        /// <summary>A method used to calculate layout for Image and Text content with standard options.</summary>
        /// <param name="bounds">The bounding Rectangle within which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font used to draw text.</param>
        /// <param name="image">The image to draw (this may be null).</param>
        /// <param name="textAlignment">The vertical and horizontal alignment of the text.</param>
        /// <param name="imageAlignment">The vertical and horizontal alignment of the image.</param>
        /// <param name="textImageRelation">The placement of the image and text relative to each other.</param>
        /// <param name="wordWrap">set true if text should wrap.</param>
        /// <param name="glowSize">The size in pixels of the glow around text.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The format.</param>
        /// <param name="actualTextBounds">The actual text bounds.</param>
        /// <param name="actualImageBounds">The actual image bounds.</param>
        public static void CalcImageAndTextBounds(Rectangle bounds, string text, Font font, Image image, ContentAlignment textAlignment,
                                                  ContentAlignment imageAlignment, TextImageRelation textImageRelation, bool wordWrap, int glowSize,
                                                  ref TextFormatFlags format, out Rectangle actualTextBounds, out Rectangle actualImageBounds)
            var horizontalRelation = (int)textImageRelation > 2;
            var imageHasPreference = textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText || textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;

            var preferredAlignmentValue = imageHasPreference ? (int)imageAlignment : (int)textAlignment;

            var contentRectangle = bounds;

            format |= TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl | (wordWrap ? TextFormatFlags.WordBreak : TextFormatFlags.SingleLine);

            // Get ImageSize
            var imageSize = image?.Size ?? Size.Empty;

            // Get AvailableTextSize
            var availableTextSize = horizontalRelation ?
                                    new Size(bounds.Width - imageSize.Width, bounds.Height) :
                                    new Size(bounds.Width, bounds.Height - imageSize.Height);

            // Get ActualTextSize
            var actualTextSize = text?.Length > 0 ? TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font, availableTextSize, format) : Size.Empty;

            // Get ContentRectangle based upon TextImageRelation
            if (textImageRelation != 0)
                // Get ContentSize
                var contentSize = horizontalRelation ?
                                  new Size(imageSize.Width + actualTextSize.Width, Math.Max(imageSize.Height, availableTextSize.Height)) :
                                  new Size(Math.Max(imageSize.Width, availableTextSize.Width), imageSize.Height + actualTextSize.Height);

                // Get ContentLocation
                var contentLocation = bounds.Location;
                if (horizontalRelation)
                    if (preferredAlignmentValue % 15 == 1)
                        contentLocation.X = bounds.Left;
                    else if (preferredAlignmentValue % 15 == 2)
                        contentLocation.X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2 - contentSize.Width / 2);
                    else if (preferredAlignmentValue % 15 == 4)
                        contentLocation.X = bounds.Right - contentSize.Width;
                    if (preferredAlignmentValue <= 4)
                        contentLocation.Y = bounds.Top;
                    else if (preferredAlignmentValue >= 256)
                        contentLocation.Y = bounds.Bottom - contentSize.Height;
                        contentLocation.Y = bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2 - contentSize.Height / 2);

                contentRectangle = new Rectangle(contentLocation, contentSize);

            actualImageBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
            if (image != null)
                // Get ActualImageBounds
                actualImageBounds = new Rectangle(bounds.Location, imageSize);
                if (horizontalRelation)
                    actualImageBounds.X = imageHasPreference ? contentRectangle.X : contentRectangle.Right - imageSize.Width;
                    actualImageBounds.Y = (int)imageAlignment <= 4 ?
                                          contentRectangle.Y : (int)imageAlignment >= 256 ?
                                          contentRectangle.Bottom - imageSize.Height :
                                          contentRectangle.Y + contentRectangle.Height / 2 - imageSize.Height / 2;
                else if (textImageRelation == 0)
                    if ((int)imageAlignment <= 4)
                        actualImageBounds.Y = bounds.Top;
                    else if ((int)imageAlignment >= 256)
                        actualImageBounds.Y = bounds.Bottom - imageSize.Height;
                        actualImageBounds.Y = bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2 - imageSize.Height / 2);

                    if ((int)imageAlignment % 15 == 1)
                        actualImageBounds.X = bounds.Left;
                    else if ((int)imageAlignment % 15 == 2)
                        actualImageBounds.X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2 - imageSize.Width / 2);
                    else if ((int)imageAlignment % 15 == 4)
                        actualImageBounds.X = bounds.Right - imageSize.Width;
                    actualImageBounds.Y = imageHasPreference ? contentRectangle.Y : contentRectangle.Bottom - imageSize.Height;
                    actualImageBounds.X = (int)imageAlignment % 15 == 1 ?
                                          contentRectangle.X : (int)imageAlignment % 15 == 2 ?
                                          contentRectangle.X + contentRectangle.Width / 2 - imageSize.Width / 2 :
                                          contentRectangle.Right - imageSize.Width;

            // Get ActualTextBounds
            actualTextBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
            if (!(text?.Length > 0))

            actualTextBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, actualTextSize);
            if (horizontalRelation)
                actualTextBounds.X = imageHasPreference ? contentRectangle.Right - actualTextSize.Width : contentRectangle.X;
                actualTextBounds.Y = (int)textAlignment <= 4
                                        ? contentRectangle.Y
                                        : (int)textAlignment >= 256
                                                ? contentRectangle.Bottom - actualTextSize.Height
                                                : contentRectangle.Y + (contentRectangle.Height / 2) - (actualTextSize.Height / 2);
            else if (textImageRelation == 0)
                if ((int)textAlignment <= 4)
                    actualTextBounds.Y = bounds.Top;
                else if ((int)textAlignment >= 256)
                    actualTextBounds.Y = bounds.Bottom - actualTextSize.Height;
                    actualTextBounds.Y = bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2 - actualTextSize.Height / 2);

                if ((int)textAlignment % 15 == 1)
                    actualTextBounds.X = bounds.Left;
                else if ((int)textAlignment % 15 == 2)
                    actualTextBounds.X = bounds.Left + (bounds.Width / 2 - actualTextSize.Width / 2);
                else if ((int)textAlignment % 15 == 4)
                    actualTextBounds.X = bounds.Right - actualTextSize.Width;
                actualTextBounds.Y = imageHasPreference ? contentRectangle.Bottom - actualTextSize.Height : contentRectangle.Y;
                actualTextBounds.X = (int)textAlignment % 15 == 1
                                        ? contentRectangle.X
                                        : (int)textAlignment % 15 == 2
                                                ? contentRectangle.X + contentRectangle.Width / 2 - actualTextSize.Width / 2
                                                : contentRectangle.Right - actualTextSize.Width;
        /// <summary>A method used to draw standard Image and Text content with standard layout options.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The Graphics object on which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">The bounding Rectangle within which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font used to draw text.</param>
        /// <param name="image">The image to draw (this may be null).</param>
        /// <param name="textAlignment">The vertical and horizontal alignment of the text.</param>
        /// <param name="imageAlignment">The vertical and horizontal alignment of the image.</param>
        /// <param name="textImageRelation">The placement of the image and text relative to each other.</param>
        /// <param name="textColor">The color to draw the text.</param>
        /// <param name="wordWrap">set true if text should wrap.</param>
        /// <param name="glowSize">The size in pixels of the glow around text.</param>
        /// <param name="enabled">Set false to draw image grayed out.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The <see cref="TextFormatFlags"/> used to format the text.</param>
        public static void DrawImageAndText(this Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, string text, Font font, Image image,
                                            ContentAlignment textAlignment, ContentAlignment imageAlignment, TextImageRelation textImageRelation, Color textColor,
                                            bool wordWrap, int glowSize, bool enabled = true, TextFormatFlags format = TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl)
            CalcImageAndTextBounds(bounds, text, font, image, textAlignment, imageAlignment, textImageRelation, wordWrap, glowSize, ref format, out Rectangle tRect, out Rectangle iRect);

            // Draw Image
            if (image != null)
                if (enabled)
                    graphics.DrawImage(image, iRect);
                    ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(graphics, image, iRect.X, iRect.Y, Color.Transparent);

            // Draw text
            if (text?.Length > 0)
                TextRenderer.DrawText(graphics, text, font, tRect, textColor, format);
		protected ButtonBase() : base()
			flat_style	= FlatStyle.Standard;
			flat_button_appearance = new FlatButtonAppearance (this);
			this.image_key = string.Empty;
			this.text_image_relation = TextImageRelation.Overlay;
			this.use_mnemonic = true;
			use_visual_style_back_color = true;
			image_index	= -1;
			image		= null;
			image_list	= null;
			image_alignment	= ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			ImeMode         = ImeMode.Disable;
			text_alignment	= ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			is_default	= false;
			is_pressed	= false;
			text_format	= new StringFormat();
			text_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
			text_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
			text_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show;
			text_format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.LineLimit;

			text_format_flags = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter;
			text_format_flags |= TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter;
			text_format_flags |= TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl;

			SetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | 
				ControlStyles.Opaque | 
				ControlStyles.UserMouse | 
				ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor | 
				ControlStyles.CacheText |
				ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
			SetStyle (ControlStyles.StandardClick, false);
        private ToolStripItem SetToolStripItem(ToolStripItem toolStripItem, Operation operation,
            IResourceService resourceService, int rowCount, bool isTextShown, ContentAlignment txtAlign, TextImageRelation txtImgRelation, Font font)
            string toolStripResourceName = string.Empty;

            if (toolStripItem is ToolStripSplitButton)
                toolStripResourceName = string.Format(resourceService.GetResourceString(operation.Name), rowCount);
                toolStripItem.Tag = operation.Name + '#' + operation.Detail;
                toolStripResourceName = resourceService.GetResourceString(operation.Name);
                toolStripItem.Tag = operation.Name;

            toolStripItem.ToolTipText = toolStripResourceName;
            toolStripItem.Name = operation.Name;
            toolStripItem.Image = GetIcon(operation.NormalResId, RESOURCE_TYPE); //
            if (isTextShown)
                toolStripItem.Text = toolStripResourceName;
                toolStripItem.TextAlign = txtAlign;
                toolStripItem.TextImageRelation = txtImgRelation;
                toolStripItem.Font = font;
            return toolStripItem;
 public static bool IsValidTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation) =>
 ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(relation, (int)relation, 0, 8, 1);
 // IsValidTextImageRelation
 // valid values are 0,1,2,4,8
 // Method for verifying
 //   Verify that the number is between 0 and 8
 //   Verify that the bit that is on - thus forcing it to be a power of two.
 public static bool IsValidTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     return(ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(relation, (int)relation, (int)TextImageRelation.Overlay, (int)TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage, 1));
        protected override SizeF ArrangeOverride(SizeF finalSize)
            SizeF      fieldSize   = finalSize;
            RectangleF layoutField = new RectangleF(PointF.Empty, finalSize);

            RectangleF imageBounds = RectangleF.Empty;
            RectangleF textBounds  = RectangleF.Empty;
            SizeF      textSize    = SizeF.Empty;
            SizeF      imageSize   = SizeF.Empty;

            ContentAlignment  imageAlign        = this.ImageAlignment;
            ContentAlignment  textAlign         = this.TextAlignment;
            TextImageRelation textImageRelation = this.TextImageRelation;

            if (this.RightToLeft)
                imageAlign        = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateContent(ImageAlignment);
                textAlign         = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateContent(TextAlignment);
                textImageRelation = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateRelation(TextImageRelation);

            if ((this.textElement != null) && IsPrimitiveNullOrEmpty(this.imageElement))
                if (this.imageElement != null)
            if ((this.imageElement != null) && IsPrimitiveNullOrEmpty(this.textElement))
                if (this.textElement != null)

            textSize  = this.GetInvariantLength(textElement.DesiredSize, textElement.Margin);
            imageSize = this.GetInvariantLength(imageElement.DesiredSize, imageElement.Margin);

            // Subtract the image size from the whole field size
            SizeF textSizeLeft = LayoutUtils.SubAlignedRegion(fieldSize, imageSize, textImageRelation);
            // Create a new size based on the text size and the image size
            SizeF newSize = LayoutUtils.AddAlignedRegion(textSize, imageSize, textImageRelation);
            // The new field which is a union of the new sizes
            RectangleF maxFieldRectangle = RectangleF.Empty;

            maxFieldRectangle.Size = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(fieldSize, newSize);
            // Image doesn't overlay text
            bool imageAlignNoOverlay = (TelerikAlignHelper.ImageAlignToRelation(imageAlign) & textImageRelation) !=
            // Text doesn't overlay image
            bool textAlignNoOverlay = (TelerikAlignHelper.TextAlignToRelation(textAlign) & textImageRelation) !=

            if (imageAlignNoOverlay)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
            else if (textAlignNoOverlay)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, textSize, (AnchorStyles)LayoutUtils.GetOppositeTextImageRelation(textImageRelation), out textBounds, out imageBounds);
                // Both image overlays text and text overlays image
                if (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.Overlay)
                    LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
                    RectangleF alignedField = LayoutUtils.Align(newSize, maxFieldRectangle, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
                    LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(alignedField, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
                    LayoutUtils.ExpandRegionsToFillBounds(maxFieldRectangle, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, ref imageBounds, ref textBounds);

            textBounds.Size  = SizeF.Subtract(textBounds.Size, this.textElement.Margin.Size);
            imageBounds.Size = SizeF.Subtract(imageBounds.Size, this.imageElement.Margin.Size);


 public ToolStripBuilderStyle(ToolStripItemDisplayStyle toolStripItemDisplayStyle, ToolStripItemAlignment toolStripItemAlignment, TextImageRelation textImageRelation)
     _toolStripItemAlignment = toolStripItemAlignment;
     _toolStripItemDisplayStyle = toolStripItemDisplayStyle;
     _textImageRelation = textImageRelation;
 public static Size AddAlignedRegion(Size textSize, Size imageSize, TextImageRelation relation) {
     return AddAlignedRegionCore(textSize, imageSize, IsVerticalRelation(relation));
 private TextImageRelation RtlTranslateRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     if (!this.layoutRTL)
         return relation;
     TextImageRelation relation2 = relation;
     if (relation2 != TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText)
         if (relation2 == TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage)
             return TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
         return relation;
     return TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
 /// <summary>
 /// 两个大小相加,by关系.重叠关系(需要预先手动排除)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contentSize1">内容大小1</param>
 /// <param name="contentSize2">内容大小2</param>
 /// <param name="relation">两个内容关系</param>
 /// <returns>新大小</returns>
 public static Size AddAlignedRegion(Size contentSize1, Size contentSize2, TextImageRelation relation)
     return(AddAlignedRegionCore(contentSize1, contentSize2, IsVerticalRelation(relation)));
        /// <summary>Draws the text image relation.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics.</param>
        /// <param name="relation">The relation type.</param>
        /// <param name="image">The image rectangle.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font.</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">The outer bounds.</param>
        /// <param name="imagePoint">Return image point.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Point" />.</returns>
        public static Point GetTextImageRelationLocation(Graphics graphics, TextImageRelation relation, Rectangle image, string text, Font font, Rectangle bounds, bool imagePoint)
            Point _newPosition   = new Point(0, 0);
            Point _imageLocation = new Point(0, 0);
            Point _textLocation  = new Point(0, 0);
            Size  textSize       = GraphicsManager.MeasureText(text, font, graphics);

            switch (relation)
            case TextImageRelation.Overlay:
                // Set center
                _newPosition.X = bounds.Width / 2;
                _newPosition.Y = bounds.Height / 2;

                // Set image
                _imageLocation.X = _newPosition.X - (image.Width / 2);
                _imageLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y - (image.Height / 2);

                // Set text
                _textLocation.X = _newPosition.X - (textSize.Width / 2);
                _textLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y - (textSize.Height / 2);

            case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText:
                // Set center
                _newPosition.Y = bounds.Height / 2;

                // Set image
                _imageLocation.X = _newPosition.X + 4;
                _imageLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y - (image.Height / 2);

                // Set text
                _textLocation.X = _imageLocation.X + image.Width;
                _textLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y - (textSize.Height / 2);

            case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage:
                // Set center
                _newPosition.Y = bounds.Height / 2;

                // Set text
                _textLocation.X = _newPosition.X + 4;
                _textLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y - (textSize.Height / 2);

                // Set image
                _imageLocation.X = _textLocation.X + textSize.Width;
                _imageLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y - (image.Height / 2);

            case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText:
                // Set center
                _newPosition.X = bounds.Width / 2;

                // Set image
                _imageLocation.X = _newPosition.X - (image.Width / 2);
                _imageLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y + 4;

                // Set text
                _textLocation.X = _newPosition.X - (textSize.Width / 2);
                _textLocation.Y = _imageLocation.Y + image.Height;

            case TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage:
                // Set center
                _newPosition.X = bounds.Width / 2;

                // Set text
                _textLocation.X = _newPosition.X - (textSize.Width / 2);
                _textLocation.Y = _imageLocation.Y + 4;

                // Set image
                _imageLocation.X = _newPosition.X - (image.Width / 2);
                _imageLocation.Y = _newPosition.Y + textSize.Height + 4;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(relation), relation, null);

            if (imagePoint)
        public override SizeF Measure(SizeF availableSize)
            SizeF             result            = SizeF.Empty;
            SizeF             leftSize          = SizeF.Empty;
            SizeF             rightSize         = SizeF.Empty;
            TextImageRelation textImageRelation = this.owner.TextImageRelation;

            switch (textImageRelation)
            case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText:
            case TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage:
                if (this.left != null)
                    leftSize = this.left.Measure(availableSize);

                if (this.right != null)
                    rightSize = this.right.Measure(new SizeF(availableSize.Width, availableSize.Height - leftSize.Height));

                result.Height += leftSize.Height;
                result.Height += rightSize.Height;
                result.Width   = Math.Max(leftSize.Width, rightSize.Width);

            case TextImageRelation.Overlay:
                if (this.left != null)
                    leftSize = this.left.Measure(availableSize);

                if (this.right != null)
                    rightSize = this.right.Measure(availableSize);

                result.Height = Math.Max(leftSize.Height, rightSize.Height);
                result.Width  = Math.Max(leftSize.Width, rightSize.Width);

            case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText:
            case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage:
                if (this.left != null)
                    leftSize = this.left.Measure(availableSize);

                if (this.right != null)
                    rightSize = this.right.Measure(new SizeF(availableSize.Width - leftSize.Width, availableSize.Height));

                result.Width += leftSize.Width;
                result.Width += rightSize.Width;
                result.Height = Math.Max(leftSize.Height, rightSize.Height);


            this.DesiredSize = result;

        public override SizeF Arrange(RectangleF bounds)
            SizeF finalSize = bounds.Size;

            if (this.lastFinalSize != finalSize || this.isDirty)
                this.lastFinalSize = finalSize;

            SizeF      fieldSize   = finalSize;
            RectangleF layoutField = new RectangleF(bounds.Location, finalSize);

            RectangleF imageBounds = RectangleF.Empty;
            RectangleF textBounds  = RectangleF.Empty;
            SizeF      textSize    = SizeF.Empty;
            SizeF      imageSize   = SizeF.Empty;

            ContentAlignment  imageAlign        = this.owner.ImageAlignment;
            ContentAlignment  textAlign         = this.owner.TextAlignment;
            TextImageRelation textImageRelation = this.owner.TextImageRelation;

            if (this.owner.RightToLeft)
                imageAlign        = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateContent(imageAlign);
                textAlign         = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateContent(textAlign);
                textImageRelation = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateRelation(textImageRelation);

            if ((this.left != null) && (this.owner.Image == null))
                if (this.right != null)
            if (this.right != null && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.owner.Text) || !this.owner.DrawText))
                if (this.left != null)

            imageSize = this.GetInvariantLength(Size.Ceiling(this.left.DesiredSize), this.left.Margin);
            textSize  = this.GetInvariantLength(Size.Ceiling(this.right.DesiredSize), this.right.Margin);

            // Subtract the image size from the whole field size
            SizeF textSizeLeft = LayoutUtils.SubAlignedRegion(fieldSize, imageSize, textImageRelation);
            // Create a new size based on the text size and the image size
            SizeF newSize = LayoutUtils.AddAlignedRegion(textSize, imageSize, textImageRelation);

            // The new field which is a union of the new sizes
            RectangleF maxFieldRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;

            maxFieldRectangle.Size = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(fieldSize, newSize);
            maxFieldRectangle.X   += layoutField.X;
            maxFieldRectangle.Y   += layoutField.Y;
            // Image doesn't overlay text
            bool imageAlignNoOverlay = (TelerikAlignHelper.ImageAlignToRelation(imageAlign) & textImageRelation) != TextImageRelation.Overlay;
            // Text doesn't overlay image
            bool textAlignNoOverlay = (TelerikAlignHelper.TextAlignToRelation(textAlign) & textImageRelation) != TextImageRelation.Overlay;

            if (imageAlignNoOverlay)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
            else if (textAlignNoOverlay)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, textSize, (AnchorStyles)LayoutUtils.GetOppositeTextImageRelation(textImageRelation), out textBounds, out imageBounds);
                // Both image overlays text and text overlays image
                if (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.Overlay)
                    LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
                    RectangleF alignedField = LayoutUtils.Align(newSize, maxFieldRectangle, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
                    LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(alignedField, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
                    LayoutUtils.ExpandRegionsToFillBounds(maxFieldRectangle, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, ref imageBounds, ref textBounds);

            //set image and text bounds according the size of the field
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage) || (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText))
                float num1 = Math.Min(textBounds.Bottom, layoutField.Bottom);
                textBounds.Y      = Math.Max(Math.Min(textBounds.Y, layoutField.Y + ((layoutField.Height - textBounds.Height) / 2)), layoutField.Y);
                textBounds.Height = num1 - textBounds.Y;
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage) || (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText))
                float num2 = Math.Min(textBounds.Right, layoutField.Right);
                textBounds.X     = Math.Max(Math.Min(textBounds.X, layoutField.X + ((layoutField.Width - textBounds.Width) / 2)), layoutField.X);
                textBounds.Width = num2 - textBounds.X;
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText) && (imageBounds.Size.Width != 0))
                imageBounds.Width = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(fieldSize.Width - textBounds.Width, imageBounds.Width));
                textBounds.X      = imageBounds.X + imageBounds.Width;
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText) && (imageBounds.Size.Height != 0))
                imageBounds.Height = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(fieldSize.Height - textBounds.Height, imageBounds.Height));
                textBounds.Y       = imageBounds.Y + imageBounds.Height;
            textBounds = RectangleF.Intersect(textBounds, layoutField);

            //align image and if its size is greater than the field's size it is become offseted as much as the difference
            RectangleF newImageBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(imageSize, imageBounds, imageAlign);

            if (newImageBounds.Width > imageBounds.Width)
                newImageBounds.X = imageBounds.Width - imageSize.Width;
            if (newImageBounds.Height > imageBounds.Height)
                newImageBounds.Y = imageBounds.Height - imageSize.Height;

            textBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(textSize, textBounds, textAlign);

            textBounds.Size  = SizeF.Subtract(textBounds.Size, this.left.Margin.Size);
            imageBounds.Size = SizeF.Subtract(imageBounds.Size, this.right.Margin.Size);


 TextImageRelation RtlTranslateRelation(TextImageRelation relation) {
     // If RTL, we swap ImageBeforeText and TextBeforeImage
     if (layoutRTL) {
         switch(relation) {
             case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText:
                 return TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
             case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage:
                 return TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
     return relation;
 // IsValidTextImageRelation
 // valid values are 0,1,2,4,8
 // Method for verifying
 //   Verify that the number is between 0 and 8
 //   Verify that the bit that is on - thus forcing it to be a power of two.
 public static bool IsValidTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation) {
     return ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(relation, (int)relation, (int)TextImageRelation.Overlay, (int)TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage,1);           
 static LayoutOptions()
     TextImageRelation[] relationArray = new TextImageRelation[11];
     relationArray[0] = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText | TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
     relationArray[1] = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
     relationArray[2] = TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage | TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
     relationArray[4] = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
     relationArray[6] = TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
     relationArray[8] = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText | TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage;
     relationArray[9] = TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage;
     relationArray[10] = TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage | TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage;
     _imageAlignToRelation = relationArray;
 // True if text & image should be lined up vertically.  False if horizontal or overlay.
 public static bool IsVerticalRelation(TextImageRelation relation) {
     return (relation & (TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage | TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText)) != 0;
        public override SizeF Arrange(RectangleF bounds)
            SizeF size = bounds.Size;

            if (this.lastFinalSize != size || this.isDirty)
                this.lastFinalSize = size;
            SizeF             sizeF1           = size;
            RectangleF        rectangleF1      = new RectangleF(bounds.Location, size);
            RectangleF        empty1           = RectangleF.Empty;
            RectangleF        region2          = RectangleF.Empty;
            SizeF             empty2           = SizeF.Empty;
            SizeF             empty3           = SizeF.Empty;
            ContentAlignment  contentAlignment = this.Owner.ImageAlignment;
            TextImageRelation relation         = this.Owner.TextImageRelation;

            if (this.Owner.RightToLeft)
                contentAlignment = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateContent(contentAlignment);
                relation         = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateRelation(relation);
            if (this.left != null && this.Owner.Image == null)
                if (this.right != null)
            if (this.right != null && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Owner.Text) || !this.Owner.DrawText))
                if (this.left != null)
            SizeF invariantLength1 = (SizeF)this.GetInvariantLength(Size.Ceiling(this.left.DesiredSize), this.left.Margin);
            SizeF invariantLength2 = (SizeF)this.GetInvariantLength(Size.Ceiling(this.right.DesiredSize), this.right.Margin);

            LayoutUtils.SubAlignedRegion(sizeF1, invariantLength1, relation);
            SizeF      sizeF2 = LayoutUtils.AddAlignedRegion(invariantLength2, invariantLength1, relation);
            RectangleF empty4 = (RectangleF)Rectangle.Empty;

            empty4.Size = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(sizeF1, sizeF2);
            empty4.X   += rectangleF1.X;
            empty4.Y   += rectangleF1.Y;
            bool flag1 = (TelerikAlignHelper.ImageAlignToRelation(contentAlignment) & relation) != TextImageRelation.Overlay;
            bool flag2 = (TelerikAlignHelper.TextAlignToRelation(this.Owner.TextAlignment) & relation) != TextImageRelation.Overlay;

            if (flag1)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(empty4, invariantLength1, (AnchorStyles)relation, out empty1, out region2);
            else if (flag2)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(empty4, invariantLength2, (AnchorStyles)LayoutUtils.GetOppositeTextImageRelation(relation), out region2, out empty1);
            else if (relation == TextImageRelation.Overlay)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(empty4, invariantLength1, (AnchorStyles)relation, out empty1, out region2);
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(LayoutUtils.Align(sizeF2, empty4, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter), invariantLength1, (AnchorStyles)relation, out empty1, out region2);
                LayoutUtils.ExpandRegionsToFillBounds(empty4, (AnchorStyles)relation, ref empty1, ref region2);
            if (relation == TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage || relation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText)
                float num = Math.Min(region2.Bottom, rectangleF1.Bottom);
                region2.Y      = Math.Max(Math.Min(region2.Y, rectangleF1.Y + (float)(((double)rectangleF1.Height - (double)region2.Height) / 2.0)), rectangleF1.Y);
                region2.Height = num - region2.Y;
            if (relation == TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage || relation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText)
                float num = Math.Min(region2.Right, rectangleF1.Right);
                region2.X     = Math.Max(Math.Min(region2.X, rectangleF1.X + (float)(((double)rectangleF1.Width - (double)region2.Width) / 2.0)), rectangleF1.X);
                region2.Width = num - region2.X;
            if (relation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText && (double)empty1.Size.Width != 0.0)
                empty1.Width = Math.Max(0.0f, Math.Min(sizeF1.Width - region2.Width, empty1.Width));
                region2.X    = empty1.X + empty1.Width;
            if (relation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText && (double)empty1.Size.Height != 0.0)
                empty1.Height = Math.Max(0.0f, Math.Min(sizeF1.Height - region2.Height, empty1.Height));
                region2.Y     = empty1.Y + empty1.Height;
            region2 = RectangleF.Intersect(region2, rectangleF1);
            RectangleF rectangleF2 = LayoutUtils.Align(invariantLength1, empty1, contentAlignment);

            if ((double)rectangleF2.Width > (double)empty1.Width)
                rectangleF2.X = empty1.Width - invariantLength1.Width;
            if ((double)rectangleF2.Height > (double)empty1.Height)
                rectangleF2.Y = empty1.Height - invariantLength1.Height;
            region2.Size = SizeF.Subtract(region2.Size, (SizeF)this.left.Margin.Size);
            empty1.Size  = SizeF.Subtract(empty1.Size, (SizeF)this.right.Margin.Size);
 public void OnmyTextImageRelationChanged(TextImageRelation oldValue, TextImageRelation newValue)
        public void ButtonBase_TextImageRelation_SetInvalid_ThrowsInvalidEnumArgumentException(TextImageRelation value)
            var button = new SubButtonBase();

            Assert.Throws <InvalidEnumArgumentException>("value", () => button.TextImageRelation = value);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldSize"></param>
        /// <param name="layoutField"></param>
        /// <param name="newLayouts"></param>
        public void LayoutTextAndImage(Size fieldSize, Rectangle layoutField, bool newLayouts)
            Rectangle imageBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
            Rectangle textBounds  = Rectangle.Empty;
            Size      textSize    = Size.Empty;
            Size      imageSize   = Size.Empty;

            ContentAlignment  imageAlign        = ImageAlignment;
            ContentAlignment  textAlign         = TextAlignment;
            TextImageRelation textImageRelation = TextImageRelation;

            if (!newLayouts)
                List <PreferredSizeData> prefSizelist = new List <PreferredSizeData>();
                FillList(prefSizelist, fieldSize);

            if (this.RightToLeft)
                imageAlign        = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateContent(ImageAlignment);
                textAlign         = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateContent(TextAlignment);
                textImageRelation = TelerikAlignHelper.RtlTranslateRelation(TextImageRelation);

            if (textElement != null)
                textSize = newLayouts ? Size.Ceiling(textElement.DesiredSize) : Size.Ceiling(textElement.GetPreferredSize(fieldSize));
                textSize = this.GetInvariantLength(textSize, textElement.Margin);
            if (imageElement != null)
                imageSize = newLayouts ? Size.Ceiling(imageElement.DesiredSize) : Size.Ceiling(imageElement.GetPreferredSize(fieldSize));
                imageSize = this.GetInvariantLength(imageSize, imageElement.Margin);

            if ((textElement != null) && IsPrimitiveNullOrEmpty(this.imageElement))
                Rectangle bounds = LayoutUtils.Align(textSize, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, fieldSize), textAlign);
                bounds.Size = Size.Subtract(textSize, textElement.Margin.Size);
                if (newLayouts)
                    textElement.Bounds = bounds;
            if ((imageElement != null) && IsPrimitiveNullOrEmpty(this.textElement))
                Rectangle bounds = LayoutUtils.Align(imageSize, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, fieldSize), imageAlign);
                bounds.Size = Size.Subtract(imageSize, imageElement.Margin.Size);
                if (newLayouts)
                    imageElement.Bounds = bounds;
            // Subtract the image size from the whole field size
            Size textSizeLeft = LayoutUtils.SubAlignedRegion(fieldSize, imageSize, textImageRelation);

            textSize = newLayouts ? Size.Ceiling(this.textElement.DesiredSize) : Size.Ceiling(this.textElement.GetPreferredSize(textSizeLeft));
            textSize = this.GetInvariantLength(textSize, textElement.Margin);

            // Create a new size based on the text size and the image size
            Size newSize = LayoutUtils.AddAlignedRegion(textSize, imageSize, textImageRelation);
            // The new field which is a union of the new sizes
            Rectangle maxFieldRectangle = Rectangle.Empty;

            maxFieldRectangle.Size = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(fieldSize, newSize);
            // Image doesn't overlay text
            bool imageAlignNoOverlay = (TelerikAlignHelper.ImageAlignToRelation(imageAlign) & textImageRelation) !=
            // Text doesn't overlay image
            bool textAlignNoOverlay = (TelerikAlignHelper.TextAlignToRelation(textAlign) & textImageRelation) !=

            if (imageAlignNoOverlay)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
            else if (textAlignNoOverlay)
                LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, textSize, (AnchorStyles)LayoutUtils.GetOppositeTextImageRelation(textImageRelation), out textBounds, out imageBounds);
                // Both image overlays text and text overlays image
                if (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.Overlay)
                    LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(maxFieldRectangle, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
                    Rectangle alignedField = LayoutUtils.Align(newSize, maxFieldRectangle, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
                    LayoutUtils.SplitRegion(alignedField, imageSize, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, out imageBounds, out textBounds);
                    LayoutUtils.ExpandRegionsToFillBounds(maxFieldRectangle, (AnchorStyles)textImageRelation, ref imageBounds, ref textBounds);
            //set image and text bounds according the size of the field
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage) || (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText))
                int num1 = Math.Min(textBounds.Bottom, layoutField.Bottom);
                textBounds.Y      = Math.Max(Math.Min(textBounds.Y, layoutField.Y + ((layoutField.Height - textBounds.Height) / 2)), layoutField.Y);
                textBounds.Height = num1 - textBounds.Y;
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage) || (textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText))
                int num2 = Math.Min(textBounds.Right, layoutField.Right);
                textBounds.X     = Math.Max(Math.Min(textBounds.X, layoutField.X + ((layoutField.Width - textBounds.Width) / 2)), layoutField.X);
                textBounds.Width = num2 - textBounds.X;
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText) && (imageBounds.Size.Width != 0))
                imageBounds.Width = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(fieldSize.Width - textBounds.Width, imageBounds.Width));
                textBounds.X      = imageBounds.X + imageBounds.Width;
            if ((textImageRelation == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText) && (imageBounds.Size.Height != 0))
                imageBounds.Height = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(fieldSize.Height - textBounds.Height, imageBounds.Height));
                textBounds.Y       = imageBounds.Y + imageBounds.Height;
            textBounds = Rectangle.Intersect(textBounds, layoutField);

            //align image and if its size is greater than the field's size it is become offseted as much as the difference
            Rectangle newImageBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(imageSize, imageBounds, imageAlign);

            if (newImageBounds.Width > imageBounds.Width)
                newImageBounds.X = imageBounds.Width - imageSize.Width;
            if (newImageBounds.Height > imageBounds.Height)
                newImageBounds.Y = imageBounds.Height - imageSize.Height;

            textBounds = LayoutUtils.Align(textSize, textBounds, textAlign);

            textBounds.Size  = Size.Subtract(textBounds.Size, this.textElement.Margin.Size);
            imageBounds.Size = Size.Subtract(newImageBounds.Size, this.imageElement.Margin.Size);

            if (newLayouts)
                this.textElement.Bounds  = textBounds;
                this.imageElement.Bounds = newImageBounds;
        /// <summary>Draws the internal text and image content.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics to draw on.</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle">The coordinates of the rectangle to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The string to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font to use in the string.</param>
        /// <param name="foreColor">The color of the string.</param>
        /// <param name="image">The image to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="textImageRelation">The text image relation.</param>
        public static void DrawInternalContent(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, string text, Font font, Color foreColor, VisualBitmap image, TextImageRelation textImageRelation)
            image.Point = GDI.ApplyTextImageRelation(graphics, textImageRelation, new Rectangle(image.Point, image.Size), text, font, rectangle, true);
            Point textPoint = GDI.ApplyTextImageRelation(graphics, textImageRelation, new Rectangle(image.Point, image.Size), text, font, rectangle, false);

            VisualBitmap.DrawImage(graphics, image.Border, image.Point, image.Image, image.Size, image.Visible);
            graphics.DrawString(text, font, new SolidBrush(foreColor), textPoint);
 public static void Set_TextImageRelation(this UpgradeHelpers.BasicViewModels.ButtonViewModel _ButtonBase, TextImageRelation TextImageRelation)
     throw new NotImplementedException("This is an automatic generated code, please implement the requested logic.");
文件: GDI.cs 项目: windygu/VisualPlus
        /// <summary>Draws the text image relation.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics.</param>
        /// <param name="relation">The relation type.</param>
        /// <param name="imageRectangle">The image rectangle.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font.</param>
        /// <param name="outerBounds">The outer bounds.</param>
        /// <param name="imagePoint">Return image point.</param>
        /// <returns>The return point.</returns>
        public static Point ApplyTextImageRelation(Graphics graphics, TextImageRelation relation, Rectangle imageRectangle, string text, Font font, Rectangle outerBounds, bool imagePoint)
            Point newPosition   = new Point(0, 0);
            Point newImagePoint = new Point(0, 0);
            Point newTextPoint  = new Point(0, 0);
            Size  textSize      = MeasureText(graphics, text, font);

            switch (relation)
            case TextImageRelation.Overlay:
                // Set center
                newPosition.X = outerBounds.Width / 2;
                newPosition.Y = outerBounds.Height / 2;

                // Set image
                newImagePoint.X = newPosition.X - (imageRectangle.Width / 2);
                newImagePoint.Y = newPosition.Y - (imageRectangle.Height / 2);

                // Set text
                newTextPoint.X = newPosition.X - (textSize.Width / 2);
                newTextPoint.Y = newPosition.Y - (textSize.Height / 2);

            case TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText:
                // Set center
                newPosition.Y = outerBounds.Height / 2;

                // Set image
                newImagePoint.X = newPosition.X + 4;
                newImagePoint.Y = newPosition.Y - (imageRectangle.Height / 2);

                // Set text
                newTextPoint.X = newImagePoint.X + imageRectangle.Width;
                newTextPoint.Y = newPosition.Y - (textSize.Height / 2);

            case TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage:
                // Set center
                newPosition.Y = outerBounds.Height / 2;

                // Set text
                newTextPoint.X = newPosition.X + 4;
                newTextPoint.Y = newPosition.Y - (textSize.Height / 2);

                // Set image
                newImagePoint.X = newTextPoint.X + textSize.Width;
                newImagePoint.Y = newPosition.Y - (imageRectangle.Height / 2);

            case TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText:
                // Set center
                newPosition.X = outerBounds.Width / 2;

                // Set image
                newImagePoint.X = newPosition.X - (imageRectangle.Width / 2);
                newImagePoint.Y = newPosition.Y + 4;

                // Set text
                newTextPoint.X = newPosition.X - (textSize.Width / 2);
                newTextPoint.Y = newImagePoint.Y + imageRectangle.Height;

            case TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage:
                // Set center
                newPosition.X = outerBounds.Width / 2;

                // Set text
                newTextPoint.X = newPosition.X - (textSize.Width / 2);
                newTextPoint.Y = newImagePoint.Y + 4;

                // Set image
                newImagePoint.X = newPosition.X - (imageRectangle.Width / 2);
                newImagePoint.Y = newPosition.Y + textSize.Height + 4;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(relation), relation, null);

            if (imagePoint)
        public GitToolbar(GuiProvider guiProvider)
            Verify.Argument.IsNotNull(guiProvider, "guiProvider");

            _guiProvider = guiProvider;

            Text = Resources.StrGit;

            const TextImageRelation         tir = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
            const ToolStripItemDisplayStyle ds  = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText;

            Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[]
                _fetchButton = new ToolStripSplitButton(Resources.StrFetch, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgFetch"])
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipFetch
                _pullButton = new ToolStripSplitButton(Resources.StrPull, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgPull"])
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipPull
                _pushButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrPush, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgPush"])
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipPush
                new ToolStripSeparator(),
                _historyButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrHistory, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgHistory"], OnHistoryClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipHistory
                new ToolStripSeparator(),
                _commitButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrCommit, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgCommit"], OnCommitClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipCommit
                _applyPatchButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrPatch, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgPatchApply"], OnApplyPatchClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipApplyPatches
                _stashButton = new ToolStripSplitButton(Resources.StrStash, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgStash"])
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipStash
                _cleanButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrClean, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgClean"], OnCleanClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipClean
                new ToolStripSeparator(),
                _checkoutButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrCheckout, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgCheckout"], OnCheckoutClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipCheckoutBranch
                _branchButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrBranch, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgBranch"], OnBranchClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipCreateBranch
                _mergeButton = new ToolStripSplitButton(Resources.StrMerge, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgMerge"])
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipMerge
                new ToolStripSeparator(),
                _tagButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrTag, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgTag"], OnTagClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, ToolTipText = Resources.TipCreateTag
                _noteButton = new ToolStripButton(Resources.StrNote, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgNote"], OnNoteClick)
                    TextImageRelation = tir, DisplayStyle = ds, Available = false                               /* GitFeatures.AdvancedNotesCommands.IsAvailable */

            _fetchButton.ButtonClick += OnFetchClick;
            _pullButton.ButtonClick  += OnPullClick;
            _pushButton.Click        += OnPushClick;

            _mergeButton.ButtonClick += OnMergeClick;

                _mergeMultipleItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(Resources.StrMergeMultipleBranches, null, OnMultipleMergeClick));

            _stashButton.ButtonClick += OnStashClick;
                _stashPopItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(Resources.StrSave, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgStashSave"], OnStashSaveClick));
                _stashPopItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(Resources.StrPop, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgStashPop"], OnStashPopClick));
                _stashApplyItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(Resources.StrApply, CachedResources.Bitmaps["ImgStashApply"], OnStashApplyClick));

            if (guiProvider.Repository != null)
 public static bool IsHorizontalRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     return((relation & (TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText | TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage)) != TextImageRelation.Overlay);
        public virtual void InitPopupCommandButtonLayout(
            ToolStripPanel toolStripPanel,
            IView hostedView,
            Size btnSize,
            bool isTextShown,
            ContentAlignment txtAlign,
            TextImageRelation txtImgRelation,
            Font font,
            IResourceService resourceService,
            EventHandler buttonClickHandler)
            if (hostedView == null)

            foreach (Control control in toolStripPanel.Controls)
                ToolStrip toolStrip = control as ToolStrip;
                if (toolStrip != null)
                    toolStrip.ImageScalingSize = btnSize;

                    IDictionary<string, CommandStatus> commandButtonList = GetCommandButtonList(hostedView.ProgramID);
                    IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, CommandStatus>> enumerator = commandButtonList.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        ToolStripButton toolStripButton = new ToolStripButton();
                        string commandKey = enumerator.Current.Key;
                        toolStripButton.Image = GetIcon("img" + commandKey, RESOURCE_TYPE);
                        toolStripButton.Name = commandKey;
                        toolStripButton.ToolTipText = commandKey;
                        toolStripButton.Click += buttonClickHandler;

                    hostedView.AvailButtonList = commandButtonList;
 public static bool IsVerticalRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     return((relation & (TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText | TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage)) != TextImageRelation.Overlay);
 public static bool IsValidTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
 public static TextImageRelation GetOppositeTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
 public static Size AddAlignedRegion(Size textSize, Size imageSize, TextImageRelation relation)
     return(AddAlignedRegionCore(textSize, imageSize, IsVerticalRelation(relation)));
 // True if text & image should be lined up horizontally.  False if vertical or overlay.
 public static bool IsHorizontalRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     return((relation & (TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage | TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText)) != 0);
 public static TextImageRelation GetOppositeTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation) {
     return (TextImageRelation) GetOppositeAnchor((AnchorStyles)relation);
 // True if text & image should be lined up vertically.  False if horizontal or overlay.
 public static bool IsVerticalRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     return((relation & (TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage | TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText)) != 0);
 // True if text & image should be lined up horizontally.  False if vertical or overlay.
 public static bool IsHorizontalRelation(TextImageRelation relation) {
     return (relation & (TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage | TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText)) != 0;
 public static Size SubAlignedRegion(Size currentSize, Size contentSize, TextImageRelation relation)
     return(SubAlignedRegionCore(currentSize, contentSize, IsVerticalRelation(relation)));
 public static Size SubAlignedRegion(Size currentSize, Size contentSize, TextImageRelation relation) {
     return SubAlignedRegionCore(currentSize, contentSize, IsVerticalRelation(relation));
        /// <summary>Draws a button control.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics to draw on.</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle">The coordinates of the rectangle to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="backColor">The BackColor of the button.</param>
        /// <param name="backgroundImage">The background image for the button.</param>
        /// <param name="border">The border.</param>
        /// <param name="mouseState">The mouse State.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The string to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font to use in the string.</param>
        /// <param name="foreColor">The color of the string.</param>
        /// <param name="image">The image to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="imageSize">The image Size.</param>
        /// <param name="textImageRelation">The text image relation.</param>
        public static void DrawButton(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor, Image backgroundImage, Border border, MouseStates mouseState, string text, Font font, Color foreColor, Image image, Size imageSize, TextImageRelation textImageRelation)
            GraphicsPath _controlGraphicsPath = VisualBorderRenderer.CreateBorderTypePath(rectangle, border);

            VisualBackgroundRenderer.DrawBackground(graphics, backColor, backgroundImage, mouseState, rectangle, border);
            DrawContent(graphics, rectangle, text, font, foreColor, image, imageSize, textImageRelation);
            VisualBorderRenderer.DrawBorderStyle(graphics, border, _controlGraphicsPath, mouseState);
		protected ToolStripItem (string text, Image image, EventHandler onClick, string name)
			this.alignment = ToolStripItemAlignment.Left;
			this.anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top;
			this.auto_size = true;
			this.auto_tool_tip = this.DefaultAutoToolTip;
			this.available = true;
			this.back_color = Color.Empty;
			this.background_image_layout = ImageLayout.Tile;
			this.can_select = true;
			this.display_style = this.DefaultDisplayStyle;
			this.dock = DockStyle.None;
			this.enabled = true;
			this.fore_color = Color.Empty;
			this.image = image;
			this.image_align = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			this.image_index = -1;
			this.image_key = string.Empty;
			this.image_scaling = ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit;
			this.image_transparent_color = Color.Empty;
			this.margin = this.DefaultMargin;
			this.merge_action = MergeAction.Append;
			this.merge_index = -1;
			this.name = name;
			this.overflow = ToolStripItemOverflow.AsNeeded;
			this.padding = this.DefaultPadding;
			this.placement = ToolStripItemPlacement.None;
			this.right_to_left = RightToLeft.Inherit;
			this.bounds.Size = this.DefaultSize;
			this.text = text;
			this.text_align = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			this.text_direction = DefaultTextDirection;
			this.text_image_relation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
			this.visible = true;

			this.Click += onClick;
			OnLayout (new LayoutEventArgs (null, string.Empty));
        /// <summary>Draws the text and image content.</summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics to draw on.</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle">The coordinates of the rectangle to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The string to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font to use in the string.</param>
        /// <param name="foreColor">The color of the string.</param>
        /// <param name="image">The image to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="imageSize">The image Size.</param>
        /// <param name="textImageRelation">The text image relation.</param>
        public static void DrawContent(Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, string text, Font font, Color foreColor, Image image, Size imageSize, TextImageRelation textImageRelation)
            Rectangle _imageRectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(), imageSize);
            Point     _imagePoint     = RelationManager.GetTextImageRelationLocation(graphics, textImageRelation, _imageRectangle, text, font, rectangle, true);
            Point     _textPoint      = RelationManager.GetTextImageRelationLocation(graphics, textImageRelation, _imageRectangle, text, font, rectangle, false);

            graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(_imagePoint, imageSize));
            graphics.DrawString(text, font, new SolidBrush(foreColor), _textPoint);
 private string GetStrFromTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation t)
     string s = null;
     if (t == TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText)
         s = "ImageAboveText";
     else if (t == TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText)
         s = "ImageBeforeText";
     else if (t == TextImageRelation.Overlay)
         s = "Overlay";
     else if (t == TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage)
         s = "TextAboveImage";
     else if (t == TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage)
         s = "TextBeforeImage";
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
         s = "ImageBeforeText";
         return s;
         return s;
 public static bool IsValidTextImageRelation(TextImageRelation relation)
     return System.Windows.Forms.ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(relation, (int) relation, 0, 8, 1);