public async Task GivenJobWithConstructorArgs_ItResolvesThemFromTheContainer()
                // Arrange
                var expected = new SomeService();
                var host     = new TestServiceHost(
                    componentRegistrations: b => {
                    b.RegisterInstance(expected).As <SomeService>();


                var job = new JobDescription("test", typeof(TestJobWithService));

                var dispatcher = new JobDispatcher(new[] { job }, host.Container);
                var invocation = TestHelpers.CreateInvocation(Guid.NewGuid(), "Test", "test", new Dictionary <string, string>());
                var context    = new InvocationContext(invocation, queue: null);
                var slot       = new ContextSlot();


                // Act
                await dispatcher.Dispatch(context);

                // Assert
                Assert.Same(expected, slot.Value);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a file system implementation, which is assigned
    /// to the <see cref="TestContext.FileSystem"/> property.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="localTestFolder">The temporary test folder that is
    /// used by the context. This is actually just the <see cref="TestContext.LocalTestRoot"/>
    /// reference.</param>
    protected override IFileSystemProvider InitFileSystem(DirectoryInfo localTestFolder)
      ServiceFileSystem = GetServiceProvider();
      var settings = new VfsServiceSettings();

      ServiceHost = new TestServiceHost { Configuration = new TestConfiguration(ServiceFileSystem, settings) };

      ServiceBaseUri = "http://localhost:33456/";
      ServiceHost.Initialize(new[] { ServiceBaseUri }, "/", null);

//      //TODO remove debug code
//      ServiceBaseUri = "";

      return new FileSystemFacade(ServiceBaseUri);
            public async Task GivenNoJobWithName_ItThrowsUnknownJobException()
                // Arrange
                var host = new TestServiceHost();


                var dispatcher = new JobDispatcher(Enumerable.Empty <JobDescription>(), host.Container);
                var invocation = TestHelpers.CreateInvocation(Guid.NewGuid(), "flarg", "test", new Dictionary <string, string>());
                var context    = new InvocationContext(invocation, queue: null);

                // Act/Assert
                var ex = await AssertEx.Throws <UnknownJobException>(() => dispatcher.Dispatch(context));

                Assert.Equal("flarg", ex.JobName);
            public async Task GivenAContinuationRequest_ItCallsTheInvokeContinuationMethod()
                // Arrange
                var host = new TestServiceHost();


                var job = new JobDescription("test", typeof(TestAsyncJob));

                var dispatcher = new JobDispatcher(new[] { job }, host.Container);
                var invocation = TestHelpers.CreateInvocation(Guid.NewGuid(), "Test", "test", new Dictionary <string, string>(), isContinuation: true);
                var context    = new InvocationContext(invocation, queue: null);

                // Act
                var result = await dispatcher.Dispatch(context);

                // Assert
                Assert.Equal(ExecutionResult.Completed, result.Result);
            public async Task GivenAContinuationRequestToANonAsyncJob_ItThrows()
                // Arrange
                var host = new TestServiceHost();


                var job = new JobDescription("test", typeof(TestJob));

                var dispatcher = new JobDispatcher(new[] { job }, host.Container);
                var invocation = TestHelpers.CreateInvocation(Guid.NewGuid(), "Test", "test", new Dictionary <string, string>(), isContinuation: true);
                var context    = new InvocationContext(invocation, queue: null);

                // Act/Assert
                var ex = await AssertEx.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => dispatcher.Dispatch(context));

                                 job.Name), ex.Message);
    public void Init()
      ServiceFileSystem = GetServiceProvider();
      ServiceSettings = CustomizeSettings(new VfsServiceSettings());
      ServiceHost = new TestServiceHost {Configuration = new TestConfiguration(ServiceFileSystem, ServiceSettings)};

      ServiceBaseUri = "http://localhost:33456/";
      ServiceHost.Initialize(new[] { ServiceBaseUri }, "/", null);

//      //TODO remove debug code
//      ServiceBaseUri = "";

      ClientFileSystem = new FileSystemFacade(ServiceBaseUri);

      //get root folders
      ClientRoot = VirtualFolder.CreateRootFolder(ClientFileSystem);
      ServiceRoot = VirtualFolder.CreateRootFolder(ServiceFileSystem);

            public async Task GivenJobWithName_ItInvokesTheJobAndReturnsTheResult()
                // Arrange
                var host = new TestServiceHost();


                var job = new JobDescription("test", typeof(TestJob));

                var dispatcher = new JobDispatcher(new[] { job }, host.Container);
                var invocation = TestHelpers.CreateInvocation(Guid.NewGuid(), "Test", "test", new Dictionary <string, string>());
                var context    = new InvocationContext(invocation, queue: null);
                var expected   = InvocationResult.Completed();


                // Act
                var actual = await dispatcher.Dispatch(context);

                // Assert
                Assert.Same(expected, actual);