        public void Initialize(ScreenManager screen)
            ScreenManager = screen;
            ScreenManager.Game.Window.Title = "Scrolling Text Engine";

            TextBox = new Text.TextBox(
                "What's he building in there? /n " +
            "What the hell is he building In there? /n " +
            "He has /s subscriptions /s to /s those Magazines... He never /f Waves /f when he goes by... /n " +
            "He's hiding something /f from The /f rest of us... /n " +
            "He's all To himself... I think I know Why... He took down the Tire swing from the Peppertree /n " +
            "He has no children of his Own you see... He has no dog, And he has no friends... " +
            "And His lawn is dying... /n and What about all those packages He sends. /n What's he building in there? /n " +
            "With that hook light On the stairs. /n What's he building In there... /n I'll tell you one thing " +
            "He's not building a playhouse for The children. /n What's he building In there? /n " +
            "Now what's that sound from under the door? /n He's pounding nails into a Hardwood floor... /n " +
            "I Swear to god I heard someone Moaning low... and I keep Seeing the blue light of a TV show... /n " +
            "He has a router, And a table saw... and you Won't believe what Mr. Sticha saw. /n There's poison " +
            "underneath the sink Of course... But there's also Enough formaldehyde to choke A horse... /n " +
            "What's he building In there. What the hell is he Building in there? /n I heard he Has an ex-wife " +
            "in some place Called Mayors Income, Tennessee. And he used to have a consulting business " +
            "in Indonesia... /n but what is he building in there? /n What the hell is building in there? /n " +
            "He has no friends, But he gets a lot of mail. /n I'll bet he spent a little Time in jail... /n " +
            "I heard he was up on the Roof last night Signaling with a flashlight. /n And what's that tune he's " +
            "Always whistling... /n What's he building in there? /n What's he building in there? /n " +
            "We have a right to know...", ScreenManager.SpeechFont);
        public BattleHUD(Battle battle, SpriteFont font)
            _Battle = battle;
            _Font = font; ;
            _TextBox = new Text.TextBox("A wild BULBASAUR has appeared!", _Font, new Rectangle(200, 179, 242, 46),
                new Rectangle(200, 179, 212, 26), 5, 10, TextBoxCloseMode.Manual);
            //Initialize the TextBox.
            _TextBox.AddText("/c Go! CHARMANDER!");

            //Create the Sprite.
            //_Sprite = new SpriteOld();

            //Create the Healthbars.
            _HealthBarOpponent = new HealthBar(100, 100, 0.5f, new Vector2(153, 79), 48, 2);
            _HealthBarPlayer = new HealthBar(100, 100, 0.5f, new Vector2(280, 136), 47, 2);
            //Create the Experience Bar.
            _ExperienceBarPlayer = new ExperienceBar(100, 0, 0.5f, new Vector2(272, 153), 65, 3);

            //Create the BattleMenu.
            _BattleMenu = new BattleMenu("Battle", new Vector2(270, 179));