        private void DrawMajorTicksVert(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g     = e.Graphics;
            Pen      pen   = e.Cache.GetPen(MajorTicks.Color, MajorTicks.Width * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);
            Brush    brush = TextFill.CreateBrush(new RectangleF(Parent.AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, Parent.AbsTop * e.ScaleY,
                                                                 Parent.Width * e.ScaleX, Parent.Height * e.ScaleY), e.ScaleX, e.ScaleY);
            float  y        = top + height;
            float  x1       = left;
            float  x2       = left + width;
            float  step     = height / (majorTicksNum - 1);
            int    textStep = (int)((Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / (majorTicksNum - 1));
            Font   font     = e.Cache.GetFont(Font.Name, Parent.IsPrinting ? Font.Size : Font.Size * e.ScaleX * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi, Font.Style);
            string text     = Parent.Minimum.ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < majorTicksNum; i++)
                g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y, x2, y);
                SizeF strSize = g.MeasureString(text, Font);
                float x3      = x1 - strSize.Width * e.ScaleX - 0.04f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleX;
                if ((Parent as LinearGauge).Inverted)
                    x3 = x2 + 0.04f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleX;
                g.DrawString(text, font, brush, x3, y - strSize.Height / 2 * e.ScaleY);
                text = Convert.ToString(textStep * (i + 1) + Parent.Minimum);
                y   -= step;
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the style.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">Writer object.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is for internal use only.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual void Serialize(FRWriter writer)
            StyleBase c = writer.DiffObject as StyleBase;

            Border.Serialize(writer, "Border", c.Border);
            Fill.Serialize(writer, "Fill", c.Fill);
            TextFill.Serialize(writer, "TextFill", c.TextFill);
            if (!Font.Equals(c.Font))
                writer.WriteValue("Font", Font);
            if (ApplyBorder != c.ApplyBorder)
                writer.WriteBool("ApplyBorder", ApplyBorder);
            if (ApplyFill != c.ApplyFill)
                writer.WriteBool("ApplyFill", ApplyFill);
            if (ApplyTextFill != c.ApplyTextFill)
                writer.WriteBool("ApplyTextFill", ApplyTextFill);
            if (ApplyFont != c.ApplyFont)
                writer.WriteBool("ApplyFont", ApplyFont);
        private void DrawMajorTicksHorz(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g     = e.Graphics;
            Pen      pen   = e.Cache.GetPen(MajorTicks.Color, MajorTicks.Width * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);
            Brush    brush = TextFill.CreateBrush(new RectangleF(Parent.AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, Parent.AbsTop * e.ScaleY,
                                                                 Parent.Width * e.ScaleX, Parent.Height * e.ScaleY), e.ScaleX, e.ScaleY);
            float  x        = left;
            float  y1       = top;
            float  y2       = top + height;
            float  step     = width / (majorTicksNum - 1);
            int    textStep = (int)((Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / (majorTicksNum - 1));
            Font   font     = e.Cache.GetFont(Font.Name, Parent.IsPrinting ? Font.Size : Font.Size * e.ScaleX * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi, Font.Style);
            string text     = Parent.Minimum.ToString();
            float  y3       = y1 - 0.4f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleY;

            if ((Parent as LinearGauge).Inverted)
                y3 = y2 - g.MeasureString(text, Font).Height + 0.4f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleY;
            for (int i = 0; i < majorTicksNum; i++)
                g.DrawLine(pen, x, y1, x, y2);
                SizeF strSize = g.MeasureString(text, Font);
                g.DrawString(text, font, brush, x - strSize.Width / 2 * e.ScaleX, y3);
                text = Convert.ToString(textStep * (i + 1) + Parent.Minimum);
                x   += step;
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            HighlightCondition c = obj as HighlightCondition;

            return(c != null && Expression == c.Expression && Border.Equals(c.Border) && Fill.Equals(c.Fill) &&
                   TextFill.Equals(c.TextFill) && Font.Equals(c.Font) && Visible == c.Visible &&
                   ApplyBorder == c.ApplyBorder && ApplyFill == c.ApplyFill && ApplyTextFill == c.ApplyTextFill &&
                   ApplyFont == c.ApplyFont);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if two cells have identical settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell to compare with.</param>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> if cells are equal.</returns>
        public bool Equals(TableCell cell)
            // do not override exising Equals method. It is used to compare elements in a list,
            // and will cause problems in the designer.
            return(cell != null &&
                   Fill.Equals(cell.Fill) &&
                   TextFill.Equals(cell.TextFill) &&
                   HorzAlign == cell.HorzAlign &&
                   VertAlign == cell.VertAlign &&
                   Border.Equals(cell.Border) &&
                   Font.Equals(cell.Font) &&
                   Formats.Equals(cell.Formats) &&
                   Highlight.Equals(cell.Highlight) &&
                   Restrictions == cell.Restrictions &&
                   Hyperlink.Equals(cell.Hyperlink) &&
                   Padding == cell.Padding &&
                   AllowExpressions == cell.AllowExpressions &&
                   Brackets == cell.Brackets &&
                   HideZeros == cell.HideZeros &&
                   HideValue == cell.HideValue &&
                   Angle == cell.Angle &&
                   RightToLeft == cell.RightToLeft &&
                   WordWrap == cell.WordWrap &&
                   Underlines == cell.Underlines &&
                   Trimming == cell.Trimming &&
                   FontWidthRatio == cell.FontWidthRatio &&
                   FirstTabOffset == cell.FirstTabOffset &&
                   ParagraphOffset == cell.ParagraphOffset &&
                   TabWidth == cell.TabWidth &&
                   Clip == cell.Clip &&
                   Wysiwyg == cell.Wysiwyg &&
                   LineHeight == cell.LineHeight &&
                   Style == cell.Style &&
                   EvenStyle == cell.EvenStyle &&
                   HoverStyle == cell.HoverStyle &&
                   HasHtmlTags == cell.HasHtmlTags &&
                   NullValue == cell.NullValue &&
                   ProcessAt == cell.ProcessAt &&
                   Printable == cell.Printable &&
                   Exportable == cell.Exportable &&
                   CellDuplicates == cell.CellDuplicates &&
                   // events
                   BeforePrintEvent == cell.BeforePrintEvent &&
                   AfterPrintEvent == cell.AfterPrintEvent &&
                   AfterDataEvent == cell.AfterDataEvent
                   Cursor == cell.Cursor &&
                   ClickEvent == cell.ClickEvent &&
                   MouseDownEvent == cell.MouseDownEvent &&
                   MouseMoveEvent == cell.MouseMoveEvent &&
                   MouseUpEvent == cell.MouseUpEvent &&
                   MouseEnterEvent == cell.MouseEnterEvent &&
                   MouseLeaveEvent == cell.MouseLeaveEvent

        private void DrawMajorTicksVert(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            IGraphics g     = e.Graphics;
            Pen       pen   = e.Cache.GetPen(MajorTicks.Color, MajorTicks.Width * e.ScaleY, DashStyle.Solid);
            Brush     brush = TextFill.CreateBrush(new RectangleF(Parent.AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, Parent.AbsTop * e.ScaleY,
                                                                  Parent.Width * e.ScaleX, Parent.Height * e.ScaleY), e.ScaleX, e.ScaleY);

            pointerWidthOffset = (Parent.Pointer as SimplePointer).Width / 2 + Parent.Pointer.BorderWidth * 2 * e.ScaleX;
            float  y        = top + height;
            float  x1       = left;
            float  x2       = left + width / 2 - pointerWidthOffset;
            float  x3       = left + width / 2 + pointerWidthOffset;
            float  x4       = left + width;
            float  step     = height / (majorTicksNum - 1);
            int    textStep = (int)((Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / (majorTicksNum - 1));
            Font   font     = e.Cache.GetFont(Font.Name, Parent.IsPrinting ? Font.Size : Font.Size * e.ScaleX * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi, Font.Style);
            string text     = Parent.Minimum.ToString();

            if (firstSubScale.Enabled)
                for (int i = 0; i < majorTicksNum; i++)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y, x2, y);
                    if (firstSubScale.ShowCaption)
                        SizeF strSize = g.MeasureString(text, Font);
                        g.DrawString(text, font, brush, x1 - strSize.Width * e.ScaleX / (DrawUtils.ScreenDpi / 96f) - 0.04f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleX, y - strSize.Height / 2 * e.ScaleY / (DrawUtils.ScreenDpi / 96f));
                        text = Convert.ToString(textStep * (i + 1) + Parent.Minimum);
                    y -= step;
            y    = top + height;
            text = Parent.Minimum.ToString();
            if (secondSubScale.Enabled)
                for (int i = 0; i < majorTicksNum; i++)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, x3, y, x4, y);
                    if (secondSubScale.ShowCaption)
                        SizeF strSize = g.MeasureString(text, Font);

                        g.DrawString(text, font, brush, x4 + 0.04f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleX, y - strSize.Height / 2 * e.ScaleY / (DrawUtils.ScreenDpi / 96f));
                        text = Convert.ToString(textStep * (i + 1) + Parent.Minimum);
                    y -= step;
        private void DrawMajorTicksHorz(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            IGraphics g     = e.Graphics;
            Pen       pen   = e.Cache.GetPen(MajorTicks.Color, MajorTicks.Width * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);
            Brush     brush = TextFill.CreateBrush(new RectangleF(Parent.AbsLeft, Parent.AbsTop, Parent.Width, Parent.Height), e.ScaleX, e.ScaleY);

            pointerHeightOffset = (Parent.Pointer as SimplePointer).Height / 2 + Parent.Pointer.BorderWidth * 2 * e.ScaleY;
            float  x        = left;
            float  y1       = top;
            float  y2       = top + height / 2 - pointerHeightOffset;
            float  y3       = top + height / 2 + pointerHeightOffset;
            float  y4       = top + height;
            float  step     = width / (majorTicksNum - 1);
            int    textStep = (int)((Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / (majorTicksNum - 1));
            Font   font     = e.Cache.GetFont(Font.Name, Parent.IsPrinting ? Font.Size : Font.Size * e.ScaleX * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi, Font.Style);
            string text     = Parent.Minimum.ToString();

            if (firstSubScale.Enabled)
                for (int i = 0; i < majorTicksNum; i++)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, x, y1, x, y2);
                    if (firstSubScale.ShowCaption)
                        SizeF strSize = g.MeasureString(text, Font);
                        g.DrawString(text, font, brush, x - strSize.Width / 2 * e.ScaleX / (DrawUtils.ScreenDpi / 96f), y1 - 0.4f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleY);
                        text = Convert.ToString(textStep * (i + 1) + Parent.Minimum);
                    x += step;
            x    = left;
            text = Parent.Minimum.ToString();
            if (secondSubScale.Enabled)
                for (int i = 0; i < majorTicksNum; i++)
                    g.DrawLine(pen, x, y3, x, y4);
                    if (secondSubScale.ShowCaption)
                        SizeF strSize = g.MeasureString(text, Font);

                        g.DrawString(text, font, brush, x - strSize.Width / 2 * e.ScaleX / (DrawUtils.ScreenDpi / 96f), y4 + 0.08f * Units.Centimeters * e.ScaleY);
                        text = Convert.ToString(textStep * (i + 1) + Parent.Minimum);
                    x += step;
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes the watermark.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writer">Writer object.</param>
 /// <param name="prefix">The watermark property name.</param>
 /// <param name="c">Another Watermark object to compare with.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method is for internal use only.
 /// </remarks>
 public void Serialize(FRWriter writer, string prefix, Watermark c)
     if (Enabled != c.Enabled)
         writer.WriteBool(prefix + ".Enabled", Enabled);
     if (!writer.AreEqual(Image, c.Image))
         writer.WriteValue(prefix + ".Image", Image);
     if (ImageSize != c.ImageSize)
         writer.WriteValue(prefix + ".ImageSize", ImageSize);
     if (ImageTransparency != c.ImageTransparency)
         writer.WriteFloat(prefix + ".ImageTransparency", ImageTransparency);
     if (Text != c.Text)
         writer.WriteStr(prefix + ".Text", Text);
     if ((writer.SerializeTo != SerializeTo.Preview || !writer.AreEqual(Font, c.Font)) && writer.ItemName != "inherited")
         writer.WriteValue(prefix + ".Font", Font);
     TextFill.Serialize(writer, prefix + ".TextFill", c.TextFill);
     if (TextRotation != c.TextRotation)
         writer.WriteValue(prefix + ".TextRotation", TextRotation);
     if (ShowTextOnTop != c.ShowTextOnTop)
         writer.WriteBool(prefix + ".ShowTextOnTop", ShowTextOnTop);
     if (ShowImageOnTop != c.ShowImageOnTop)
         writer.WriteBool(prefix + ".ShowImageOnTop", ShowImageOnTop);
        private void DrawMajorTicks(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            center    = (Parent as RadialGauge).Center;
            stepValue = (Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / (MajorTicks.Count - 1);
            if (RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                stepValue *= 2;

            avrValue = Parent.Minimum + (Parent.Maximum - Parent.Minimum) / 2;

            bool   isRightPart = true;
            bool   isLeftPart  = false;
            PointF txtPoint;

            Graphics g     = e.Graphics;
            Pen      pen   = e.Cache.GetPen(MajorTicks.Color, MajorTicks.Width * e.ScaleX, DashStyle.Solid);
            Brush    brush = TextFill.CreateBrush(new RectangleF(Parent.AbsLeft * e.ScaleX, Parent.AbsTop * e.ScaleY,
                                                                 Parent.Width * e.ScaleX, Parent.Height * e.ScaleY), e.ScaleX, e.ScaleY);

            sideTicksCount    = (MajorTicks.Count - 1) / 2;
            MajorTicks.Length = width / 12;

            SizeF maxTxt       = RadialUtils.GetStringSize(e, Parent, Font, Parent.Maximum.ToString());
            SizeF minTxt       = RadialUtils.GetStringSize(e, Parent, Font, Parent.Minimum.ToString());
            float maxTxtOffset = maxTxt.Height > maxTxt.Width ? maxTxt.Height : maxTxt.Width;
            float minTxtOffset = minTxt.Height > minTxt.Width ? minTxt.Height : minTxt.Width;

            majorTicksOffset = maxTxtOffset > minTxtOffset ? maxTxtOffset : minTxtOffset;

            PointF[] tick0 = new PointF[2];
            avrTick = new PointF(left + width / 2, top + majorTicksOffset);
            //first tick
            tick0[0] = avrTick;
            tick0[1] = new PointF(tick0[0].X, tick0[0].Y + MajorTicks.Length);

            double    angle      = 0;
            HorAlign  horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
            VertAlign vertAlign  = VertAlign.Bottom;
            double    startValue = avrValue;

            if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent))
                drawRight = true;
                drawLeft  = true;
                if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                    angle       = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign    = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign   = VertAlign.Top;
                    majorStep  *= -1;
                    isRightPart = true;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    angle       = -90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign    = HorAlign.Right;
                    vertAlign   = VertAlign.Middle;
                    isRightPart = false;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    angle       = 90 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign    = HorAlign.Left;
                    vertAlign   = VertAlign.Middle;
                    majorStep  *= -1;
                    isRightPart = true; //false
                    isLeftPart  = true; // false

            else if (RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    startValue = Parent.Maximum;
                    //angle = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                    //majorStep *= -1;
                    //isRightPart = true;
                    //isLeftPart = false;
                    drawRight = false;
                    drawLeft  = true;

                    isRightPart = false;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                    startValue = Parent.Minimum;
                    angle      = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign  = VertAlign.Top;
                    drawRight  = true;
                    drawLeft   = false;

                    isRightPart = false;
                    isLeftPart  = false;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    stepValue *= -1;
                    startValue = Parent.Maximum;
                    angle      = 0;
                    horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign  = VertAlign.Bottom;
                    drawRight  = true;
                    drawLeft   = false;

                    isRightPart = true;
                    isLeftPart  = true;
                else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                    stepValue *= -1;
                    startValue = Parent.Minimum;
                    angle      = 180 * RadialGauge.Radians;
                    horAlign   = HorAlign.Middle;
                    vertAlign  = VertAlign.Top;
                    drawRight  = false;
                    drawLeft   = true;

                    isRightPart = true;
                    isLeftPart  = true;
                drawRight = true;
                drawLeft  = true;

            tick0 = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);

            g.DrawLine(pen, tick0[0].X, tick0[0].Y, tick0[1].X, tick0[1].Y);
            string text = startValue.ToString();

            DrawText(e, text, brush, tick0[0].X, tick0[0].Y, horAlign, vertAlign);

            //rest of ticks
            PointF[] tick = new PointF[2];
            angle = majorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;

            for (int i = 0; i < sideTicksCount; i++)
                //right side
                if (drawRight)
                    tick = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, tick[0].X, tick[0].Y, tick[1].X, tick[1].Y);
                    text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(startValue + stepValue * (i + 1)));

                    if (i == sideTicksCount / 2)
                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                    else if (i < sideTicksCount / 2)
                        horAlign = HorAlign.Left;
                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                        horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                        vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                    txtPoint = GetTextPoint(tick, -1 * e.ScaleX, isNegative(i, true), isRightPart);
                    DrawText(e, text, brush, txtPoint.X, txtPoint.Y, horAlign, vertAlign);

                if (drawLeft)
                    //left side
                    angle *= -1;
                    tick   = RadialUtils.RotateVector(tick0, angle, center);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, tick[0].X, tick[0].Y, tick[1].X, tick[1].Y);
                    text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(startValue - stepValue * (i + 1)));

                    if (i == sideTicksCount / 2)
                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if ((RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent)) && RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Middle;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Middle;
                    else if (i < sideTicksCount / 2)
                        horAlign = HorAlign.Right;

                        if (RadialUtils.IsSemicircle(Parent) || RadialUtils.IsQuadrant(Parent))
                            if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsTop(Parent) && RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsBottom(Parent))
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsLeft(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            else if (RadialUtils.IsRight(Parent))
                                horAlign  = HorAlign.Left;
                                vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                            vertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom;
                        horAlign  = HorAlign.Right;
                        vertAlign = VertAlign.Top;
                    txtPoint = GetTextPoint(tick, -1 * e.ScaleX, isNegative(i, false), isLeftPart);
                    DrawText(e, text, brush, txtPoint.X, txtPoint.Y, horAlign, vertAlign);
                    angle *= -1;

                angle += majorStep * RadialGauge.Radians;
        // use the TableObject to represent the contents. It's easier to export it later.
        private TableObject GetTable(bool autoRows)
            TableObject table = new TableObject();


            float cellWidth  = CellWidth;
            float cellHeight = CellHeight;

            // calculate cellWidth, cellHeight automatically
            if (cellWidth == 0 || cellHeight == 0)
                float fontHeight = Font.GetHeight() * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi;
                cellWidth  = (int)Math.Round((fontHeight + 10) / Page.SnapSize.Width) * Page.SnapSize.Width;
                cellHeight = cellWidth;

            int colCount = (int)((Width + HorzSpacing + 1) / (cellWidth + HorzSpacing));

            if (colCount == 0)
                colCount = 1;
            int rowCount = (int)((Height + VertSpacing + 1) / (cellHeight + VertSpacing));

            if (rowCount == 0 || autoRows)
                rowCount = 1;

            table.ColumnCount = colCount;
            table.RowCount    = rowCount;

            // process the text
            int    row       = 0;
            int    lineBegin = 0;
            int    lastSpace = 0;
            string text      = Text.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                bool isCRLF = text[i] == '\n';
                if (text[i] == ' ' || isCRLF)
                    lastSpace = i;

                if (i - lineBegin + 1 > colCount || isCRLF)
                    if (WordWrap && lastSpace > lineBegin)
                        AddText(table, row, text.Substring(lineBegin, lastSpace - lineBegin));
                        lineBegin = lastSpace + 1;
                    else if (i - lineBegin > 0)
                        AddText(table, row, text.Substring(lineBegin, i - lineBegin));
                        lineBegin = i;
                        lineBegin = i + 1;

                    lastSpace = lineBegin;
                    if (autoRows && row >= rowCount)

            // finish the last line
            if (lineBegin < text.Length)
                AddText(table, row, text.Substring(lineBegin, text.Length - lineBegin));

            // set up cells appearance
            for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; j++)
                    TableCell cell = table[i, j];
                    cell.Border    = Border.Clone();
                    cell.Fill      = Fill.Clone();
                    cell.Font      = Font;
                    cell.TextFill  = TextFill.Clone();
                    cell.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Center;
                    cell.VertAlign = VertAlign.Center;

            // set cell's width and height
            for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++)
                table.Columns[i].Width = cellWidth;

            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                table.Rows[i].Height = cellHeight;

            // insert spacing between cells
            if (HorzSpacing > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < colCount - 1; i++)
                    TableColumn newColumn = new TableColumn();
                    newColumn.Width = HorzSpacing;
                    table.Columns.Insert(i * 2 + 1, newColumn);

            if (VertSpacing > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < rowCount - 1; i++)
                    TableRow newRow = new TableRow();
                    newRow.Height = VertSpacing;
                    table.Rows.Insert(i * 2 + 1, newRow);

            table.Left   = AbsLeft;
            table.Top    = AbsTop;
            table.Width  = table.Columns[table.ColumnCount - 1].Right;
            table.Height = table.Rows[table.RowCount - 1].Bottom;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Paint event data.</param>
        public void DrawText(FRPaintEventArgs e)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
                Graphics   g        = e.Graphics;
                RectangleF textRect = new RectangleF(
                    (AbsLeft + Padding.Left) * e.ScaleX,
                    (AbsTop + Padding.Top) * e.ScaleY,
                    (Width - Padding.Horizontal) * e.ScaleX,
                    (Height - Padding.Vertical) * e.ScaleY);

                StringFormat format = GetStringFormat(e.Cache, 0);

                Font font = e.Cache.GetFont(Font.Name,
                                            IsPrinting ? Font.Size : Font.Size * e.ScaleX * 96f / DrawUtils.ScreenDpi,

                Brush textBrush = null;
                if (TextFill is SolidFill)
                    textBrush = e.Cache.GetBrush((TextFill as SolidFill).Color);
                    textBrush = TextFill.CreateBrush(textRect);

                Report report = Report;
                if (report != null && report.TextQuality != TextQuality.Default)
                    g.TextRenderingHint = GetTextQuality(report.TextQuality);

                if (textRect.Width > 0 && textRect.Height > 0)
                    if (LineHeight == 0 && HorzAlign != HorzAlign.Justify && !Wysiwyg && !HtmlTags)
                        // use simple rendering
                        if (Angle == 0 && FontWidthRatio == 1)
                            g.DrawString(Text, font, textBrush, textRect, format);
                            StandardTextRenderer.Draw(Text, g, font, textBrush, textRect, format, Angle, FontWidthRatio);
                        // use advanced rendering
                        AdvancedTextRenderer renderer = new AdvancedTextRenderer(Text, g, font, textBrush,
                                                                                 textRect, format, HorzAlign, VertAlign, LineHeight * e.ScaleY, Angle, FontWidthRatio,
                                                                                 ForceJustify, Wysiwyg, HtmlTags, false);

                if (!(TextFill is SolidFill))
                if (report != null && report.TextQuality != TextQuality.Default)
                    g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;

        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Serialize(FRWriter writer)
            if (writer.SerializeTo == SerializeTo.Preview && AutoWidth)
                WordWrap = false;
                float width = CalcSize().Width;
                if ((Anchor & AnchorStyles.Right) != 0)
                    Left = Right - width;
                Width = width;
            TextObject c = writer.DiffObject as TextObject;


            if (AutoWidth != c.AutoWidth)
                writer.WriteBool("AutoWidth", AutoWidth);
            if (AutoShrink != c.AutoShrink)
                writer.WriteValue("AutoShrink", AutoShrink);
            if (FloatDiff(AutoShrinkMinSize, c.AutoShrinkMinSize))
                writer.WriteFloat("AutoShrinkMinSize", AutoShrinkMinSize);
            if (HorzAlign != c.HorzAlign)
                writer.WriteValue("HorzAlign", HorzAlign);
            if (VertAlign != c.VertAlign)
                writer.WriteValue("VertAlign", VertAlign);
            if (Angle != c.Angle)
                writer.WriteInt("Angle", Angle);
            if (RightToLeft != c.RightToLeft)
                writer.WriteBool("RightToLeft", RightToLeft);
            if (WordWrap != c.WordWrap)
                writer.WriteBool("WordWrap", WordWrap);
            if (Underlines != c.Underlines)
                writer.WriteBool("Underlines", Underlines);
            if (!Font.Equals(c.Font))
                writer.WriteValue("Font", Font);
            TextFill.Serialize(writer, "TextFill", c.TextFill);
            if (Trimming != c.Trimming)
                writer.WriteValue("Trimming", Trimming);
            if (FontWidthRatio != c.FontWidthRatio)
                writer.WriteFloat("FontWidthRatio", FontWidthRatio);
            if (FirstTabOffset != c.FirstTabOffset)
                writer.WriteFloat("FirstTabOffset", FirstTabOffset);
            if (TabWidth != c.TabWidth)
                writer.WriteFloat("TabWidth", TabWidth);
            if (Clip != c.Clip)
                writer.WriteBool("Clip", Clip);
            if (Wysiwyg != c.Wysiwyg)
                writer.WriteBool("Wysiwyg", Wysiwyg);
            if (LineHeight != c.LineHeight)
                writer.WriteFloat("LineHeight", LineHeight);
            if (HtmlTags != c.HtmlTags)
                writer.WriteBool("HtmlTags", HtmlTags);
            if (ForceJustify != c.ForceJustify)
                writer.WriteBool("ForceJustify", ForceJustify);
            if (writer.SerializeTo != SerializeTo.Preview)
                if (Style != c.Style)
                    writer.WriteStr("Style", Style);
                if (Highlight.Count > 0)