private IEnumerator BoxPokemonClickedCoroutine(byte pokemonIndex) { textBoxController.Show(); string choicePrompt = "What would you like to do with " + CurrentBoxPokemon[pokemonIndex].GetDisplayName() + "?"; yield return(StartCoroutine(textBoxController.WaitForUserChoice( boxPokemonSelectedOptions, choicePrompt ))); switch (textBoxController.userChoiceIndexSelected) { case 0: //Do nothing break; case 1: yield return(StartCoroutine(TryWithdrawBoxPokemon(pokemonIndex))); RefreshPartyPokemon(); RefreshCurrentBox(); break; default: Debug.LogError("Unknown choice selected"); break; } textBoxController.Hide(); SetControlEnabled(true); ReturnToSelectedGameObjectBeforePokemonClicked(); }
private IEnumerator OnItemSelected_Buy(int index) { controlAllowed = false; textBoxController.Show(); Item item = currentItems[index]; string[] userChoices = GetBuyUserChoices(item); yield return(StartCoroutine(textBoxController.WaitForUserChoice( userChoices, "How much would you like to buy?" ))); if (textBoxController.userChoiceIndexSelected == 0) //Cancel { //Do nothing and proceed to ending this coroutine (after the else block) } else { //1 is subtracted as first option is cancel ushort quantitySelected = buyQuantityOptions[textBoxController.userChoiceIndexSelected - 1]; int totalCost = item.BuyPrice * quantitySelected; bool userCanAffordSelected = >= totalCost; if (userCanAffordSelected) { PlayerData.singleton.inventory.AddItem(item, quantitySelected); -= totalCost; RefreshPlayerMoneyText(); //TODO - sound fx for purchase made yield return(StartCoroutine( textBoxController.RevealText("Thank you for your purchase", true) )); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine( textBoxController.RevealText("Sorry but you don't seem to have enough money for that.", true) )); } } textBoxController.Hide(); controlAllowed = true; }
private void SetUpScene() { tradeUIController.SetUp(this); tradeAnimationController.Hide(); textBoxController.Hide(); }