        private string GetSourceWithOffsetRegistrationStatements()
            var parseData = CodeEditor.Document.ParseData as IDotNetParseData;

            var statementOffsets = new List <int>();

            VisitNodesAndSelectStatementOffsets(parseData.Ast, statementOffsets);

            var inserts = statementOffsets.ToDictionary(o => o, o => String.Format("____TrackStatementOffset({0});", o));

            var documentWithOffsets = new EditorDocument();


            var options = new TextChangeOptions {
                OffsetDelta = TextChangeOffsetDelta.SequentialOnly
            var change = documentWithOffsets.CreateTextChange(TextChangeTypes.Custom, options);

            foreach (var insert in inserts)
                change.InsertText(insert.Key, insert.Value);
        protected override void Invoke(ICodeAction action)
            var snapshot   = _document.CurrentSnapshot;
            var oldText    = snapshot.ToSourceText();
            var syntaxTree = action.GetEdit();
            var newText    = syntaxTree.Text;
            var changes    = newText.GetChanges(oldText);

            var textChangeOptions = new TextChangeOptions();

            textChangeOptions.RetainSelection = true;

            var textChange  = _document.CreateTextChange(TextChangeTypes.Custom, textChangeOptions);
            var currentText = oldText;

            foreach (var change in changes)
                var range = currentText.ToRange(change.Span);
                textChange.ReplaceText(range, change.NewText);
                currentText = currentText.WithChanges(change);


        /// <summary>
        /// Applies text formatting to part or all of a snapshot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshot">The target <see cref="ITextSnapshot"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="selectionPositionRanges">
        /// The <see cref="ITextPositionRangeCollection"/> indicating the selection position ranges.
        /// These are used to translate the current selection to the new snapshot that is created, even when formatting the entire snapshot.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mode">A <see cref="TextFormatMode"/> indicating whether to format part or all of the snapshot.  The default value is <c>Ranges</c>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The containing <see cref="ITextDocument"/> is accessible via the <see cref="ITextSnapshot"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Format(ITextSnapshot snapshot, ITextPositionRangeCollection selectionPositionRanges, TextFormatMode mode = TextFormatMode.Ranges)
            if (snapshot == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("snapshot");
            if ((selectionPositionRanges == null) || (selectionPositionRanges.Count == 0))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("selectionPositionRanges");

            // Changes must occur sequentially so that we can use unmodified offsets while looping over the document
            var options = new TextChangeOptions();

            options.OffsetDelta     = TextChangeOffsetDelta.SequentialOnly;
            options.RetainSelection = true;
            var change = snapshot.Document.CreateTextChange(TextChangeTypes.AutoFormat, options);

            // Get the snapshot ranges to format
            var snapshotRanges = (mode == TextFormatMode.All ?
                                  new TextSnapshotRange[] { snapshot.SnapshotRange } :
                                  selectionPositionRanges.Select(pr => new TextSnapshotRange(snapshot, snapshot.PositionRangeToTextRange(pr))).ToArray()

            // Loop through the snapshot ranges
            foreach (var snapshotRange in snapshotRanges)
                this.FormatCore(change, snapshotRange);

            // Apply the changes
            if (change.Operations.Count > 0)
        private string GetSourceWithOffsetRegistrationStatements()
            var parseData = CodeEditor.Document.ParseData as IDotNetParseData;

            var statementOffsets = new List<int>();
            VisitNodesAndSelectStatementOffsets(parseData.Ast, statementOffsets);

            var inserts = statementOffsets.ToDictionary(o => o, o => String.Format("____TrackStatementOffset({0});", o));

            var documentWithOffsets = new EditorDocument();

            var options = new TextChangeOptions { OffsetDelta = TextChangeOffsetDelta.SequentialOnly };
            var change = documentWithOffsets.CreateTextChange(TextChangeTypes.Custom, options);
            foreach (var insert in inserts)
                change.InsertText(insert.Key, insert.Value);
            return documentWithOffsets.Text;
        /// <summary>
        ///   Formats the specified snapshot range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshotRange"> The snapshot range. </param>
        public void Format(TextSnapshotRange snapshotRange)
            // Get the snapshot
            var snapshot = snapshotRange.Snapshot;

            if (snapshot == null)

            // Get the snapshot reader
            var reader = snapshot.GetReader(snapshotRange.StartOffset);

            // Get the code document
            var document = snapshot.Document as ICodeDocument;

            if (document == null)

            // Get the tab size
            var tabSize = document.TabSize;

            // Create a text change object for the document
            var options = new TextChangeOptions();

            // Changes must occur sequentially so that we can use unmodified offsets while looping over the document
            options.OffsetDelta     = TextChangeOffsetDelta.SequentialOnly;
            options.RetainSelection = true;
            var change = document.CreateTextChange(TextChangeTypes.AutoFormat, options);

            // Keep track of the last non whitespace token Id
            var lastNonWhitespaceTokenId = -1;

            // Keep track of the indent level
            var indentLevel = 0;

            // Loop through the document
            while ((reader.Token != null) && (reader.Offset < snapshotRange.EndOffset))
                // If the token is whitespace, delete the text
                if (reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.Whitespace)
                    // The token is not whitespace

                    // Create a variable that will contain the text to be inserted
                    var insertText = "";

                    // Determine the insertText value based on the previous non-whitespace token and the current token
                    switch (lastNonWhitespaceTokenId)
                    case JsonTokenId.OpenCurlyBrace:
                    case JsonTokenId.OpenSquareBrace:
                        if (reader.Token.Id != JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace &&
                            reader.Token.Id != JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace)
                        insertText = Environment.NewLine +
                                     StringHelper.GetIndentText(document.AutoConvertTabsToSpaces, tabSize,
                                                                indentLevel * tabSize);

                    case JsonTokenId.Colon:
                        insertText = " ";

                    case JsonTokenId.Comma:
                        if (reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace ||
                            reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace)
                            indentLevel = Math.Max(0, indentLevel - 1);
                        insertText = Environment.NewLine +
                                     StringHelper.GetIndentText(document.AutoConvertTabsToSpaces, tabSize,
                                                                indentLevel * tabSize);

                    case JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace:
                    case JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace:
                    case JsonTokenId.False:
                    case JsonTokenId.True:
                    case JsonTokenId.Number:
                    case JsonTokenId.StringEndDelimiter:
                    case JsonTokenId.Null:
                        if (reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace ||
                            reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace)
                            indentLevel = Math.Max(0, indentLevel - 1);
                            insertText  = Environment.NewLine +
                                          StringHelper.GetIndentText(document.AutoConvertTabsToSpaces, tabSize,
                                                                     indentLevel * tabSize);
                    // Insert the replacement text
                    change.InsertText(reader.Token.StartOffset, insertText);

                    // Update the last non-whitespace token Id
                    lastNonWhitespaceTokenId = reader.Token.Id;
                // Go to the next token

            // If the entire document was formatted, add a newline to the end
            if ((snapshot.SnapshotRange.StartOffset == snapshotRange.StartOffset) &&
                (snapshot.SnapshotRange.EndOffset == snapshotRange.EndOffset))
                change.InsertText(snapshotRange.EndOffset, "\n");

            // Apply the changes
        /// <summary>
        ///   Formats the specified snapshot range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshotRange"> The snapshot range. </param>
        public void Format(TextSnapshotRange snapshotRange)
            // Get the snapshot
            var snapshot = snapshotRange.Snapshot;
            if (snapshot == null)

            // Get the snapshot reader
            var reader = snapshot.GetReader(snapshotRange.StartOffset);

            // Get the code document
            var document = snapshot.Document as ICodeDocument;
            if (document == null)

            // Get the tab size
            var tabSize = document.TabSize;

            // Create a text change object for the document
            var options = new TextChangeOptions();
            // Changes must occur sequentially so that we can use unmodified offsets while looping over the document
            options.OffsetDelta = TextChangeOffsetDelta.SequentialOnly;
            options.RetainSelection = true;
            var change = document.CreateTextChange(TextChangeTypes.AutoFormat, options);

            // Keep track of the last non whitespace token Id
            var lastNonWhitespaceTokenId = -1;

            // Keep track of the indent level
            var indentLevel = 0;

            // Loop through the document
            while ((reader.Token != null) && (reader.Offset < snapshotRange.EndOffset))
                // If the token is whitespace, delete the text
                if (reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.Whitespace)
                    // The token is not whitespace

                    // Create a variable that will contain the text to be inserted
                    var insertText = "";

                    // Determine the insertText value based on the previous non-whitespace token and the current token
                    switch (lastNonWhitespaceTokenId)
                        case JsonTokenId.OpenCurlyBrace:
                        case JsonTokenId.OpenSquareBrace:
                                if (reader.Token.Id != JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace &&
                                    reader.Token.Id != JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace)
                                insertText = Environment.NewLine +
                                             StringHelper.GetIndentText(document.AutoConvertTabsToSpaces, tabSize,
                                                                        indentLevel * tabSize);
                        case JsonTokenId.Colon :
                                insertText = " ";
                        case JsonTokenId.Comma :
                                if (reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace ||
                                    reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace)
                                    indentLevel = Math.Max(0, indentLevel - 1);
                                insertText = Environment.NewLine +
                                            StringHelper.GetIndentText(document.AutoConvertTabsToSpaces, tabSize,
                                                                       indentLevel * tabSize);
                        case JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace:
                        case JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace:
                        case JsonTokenId.False:
                        case JsonTokenId.True:
                        case JsonTokenId.Number:
                        case JsonTokenId.StringEndDelimiter:
                        case JsonTokenId.Null:
                                if (reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseCurlyBrace ||
                                    reader.Token.Id == JsonTokenId.CloseSquareBrace)
                                    indentLevel = Math.Max(0, indentLevel - 1);
                                    insertText = Environment.NewLine +
                                                 StringHelper.GetIndentText(document.AutoConvertTabsToSpaces, tabSize,
                    // Insert the replacement text
                    change.InsertText(reader.Token.StartOffset, insertText);

                    // Update the last non-whitespace token Id
                    lastNonWhitespaceTokenId = reader.Token.Id;
                // Go to the next token

            // If the entire document was formatted, add a newline to the end
            if ((snapshot.SnapshotRange.StartOffset == snapshotRange.StartOffset)
                && (snapshot.SnapshotRange.EndOffset == snapshotRange.EndOffset))
                change.InsertText(snapshotRange.EndOffset, "\n");

            // Apply the changes