        private void DrawScope()
            if (!Controls.Contains(Scope))
                Scope.Location = new Point(30, 180);
                Scope.Size     = new Size(900, 470);
            PlotModel Model = new PlotModel
                Title              = "",
                DefaultFont        = afont,
                DefaultFontSize    = fontsize,
                LegendTitle        = "",
                PlotType           = PlotType.XY,
                TitleFont          = afont,
                Culture            = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
                LegendSymbolLength = 24,
                Padding            = new OxyThickness(0, 20, 30, 0)

            Scope.Model = Model;
            LinearAxis YAxis = new LinearAxis
                Position           = AxisPosition.Left,
                Minimum            = -20,
                Maximum            = 20,
                MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid,
                MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot,
                Title          = "Điện áp (V)",
                MajorStep      = 4,
                Font           = afont,
                FontSize       = fontsize,
                LabelFormatter = _formatter
            LinearAxis XAxis = new LinearAxis
                Position           = AxisPosition.Bottom,
                Minimum            = 0,
                Maximum            = 400,
                MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Solid,
                MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot,
                Title          = "Thời gian (µs) ",
                MajorStep      = 50,
                Font           = afont,
                FontSize       = fontsize,
                LabelFormatter = _time_formatter


            //Timer 32bit, 100MHz, 50 MIPS, 2*(10^-8) sec/step,2*(10^-8)*50 = 1 µs
            if (TimerValue > 0)
                double TimeRange = TimerValue * Math.Pow(10, 6) * TimerStep; //Micro Second
                step = TimeRange / SampleCount;                              //Micro Second
                for (int dt = 0; dt < SampleCount; dt++)
                        ChannelAVoltage[dt] = CalculateVoltage(ChannelA[dt], CHAX, GainA, CHAOffset, ErrA);
                        ChannelBVoltage[dt] = CalculateVoltage(ChannelB[dt], CHBX, GainB, CHBOffset, ErrB);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        TextBoxRawData.Text = e.Message + " Voltage\r\n";

                double MaxA = ChannelAVoltage.Max();
                double MinA = ChannelAVoltage.Min();
                double MaxB = ChannelBVoltage.Max();
                double MinB = ChannelBVoltage.Min();
                double MidA = (MaxA + MinA) / 2;
                double MidB = (MaxB + MinB) / 2;
                if (ToggleA.Checked == true)
                    LabelMaxAV.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}V", ChannelAVoltage.Max());
                    LabelMinAV.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}V", ChannelAVoltage.Min());
                if (ToggleB.Checked == true)
                    LabelMaxBV.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}V", ChannelBVoltage.Max());
                    LabelMinBV.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}V", ChannelBVoltage.Min());

                double MaxY = Math.Max(MaxA, MaxB);
                if (MaxY == 0)
                    MaxY = 20;
                MaxY = Math.Abs(Math.Min(MinA, MinB)) > MaxY?Math.Abs(Math.Min(MinA, MinB)) + Math.Abs(Math.Min(MinA, MinB)) : MaxY + MaxY;

                if (CheckBoxAUP.Checked || CheckBoxBUP.Checked)
                    MaxY = 3 * MaxY;
                double MinY = -MaxY;


                double FmaxA = 0, FmaxB = 0;
                double Fmax  = 0;
                double Fzmax = 0;

                if (ka == true)
                    double[] DemA = new double[inpA.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < inpA.Length; i++)
                        DemA[i] = Complex.Abs(inpA[i]) / 10;
                    FmaxA = DemA.Max();
                if (kb == true)
                    double[] DemB = new double[inpB.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < inpB.Length; i++)
                        DemB[i] = Complex.Abs(inpB[i]) / 10;
                    FmaxB = DemB.Max();
                if (FmaxA > FmaxB)
                    Fmax = FmaxA;
                    Fmax = FmaxB;

                if (ka == true && kb == false)
                    Fzmax = FreqA;
                else if (ka == false && kb == true)
                    Fzmax = FreqB;
                else if (ka == true && kb == true)
                    if (FreqA > FreqB)
                        Fzmax = FreqA;
                        Fzmax = FreqB;

                if (Kaaaaa == true)
                    YAxis.Maximum        = Fmax;
                    YAxis.Minimum        = 0;
                    YAxis.MajorStep      = Fmax / 5;
                    YAxis.Title          = "Biên Độ (V)";
                    XAxis.Minimum        = 0;
                    XAxis.Maximum        = Fzmax;
                    XAxis.MajorStep      = Fzmax / 12;
                    XAxis.Title          = "Tầng Số (Hz)";
                    XAxis.LabelFormatter = _time_formatter1;
                    YAxis.Maximum   = MaxY;
                    YAxis.Minimum   = MinY;
                    YAxis.MajorStep = MaxY / 5;
                    XAxis.Minimum   = 0;
                    XAxis.Maximum   = TimeRange;
                    XAxis.MajorStep = TimeRange / 12;

                var CHA = new LineSeries
                    Color                 = OxyColors.Blue,
                    MarkerType            = MarkerType.None,
                    MarkerSize            = 1,
                    MarkerStroke          = OxyColors.White,
                    MarkerFill            = OxyColors.Black,
                    MarkerStrokeThickness = 1,
                    LineStyle             = LineStyle.Solid,
                    Smooth                = false,
                    StrokeThickness       = 1,
                    Title                 = "KÊNH A",
                    TrackerFormatString   = "{0}\n{1}: {2:0.00}\n{3}: {4:0.00}"

                var CHB = new LineSeries
                    Color                 = OxyColors.Red,
                    MarkerType            = MarkerType.None,
                    MarkerSize            = 1,
                    MarkerStroke          = OxyColors.White,
                    MarkerFill            = OxyColors.Teal,
                    MarkerStrokeThickness = 1,
                    LineStyle             = LineStyle.Solid,
                    Smooth                = false,
                    StrokeThickness       = 1,
                    Title                 = "KÊNH B",
                    TrackerFormatString   = "{0}\n{1}: {2:0.00}\n{3}: {4:0.00}"
                if (Kaaaaa == false)
                    for (int dt = 0; dt < SampleCount; dt++)
                        if ((MinA >= 0) && (CheckBoxGNDA.Checked == true))
                            ChannelAVoltage[dt] = ChannelAVoltage[dt] - MinA;
                        if ((MinB >= 0) && (CheckBoxGNDB.Checked == true))
                            ChannelBVoltage[dt] = ChannelBVoltage[dt] - MinB;
                            if (CheckBoxAUP.Checked)
                                CHA.Points.Add(new DataPoint(step * dt, ChannelAVoltage[dt] + 3 * MaxB));
                                CHB.Points.Add(new DataPoint(step * dt, ChannelBVoltage[dt]));
                            else if (CheckBoxBUP.Checked)
                                CHA.Points.Add(new DataPoint(step * dt, ChannelAVoltage[dt]));
                                CHB.Points.Add(new DataPoint(step * dt, ChannelBVoltage[dt] + 3 * MaxA));
                                CHA.Points.Add(new DataPoint(step * dt, ChannelAVoltage[dt]));
                                CHB.Points.Add(new DataPoint(step * dt, ChannelBVoltage[dt]));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            TextBoxRawData.AppendText(e.Message + "Points");
                    if (ka == true)
                        for (int i = 0; i < inpA.Length; i++)
                            CHA.Points.Add(new DataPoint(FreqA * i / inpA.Length, Complex.Abs(inpA[i]) / 10));
                    if (kb == true)
                        for (int i = 0; i < inpB.Length; i++)
                            CHB.Points.Add(new DataPoint(FreqB * i / inpB.Length, Complex.Abs(inpB[i]) / 10));
                if (ToggleA.Checked == true)
                if (ToggleB.Checked == true)
        void _spManager_NewSerialDataRecieved(object sender, SerialDataEventArgs e)
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // Using this.Invoke causes deadlock when closing serial port, and BeginInvoke is good practice anyway.
                this.BeginInvoke(new EventHandler <SerialDataEventArgs>(_spManager_NewSerialDataRecieved), new object[] { sender, e });
            // This application is connected to a GPS sending ASCCI characters, so data is converted to text
            string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(e.Data);

            if (TextBoxRawData.TextLength == 4021)
                string[] RawData = TextBoxRawData.Text.Split(',');
                if (RawData.Length > SampleCount * 2)
                    for (int i = 0; i < RawData.Length; i++)
                        if (i < SampleCount)
                            UInt16 ADC;
                            if (UInt16.TryParse(RawData[i], out ADC))
                                ChannelA[i] = ADC;
                        if ((i >= SampleCount) && (i < (RawData.Length - 2)))
                            UInt16 ADC;
                            if (UInt16.TryParse(RawData[i], out ADC))
                                ChannelB[i - SampleCount] = ADC;
                        if (i == (RawData.Length - 2))
                            if (UInt32.TryParse(RawData[i], out TimerValue))
                        if (i == (RawData.Length - 1))
                            if (UInt32.TryParse(RawData[i], out SampleRateValue))
                                if (RadioButtonRepeat.Checked)
                                    if ((ToggleA.Checked == true) || (ToggleB.Checked == true))