        public KeyBinding(SpriteFont font, ContentManager content, Vector2 textPosition, Vector2 binderPosition, string text, Keys boundKey)
            Text2DParams textParams = new Text2DParams()
                Font        = font,
                Position    = textPosition,
                WrittenText = text,
                LightColour = Constants.TEXT_COLOUR

            this.text = new Text2D(textParams);

            KeyBindingTextBoxParams binderParams = new KeyBindingTextBoxParams()
                Content     = content,
                Font        = font,
                LightColour = Constants.TEXT_COLOUR,
                Position    = binderPosition,
                Scale       = new Vector2(250f, 1f),
                Text        = KeyLists.translate(boundKey),
                BoundTo     = boundKey,
                TextColour  = Constants.TEXT_COLOUR

            this.keyBinder = new KeyBindingTextBox(binderParams);
        public OptionsSection(ContentManager content, Vector2 position, float bindersX, string sectionName, Controls controls)
            SpriteFont   font  = LoadingUtils.load <SpriteFont>(content, "SpriteFont1");
            Text2DParams parms = new Text2DParams {
                Font        = font,
                LightColour = Color.Red,
                Position    = position,
                WrittenText = "Player " + sectionName + "'s Key Bindings",

            this.heading = new Text2D(parms);
            Vector2 textPosition    = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y + SPACE);
            Vector2 bindersPosition = new Vector2(bindersX, textPosition.Y);

            this.bindings = new Dictionary <string, KeyBinding>();

            this.bindings.Add(BINDING_NAMES[0], new KeyBinding(font, content, textPosition, bindersPosition, BINDING_NAMES[0], controls.Left));
            getPositions(ref textPosition, ref bindersPosition);

            this.bindings.Add(BINDING_NAMES[1], new KeyBinding(font, content, textPosition, bindersPosition, BINDING_NAMES[1], controls.Up));
            getPositions(ref textPosition, ref bindersPosition);

            this.bindings.Add(BINDING_NAMES[2], new KeyBinding(font, content, textPosition, bindersPosition, BINDING_NAMES[2], controls.Right));
            getPositions(ref textPosition, ref bindersPosition);

            this.bindings.Add(BINDING_NAMES[3], new KeyBinding(font, content, textPosition, bindersPosition, BINDING_NAMES[3], controls.Down));
            getPositions(ref textPosition, ref bindersPosition);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a CheckBox object based on the params
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parms">CheckBoxParams object</param>
        public CheckBox(CheckBoxParams parms) : base(parms)
            this.Checked = parms.Checked;

            StaticDrawable2DParams imgParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams {
                Position           = parms.Position,
                LightColour        = parms.LightColour,
                Scale              = parms.Scale,
                RenderingRectangle = Constants.CHK_BOX_UNCHECKED,
                Texture            = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(parms.Content, Constants.GUI_FILE_NAME),
                Origin             = new Vector2(Constants.CHK_BOX_UNCHECKED.Width / 2, Constants.CHK_BOX_UNCHECKED.Height / 2)

            this.uncheckedBoxImag = new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms);
            Vector3 min = new Vector3(parms.Position.X - Constants.CHK_BOX_CHECKED.Width / 2,
                                      parms.Position.Y - Constants.CHK_BOX_CHECKED.Height / 2, 0f);
            Vector3 max = new Vector3(parms.Position.X + Constants.CHK_BOX_CHECKED.Width / 2,
                                      parms.Position.Y + Constants.CHK_BOX_CHECKED.Height / 2, 0f);

            this.bbox = new BoundingBox(min, max);

            imgParms.RenderingRectangle = Constants.CHK_BOX_CHECKED;
            this.checkedBoxImag         = new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms);

            Text2DParams textParms = new Text2DParams {
                Position    = new Vector2(parms.Position.X + 40f, parms.Position.Y),
                LightColour = parms.LightColour,
                WrittenText = parms.Text,
                Scale       = parms.Scale,
                Font        = parms.Font,
                Origin      = new Vector2(Constants.CHK_BOX_UNCHECKED.Width / 2, Constants.CHK_BOX_UNCHECKED.Height / 2)

            this.text = new Text2D(textParms);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a Slider object based on the params object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parms">SliderParams object</param>
        public Slider(SliderParams parms) : base(parms)
            this.CurrentValue = parms.CurrentValue;
            this.initialX     = parms.Position.X;
            Texture2D texture = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(parms.Content, Constants.GUI_FILE_NAME);

            StaticDrawable2DParams imgParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams {
                Position           = parms.Position,
                LightColour        = parms.BarColour,
                Scale              = parms.Scale,
                RenderingRectangle = Constants.SLIDER_BAR,
                Texture            = texture,
                Origin             = new Vector2(Constants.SLIDER_BAR.Width / 2, Constants.SLIDER_BAR.Height / 2)

            this.bar = new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms);

            imgParms.Scale              = parms.BallScale;
            imgParms.LightColour        = parms.BallColour;
            imgParms.RenderingRectangle = Constants.SLIDER_BALL;
            imgParms.Origin             = new Vector2(Constants.SLIDER_BALL.Width / 2, Constants.SLIDER_BALL.Height / 2);
            this.ball = new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms);

            Text2DParams textParms = new Text2DParams {
                Position    = new Vector2(parms.Position.X + 100f, parms.Position.Y),
                LightColour = parms.LightColour,
                WrittenText = getValue(),
                Font        = parms.Font,
                Origin      = new Vector2(16f, 16f),

            this.text = new Text2D(textParms);
        public Timer(ContentManager content)
            Text2DParams parms = new Text2DParams();

            parms.Font        = ResourceManager.getInstance().Font;
            parms.LightColour = ResourceManager.TEXT_COLOUR;
            parms.Position    = new Vector2(682f, 14f);
            parms.WrittenText = FIRST_PART;
            this.firstPart    = new Text2D(parms);

            parms.Position    = new Vector2(684f, 39f);
            parms.WrittenText = SECOND_PART;
            this.secondPart   = new Text2D(parms);

            parms.Position    = new Vector2(700f, 87f);
            parms.WrittenText = THIRD_PART;
            this.thirdPart    = new Text2D(parms);

            parms.Position        = new Vector2(700f, 63f);
            parms.WrittenText     = "0";
            parms.LightColour     = HIGH_TIME;
            this.timeText         = new Text2D(parms);
            this.activeTimeColour = HIGH_TIME;

            this.guardsAlertedSfx = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, DETECTED_SFX_NAME);
            ScriptManager.getInstance().registerObject(this.firstPart, "first");
            ScriptManager.getInstance().registerObject(this.secondPart, "second");
            ScriptManager.getInstance().registerObject(this.timeText, "time");
            ScriptManager.getInstance().registerObject(this.thirdPart, "third");
        public Player(ContentManager content, SFXEngine sfxEngine, Vector2 position, NukeDelegate nukeDelegate, int ownerID)
            : base(content, sfxEngine, position, nukeDelegate, ownerID)
            Text2DParams textParms = new Text2DParams();

            textParms.Font        = LoadingUtils.load <SpriteFont>(content, "SpriteFont1");
            textParms.Position    = new Vector2(10f);
            textParms.LightColour = Color.Black;
            this.powerText        = new Text2D(textParms);
        public GameDisplay(ContentManager content)
            this.content = content;
            this.timer   = new Timer(content);

            ColouredButtonParams buttonParms = new ColouredButtonParams();

            buttonParms.Font            = ResourceManager.getInstance().Font;
            buttonParms.Height          = 25;
            buttonParms.LinesTexture    = ResourceManager.getInstance().ButtonLineTexture;
            buttonParms.MouseOverColour = ResourceManager.MOUSE_OVER_COLOUR;
            buttonParms.RegularColour   = ResourceManager.TEXT_COLOUR;
            buttonParms.StartX          = 700;
            buttonParms.Width           = 75;
            buttonParms.StartY          = 557;

            // start button
            buttonParms.Text          = "Start";
            buttonParms.TextsPosition = new Vector2(711f, buttonParms.StartY - 2f);
            this.startButton          = new ColouredButton(buttonParms);

            // HUD
            Text2DParams textParms = new Text2DParams();

            textParms.Font        = ResourceManager.getInstance().Font;
            textParms.LightColour = ResourceManager.TEXT_COLOUR;
            textParms.Position    = new Vector2(727f, 150f);
            this.treasureText     = new Text2D(textParms);

            StaticDrawable2DParams staticParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams();

            staticParms          = new StaticDrawable2DParams();
            staticParms.Position = new Vector2(702f, 148f);
            staticParms.Texture  = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, "Treasure1");
            this.treasure        = new StaticDrawable2D(staticParms);

            //dust particle emitter
            BaseParticle2DEmitterParams particleEmitterParams = new BaseParticle2DEmitterParams();

            particleEmitterParams.ParticleTexture = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, "Dust1");
            particleEmitterParams.SpawnDelay      = DustParticleEmitter.SPAWN_DELAY;
            this.dustEmitter = new DustParticleEmitter(particleEmitterParams);

            // load sound effects
            this.introSfx         = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, LEVEL_ENTRY_SFX_NAME);
            this.payDaySfx        = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "PayDay");
            this.treasureSfx      = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "TreasureCollect");
            this.guardDetectedSfx = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "GuardDetection");
            this.dumpsterCrashSfx = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "DumpsterCrash");
            this.dumpsterCloseSfx = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "DumpsterClose");
        public Player(ContentManager content, SpriteFont font, string name, Vector2 scorePosition, Vector2 turnSpritePosition, string aliveTexture, string dyingTexture,
                      Flower.FlowerType flowerType)
            this.name         = name;
            this.AliveTexture = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, aliveTexture);
            this.DyingTexture = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, dyingTexture);
            this.FlowerType   = flowerType;
            this.Score        = 0;
            Text2DParams textParams = new Text2DParams();

            textParams.Font        = font;
            textParams.LightColour = ResourceManager.getInstance().TextColour;
            textParams.Position    = scorePosition;
            this.Text = new Text2D(textParams);

            this.myTurnSprite    = FlowerBuilder.getFlowerSprite(content, turnSpritePosition, this.AliveTexture, AnimationState.PlayForwardOnce);
            this.notMyTurnSprite = FlowerBuilder.getFlowerSprite(content, turnSpritePosition, this.DyingTexture, AnimationState.PlayForwardOnce);
        public GameOverMenu(ContentManager content, ScoreCalculationDelegate scoreCalculator, ResetBoardDelegate resetCallBack)
            this.scoreCalculatorCallBack = (ScoreCalculationDelegate)scoreCalculator;
            this.resetCallBack           = resetCallBack;
            ColouredButtonParams buttonParms = new ColouredButtonParams();

            buttonParms.Font            = ResourceManager.getInstance().Font;
            buttonParms.Height          = 25;
            buttonParms.LinesTexture    = ResourceManager.getInstance().ButtonLineTexture;
            buttonParms.MouseOverColour = ResourceManager.MOUSE_OVER_COLOUR;
            buttonParms.RegularColour   = ResourceManager.TEXT_COLOUR;
            buttonParms.StartX          = 580;
            buttonParms.Width           = 205;
            buttonParms.StartY          = 515;

            // replay button
            buttonParms.Text          = "Replay";
            buttonParms.TextsPosition = new Vector2(645f, buttonParms.StartY - 2f);
            this.replayButton         = new ColouredButton(buttonParms);

            // Map selection button
            buttonParms.StartY        = 557;
            buttonParms.Text          = "Map Selection";
            buttonParms.TextsPosition = new Vector2(610f, buttonParms.StartY - 2f);
            this.mapSelectionButton   = new ColouredButton(buttonParms);

            // game over text
            Text2DParams textParams = new Text2DParams();

            textParams.Font     = ResourceManager.getInstance().Font;
            textParams.Position = new Vector2(200f, 50f);
            this.gameOverText   = new Text2D(textParams);

            // loosing background
            StaticDrawable2DParams staticParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams();

            staticParms.Position = new Vector2(-10f, 0f);
            staticParms.Texture  = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, "BackGround1");
            this.looseBackGround = new StaticDrawable2D(staticParms);

            // winning background
            staticParms.Texture = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, "BackGround2");
            this.winBackGround  = new StaticDrawable2D(staticParms);
        /// <summary>
        /// Building of a coloured button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parms"></param>
        public ColouredButton(ColouredButtonParams parms)
            this.regularColour      = parms.RegularColour;
            this.mouseOverColour    = parms.MouseOverColour;
            this.renderingRectangle = new Rectangle(parms.StartX, parms.StartY, parms.Width, parms.Height);
            this.ID = parms.ID;

            // create our lines
            this.lines = new Line2D[4];
            Line2DParams lineParams = new Line2DParams();

            lineParams.Texture     = parms.LinesTexture;
            lineParams.LightColour = this.regularColour;

            lineParams.Position    = new Vector2(parms.StartX, parms.StartY);
            lineParams.EndPosition = new Vector2(parms.StartX + parms.Width, parms.StartY);
            this.lines[0]          = new Line2D(lineParams);

            lineParams.Position    = new Vector2(parms.StartX + parms.Width, parms.StartY);
            lineParams.EndPosition = new Vector2(parms.StartX + parms.Width, parms.StartY + parms.Height);
            this.lines[1]          = new Line2D(lineParams);

            lineParams.Position    = new Vector2(parms.StartX + parms.Width, parms.StartY + parms.Height);
            lineParams.EndPosition = new Vector2(parms.StartX, parms.StartY + parms.Height);
            this.lines[2]          = new Line2D(lineParams);

            lineParams.Position    = new Vector2(parms.StartX, parms.StartY + parms.Height);
            lineParams.EndPosition = new Vector2(parms.StartX, parms.StartY);
            this.lines[3]          = new Line2D(lineParams);

            // create the text
            Text2DParams textParams = new Text2DParams();

            textParams.Font        = parms.Font;
            textParams.LightColour = this.regularColour;
            textParams.Position    = parms.TextsPosition;
            textParams.WrittenText = parms.Text;
            this.text = new Text2D(textParams);
        public HUD(ContentManager content)
            SpriteFont   font  = LoadingUtils.load <SpriteFont>(content, "SpriteFont1");
            Text2DParams parms = new Text2DParams();

            parms.Font        = font;
            parms.LightColour = Color.Red;

            parms.Position    = new Vector2(Constants.RESOLUTION_X / 3, 450f);
            parms.WrittenText = TEXT_RESTART;
            this.statusText   = new Text2D(parms);

            ColourLerpEffectParams effectParms = new ColourLerpEffectParams {
                LerpBy     = 5f,
                LerpDownTo = Color.White,
                LerpUpTo   = Color.Red

            int size = 1;

            if (StateManager.getInstance().GameMode == GameMode.TwoPlayer)
                size = 2;
            this.scoreTexts  = new Text2D[size];
            this.winnerTexts = new Text2D[size];

            parms.Position     = new Vector2(RIGHT_X, SCORES_Y);
            parms.WrittenText  = TEXT_SCORE + getScore(0);
            this.scoreTexts[0] = new Text2D(parms);
            this.scoreTexts[0].addEffect(new ColourLerpEffect(effectParms));

            parms.Position      = new Vector2(RIGHT_X + WINNER_X_PADDING, SCORES_Y + WINNER_Y_OFFSET);
            parms.WrittenText   = TEXT_WINNER;
            this.winnerTexts[0] = new Text2D(parms);
            this.winnerTexts[0].addEffect(new ColourLerpEffect(effectParms));

            if (StateManager.getInstance().GameMode == GameMode.TwoPlayer)
                parms.Position     = new Vector2(LEFT_X, SCORES_Y);
                parms.WrittenText  = TEXT_SCORE + getScore(1);
                this.scoreTexts[1] = new Text2D(parms);
                this.scoreTexts[1].addEffect(new ColourLerpEffect(effectParms));

                parms.Position      = new Vector2(LEFT_X + WINNER_X_PADDING, SCORES_Y + WINNER_Y_OFFSET);
                parms.WrittenText   = TEXT_WINNER;
                this.winnerTexts[1] = new Text2D(parms);
                this.winnerTexts[1].addEffect(new ColourLerpEffect(effectParms));

            this.countDownImages = new StaticDrawable2D[3];
            StaticDrawable2DParams countDownParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams {
                Position = new Vector2(Constants.RESOLUTION_X / 2, Constants.RESOLUTION_Y / 2),
                Origin   = new Vector2(256f),

            for (int i = 0; i < this.countDownImages.Length; i++)
                countDownParms.Texture  = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, (i + 1).ToString());
                this.countDownImages[i] = new StaticDrawable2D(countDownParms);

            StaticDrawable2DParams gameOverParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams {
                Position = new Vector2(Constants.RESOLUTION_X / 2, Constants.RESOLUTION_Y / 2),
                Origin   = new Vector2(512f),
                Texture  = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, "GameOver")

            this.gameOver = new StaticDrawable2D(gameOverParms);

            scaleOverTimeEffectParms = new ScaleOverTimeEffectParams {
                ScaleBy = new Vector2(-1f)

            this.soundEffect = LoadingUtils.load <SoundEffect>(content, "ShortBeep");

            this.index = 2;
            this.activeCountdownItem = this.countDownImages[this.index];
            this.activeCountdownItem.addEffect(new ScaleOverTimeEffect(scaleOverTimeEffectParms));
            this.elapsedTime = 0f;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a Textbox based on the params object passed in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parms">TextBoxParams object</param>
        public TextBox(TextBoxParams parms) : base(parms)
            this.font = parms.Font;
            this.Text = parms.Text;
            this.SIZE_PER_CHARACTER = parms.SizePerCharacter;
            this.MAX_LENGTH         = parms.MaxLength;
            this.VALID_KEYS         = new List <Keys>();

            Vector2 endsScale = new Vector2(1f, parms.Scale.Y);
            Vector2 midScale  = new Vector2(parms.Scale.X, 1f);

            this.imgs = new List <StaticDrawable2D>();
            // Starting edge
            StaticDrawable2DParams imgParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams {
                Position           = parms.Position,
                LightColour        = parms.LightColour,
                RenderingRectangle = Constants.TXT_BOX_END,
                Scale   = endsScale,
                Texture = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(parms.Content, Constants.GUI_FILE_NAME)

            this.imgs.Add(new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms));

            // Middle bars
            Vector2 start    = new Vector2(imgParms.Position.X - 30f, imgParms.Position.Y);
            Vector2 startBar = Vector2.Add(start, new Vector2(Constants.TXT_BOX_END.Width, 0f));

            START_BAR_X = startBar.X;
            float length = parms.MaxLength * parms.SizePerCharacter + parms.Scale.X;

            imgParms.Position           = startBar;
            imgParms.RenderingRectangle = Constants.TXT_BOX_MIDDLE;
            imgParms.Scale = new Vector2(length, parms.Scale.Y);
            this.imgs.Add(new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms));

            // Ending edge
            imgParms.Position           = Vector2.Add(start, new Vector2(Constants.TXT_BOX_END.Width + length, 0f));
            imgParms.RenderingRectangle = Constants.TXT_BOX_END;
            imgParms.Scale = endsScale;
            this.imgs.Add(new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms));

            this.bbox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(start.X, start.Y, 0f), new Vector3(imgParms.Position.X + Constants.TXT_BOX_MIDDLE.Width,
                                                                                       imgParms.Position.Y + Constants.TXT_BOX_MIDDLE.Height, 0f));

            // Cursor indicator
            float x = START_BAR_X + text.Length * SIZE_PER_CHARACTER + 4f;

            imgParms.Position    = new Vector2(x, imgParms.Position.Y + 6f);
            imgParms.Scale       = new Vector2(1f, (parms.Scale.Y - .5f));
            imgParms.LightColour = parms.TextColour;
            this.cursorIndicator = new StaticDrawable2D(imgParms);

            Text2DParams txtParms = new Text2DParams {
                Position    = new Vector2(parms.Position.X + 2f, parms.Position.Y),
                Font        = parms.Font,
                Scale       = parms.TextScale,
                WrittenText = this.Text,
                LightColour = parms.TextColour

            this.text2D = new Text2D(txtParms);
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds an object that can write text to the screen
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parms">TextParams object</param>
 public Text2D(Text2DParams parms)
     : base(parms)
     this.font        = parms.Font;
     this.writtenText = parms.WrittenText;
        public OptionsMenu(ContentManager content) : base(content, "OptionsMenu", new Vector2(Constants.RESOLUTION_X / 2, 100f))
            this.effectParms = new PulseEffectParams {
                ScaleBy     = 1f,
                ScaleDownTo = .9f,
                ScaleUpTo   = 1.1f

            float x                     = Constants.RESOLUTION_X / 10;
            float leftSideX             = Constants.RESOLUTION_X / 2 - 25f;
            float rightSideX            = leftSideX + 250f;
            float bindingsStartPaddingX = 125f;

            this.playerOneSection = new OptionsSection(content, new Vector2(x, 325f), x + bindingsStartPaddingX, "One", ConfigurationManager.getInstance().PlayerOnesControls);
            this.playerTwoSection = new OptionsSection(content, new Vector2(x * 6, 325f), x * 6 + bindingsStartPaddingX, "Two", ConfigurationManager.getInstance().PlayerTwosControls);

            SpriteFont font = LoadingUtils.load <SpriteFont>(content, "SpriteFont1");

            Vector2 position = new Vector2(leftSideX, 200f);
            SoundEngineSliderParams soundEngineParams = new SoundEngineSliderParams {
                Position         = position,
                BallColour       = Constants.TEXT_COLOUR,
                BarColour        = Constants.TEXT_COLOUR,
                Content          = content,
                CurrentValue     = SoundManager.getInstance().MusicEngine.Volume,
                Font             = font,
                LightColour      = Constants.TEXT_COLOUR,
                SoundEngine      = SoundManager.getInstance().MusicEngine,
                CheckBoxPosition = new Vector2(position.X + 250f, position.Y),
                Checked          = SoundManager.getInstance().MusicEngine.Muted,
                CheckBoxText     = "Muted",

            this.musicSlider = new SoundEngineSlider(soundEngineParams);

            Text2DParams textParms = new Text2DParams {
                Font        = font,
                LightColour = Constants.TEXT_COLOUR,
                Position    = new Vector2(position.X - 300f, position.Y),
                WrittenText = "Music",
                Origin      = new Vector2(16f)

            this.musicSliderText = new Text2D(textParms);

            soundEngineParams.Position         = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y + SPACE);
            soundEngineParams.CheckBoxPosition = new Vector2(soundEngineParams.CheckBoxPosition.X, position.Y + SPACE);
            soundEngineParams.SoundEngine      = SoundManager.getInstance().SFXEngine;
            soundEngineParams.CurrentValue     = SoundManager.getInstance().SFXEngine.Volume;
            soundEngineParams.Checked          = SoundManager.getInstance().SFXEngine.Muted;
            this.sfxSlider = new SoundEngineSlider(soundEngineParams);

            textParms.Position    = new Vector2(position.X - 300f, position.Y + SPACE);
            textParms.WrittenText = "SFX";
            this.sfxSliderText    = new Text2D(textParms);
            this.buttons          = new List <TexturedEffectButton>();
            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(90f, 64f);

            position = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y + 275f);
            TexturedEffectButtonParams buttonParms = new TexturedEffectButtonParams {
                Position = position,
                Origin   = origin,
                Scale    = new Vector2(1f),
                Effects  = new List <BaseEffect> {
                    new PulseEffect(this.effectParms)
                PickableArea  = getRect(origin, position),
                ResetDelegate = delegate(StaticDrawable2D button) {
                    button.Scale = new Vector2(1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.BUTTON_NAMES.Length; i++)
                buttonParms.Texture      = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, BUTTON_NAMES[i]);
                buttonParms.Position     = new Vector2(buttonParms.Position.X, buttonParms.Position.Y + SPACE * 1.3f);
                buttonParms.PickableArea = getRect(origin, buttonParms.Position);
                this.buttons.Add(new TexturedEffectButton(buttonParms));

            this.debugTexture = LoadingUtils.load <Texture2D>(content, "Chip");
            StaticDrawable2DParams centerParms = new StaticDrawable2DParams {
                Position    = new Vector2(Constants.RESOLUTION_X / 2, 0),
                Scale       = new Vector2(1f, Constants.RESOLUTION_Y),
                Texture     = this.debugTexture,
                LightColour = Color.Green
            this.center = new StaticDrawable2D(centerParms);