/* Event Handler for Start Button: * Validate if Server Name and Table Number is entered or not * if Yes, GUI changes will be made*/ private void Button_Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TextBox_Server_Name.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter server name before taking order.", "Server Name Required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); TextBox_Server_Name.Focus(); } else if (TextBox_Table_No.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter table number before taking order.", "Table Name Required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); TextBox_Table_No.Focus(); } else { //Defaulting Pizza Quantity textboxes to 0 TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity.Text = TextBox_Pizza2_Quantity.Text = TextBox_Pizza3_Quantity.Text = "0"; //Displaying Sult Logo at bottom Picture_Sult_Logo.Visible = true; //Hiding Sult Title Picture located at top Picture_Sult_Panel.Visible = false; //Current Panel will be getting hidden Panel_Start.Visible = false; //Pizza Menu Will be shown along with Multiple Buttons Panel, Location will be taken from Sult Title Picture GroupBox_Pizza_Menu.Location = new Point(Picture_Sult_Panel.Location.X, Picture_Sult_Panel.Location.Y); GroupBox_Pizza_Menu.Visible = true; //Button such as Order, Clear will be shown as part of Panel, Location will be dynamically calculated from Pizza Menu Panel_Controls.Location = new Point(GroupBox_Pizza_Menu.Location.X, (GroupBox_Pizza_Menu.Location.Y + GroupBox_Pizza_Menu.Size.Height + 4)); Panel_Controls.Visible = true; //Pizza 1 Quantity will have the focus TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity.Focus(); //Form Title will be changed MainForm.ActiveForm.Text = TextBox_Server_Name.Text + " @ Table Number " + TextBox_Table_No.Text; } }
// Event Handler to validate TextBox Pizza(Margherita) Quantity and display the error message when the user enters invalid for Pizza Quantity //if input is invalid, previous pizza quantity will be cleared out and current textbox is highlighted private void TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity.Text != "") { if (Check_Char(TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity.Text, 1)) { TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity.Text = ""; TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity.Focus(); TextBox_Pizza1_Quantity.SelectAll(); } } }