        public override void CalculateMove(TexasHoldEmGameState state)
            GameStateWrapper.THGS = state;

            #region Helper Values
            // calculate min bet
            var minBet = (state.OpponentRoundBetTotal ?? 0) - (state.PlayerRoundBetTotal ?? 0); // If you try and bet less than minBet, that will be a Fold
            var maxBet = minBet + state.OpponentStack;
            // If you try and bet more than maxBet, that will be a bet of maxBet
            if (maxBet > state.PlayerStack)
                maxBet = state.PlayerStack;

            var opponentId      = Opponent.Name;
            var boardCards      = state.BoardCards;
            var boardCardsCount = boardCards.Count;

            var playerHand = state.PlayerHand;

            var hole1 = playerHand[0];
            var hole2 = playerHand[1];
            var flop1 = boardCards.FirstOrDefault();
            var flop2 = boardCards.SecondOrDefault();
            var flop3 = boardCards.ThirdOrDefault();
            var turn  = boardCards.FourthOrDefault();
            var river = boardCards.FifthOrDefault();

            var round = state.Round;
            var isOurFirstBetOfRound = round == TexasHoldEmRound.Preflop
                ? state.PlayerRoundBetTotal <= state.BigBlind
                : state.PlayerRoundBetTotal == 0;

            var bigBlind              = state.BigBlind;
            var smallBlind            = state.SmallBlind;
            var dealCount             = state.DealCount;
            var dealNumber            = state.DealNumber;
            var isDealer              = state.IsDealer;
            var opponentRoundBetTotal = state.OpponentRoundBetTotal;
            var opponentStack         = state.OpponentStack;
            var playerRoundBetTotal   = state.PlayerRoundBetTotal;
            var playerStack           = state.PlayerStack;
            var potAfterPreviousRound = state.PotAfterPreviousRound;
            var responseDeadline      = state.ResponseDeadline;

            #region Helper Methods
            #region Random Helpers
            // next line of code will return 1 upto 10 including 10 value
            var random10 = RangeRand(1, 10);

            // next line of code will return from 1 upto 219 with extra math
            // for example we get random value (200) from 1 to 219
            // then we perform next math: 200 - 200 % 20
            var random219 = RangeRand(1, 219, 20);

            #region IsPicture Helpers
            var isPictureHole1      = hole1.IsPictureOrAce();
            var isPictureHole2      = hole2.IsPictureOrAce();
            var isPictureOrTenHole1 = hole1.IsPictureOrAceOrTen();
            var isPictureOrTenHole2 = hole2.IsPictureOrAceOrTen();

            #region IsPair Helpers
            // IsPair could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isPairPlayerHand = playerHand.IsPair();
            // IsPair could take any number of parameters
            var isPair = hole1.IsPair(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsTwoPair Helpers
            // IsTwoPair could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isTwoPairBoardCards = boardCards.IsTwoPair();
            // IsTwoPair could take any number of parameters
            var isTwoPair = hole1.IsTwoPair(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsThreeOfAKind Helpers
            // IsThreeOfAKind could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isThreeOfAKindBoardCards = boardCards.IsThreeOfAKind();
            // IsThreeOfAKind could take any number of parameters
            var isThreeOfAKind = hole1.IsThreeOfAKind(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsStraight Helpers
            // IsStraight could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isStraightBoardCards = boardCards.IsStraight();
            // IsStraight could take any number of parameters
            var isStraight = hole1.IsStraight(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFlush Helpers
            // IsFlush could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFlushBoardCards = boardCards.IsFlush();
            // IsFlush could take any number of parameters
            var isFlush = hole1.IsFlush(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFullHouse Helpers
            // IsFullHouse could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFullHouseBoardCards = boardCards.IsFullHouse();
            // IsFullHouse could take any number of parameters
            var isFullHouse = hole1.IsFullHouse(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFourOfAKind Helpers
            // IsFourOfAKind could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFourOfAKindBoardCards = boardCards.IsFourOfAKind();
            // IsFourOfAKind could take any number of parameters
            var isFourOfAKind = hole1.IsFourOfAKind(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsStraightFlush Helpers
            // IsStraightFlush could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isStraightFlushBoardCards = boardCards.IsStraightFlush();
            // IsStraightFlush could take any number of parameters
            var isStraightFlush = hole1.IsStraightFlush(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFourCardFlush Helpers
            // IsFourCardFlush could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFourCardFlushBoardCards = boardCards.IsFourCardFlush();
            // IsFourCardFlush could take any number of parameters
            var isFourCardFlush = hole1.IsFourCardFlush(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFourCardStraight Helpers
            // IsFourCardStraight could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFourCardStraightBoardCards = boardCards.IsFourCardStraight();
            // IsFourCardStraight could take any number of parameters
            var isFourCardStraight = hole1.IsFourCardStraight(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsSuitedConnector Helpers
            bool isSuitedConnector;
            // IsSuitedConnector checks a list of EXACTLY 2 cards
            isSuitedConnector = playerHand.IsSuitedConnector();
            isSuitedConnector = hole1.IsSuitedConnector(hole2);

            #region IsHiddenPair Helpers
            int pairRankPlayerHand;
            // IsHiddenPair could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            playerHand.IsHiddenPair(boardCards, out pairRankPlayerHand);

            int pairRank;
            // IsHiddenPair could take any number of parameters
            hole1.IsHiddenPair(out pairRank, hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region ToShorthandString Helpers
            string shorthand;
            // you can use list or card method to get shorthand string
            // see next examples:
            shorthand = playerHand.ToShorthandString();
            shorthand = hole1.ToShorthandString(hole2);

            #region HoleRank Helpers
            int holeRank;
            // HoleRank checks a list of EXACTLY 2 cards
            holeRank = playerHand.HoleRank();
            holeRank = hole1.HoleRank(hole2);

            #region HandRank Helpers
            // HandRank could check a list of cards with AT LEAST 5 cards
            var boardCardsRank = boardCards.HandRank();
            // Or you can call card method with AT LEAST 4 parameters
            var handRank = hole1.HandRank(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3);

            // HandRankDesc returns English description of the hand
            string handRankDescription = handRank.HandRankDesc();

            if (state.Round == TexasHoldEmRound.Preflop)
                if (gameCount == 0)
                    previousStack = playerStack;

                if (gameCount < TRAIN_ITERS)
                    //LogWriter.writeData("Iteration " + gameCount + ":" + Environment.NewLine);
                    deltaStack = playerStack - previousStack;


                    Console.Out.WriteLine("ITERATION: " + gameCount);
                    //           Trace.WriteLine($"Previous stack: {previousStack}");
                    //           Trace.WriteLine($"Current stack: {playerStack}");
                    //           Trace.WriteLine($"Delta stack: {deltaStack.ToString()}");
                    //           Trace.WriteLine($"Game count: {gameCount}");
                    previousStack = playerStack;
                else if (trainer.nextGene())
                    gameCount = 0;
                    Console.Out.Write("New Generation\n");
                    gameCount = 0;

            // Wait time to allow user to see move.
            // This can be removed or thinking time set to 0 on client interface to play at full speed

            // create move request
            var move = new TexasHoldEmMove();

            move.Fold = !Bot.betOrFold(trainer.getCurrentGene());
            if (!move.Fold)
                move.BetSize = Bot.makeBet(trainer.getCurrentGene());

            // call server to process our move
        public override void CalculateMove(TexasHoldEmGameState state)
            #region Helper Values
            // calculate min bet
            var minBet = (state.OpponentRoundBetTotal ?? 0) - (state.PlayerRoundBetTotal ?? 0); // If you try and bet less than minBet, that will be a Fold
            var maxBet = minBet + state.OpponentStack;
            // If you try and bet more than maxBet, that will be a bet of maxBet
            if (maxBet > state.PlayerStack)
                maxBet = state.PlayerStack;

            var opponentId      = Opponent.Name;
            var boardCards      = state.BoardCards;
            var boardCardsCount = boardCards.Count;

            var playerHand = state.PlayerHand;

            var hole1 = playerHand[0];
            var hole2 = playerHand[1];
            var flop1 = boardCards.FirstOrDefault();
            var flop2 = boardCards.SecondOrDefault();
            var flop3 = boardCards.ThirdOrDefault();
            var turn  = boardCards.FourthOrDefault();
            var river = boardCards.FifthOrDefault();

            var round = state.Round;
            var isOurFirstBetOfRound = round == TexasHoldEmRound.Preflop
                ? state.PlayerRoundBetTotal <= state.BigBlind
                : state.PlayerRoundBetTotal == 0;

            var bigBlind              = state.BigBlind;
            var smallBlind            = state.SmallBlind;
            var dealCount             = state.DealCount;
            var dealNumber            = state.DealNumber;
            var isDealer              = state.IsDealer;
            var opponentRoundBetTotal = state.OpponentRoundBetTotal;
            var opponentStack         = state.OpponentStack;
            var playerRoundBetTotal   = state.PlayerRoundBetTotal;
            var playerStack           = state.PlayerStack;
            var potAfterPreviousRound = state.PotAfterPreviousRound;
            var responseDeadline      = state.ResponseDeadline;

            #region Helper Methods
            #region Random Helpers
            // next line of code will return 1 upto 10 including 10 value
            var random10 = RangeRand(1, 10);

            // next line of code will return from 1 upto 219 with extra math
            // for example we get random value (200) from 1 to 219
            // then we perform next math: 200 - 200 % 20
            var random219 = RangeRand(1, 219, 20);

            #region IsPicture Helpers
            var isPictureHole1      = hole1.IsPictureOrAce();
            var isPictureHole2      = hole2.IsPictureOrAce();
            var isPictureOrTenHole1 = hole1.IsPictureOrAceOrTen();
            var isPictureOrTenHole2 = hole2.IsPictureOrAceOrTen();

            #region IsPair Helpers
            // IsPair could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isPairPlayerHand = playerHand.IsPair();
            // IsPair could take any number of parameters
            var isPair = hole1.IsPair(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsTwoPair Helpers
            // IsTwoPair could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isTwoPairBoardCards = boardCards.IsTwoPair();
            // IsTwoPair could take any number of parameters
            var isTwoPair = hole1.IsTwoPair(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsThreeOfAKind Helpers
            // IsThreeOfAKind could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isThreeOfAKindBoardCards = boardCards.IsThreeOfAKind();
            // IsThreeOfAKind could take any number of parameters
            var isThreeOfAKind = hole1.IsThreeOfAKind(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsStraight Helpers
            // IsStraight could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isStraightBoardCards = boardCards.IsStraight();
            // IsStraight could take any number of parameters
            var isStraight = hole1.IsStraight(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFlush Helpers
            // IsFlush could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFlushBoardCards = boardCards.IsFlush();
            // IsFlush could take any number of parameters
            var isFlush = hole1.IsFlush(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFullHouse Helpers
            // IsFullHouse could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFullHouseBoardCards = boardCards.IsFullHouse();
            // IsFullHouse could take any number of parameters
            var isFullHouse = hole1.IsFullHouse(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFourOfAKind Helpers
            // IsFourOfAKind could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFourOfAKindBoardCards = boardCards.IsFourOfAKind();
            // IsFourOfAKind could take any number of parameters
            var isFourOfAKind = hole1.IsFourOfAKind(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsStraightFlush Helpers
            // IsStraightFlush could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isStraightFlushBoardCards = boardCards.IsStraightFlush();
            // IsStraightFlush could take any number of parameters
            var isStraightFlush = hole1.IsStraightFlush(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFourCardFlush Helpers
            // IsFourCardFlush could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFourCardFlushBoardCards = boardCards.IsFourCardFlush();
            // IsFourCardFlush could take any number of parameters
            var isFourCardFlush = hole1.IsFourCardFlush(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsFourCardStraight Helpers
            // IsFourCardStraight could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            var isFourCardStraightBoardCards = boardCards.IsFourCardStraight();
            // IsFourCardStraight could take any number of parameters
            var isFourCardStraight = hole1.IsFourCardStraight(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region IsSuitedConnector Helpers
            bool isSuitedConnector;
            // IsSuitedConnector checks a list of EXACTLY 2 cards
            isSuitedConnector = playerHand.IsSuitedConnector();
            isSuitedConnector = hole1.IsSuitedConnector(hole2);

            #region IsHiddenPair Helpers
            int pairRankPlayerHand;
            // IsHiddenPair could check a list of cards with any number of cards
            playerHand.IsHiddenPair(boardCards, out pairRankPlayerHand);

            int pairRank;
            // IsHiddenPair could take any number of parameters
            hole1.IsHiddenPair(out pairRank, hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river);

            #region ToShorthandString Helpers
            string shorthand;
            // you can use list or card method to get shorthand string
            // see next examples:
            shorthand = playerHand.ToShorthandString();
            shorthand = hole1.ToShorthandString(hole2);

            #region HoleRank Helpers
            int holeRank;
            // HoleRank checks a list of EXACTLY 2 cards
            holeRank = playerHand.HoleRank();
            holeRank = hole1.HoleRank(hole2);

            #region HandRank Helpers
            // HandRank could check a list of cards with AT LEAST 5 cards
            var boardCardsRank = boardCards.HandRank();
            // Or you can call card method with AT LEAST 4 parameters
            var handRank = hole1.HandRank(hole2, flop1, flop2, flop3);

            // HandRankDesc returns English description of the hand
            string handRankDescription = handRank.HandRankDesc();

            // Wait time to allow user to see move.
            // This can be removed or thinking time set to 0 on client interface to play at full speed

            // create move request
            var move = new TexasHoldEmMove();

            if (!isPictureOrTenHole1 || !isPictureOrTenHole2 || !isPairPlayerHand || !isSuitedConnector)
                move.BetSize = 0;

            if (isPictureOrTenHole1 && !isDealer)
                if (minBet == 0)
                    move.BetSize = bigBlind * 3;
                    move.BetSize = minBet * 5;
            else if (!isPictureOrTenHole1 && isDealer)
                move.BetSize = 1;
                // Bet the minimum and one in three times raise by 0, 10, 20, 30 or 40
                // move.BetSize = minBet + (_random.Next(3) == 0 ? 10 : 0) * _random.Next(5);
            else if (isPictureOrTenHole2 && !isDealer)
                if (minBet == 0)
                    move.BetSize = bigBlind * 3;
                    move.BetSize = minBet * 5;
            else if (!isPictureOrTenHole2 && isDealer)

                move.BetSize = 1;
                // Bet the minimum and one in three times raise by 0, 10, 20, 30 or 40
                // move.BetSize = minBet + (_random.Next(3) == 0 ? 10 : 0) * _random.Next(5);
            else if (isThreeOfAKind && !isDealer)
                if (minBet == 0)
                    move.BetSize = bigBlind * 5;
                    move.BetSize = minBet * 7;
            else if (!isThreeOfAKind && isDealer)
                if (minBet == 0)
                    move.BetSize = minBet;
                    move.BetSize = minBet;
                move.BetSize = 1;
            else if (isFlushBoardCards || isStraight || isStraightFlush || isFourOfAKind && isDealer)
                if (minBet == 0)
                    move.BetSize = minBet;
                    move.BetSize = minBet;
                move.BetSize = 1;
                move.BetSize = 0;

            // call server to process our move