We implement a primitive markup to highlight some fragments in red:
                var txt = para.Split(new string[] { "<red>", "</red>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                for (int i = 0; i < txt.Length; ++i)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        tl.Append(txt[i], new TextFormat(tl.DefaultFormat)
                            ForeColor = colorRed

            void addFtr()
                doc.Pages.Last.Graphics.DrawImage(ftrImg, ftrRc, null, ImageAlign.StretchImage);
        public void CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            var doc = new GcPdfDocument();

            // Create a Part element, it will contain P (paragraph) elements:
            StructElement sePart = new StructElement("Part");


            // Create and set up a TextLayout to render paragraphs:
            var tl = new TextLayout(72);

            tl.DefaultFormat.Font     = StandardFonts.Times;
            tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 12;
            tl.FirstLineIndent        = 72 / 2;
            tl.MaxWidth  = doc.PageSize.Width;
            tl.MaxHeight = doc.PageSize.Height;
            tl.MarginAll = tl.Resolution;
            // Append the text (20 paragraphs so they would not fit on a single page)
            // (note that TextLayout interprets "\r\n" as paragraph delimiter):
            // Get the text (20 paragraphs):
            var text = Common.Util.LoremIpsum(20);
            // In order to tag the individual paragraphs, we need to split the text into paragraphs,
            // and use each paragraph format's Tag property (which is not related to PDF tags,
            // it is just an arbitrary data that can be associated with a TextFormat) to add the
            // paragraph's index to the paragraph:
            var pars = text.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            for (int i = 0; i < pars.Length; ++i)
                var tf = new TextFormat(tl.DefaultFormat)
                    Tag = i
                tl.AppendLine(pars[i], tf);

            // Layout the text:
            // Use split options to provide widow/orphan control:
            TextSplitOptions to = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                MinLinesInFirstParagraph = 2,
                MinLinesInLastParagraph  = 2,
            // TextLayoutHandler implements ITextLayoutHandler, which
            // allows to tag the text as it is rendered:
            TextLayoutHandler tlh = new TextLayoutHandler()
                ParentElement = sePart

            // In a loop, split and render the text:
            while (true)
                // 'rest' will accept the text that did not fit:
                var splitResult = tl.Split(to, out TextLayout rest);
                var page        = doc.Pages.Add();
                var g           = page.Graphics;
                // Tell the TextLayoutHandler which page we're on:
                tlh.Page = page;
                // ..and associate it with the graphics:
                g.TextLayoutHandler = tlh;
                // Draw the text that fits on the current page, and advance to next page unless we're done:
                g.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                if (splitResult != SplitResult.Split)
                tl = rest;
            // Mark document as tagged:
            doc.MarkInfo.Marked = true;

            // Done:
        public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            GcPdfDocument doc  = new GcPdfDocument();
            var           page = doc.NewPage();

            var rc = Common.Util.AddNote(
                "This sample loads an arbitrary PDF into a temporary GcPdfDocument, " +
                "then retrieves text from each page of the loaded document using the Page.GetText() method, " +
                "adds all those texts to a TextLayout and renders it into the current document. " +
                "An alternative to Page.GetText() is the method GcPdfDocument.GetText() " +
                "which retrieves the text from the whole document at once.",

            // Text format for captions:
            var tf = new TextFormat()
                Font      = Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "yumin.ttf")),
                FontSize  = 14,
                ForeColor = Color.Blue
            // Text layout to render the text:
            var tl = new TextLayout(72);

            tl.DefaultFormat.Font     = StandardFonts.Times;
            tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 12;
            tl.MaxWidth  = doc.PageSize.Width;
            tl.MaxHeight = doc.PageSize.Height;
            tl.MarginAll = rc.Left;
            tl.MarginTop = rc.Bottom + 36;

            // Text split options for widow/orphan control:
            TextSplitOptions to = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                MinLinesInFirstParagraph = 2,
                MinLinesInLastParagraph  = 2,
                RestMarginTop            = rc.Left,

            // Open an arbitrary PDF, load it into a temp document and get all page texts:
            using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine("Resources", "PDFs", "Wetlands.pdf"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                var doc1 = new GcPdfDocument();

                // Get the texts of the loaded document's pages:
                var texts = new List <string>();
                doc1.Pages.ToList().ForEach(p_ => texts.Add(p_.GetText()));

                // Add texts and captions to the text layout:
                for (int i = 0; i < texts.Count; ++i)
                    tl.AppendLine(string.Format("Text from page {0} of the loaded document:", i + 1), tf);
                while (true)
                    // 'rest' will accept the text that did not fit:
                    var splitResult = tl.Split(to, out TextLayout rest);
                    doc.Pages.Last.Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                    if (splitResult != SplitResult.Split)
                    tl = rest;
            // Done:
        public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            const string pdfName = "ExternalCMapTest.pdf";

            // This line may not be needed if the GcPdfDocument class ctor finds
            // the GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Resources.dll at startup
            // (this depends on the way the app is deployed):
            GcPdfDocument.CMapProvider = CMapProvider.Instance;

            GcPdfDocument doc  = new GcPdfDocument();
            var           page = doc.NewPage();

            var rc = Common.Util.AddNote("This sample loads a PDF into a temporary GcPdfDocument, " +
                                         "retrieves all text from each page of the loaded document using the Page.GetText() method, " +
                                         "adds all those texts to a TextLayout and renders it into the current document. " +
                                         "CMaps used by the PDF in this sample are provided by the optional " +
                                         "https://www.nuget.org/packages/GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Resources/ package. " +
                                         "Without a reference to that package most of the text in this particular PDF will not be found " +
                                         "as it uses the less common CMaps that are not built into GcPdf itself." +
                                         "\n\n" +
                                         "To use GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Resources in a project, add a reference to it, " +
                                         "and either make sure that GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Resources.dll is present in the runtime directory, " +
                                         "or add the line:" +
                                         "\n\tGcPdfDocument.CMapProvider = CMapProvider.Instance;" +
                                         "\nto the project's initialization code.",

            Font arialbd  = Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "arialbd.ttf"));
            Font segoe    = Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "segoeui.ttf"));
            Font arialuni = Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "arialuni.ttf"));


            // Text format for captions:
            var tf = new TextFormat()
                Font      = arialbd,
                FontSize  = 14,
                ForeColor = Color.Blue
            // Text layout to render the text:
            var tl = new TextLayout(72);

            tl.DefaultFormat.Font     = segoe;
            tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 12;
            tl.MaxWidth  = doc.PageSize.Width;
            tl.MaxHeight = doc.PageSize.Height;
            tl.MarginAll = rc.Left;
            tl.MarginTop = rc.Bottom + 36;

            // Text split options for widow/orphan control:
            TextSplitOptions to = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                MinLinesInFirstParagraph = 2,
                MinLinesInLastParagraph  = 2,
                RestMarginTop            = rc.Left,

            // Open an arbitrary PDF, load it into a temp document and get all page texts:
            using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine("Resources", "PDFs", pdfName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                var doc1 = new GcPdfDocument();

                // Get the texts of the loaded document's pages:
                var texts = new List <string>();
                doc1.Pages.ToList().ForEach(p_ => texts.Add(p_.GetText()));

                // Add texts and captions to the text layout:
                for (int i = 0; i < texts.Count; ++i)
                    tl.AppendLine($"Text from page {i + 1} of {pdfName}:", tf);
                while (true)
                    // 'rest' will accept the text that did not fit:
                    var splitResult = tl.Split(to, out TextLayout rest);
                    doc.Pages.Last.Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
                    if (splitResult != SplitResult.Split)
                    tl = rest;
            // Done:
        public int CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            // Number of pages to generate:
            const int N     = Common.Util.LargeDocumentIterations;
            var       start = DateTime.Now;
            var       doc   = new GcPdfDocument();
            // Prep a TextLayout to hold/format the text:
            var tl = new TextLayout(72)
                MaxWidth        = doc.PageSize.Width,
                MaxHeight       = doc.PageSize.Height,
                MarginAll       = 72,
                FirstLineIndent = 36,

            tl.DefaultFormat.Font     = StandardFonts.Times;
            tl.DefaultFormat.FontSize = 12;
            // Generate the document:
            for (int paraIdx = 0; paraIdx < N; ++paraIdx)
            // Split and render TextLayout as shown in the PaginatedText sample:
            TextSplitOptions tso = new TextSplitOptions(tl)
                MinLinesInFirstParagraph = 2,
                MinLinesInLastParagraph  = 2,

            // The loop splitting and rendering the layout:
            var tls = new TextLayoutSplitter(tl);

            for (var tlPage = tls.Split(tso); tlPage != null; tlPage = tls.Split(tso))
                doc.NewPage().Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tlPage, PointF.Empty);

            // Insert a title page (cannot be done if using StartDoc/EndDoc):
            tl.FirstLineIndent = 0;
            var fnt = Font.FromFile(Path.Combine("Resources", "Fonts", "yumin.ttf"));
            var tf0 = new TextFormat()
                FontSize = 24, FontBold = true, Font = fnt

            tl.Append(string.Format("Large Document\n{0} Pages of Lorem Ipsum\n\n", N), tf0);
            var tf1 = new TextFormat(tf0)
                FontSize = 14, FontItalic = true

            tl.Append(string.Format("Generated on {0} in {1:m\\m\\ s\\s\\ fff\\m\\s}.", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now - start), tf1);
            tl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
            doc.Pages.Insert(0).Graphics.DrawTextLayout(tl, PointF.Empty);
            // Done: